# Experiment Design (ND Acquisition)
The ND acquisition tab let you combine the optical configurations you have saved into complex experiments.
## Save Location

* Path - location to save the file. It is convenient to save directly to mif_home.
* File name - This is automatically incremented each time the acquisition is run.
## Timelapse

1. Click on `Time` tab
2. Add timing loops
You need to ensure that there is enough time to complete the combining multiple channels, Z-stacks and fields of view.
## XY points
### Manually adding points

1. Check the `Include Z` box (this saves the focal plane)
2. Move the stage with to new position.
1. Click the `+` to add the current stage position.
2. Points can deactivated by unchecking the boxes.
3. Points can reordered by clicking the blue arrows
* Click on the points to visit the location (`Move Stage to Selected Point` must be checked)
* Select `Split Multipoints` under the `Advanced` if you a large numbers of point. This makes importing and analysis easier.
* Update the XY position for a point by clicking the `->`
* Update the Z position for a point by clicking the `<-`
* PFS offsets can saved for each point.
* `Optimize` will reorder you points so that they are visited efficiently.
## Z-stack

## Multiple channels

1. Click `+` to add a channel
2. Select the Optical Configuration from the drop down
3. Channels can deactivated by unchecking them.
4. Channels can reordered using the blue arrows