/* This is part of datacrate, a node.js library for working with DataCrates. Copyright (C) 2018 University of Technology Sydney This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ const chai = require('chai'); const chaiFiles = require('chai-files'); chai.use(chaiFiles); const assert = chai.assert; const expect = chai.expect; const file = chaiFiles.file; const fs = require('fs-extra'); const catalog = require('../lib/catalog.js'); const ORG = { 'id': 'https://www.uts.edu.au', 'name': 'University of Technology Sydney' }; const OWNER = 'Michael.Lynch@uts.edu.au'; const APPROVER = 'data.librarian@uts.edu.au'; const DATASET_ID = 'DATASET_ID'; // get catalog item by id: returns null if the item isn't unique, because // this should always make the test fail function get_id(c, id) { const match = c['@graph'].filter((item) => item['@id'] === id); if( match.length ) { if( match.length > 1 ) { console.error(`Warning: catalog has ${match.length} items with ID ${id}`); return null; } else { return match[0]; } } else { return null; } } // this one returns an array of items with the requested type function get_type(c, t) { return c['@graph'].filter((item) => item['@type'] === t); } var dp, cj; describe("DataPub to DataCrate: core metadata", () => { before(async () => { dp = await fs.readJson('./test_data/datapub.json'); cj = await catalog.datapub2catalog({ 'id': DATASET_ID, 'datapub': dp, 'organisation': ORG, 'owner': OWNER, 'approver': APPROVER }); }); it("has a dataset item with correct metadata in the catalog", () => { assert(cj, "Got an object"); assert(cj['@graph'], "Catalog has a @graph"); const dataset = get_id(cj, DATASET_ID); assert(dataset, "Graph has an item with id " + DATASET_ID); expect(dataset['name']).to.equal(dp['title']); expect(dataset['description']).to.equal(dp['description']); expect(dataset['publisher']['@id']).to.equal(ORG['id']); }); it("has a create action with the owner", () => { const cas = get_type(cj, 'CreateAction'); expect(cas).to.have.length(1); const ca = cas[0]; expect(ca['agent']['@id']).to.equal(OWNER); }); it("has an update action with the approver", () => { const uas = get_type(cj, 'UpdateAction'); expect(uas).to.have.length(1); const ua = uas[0]; expect(ua['agent']['@id']).to.equal(APPROVER); }); it("has the payload files", () => { const files = get_type(cj, "File"); const datalocs = dp['dataLocations']; expect(files).to.have.length(datalocs.length); const fids = files.map((f) => f['@id']).sort(); const dlids = datalocs.map((dl) => dl['name']).sort(); expect(fids).to.eql(dlids); }); it("", () => { }); });