diff --git a/makefile b/makefile
index 5ec6f42bc333c2f1bb4f62e582208e5dc742b17f..6597ddc8f461d8649b0c7fc62f920368431d5c5a 100644
--- a/makefile
+++ b/makefile
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
 all: setup sample plays glop GTM luckett hasan  grace landsat eco carter DVTSD MDM_AED stud vic  f2f ftir book  dharmae ftir pedestrian 
-	metacrate  -d ~/working/ro-crate-examples/src/samples/ -n "Sample RO-Crates from a variety of sources" -t "This RO-Crate links to a set of sample crates that illustrate various different crate features"
-	metacrate  -d ~/working/ro-crate-examples/src/UTS/ -n "Sample RO-Crates from the UTS research data repository" -t "This RO-Crate links to a set of sample crates that illustrate various different crate features"
-	metacrate  -d ~/working/ro-crate-examples/src/notebooks/ -n "Sample RO-Crates exported from LabArchives" -t "This RO-Crate links to a set of sample crates that were downloaded from the LabArchives lab notebook system"
-	metacrate  -d ~/working/ro-crate-examples/src/ -n "Sample RO-Crates" -t "This RO-Crate links to multiple other crates which in turn link to examples. This is an example of 'nested meta crates'"
+	metacrate  -d  $(SRC_PATH)/samples/ -n "Sample RO-Crates from a variety of sources" -t "This RO-Crate links to a set of sample crates that illustrate various different crate features"
+	metacrate  -d  $(SRC_PATH)/UTS/ -n "Sample RO-Crates from the UTS research data repository" -t "This RO-Crate links to a set of sample crates that illustrate various different crate features"
+	metacrate  -d  $(SRC_PATH)/notebooks/ -n "Sample RO-Crates exported from LabArchives" -t "This RO-Crate links to a set of sample crates that were downloaded from the LabArchives lab notebook system"
+	metacrate  -d  $(SRC_PATH)/src/ -n "Sample RO-Crates" -t "This RO-Crate links to multiple other crates which in turn link to examples. This is an example of 'nested meta crates'"
 setup: clean
 	cp ~/working/ro-crate-js/lib/crate.js  $(SRC_PATH)