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import networkx as nx
from copy import copy
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from math import log
import numpy as np

def _UCT(mu_j, c_p, n_p, n_j):
    if n_j ==0:
        return float("Inf")

    return mu_j + 2*c_p *(2*log(n_p)/n_j)**0.5
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class ActionDistribution:
    Action Distribution
    Working with action sequences and their respective probability

    To initialise, Inputs:
    - X: list of action sequences
        - NOTE: X is is simply a state object returned by state_store.
            You are expected to store action sequence in this object
    - q: probability of each action sequence (normalised in intialisation)
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    def __init__(self, X, q):
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        # Action sequence as provided
        self.X = X

        # Normalise 
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        if sum(q)==0:
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            self.q = [1/float(len(q))] * len(q)
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            self.q = (np.array(q).astype(float)/sum(q)).tolist()
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    def best_action(self):
        Most likely action sequence
        return self.X[np.argmax(self.q)]

    def random_action(self):
        Weighted random out of possible action sequences
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        return self.X[np.random.choice(len(self.q), p=self.q)]
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class Tree:
    DecMCTS tree
    To Initiate, Inputs:
    - data
        - data required to calculate reward, available options
    - reward
        - This is a function which has inputs (data, state) and
            returns the GLOBAL reward to be maximised
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    - available_actions
        - This is a function which has inputs (data, state) and
            returns the possible actions which can be taken
    - state_store
        - This is a function which has inputs 
            (data, parent_state, action) and returns an object to
            store in the node. 
        - Root Node has parent state None and action None.
    - sim_selection_func
        - This is a function which chooses an available of option
            during simulation (can be random or more advanced)
    - c_p
        - exploration multiplier (number between 0 and 1)

    - grow
        - grow MCTS tree by 1 node
    - send_comms
        - get state of this tree to communicate to others
    - receive_comms
        - Input the state of other trees for use in calculating
            reward/available actions in coordination with others

    def __init__(self,
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        self.graph = nx.DiGraph()
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        self.reward = reward_func
        self.available_actions = avail_actions_func
        self.sim_available_actions = sim_avail_actions_func
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        self.sim_selection_func = sim_selection_func
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        self.c_p = c_p = robot_id
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        self.comms = {} # Plan with no robots initially
        self.comm_n = comm_n # number of action dists to communicate

        # Graph add root node of tree
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                state=self.state_store(, None, None,
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        # Set Action sequence as nothing for now
        self.my_act_dist = ActionDistribution([self.graph.node[1]["state"]],[1])

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    def _parent(self, node_id):
        wrapper for code readability

        return list(self.graph.predecessors(node_id))[0]

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    def _select(self, children):
        Select Child node which maximises UCT
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        # N for parent
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        n_p = self.graph.node[self._parent(children[0])]["N"]
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        # UCT values for children
        uct = [_UCT(node["mu"], self.c_p, n_p, node["N"]) 
                for node in map(self.graph.nodes.__getitem__, children)]
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        # Return Child with highest UCT
        return children[np.argmax(uct)]

    def _childNodes(self, node_id):
        wrapper for code readability

        return list(self.graph.successors(node_id))

    def _update_distribution(self):
        Get the top n Action sequences and their "probabilities"
            and store them for communication

        # For now, just using q = mu**2
        temp=nx.get_node_attributes(self.graph, "mu")
        temp.pop(1, None)

        top_n_nodes = sorted(temp, key=temp.get, reverse=True)[:self.comm_n]
        X = [self.graph.node[n]["best_rollout"] for n in top_n_nodes if self.graph.node[n]["N"]>0]
        q = [self.graph.node[n]["mu"]**2 for n in top_n_nodes if self.graph.node[n]["N"]>0]
        self.my_act_dist = ActionDistribution(X,q)
        return True

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    def _get_system_state(self, node_id):
        Randomly select 1 path taken by every other robot & path taken by
            this robot to get to this node

        Returns tuple where first element is path of current robot,
            and second element is a dictionary of the other paths
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        system_state = {k:self.comms[k].random_action() for k in self.comms}
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        system_state[] = self.graph.node[node_id]["state"]
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    def _null_state(self, state):
        temp = copy(state)
        temp[] = self.graph.node[1]["state"] # Null state is if robot still at root node
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    def _expansion(self, start_node):
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        Does the Expansion step for tree growing.
        Separated into it's own function because also done in
            Init step.
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        options = self.available_actions(
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        if len(options)==0:
            return False

        # create empty nodes underneath the node being expanded
        for o in options:

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                    state=self.state_store(, self.graph.node[start_node]["state"], o,

            self.graph.add_edge(start_node, len(self.graph))
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        return True

    def grow(self, nsims=10, gamma = 0.9, depth=10):
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        Grow Tree by one node

        ### SELECTION
        start_node = 1

        # Sample actions of other robots
        # NOTE: Sampling done at the begining for dependency graph reasons
        state = self._get_system_state(start_node)

        # Propagate down the tree
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        # check how _select handles mu, N = 0
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        while len(self._childNodes(start_node))>0:
            start_node = self._select(self._childNodes(start_node))

        ### EXPANSION
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        # check if _expansion changes start_node to the node after jumping
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        avg_reward = 0
        best_reward = float("-Inf")
        best_rollout = None
        for i in range(nsims):
            temp_state = self.graph.node[start_node]["state"]
            state[] = temp_state
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            d = 0 # depth
            while d<depth: # also breaks at no available options
                d += 1

                # Get the available actions
                options = self.sim_available_actions(
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                # If no actions possible, simulation complete
                if len(options)==0:

                # "randomly" choose 1 - function provided by user
                #state[] = temp_state
                sim_action = self.sim_selection_func(, options, temp_state)

                # add that to the actions of the current robot
                temp_state = self.state_store(, temp_state, sim_action,
                state[] = temp_state
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            # calculate the reward at the end of simulation
            rew = self.reward(, state) \
                - self.reward(, self._null_state(state))

            # if best reward so far, store the rollout in the new node
            if rew > best_reward:
                best_reward = rew
                best_rollout = copy(temp_state)
                self.graph.node[start_node]["mu"] = avg_reward

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        self.graph.node[start_node]["N"] = 1
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        self.graph.node[start_node]["best_rollout"] = copy(best_rollout)
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        while start_node!=1: #while not root node

            start_node = self._parent(start_node)

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            self.graph.node[start_node]["mu"] = \
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                    (gamma * self.graph.node[start_node]["mu"] * \
                     self.graph.node[start_node]["N"] + avg_reward) \
                    /(self.graph.node[start_node]["N"] + 1)
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            self.graph.node[start_node]["N"] = \
                    gamma * self.graph.node[start_node]["N"] + 1
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        return avg_reward
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    def send_comms(self):
        return self.my_act_dist
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    def receive_comms(self, comms_in, robot_id):
        Save data which has been communicated to this tree
        Only receives from one robot at a time, call once
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        for each robot
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        - comms_in
            - An Action distribution object
        - robot_id
            - Robot number/id - used as key for comms
        self.comms[robot_id] = comms_in
        return True
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