# Setting up Koehler Illumination

1. Select the lens
2. Click on the Bright Field OC (or set the condenser to `A`)
3. Make sure the polariser is out
4. Focus on the sample, the edge of the slide or coverslip is easy place to start
5. Close the Condenser Aperture Diaphragm, you should see the octagon formed by the blades
6. Raise and lower the condenser so that the blades are in focus
7. Adjust the centering screws so that the octagon in the centre of the image
8. Open the Condenser Aperture Diaphragm so the blades are just past the camera field of view
9. Remove eye piece and adjust the Condenser Aperture so that 2/3 of pupil is filled.
## For Phase Contrast
1. Click on the lens OC (or set the condenser to correct Phase setting)
2. Remove the eye piece and
## For DIC
1. Insert the Polariser (or set the condenser to 'A')
2. Click on the lens OC
3. Adjust the angle with silver rod to give the best contrast. |
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