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Commit 2d9161eb authored by Kelsey's avatar Kelsey
Browse files

Cleaned up Moveit plugin comments, added better processing of callback function.

parent 67aa1b9a
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......@@ -14,62 +14,25 @@ public:
* @brief Plugin-able interface to the ur kinematics
// //~URKinematicsPlugin();
// virtual bool getPositionFK(const std::vector<std::string> &link_names,
// const std::vector<double> &joint_angles,
// std::vector<geometry_msgs::Pose> &poses) const;
* @brief Initialization function for the kinematics
* @return True if initialization was successful, false otherwise
virtual bool initialize(const std::string& robot_description,
const std::string& group_name,
const std::string& base_frame,
const std::string& tip_frame,
double search_discretization);
// /**
// * @brief Return all the joint names in the order they are used internally
// */
// const std::vector<std::string>& getJointNames() const;
// /**
// * @brief Return all the link names in the order they are represented internally
// */
// const std::vector<std::string>& getLinkNames() const;
virtual bool initialize(const std::string& robot_description,
const std::string& group_name,
const std::string& base_frame,
const std::string& tip_frame,
double search_discretization);
* @brief Given a desired pose of the end-effector, search for the joint angles required to reach it.
* This particular method is intended for "searching" for a solutions by stepping through the redundancy
* (or other numerical routines).
* @param ik_pose the desired pose of the link
* @param ik_seed_state an initial guess solution for the inverse kinematics
* @param timeout The amount of time (in seconds) available to the solver
* @param solution the solution vector
* @param solution_callback A callback solution for the IK solution
* @param error_code an error code that encodes the reason for failure or success
* @param check_consistency Set to true if consistency check needs to be performed
* @param redundancy The index of the redundant joint
* @param consistency_limit The returned solutuion will contain a value for the redundant joint in the range [seed_state(redundancy_limit)-consistency_limit,seed_state(redundancy_limit)+consistency_limit]
* @return True if a valid solution was found, false otherwise
bool searchPositionIK(const geometry_msgs::Pose &ik_pose,
const std::vector<double> &ik_seed_state,
double timeout,
std::vector<double> &solution,
const IKCallbackFn &solution_callback,
moveit_msgs::MoveItErrorCodes &error_code,
const std::vector<double> &consistency_limits,
const kinematics::KinematicsQueryOptions &options = kinematics::KinematicsQueryOptions()) const;
bool searchPositionIK(const geometry_msgs::Pose &ik_pose,
const std::vector<double> &ik_seed_state,
double timeout,
std::vector<double> &solution,
const IKCallbackFn &solution_callback,
moveit_msgs::MoveItErrorCodes &error_code,
const std::vector<double> &consistency_limits,
const kinematics::KinematicsQueryOptions &options = kinematics::KinematicsQueryOptions()) const;
std::vector<double> ik_weights_;
// moveit_msgs::KinematicSolverInfo fk_solver_info_, ik_solver_info_;
......@@ -5,76 +5,86 @@
#include <pluginlib/class_list_macros.h>
#include <ur_kinematics/ur_kin.h>
#include <tf_conversions/tf_kdl.h>
//#include <moveit/kdl_kinematics_plugin.cpp>
#include <limits>
//register URKinematicsPlugin as a KinematicsBase implementation
namespace ur_kinematics
: kdl_kinematics_plugin::KDLKinematicsPlugin(), ik_weights_(6) {}
// //URKinematicsPlugin::~URKinematicsPlugin() {}
: kdl_kinematics_plugin::KDLKinematicsPlugin(), ik_weights_(6) {}
bool URKinematicsPlugin::searchPositionIK(const geometry_msgs::Pose &ik_pose,
const std::vector<double> &ik_seed_state,
double timeout,
std::vector<double> &solution,
const IKCallbackFn &solution_callback,
moveit_msgs::MoveItErrorCodes &error_code,
const std::vector<double> &consistency_limits,
const kinematics::KinematicsQueryOptions &options) const
const std::vector<double> &ik_seed_state,
double timeout,
std::vector<double> &solution,
const IKCallbackFn &solution_callback,
moveit_msgs::MoveItErrorCodes &error_code,
const std::vector<double> &consistency_limits,
const kinematics::KinematicsQueryOptions &options) const
//double homo_ik_pose[4][4];
KDL::Frame kdl_ik_pose;
tf::poseMsgToKDL(ik_pose, kdl_ik_pose);
double homo_ik_pose[4][4];
kdl_ik_pose.Make4x4((double*) homo_ik_pose);
for(int i=0; i<3; i++) homo_ik_pose[i][3] *= 1000;
double q_ik_sols[8][6];
double q_ik_sols[8][6]; // maximum of 8 IK solutions
uint16_t num_sols = inverse((double*) homo_ik_pose, (double*) q_ik_sols, ik_seed_state[5]);
if(num_sols <= 0) {
error_code.val = error_code.NO_IK_SOLUTION;
return false;
double min_weighted_diff = 1e9;
int min_diff_index = -1;
for(uint16_t i=0; i<num_sols; i++) {
double cur_weighted_diff = 0;
for(uint16_t j=0; j<6; j++) {
cur_weighted_diff += ik_weights_[j] * std::fabs(q_ik_sols[i][j] - ik_seed_state[j]);
std::vector<int> tried_solutions;
while(true) {
// use weighted absolute deviations to determine the solution closest the seed state
double min_weighted_diff = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
int min_diff_index = -1;
for(uint16_t i=0; i<num_sols; i++) {
if(std::find(tried_solutions.begin(), tried_solutions.end(), i) != tried_solutions.end())
double cur_weighted_diff = 0;
for(uint16_t j=0; j<6; j++) {
// solution violates the consistency_limits, throw it out
if(std::fabs(ik_seed_state[j] - q_ik_sols[i][j]) > consistency_limits[j]) {
cur_weighted_diff = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
cur_weighted_diff += ik_weights_[j] * std::fabs(q_ik_sols[i][j] - ik_seed_state[j]);
if(cur_weighted_diff != std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity() &&
cur_weighted_diff < min_weighted_diff) {
min_weighted_diff = cur_weighted_diff;
min_diff_index = i;
if(cur_weighted_diff < min_weighted_diff) {
min_weighted_diff = cur_weighted_diff;
min_diff_index = i;
if(min_diff_index < 0) {
// NO SOLUTION, failed consistency_limits/solution_callback
error_code.val = error_code.NO_IK_SOLUTION;
return false;
std::copy(q_ik_sols[min_diff_index], q_ik_sols[min_diff_index+1], solution.begin());
error_code.val = error_code.SUCCESS;
return true;
// copy the best solution to the output
std::copy(q_ik_sols[min_diff_index], q_ik_sols[min_diff_index+1], solution.begin());
solution_callback(ik_pose, solution, error_code);
error_code.val = error_code.SUCCESS;
if(error_code.val == error_code.SUCCESS)
return true;
// bool URKinematicsPlugin::getPositionFK(const std::vector<std::string> &link_names,
// const std::vector<double> &joint_angles,
// std::vector<geometry_msgs::Pose> &poses) const
// {
// // double q[6];
// // for(int i=0; i<6; i++)
// // q[i] = joint_angles[i];
// // double T[6][16];
// // forward_all(q, T[0], T[1], T[2], T[3], T[4], T[5]);
// // for(int i=0; i<6; i++) {
// // aa
// // }
// }
* @brief Initialization function for the kinematics
* @return True if initialization was successful, false otherwise
......@@ -100,20 +110,5 @@ bool URKinematicsPlugin::initialize(const std::string& robot_description,
return kdl_kinematics_plugin::KDLKinematicsPlugin::initialize(
robot_description, group_name, base_frame, tip_frame, search_discretization);
// /**
// * @brief Return all the joint names in the order they are used internally
// */
// const std::vector<std::string>& URKinematicsPlugin::getJointNames() const
// {
// return fk_solver_info_.joint_names;
// }
// /**
// * @brief Return all the link names in the order they are represented internally
// */
// const std::vector<std::string>& URKinematicsPlugin::getLinkNames() const
// {
// return fk_solver_info_.link_names;
// }
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