- name: Peter Sefton
affilation: University of Technology Sydney
- name: Michael Lynch
affilation: University of Technology Sydney
location: Sydney, Australia
- name: Gerrard Devine
affilation: Western Sydney University
location: Sydney, Australia
- Research Objects
- Data Packaging
- Metadata
DataCrate is a specification for packaging research data for distribution and
reuse. DataCrate packages may be distributed as archives with or without
compression, and hosted on web sites, as they contain an index.html page that
sumamrises the contents of the package for human readers. For machines, there
is a JSON-LD file containing metadata that will aid in the re-use of the data
including licensing, publication dates, parties involved in creating the data.
Where possible the terms from are used for metadata, with other
ontologies used where needed.
DataCrate optionally uses the BagIt data packaging standard which is widely
used in libraries and archives and increasingly in research data management,
including in recent dicsusions about data packaging at the Research Data
Aliance (RDA).