 * This file is used by other classes to define the pins used for the hardware.

#include <Arduino.h>

/* Runtime Configuration */
#define DELAY               10

/* Debug Options */
#define DEBUG               0

/* Serial Options */
#define BAUDRATE            115200
#define PING                '1'
#define MOTORPING_ON        '2'
#define MOTORPING_OFF       '3'

/* =================================== */
/* Pin layout */
/* =================================== */
/* Motor Pins */
#define VIBRATION_PIN      28
#define NSLEEP_PIN         30

/* Potentiometer Pins */
#define POT0_PIN           A3
#define POT1_PIN           A4

/* LED Pins */
#define LED_BUILTIN        13

/* SWITCH Pins */
#define SWITCH_PIN1        51
#define SWITCH_PIN2        52
#define SWITCH_PIN3        53

#define XACC_PIN           A0
#define YACC_PIN           A1
#define ZACC_PIN           A2

/* =================================== */
/* Resolution */
/* =================================== */
#define ADC_RES             1024

/* Buffer len */
#define DEFAULT_BUFFER_LEN  1280
#define COMBINATION_LEN     3

/* typedef union */
typedef struct {
    union {
        uint16_t pin_vals[3];
        struct  {
            uint16_t pin1_val;
            uint16_t pin2_val;
            uint16_t pin3_val;
} uint16_vec;

/* typedef union */
typedef struct {
    union {
        int vals[3];
        struct  {
            int val1;
            int val2;
            int val3;
} int_vec;

// Packed attribute specifies each member of the structure or union is placed 
// to minimize the memory required.
// 1 byte is 16 bits
// Size: 8 bytes + header bytes(2) + chksum byte + end bytes(2) 
typedef struct {
    uint16_vec dip_val;         // dip switch val  
    uint16_vec acc_val;         // accelerometer val
    uint16_t pot_val;           // potentiometer0 val
    uint16_t shaftpot_val;      // potentiometer1 val
    uint16_t vm_val;            // vibration motor out
} __attribute__((__packed__)) int_packet; 
