- Oct 22, 2014
ipa-fxm authored
ipa-fxm authored
ipa-fxm authored
ipa-fxm authored
ipa-fxm authored
ipa-fxm authored
ipa-fxm authored
ipa-fxm authored
ipa-fxm authored
ipa-fxm authored
ipa-fxm authored
ipa-fxm authored
ipa-fxm authored
ipa-fxm authored
ipa-fxm authored
ipa-fxm authored
ipa-fxm authored
ipa-fxm authored
ipa-fxm authored
ipa-fxm authored
gavanderhoorn authored
Also correct some minor formatting issues.
gavanderhoorn authored
Dave Hershberger authored
gavanderhoorn authored
This change reimplements the load_joint_offsets(..) function using lxml. A simple XPath expression is used to access the calibration_offset elements. Run-time behaviour should be identical. Tested with ur-sim. Note: I opted to use lxml instead of urdfdom_py, as the latter has some issues parsing the UR5/10 urdfs and we only need access to a single custom element. Rosdep keys for python-lxml were recently added (for urdfdom) for all (Ubuntu) versions, so this should not be an issue.
gavanderhoorn authored
Removes the boilerplate comments, unnecessary link_directories() and fixes up the dependency declaration (proper catkin and system dep listing) in CMakeLists.txt. Related changes are made to the manifest. Note: catkin_lint still complains about 'boost' being unconfigured, but this seems to be due to a difference in capitalisation between the CMake Findscript and the rosdep entry.
gavanderhoorn authored
ipa-fxm authored
ipa-fxm authored
ipa-fxm authored
ipa-cmm-mn authored
ipa-cmm-mn authored
ipa-cmm-mn authored
ipa-cmm-mn authored
ipa-cmm-mn authored
- Sep 04, 2014
Alexander Bubeck authored
Alexander Bubeck authored
Alexander Bubeck authored
[Indigo] updating moveit_configs
- Sep 03, 2014
Alexander Bubeck authored
[Indigo] IO-Support
ipa-fxm authored