# IEEE Paper Template for Pandoc
## Requirements
- [Pandoc](
## Quickly Usage
Put all your paper content on ``, change the title and author
on `metadata.yaml` and run `make pdf`. The pdf will be on `build/paper.pdf`.
## Usage
### Files
#### metadata.yml
On this file put all your metadata (author, title, abstract, etc) that will
be use for rendering the final pdf.
Here you put all your paper content, if you wish, you could put your content
on separate files, but you must edit the `makefile`.
#### bibliography.bib
Here put all the bibliography that is used in the paper.
#### bibliography.csl
This file is for specify to pandoc how to display the cites (ieee format).
#### template.latex
It is used to tell pandoc how to render the paper using the metadata and
content of your paper.
#### makefile
It is used to compile the pdf, usually the default options are fine.
#### build/
On this directory will be final pdf. Make sure to add this to your `.gitignore`
file if you are using git.
### Compiling
Run `make` on a terminal and the pdf will be on `build/paper.pdf`.
## Recommended Tools
### Editors
- Vim + [vim-pandoc extension](
- Atom + [language-pfm extension]( + [autocomplete-bibtex extension](
### Bibliography manager
- [Zotero]( + [Better Bibtext extension](