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This repository provides ROS support for the universal robots. This repo holds source code for all versions > groovy. For those versions <= groovy see: hg
This repository provides ROS support for the universal robots. This repo holds source code for all versions > groovy. For those versions <= groovy see: hg
To check that the package works with a UR5, set up a catkin workspace and clone the repository into the src/ folder. It should look like ~/catkin_ws/src/universal_robot. Don't forget to source the setup file ($ source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.*sh), then use catkin_make to compile.
__Installation from Source__
There are releases available for ROS Hydro and ROS Indigo. However, for the latest features and developments you might want to install from source.
The following will show the commands needed to bringup either REAL or SIMULATED robots.
First set up a catkin workspace (see [this tutorials](
Both robots (ur5 and ur10) can be used in the same way. Simply replace the prefix accordingly.
Then clone the repository into the src/ folder. It should look like /path/to/your/catkin_workspace/src/universal_robot.
For each command use a new terminal (don't forget to source the setup shell files)!
Make sure to source the correct setup file according to your workspace hierarchy, then use ```catkin_make``` to compile.
As MoveIt! seems to have difficulties with finding plans for the UR with full joint limits [-2pi, 2pi], there is a joint_limited version using joint limits restricted to [-pi,pi]. In order to use this joint limited version, simply use the launch file arguments 'limited', i.e.:
In order to be able to use RViz to trigger Planning Request using the MoveIt! Plugin for RViz, run:
As MoveIt! seems to have difficulties with finding plans for the UR with joint limits [-2pi, 2pi], there is a joint_limited version using joint limits [-pi,pi]. In order to use this joint limited version, simply use the launch file arguments 'limited':
As MoveIt! seems to have difficulties with finding plans for the UR with full joint limits [-2pi, 2pi], there is a joint_limited version using joint limits restricted to [-pi,pi]. In order to use this joint limited version, simply use the launch file arguments 'limited', i.e.: