multiple arms following plan created by twins-planner
make rostopic names robot specific -
make node name different for each arm so both can be done connections can run simultaneously -
document process for connecting to both arms simultaneously -
make MoveIt package for controlling both arms simultaneously -
edit MoveIt package to hook into real controllers (with robot specific names) -
Create controller object for controlling both arms and extruders from python -
Create safe trajectories for both arms to execute simultaneously -
main loop controlling both arms simultaneously -
execute some safe trajectories to test main loop control -
read feedback from arms on arm positions etc -
Time arms to see time offset over both arms executing a single trajectory -
Time arms to see time offset over multiple trajectories -
Design workarounds for time offsets if excessive -
Execute long plan for both arms without extrusion -
Connect multiple Extruders simultaneously -
Extrude simultaneously
Edited by Jayant Khatkar