diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
index d1a1fd63307a99404bd760ecdd10550813ce64fa..9e0afa158de9e1a90ab1e6f0f751ed98a07fd742 100644
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
     "jsonld": "^1.6.2",
     "nunjucks": "^3.2.0",
     "ocfl": "^1.0.3",
-    "ro-crate": "^1.2.8",
+    "ro-crate": "^1.2.10",
     "uuid": "^3.3.3",
     "yargs": "^13.3.0"
diff --git a/ro-crate-deposit.js b/ro-crate-deposit.js
index 2041b8cb9f6e1689f5a19900a32627090a878087..493f7f76398130c6ac3df2e072f3b34f943fe01b 100644
--- a/ro-crate-deposit.js
+++ b/ro-crate-deposit.js
@@ -27,6 +27,39 @@ async function connectRepo(repoPath) {
+async function checkin(repo, repoName, rocratePath) {
+  const rocrateFile = path.join(rocratePath, "ro-crate-metadata.jsonld");
+  try {
+    const jsonld = await fs.readJson(rocrateFile);
+    const crate = new ROCrate(jsonld);
+    crate.index();
+    const dataset = crate.getRootDataset();
+    console.log("Ingesting ro-crate " + dataset['name']);
+    const existingId = crate.getNamedIdentifier(repoName);
+    if( existingId ) {
+      console.log(`Local identifier found ${repoName}/${existingId}`);
+      await repo.importNewObjectDir(existingId, rocratePath);
+      console.log(`Updated ${existingId}`);
+    } else {
+      const newId = uuid();
+      console.log(`Minting new local identifier ${repoName}/${newId}`);
+      await repo.importNewObjectDir(newId, rocratePath);
+      console.log(`Imported ${rocratePath} ${dataset['name']} ${newId}`);
+      crate.addIdentifier({name: repoName, identifier: newId});
+      await fs.writeJson(rocrateFile, crate.getJson(), {spaces: 2});
+      await repo.importNewObjectDir(newId, rocratePath);
+      console.log(`Updated ${rocratePath} ${newId} metadata with identifier`);
+    }
+  } catch(e) {
+    console.log(`Error importing ${rocratePath}`);
+    console.log(e);
+  }
 async function main() {
@@ -35,22 +68,8 @@ async function main() {
   const repo = await connectRepo(repoPath);
-  for (let fromPath of argv._) {
-    const rocrateFile = path.join(fromPath, "ro-crate-metadata.jsonld");
-    try {
-      const jsonld = await fs.readJson(rocrateFile);
-      crate = new ROCrate(jsonld);
-      crate.index();
-      const dataset = crate.getRootDataset();
-      const local_id = uuid();
-      crate.addIdentifier({name: repoName, identifier: local_id});
-      await fs.writeJson(crate.getJson(), rocrateFile);
-      const ocflObject = await repo.importNewObjectDir(local_id, fromPath);
-      console.log(`Imported ${fromPath} ${dataset['title']} ${local_id}`);
-    } catch(e) {
-      console.log(`Error importing ${fromPath}`);
-      console.log(e);
-    }
+  for (let rocratePath of argv._) {
+    await checkin(repo, repoName, rocratePath);