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Created with Raphaël 2.2.06Apr43Mar229Dec287643230Nov2625211516made changes to serial communications protocol so that it will work with unity scriptsmastermasterdeleted extra serial.println lineschange to serial protocol as T[update_request]M[analog_motor_val]added pwm serial comms for vibrationadded i2c communication and acceleration commsadded second potentiometer for the pinch fixturevibration motor func to be testedminor changes for motor driveadded ability to separate the blocks of data between the data stream buffermade amendments to serial comms protocol for a more efficient and easier manner of reading from arduino sideadjustments to serial communications, reverting to previous method of everything in a single packet and concatenated into the serial buffersend_pkt was being overwritten at the first 9 bytes, re weritten to iterate as per the ptrserial comms testserial comms input to bufferdeleted text.txtadded serial communication and accelerometerupdated dipswitch code to for internal pull up resistor. added serial codedip switch printupdate to dipswith codeneed to create DIPSwitch codefirst commitAdd