diff --git a/ur5_moveit/CMakeLists.txt b/ur5_moveit/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..10c89d8a510246414bf5a1596829681106205c9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ur5_moveit/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.4.6)
+# Set the build type.  Options are:
+#  Coverage       : w/ debug symbols, w/o optimization, w/ code-coverage
+#  Debug          : w/ debug symbols, w/o optimization
+#  Release        : w/o debug symbols, w/ optimization
+#  RelWithDebInfo : w/ debug symbols, w/ optimization
+#  MinSizeRel     : w/o debug symbols, w/ optimization, stripped binaries
+#set(ROS_BUILD_TYPE RelWithDebInfo)
+#set the default path for built executables to the "bin" directory
+#set the default path for built libraries to the "lib" directory
+#uncomment if you have defined messages
+#uncomment if you have defined services
+#common commands for building c++ executables and libraries
+#rosbuild_add_library(${PROJECT_NAME} src/example.cpp)
+#target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} another_library)
+#rosbuild_link_boost(${PROJECT_NAME} thread)
+#rosbuild_add_executable(example examples/example.cpp)
+#target_link_libraries(example ${PROJECT_NAME})
+  src/universal_robot_arm_ikfast_plugin.cpp
+  )
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ur5_moveit/Makefile b/ur5_moveit/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b75b928f20ef9ea4f509a17db62e4e31b422c27f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ur5_moveit/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+include $(shell rospack find mk)/cmake.mk
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ur5_moveit/config/collision_matrix.yaml b/ur5_moveit/config/collision_matrix.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f82feacbd8f4f77bfda2817b6b8b8e649abcccb6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ur5_moveit/config/collision_matrix.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+  - object1: base_link
+    object2: shoulder_link
+    operation: disable  # Adjacent in collision
+  - object1: shoulder_link
+    object2: upper_arm_link
+    operation: disable  # Adjacent in collision
+  - object1: upper_arm_link
+    object2: elbow_collision_link
+    operation: disable  # Adjacent in collision
+  - object1: upper_arm_link
+    object2: forearm_link
+    operation: disable  # Adjacent in collision
+  - object1: forearm_link
+    object2: wrist_1_link
+    operation: disable  # Adjacent in collision
+  - object1: wrist_1_link
+    object2: wrist_2_link
+    operation: disable  # Adjacent in collision
+  - object1: wrist_2_link
+    object2: wrist_3_link
+    operation: disable  # Adjacent in collision
+  - object1: wrist_3_link
+    object2: ee_link
+    operation: disable  # Adjacent in collision
+  - object1: upper_arm_link
+    object2: shoulder_collision_link
+    operation: disable  # Adjacent in collision
+  - object1: base_link
+    object2: elbow_collision_link
+    operation: disable  # Never in collision
+  - object1: base_link
+    object2: shoulder_collision_link
+    operation: disable  # Never in collision
+  - object1: base_link
+    object2: upper_arm_link
+    operation: disable  # Never in collision
+  - object1: elbow_collision_link
+    object2: forearm_link
+    operation: disable  # Never in collision
+  - object1: elbow_collision_link
+    object2: shoulder_collision_link
+    operation: disable  # Never in collision
+  - object1: elbow_collision_link
+    object2: shoulder_link
+    operation: disable  # Never in collision
+  - object1: elbow_collision_link
+    object2: wrist_1_link
+    operation: disable  # Never in collision
+  - object1: elbow_collision_link
+    object2: wrist_2_link
+    operation: disable  # Never in collision
+  - object1: elbow_collision_link
+    object2: wrist_3_link
+    operation: disable  # Never in collision
+  - object1: forearm_link
+    object2: shoulder_collision_link
+    operation: disable  # Never in collision
+  - object1: forearm_link
+    object2: shoulder_link
+    operation: disable  # Never in collision
+  - object1: forearm_link
+    object2: wrist_2_link
+    operation: disable  # Never in collision
+  - object1: forearm_link
+    object2: wrist_3_link
+    operation: disable  # Never in collision
+  - object1: shoulder_collision_link
+    object2: shoulder_link
+    operation: disable  # Never in collision
+  - object1: shoulder_collision_link
+    object2: wrist_1_link
+    operation: disable  # Never in collision
+  - object1: shoulder_collision_link
+    object2: wrist_2_link
+    operation: disable  # Never in collision
+  - object1: shoulder_collision_link
+    object2: wrist_3_link
+    operation: disable  # Never in collision
+  - object1: shoulder_link
+    object2: wrist_1_link
+    operation: disable  # Never in collision
+  - object1: shoulder_link
+    object2: wrist_2_link
+    operation: disable  # Never in collision
+  - object1: shoulder_link
+    object2: wrist_3_link
+    operation: disable  # Never in collision
+  - object1: upper_arm_link
+    object2: wrist_1_link
+    operation: disable  # Never in collision
+  - object1: upper_arm_link
+    object2: wrist_2_link
+    operation: disable  # Never in collision
+  - object1: upper_arm_link
+    object2: wrist_3_link
+    operation: disable  # Never in collision
+  - object1: wrist_1_link
+    object2: wrist_3_link
+    operation: disable  # Never in collision
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ur5_moveit/config/joint_limits.yaml b/ur5_moveit/config/joint_limits.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d79d4994d76da413eff8427d4f0b9c288bf42406
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ur5_moveit/config/joint_limits.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+  shoulder_pan_joint:
+    has_position_limits: true
+    has_velocity_limits: true
+    max_velocity: 3.14159265
+    has_acceleration_limits: true
+    max_acceleration: 1
+    angle_wraparound: false
+  shoulder_lift_joint:
+    has_position_limits: true
+    has_velocity_limits: true
+    max_velocity: 3.14159265
+    has_acceleration_limits: true
+    max_acceleration: 1
+    angle_wraparound: false
+  elbow_joint:
+    has_position_limits: true
+    has_velocity_limits: true
+    max_velocity: 3.14159265
+    has_acceleration_limits: true
+    max_acceleration: 1
+    angle_wraparound: false
+  wrist_1_joint:
+    has_position_limits: true
+    has_velocity_limits: true
+    max_velocity: 3.14159265
+    has_acceleration_limits: true
+    max_acceleration: 1
+    angle_wraparound: false
+  wrist_2_joint:
+    has_position_limits: true
+    has_velocity_limits: true
+    max_velocity: 3.14159265
+    has_acceleration_limits: true
+    max_acceleration: 1
+    angle_wraparound: false
+  wrist_3_joint:
+    has_position_limits: true
+    has_velocity_limits: true
+    max_velocity: 3.14159265
+    has_acceleration_limits: true
+    max_acceleration: 1
+    angle_wraparound: false
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ur5_moveit/config/kinematics.yaml b/ur5_moveit/config/kinematics.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..db2415fd81f0cfb92da482eb554c8efe2101e9d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ur5_moveit/config/kinematics.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+  kinematics_solver: universal_robot_arm_kinematics/IKFastKinematicsPlugin
+  kinematics_solver_search_resolution: 0.005
+  tip_name: link0
+  root_name: link6
diff --git a/ur5_moveit/config/ompl_planning.yaml b/ur5_moveit/config/ompl_planning.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fb01cc21b2a8c9c4e4771183e999a5c440200efd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ur5_moveit/config/ompl_planning.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+  planner_configs:
+    - SBLkConfigDefault
+    - LBKPIECEkConfigDefault
+  projection_evaluator: joints(shoulder_lift_link)
+  longest_valid_segment_fraction: 0.05
+  SBLkConfigDefault:
+    type: geometric::SBL
+  LBKPIECEkConfigDefault:
+    type: geometric::LBKPIECE
diff --git a/ur5_moveit/config/ur5.srdf b/ur5_moveit/config/ur5.srdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d7e561145192dc4c7d6e236a9017fafc06c6505b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ur5_moveit/config/ur5.srdf
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<robot name="universal_robot">
+   <virtual_joint name="world_joint" type="floating" parent_frame="odom_combined" child_link="base_link"/> 
+   <group name="arm">
+      <chain base_link="base_link" tip_link="wrist_3_link"/>
+   </group>
diff --git a/ur5_moveit/config/ur5_or.srdf b/ur5_moveit/config/ur5_or.srdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fbdaa321678d3f19259aa46416ed4db467a5d1d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ur5_moveit/config/ur5_or.srdf
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<robot name="universal_robot">
+   <group name="arm">
+      <chain base_link="link0" tip_link="link6"/>
+   </group>
diff --git a/ur5_moveit/kinematics_plugins.xml b/ur5_moveit/kinematics_plugins.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..eaa5c7ee9bf91271eb7ab732c81a4266e3d3e78c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ur5_moveit/kinematics_plugins.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='ASCII'?>
+<library path="lib/libuniversal_robot_kinematics_lib">
+  <class name="universal_robot_arm_kinematics/IKFastKinematicsPlugin" type="universal_robot_arm_kinematics::IKFastKinematicsPlugin" base_class_type="kinematics::KinematicsBase">
+    <description>A plugin created by using OpenRAVE's IK Fast component</description>
+  </class>
diff --git a/ur5_moveit/launch/ur5_moveit_visualization.launch b/ur5_moveit/launch/ur5_moveit_visualization.launch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2b20088e18c72220163636553a16ed1a43929a62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ur5_moveit/launch/ur5_moveit_visualization.launch
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+  <param name="robot_description" textfile="$(find ur5_description)/urdf/robot.urdf.xml" />
+  <!--<param name="robot_description" textfile="$(find ur5_description)/urdf/universal_or.dae" /-->
+  <param name="robot_description_semantic" textfile="$(find ur5_moveit)/config/ur5.srdf" />
+  <group ns="robot_description_planning">
+    <rosparam command="load" file="$(find ur5_moveit)/config/collision_matrix.yaml"/>
+    <rosparam command="load" file="$(find ur5_moveit)/config/joint_limits.yaml"/>
+  </group>
+  <node pkg="robot_state_publisher" type="state_publisher" name="rob_st_pub" />
+  <node pkg="moveit_visualization_ros" name="wall_clock_server" type="fake_time.py" />
+  <node pkg="moveit_visualization_ros" type="moveit_visualizer" name="moveit_visualizer" output="screen">
+    <rosparam command="load" file="$(find ur5_moveit)/config/ompl_planning.yaml"/>
+    <rosparam command="load" file="$(find ur5_moveit)/config/kinematics.yaml"/>
+  </node>
diff --git a/ur5_moveit/mainpage.dox b/ur5_moveit/mainpage.dox
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2513c5bad956a3fd681afe8289918c083d998124
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ur5_moveit/mainpage.dox
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+\htmlinclude manifest.html
+\b ur5_moveit 
+Provide an overview of your package.
diff --git a/ur5_moveit/manifest.xml b/ur5_moveit/manifest.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..57d7152be26ab3c8ab34e5af261fc82753a1f069
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ur5_moveit/manifest.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+  <description brief="ur5_moveit">
+     ur5_moveit
+  </description>
+  <author>Gil Jones</author>
+  <license>BSD</license>
+  <review status="unreviewed" notes=""/>
+  <url>http://ros.org/wiki/ur5_moveit</url>
+  <depend package="kinematics_base"/>
+  <depend package="moveit_configuration_tools"/>
+  <depend package="pluginlib"/>
+  <depend package="ur5_description"/>
+  <export>
+    <kinematics_base plugin="${prefix}/kinematics_plugins.xml"/>
+  </export>
diff --git a/ur5_moveit/src/universal_robot_arm_ikfast_output.cpp b/ur5_moveit/src/universal_robot_arm_ikfast_output.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b47754e5eaa4acbcbed0c21263ca9b52b82d15f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ur5_moveit/src/universal_robot_arm_ikfast_output.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1102 @@
+/// autogenerated analytical inverse kinematics code from ikfast program part of OpenRAVE
+/// \author Rosen Diankov
+/// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+/// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+/// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+///     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+/// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+/// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+/// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+/// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+/// limitations under the License.
+/// ikfast version 54 generated on 2012-03-27 13:04:03.830721
+/// To compile with gcc:
+///     gcc -lstdc++ ik.cpp
+/// To compile without any main function as a shared object (might need -llapack):
+///     gcc -fPIC -lstdc++ -DIKFAST_NO_MAIN -DIKFAST_CLIBRARY -shared -Wl,-soname,libik.so -o libik.so ik.cpp
+#include <cmath>
+#include <vector>
+#include <limits>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <complex>
+#include <stdexcept>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <iostream>
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#ifndef __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
+#ifndef __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
+#define __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ __func__
+#define IKFAST_ASSERT(b) { if( !(b) ) { std::stringstream ss; ss << "ikfast exception: " << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << ": " <<__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << ": Assertion '" << #b << "' failed"; throw std::runtime_error(ss.str()); } }
+#if defined(_MSC_VER)
+#define IKFAST_ALIGNED16(x) __declspec(align(16)) x
+#define IKFAST_ALIGNED16(x) x __attribute((aligned(16)))
+#define IK2PI  ((IKReal)6.28318530717959)
+#define IKPI  ((IKReal)3.14159265358979)
+#define IKPI_2  ((IKReal)1.57079632679490)
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#ifndef isnan
+#define isnan _isnan
+#endif // _MSC_VER
+// defined when creating a shared object/dll
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#define IKFAST_API extern "C" __declspec(dllexport)
+#define IKFAST_API extern "C"
+#define IKFAST_API
+// lapack routines
+extern "C" {
+  void dgetrf_ (const int* m, const int* n, double* a, const int* lda, int* ipiv, int* info);
+  void zgetrf_ (const int* m, const int* n, std::complex<double>* a, const int* lda, int* ipiv, int* info);
+  void dgetri_(const int* n, const double* a, const int* lda, int* ipiv, double* work, const int* lwork, int* info);
+  void dgesv_ (const int* n, const int* nrhs, double* a, const int* lda, int* ipiv, double* b, const int* ldb, int* info);
+  void dgetrs_(const char *trans, const int *n, const int *nrhs, double *a, const int *lda, int *ipiv, double *b, const int *ldb, int *info);
+  void dgeev_(const char *jobvl, const char *jobvr, const int *n, double *a, const int *lda, double *wr, double *wi,double *vl, const int *ldvl, double *vr, const int *ldvr, double *work, const int *lwork, int *info);
+using namespace std; // necessary to get std math routines
+typedef IKFAST_REAL IKReal;
+typedef double IKReal;
+class IKSolution
+    /// Gets a solution given its free parameters
+    /// \param pfree The free parameters required, range is in [-pi,pi]
+    void GetSolution(IKReal* psolution, const IKReal* pfree) const {
+        for(std::size_t i = 0; i < basesol.size(); ++i) {
+            if( basesol[i].freeind < 0 )
+                psolution[i] = basesol[i].foffset;
+            else {
+                IKFAST_ASSERT(pfree != NULL);
+                psolution[i] = pfree[basesol[i].freeind]*basesol[i].fmul + basesol[i].foffset;
+                if( psolution[i] > IKPI ) {
+                    psolution[i] -= IK2PI;
+                }
+                else if( psolution[i] < -IKPI ) {
+                    psolution[i] += IK2PI;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /// Gets the free parameters the solution requires to be set before a full solution can be returned
+    /// \return vector of indices indicating the free parameters
+    const std::vector<int>& GetFree() const { return vfree; }
+    struct VARIABLE
+    {
+        VARIABLE() : fmul(0), foffset(0), freeind(-1), maxsolutions(1) {
+            indices[0] = indices[1] = -1;
+        }
+        IKReal fmul, foffset; ///< joint value is fmul*sol[freeind]+foffset
+        signed char freeind; ///< if >= 0, mimics another joint
+        unsigned char maxsolutions; ///< max possible indices, 0 if controlled by free index or a free joint itself
+        unsigned char indices[2]; ///< unique index of the solution used to keep track on what part it came from. sometimes a solution can be repeated for different indices. store at least another repeated root
+    };
+    std::vector<VARIABLE> basesol;       ///< solution and their offsets if joints are mimiced
+    std::vector<int> vfree;
+    bool Validate() const {
+        for(size_t i = 0; i < basesol.size(); ++i) {
+            if( basesol[i].maxsolutions == (unsigned char)-1) {
+                return false;
+            }
+            if( basesol[i].maxsolutions > 0 ) {
+                if( basesol[i].indices[0] >= basesol[i].maxsolutions ) {
+                    return false;
+                }
+                if( basesol[i].indices[1] != (unsigned char)-1 && basesol[i].indices[1] >= basesol[i].maxsolutions ) {
+                    return false;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        return true;
+    }
+    void GetSolutionIndices(std::vector<unsigned int>& v) const {
+        v.resize(0);
+        v.push_back(0);
+        for(int i = (int)basesol.size()-1; i >= 0; --i) {
+            if( basesol[i].maxsolutions != (unsigned char)-1 && basesol[i].maxsolutions > 1 ) {
+                for(size_t j = 0; j < v.size(); ++j) {
+                    v[j] *= basesol[i].maxsolutions;
+                }
+                size_t orgsize=v.size();
+                if( basesol[i].indices[1] != (unsigned char)-1 ) {
+                    for(size_t j = 0; j < orgsize; ++j) {
+                        v.push_back(v[j]+basesol[i].indices[1]);
+                    }
+                }
+                if( basesol[i].indices[0] != (unsigned char)-1 ) {
+                    for(size_t j = 0; j < orgsize; ++j) {
+                        v[j] += basesol[i].indices[0];
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+inline float IKabs(float f) { return fabsf(f); }
+inline double IKabs(double f) { return fabs(f); }
+inline float IKsqr(float f) { return f*f; }
+inline double IKsqr(double f) { return f*f; }
+inline float IKlog(float f) { return logf(f); }
+inline double IKlog(double f) { return log(f); }
+// allows asin and acos to exceed 1
+#define IKFAST_SINCOS_THRESH ((IKReal)0.000001)
+// used to check input to atan2 for degenerate cases
+#define IKFAST_ATAN2_MAGTHRESH ((IKReal)2e-6)
+// minimum distance of separate solutions
+#define IKFAST_SOLUTION_THRESH ((IKReal)1e-6)
+inline float IKasin(float f)
+IKFAST_ASSERT( f > -1-IKFAST_SINCOS_THRESH && f < 1+IKFAST_SINCOS_THRESH ); // any more error implies something is wrong with the solver
+if( f <= -1 ) return -IKPI_2;
+else if( f >= 1 ) return IKPI_2;
+return asinf(f);
+inline double IKasin(double f)
+IKFAST_ASSERT( f > -1-IKFAST_SINCOS_THRESH && f < 1+IKFAST_SINCOS_THRESH ); // any more error implies something is wrong with the solver
+if( f <= -1 ) return -IKPI_2;
+else if( f >= 1 ) return IKPI_2;
+return asin(f);
+// return positive value in [0,y)
+inline float IKfmod(float x, float y)
+    while(x < 0) {
+        x += y;
+    }
+    return fmodf(x,y);
+// return positive value in [0,y)
+inline float IKfmod(double x, double y)
+    while(x < 0) {
+        x += y;
+    }
+    return fmod(x,y);
+inline float IKacos(float f)
+IKFAST_ASSERT( f > -1-IKFAST_SINCOS_THRESH && f < 1+IKFAST_SINCOS_THRESH ); // any more error implies something is wrong with the solver
+if( f <= -1 ) return IKPI;
+else if( f >= 1 ) return 0;
+return acosf(f);
+inline double IKacos(double f)
+IKFAST_ASSERT( f > -1-IKFAST_SINCOS_THRESH && f < 1+IKFAST_SINCOS_THRESH ); // any more error implies something is wrong with the solver
+if( f <= -1 ) return IKPI;
+else if( f >= 1 ) return 0;
+return acos(f);
+inline float IKsin(float f) { return sinf(f); }
+inline double IKsin(double f) { return sin(f); }
+inline float IKcos(float f) { return cosf(f); }
+inline double IKcos(double f) { return cos(f); }
+inline float IKtan(float f) { return tanf(f); }
+inline double IKtan(double f) { return tan(f); }
+inline float IKsqrt(float f) { if( f <= 0.0f ) return 0.0f; return sqrtf(f); }
+inline double IKsqrt(double f) { if( f <= 0.0 ) return 0.0; return sqrt(f); }
+inline float IKatan2(float fy, float fx) {
+    if( isnan(fy) ) {
+        IKFAST_ASSERT(!isnan(fx)); // if both are nan, probably wrong value will be returned
+        return IKPI_2;
+    }
+    else if( isnan(fx) ) {
+        return 0;
+    }
+    return atan2f(fy,fx);
+inline double IKatan2(double fy, double fx) {
+    if( isnan(fy) ) {
+        IKFAST_ASSERT(!isnan(fx)); // if both are nan, probably wrong value will be returned
+        return IKPI_2;
+    }
+    else if( isnan(fx) ) {
+        return 0;
+    }
+    return atan2(fy,fx);
+inline float IKsign(float f) {
+    if( f > 0 ) {
+        return 1.0f;
+    }
+    else if( f < 0 ) {
+        return -1.0f;
+    }
+    return 0;
+inline double IKsign(double f) {
+    if( f > 0 ) {
+        return 1.0;
+    }
+    else if( f < 0 ) {
+        return -1.0;
+    }
+    return 0;
+/// solves the forward kinematics equations.
+/// \param pfree is an array specifying the free joints of the chain.
+IKFAST_API void fk(const IKReal* j, IKReal* eetrans, IKReal* eerot) {
+IKReal x0,x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,x8,x9,x10,x11,x12,x13,x14,x15,x16,x17,x18,x19,x20,x21,x22,x23,x24,x25,x26,x27,x28,x29,x30,x31,x32,x33,x34,x35,x36,x37,x38,x39,x40,x41,x42,x43,x44,x45,x46,x47,x48,x49,x50,x51,x52,x53;
+IKFAST_API int getNumFreeParameters() { return 0; }
+IKFAST_API int* getFreeParameters() { return NULL; }
+IKFAST_API int getNumJoints() { return 6; }
+IKFAST_API int getIKRealSize() { return sizeof(IKReal); }
+IKFAST_API int getIKType() { return 0x67000001; }
+class IKSolver {
+IKReal j0,cj0,sj0,htj0,j1,cj1,sj1,htj1,j2,cj2,sj2,htj2,j3,cj3,sj3,htj3,j4,cj4,sj4,htj4,j5,cj5,sj5,htj5,new_r00,r00,rxp0_0,new_r01,r01,rxp0_1,new_r02,r02,rxp0_2,new_r10,r10,rxp1_0,new_r11,r11,rxp1_1,new_r12,r12,rxp1_2,new_r20,r20,rxp2_0,new_r21,r21,rxp2_1,new_r22,r22,rxp2_2,new_px,px,npx,new_py,py,npy,new_pz,pz,npz,pp;
+unsigned char _ij0[2], _nj0,_ij1[2], _nj1,_ij2[2], _nj2,_ij3[2], _nj3,_ij4[2], _nj4,_ij5[2], _nj5;
+bool ik(const IKReal* eetrans, const IKReal* eerot, const IKReal* pfree, std::vector<IKSolution>& vsolutions) {
+j0=numeric_limits<IKReal>::quiet_NaN(); _ij0[0] = -1; _ij0[1] = -1; _nj0 = -1; j1=numeric_limits<IKReal>::quiet_NaN(); _ij1[0] = -1; _ij1[1] = -1; _nj1 = -1; j2=numeric_limits<IKReal>::quiet_NaN(); _ij2[0] = -1; _ij2[1] = -1; _nj2 = -1; j3=numeric_limits<IKReal>::quiet_NaN(); _ij3[0] = -1; _ij3[1] = -1; _nj3 = -1; j4=numeric_limits<IKReal>::quiet_NaN(); _ij4[0] = -1; _ij4[1] = -1; _nj4 = -1; j5=numeric_limits<IKReal>::quiet_NaN(); _ij5[0] = -1; _ij5[1] = -1; _nj5 = -1; 
+for(int dummyiter = 0; dummyiter < 1; ++dummyiter) {
+    vsolutions.resize(0); vsolutions.reserve(8);
+r00 = eerot[0*3+0];
+r01 = eerot[0*3+1];
+r02 = eerot[0*3+2];
+r10 = eerot[1*3+0];
+r11 = eerot[1*3+1];
+r12 = eerot[1*3+2];
+r20 = eerot[2*3+0];
+r21 = eerot[2*3+1];
+r22 = eerot[2*3+2];
+px = eetrans[0]; py = eetrans[1]; pz = eetrans[2];
+r00 = new_r00; r01 = new_r01; r02 = new_r02; r10 = new_r10; r11 = new_r11; r12 = new_r12; r20 = new_r20; r21 = new_r21; r22 = new_r22; px = new_px; py = new_py; pz = new_pz;
+IKReal op[8+1], zeror[8];
+int numroots;
+IKReal gconst0;
+IKReal gconst1;
+IKReal gconst2;
+IKReal gconst3;
+IKReal gconst4;
+IKReal gconst5;
+IKReal gconst6;
+IKReal gconst7;
+IKReal gconst8;
+IKReal gconst9;
+IKReal gconst10;
+IKReal gconst11;
+IKReal gconst12;
+IKReal gconst13;
+IKReal gconst14;
+IKReal gconst15;
+IKReal gconst16;
+IKReal gconst17;
+IKReal gconst18;
+IKReal gconst19;
+IKReal gconst20;
+IKReal gconst21;
+IKReal gconst22;
+IKReal gconst23;
+IKReal gconst24;
+IKReal gconst25;
+IKReal gconst26;
+IKReal gconst27;
+IKReal gconst28;
+IKReal gconst29;
+IKReal gconst30;
+IKReal gconst31;
+IKReal gconst32;
+IKReal gconst33;
+IKReal gconst34;
+IKReal gconst35;
+IKReal j0array[8], cj0array[8], sj0array[8], tempj0array[1];
+int numsolutions = 0;
+for(int ij0 = 0; ij0 < numroots; ++ij0)
+IKReal htj0 = zeror[ij0];
+for(int kj0 = 0; kj0 < 1; ++kj0)
+j0array[numsolutions] = tempj0array[kj0];
+if( j0array[numsolutions] > IKPI )
+    j0array[numsolutions]-=IK2PI;
+else if( j0array[numsolutions] < -IKPI )
+    j0array[numsolutions]+=IK2PI;
+sj0array[numsolutions] = IKsin(j0array[numsolutions]);
+cj0array[numsolutions] = IKcos(j0array[numsolutions]);
+bool j0valid[8]={true,true,true,true,true,true,true,true};
+_nj0 = 8;
+for(int ij0 = 0; ij0 < numsolutions; ++ij0)
+    {
+if( !j0valid[ij0] )
+    continue;
+    j0 = j0array[ij0]; cj0 = cj0array[ij0]; sj0 = sj0array[ij0];
+htj0 = IKtan(j0/2);
+_ij0[0] = ij0; _ij0[1] = -1;
+for(int iij0 = ij0+1; iij0 < numsolutions; ++iij0)
+if( j0valid[iij0] && IKabs(cj0array[ij0]-cj0array[iij0]) < IKFAST_SOLUTION_THRESH && IKabs(sj0array[ij0]-sj0array[iij0]) < IKFAST_SOLUTION_THRESH )
+    j0valid[iij0]=false; _ij0[1] = iij0; break; 
+IKReal j5array[2], cj5array[2], sj5array[2];
+bool j5valid[2]={false};
+_nj5 = 2;
+IKReal x54=((r01)*(sj0));
+IKReal x55=((cj0)*(r11));
+IKReal x56=((x54)+(((-1.00000000000000)*(x55))));
+IKReal x57=((r00)*(sj0));
+IKReal x58=((cj0)*(r10));
+IKReal x59=((x57)+(((-1.00000000000000)*(x58))));
+    continue;
+IKReal x60=IKatan2(x56, x59);
+if( j5array[0] > IKPI )
+    j5array[0]-=IK2PI;
+else if( j5array[0] < -IKPI )
+{    j5array[0]+=IK2PI;
+j5valid[0] = true;
+if( j5array[1] > IKPI )
+    j5array[1]-=IK2PI;
+else if( j5array[1] < -IKPI )
+{    j5array[1]+=IK2PI;
+j5valid[1] = true;
+for(int ij5 = 0; ij5 < 2; ++ij5)
+if( !j5valid[ij5] )
+    continue;
+_ij5[0] = ij5; _ij5[1] = -1;
+for(int iij5 = ij5+1; iij5 < 2; ++iij5)
+if( j5valid[iij5] && IKabs(cj5array[ij5]-cj5array[iij5]) < IKFAST_SOLUTION_THRESH && IKabs(sj5array[ij5]-sj5array[iij5]) < IKFAST_SOLUTION_THRESH )
+    j5valid[iij5]=false; _ij5[1] = iij5; break; 
+j5 = j5array[ij5]; cj5 = cj5array[ij5]; sj5 = sj5array[ij5];
+IKReal evalcond[1];
+IKReal x61=IKsin(j5);
+IKReal x62=IKcos(j5);
+if( IKabs(evalcond[0]) > 0.000001  )
+IKReal dummyeval[1];
+IKReal gconst52;
+if( IKabs(dummyeval[0]) < 0.0000010000000000  )
+} else
+IKReal j4array[1], cj4array[1], sj4array[1];
+bool j4valid[1]={false};
+_nj4 = 1;
+if( IKabs(((gconst52)*(r22))) < IKFAST_ATAN2_MAGTHRESH && IKabs(((gconst52)*(((((r21)*(sj5)))+(((-1.00000000000000)*(cj5)*(r20))))))) < IKFAST_ATAN2_MAGTHRESH )
+    continue;
+j4array[0]=IKatan2(((gconst52)*(r22)), ((gconst52)*(((((r21)*(sj5)))+(((-1.00000000000000)*(cj5)*(r20)))))));
+if( j4array[0] > IKPI )
+    j4array[0]-=IK2PI;
+else if( j4array[0] < -IKPI )
+{    j4array[0]+=IK2PI;
+j4valid[0] = true;
+for(int ij4 = 0; ij4 < 1; ++ij4)
+if( !j4valid[ij4] )
+    continue;
+_ij4[0] = ij4; _ij4[1] = -1;
+for(int iij4 = ij4+1; iij4 < 1; ++iij4)
+if( j4valid[iij4] && IKabs(cj4array[ij4]-cj4array[iij4]) < IKFAST_SOLUTION_THRESH && IKabs(sj4array[ij4]-sj4array[iij4]) < IKFAST_SOLUTION_THRESH )
+    j4valid[iij4]=false; _ij4[1] = iij4; break; 
+j4 = j4array[ij4]; cj4 = cj4array[ij4]; sj4 = sj4array[ij4];
+IKReal evalcond[4];
+IKReal x63=IKsin(j4);
+IKReal x64=IKcos(j4);
+if( IKabs(evalcond[0]) > 0.000001  || IKabs(evalcond[1]) > 0.000001  || IKabs(evalcond[2]) > 0.000001  || IKabs(evalcond[3]) > 0.000001  )
+IKReal dummyeval[1];
+IKReal gconst53;
+IKReal gconst54;
+IKReal gconst55;
+IKReal gconst56;
+IKReal gconst57;
+IKReal gconst58;
+IKReal gconst59;
+IKReal gconst60;
+IKReal gconst61;
+IKReal gconst62;
+IKReal gconst63;
+IKReal gconst64;
+IKReal gconst65;
+IKReal gconst66;
+IKReal gconst67;
+IKReal gconst68;
+IKReal gconst69;
+IKReal gconst70;
+IKReal gconst71;
+IKReal gconst72;
+IKReal gconst73;
+IKReal gconst74;
+IKReal gconst75;
+IKReal gconst76;
+IKReal gconst77;
+IKReal gconst78;
+if( IKabs(dummyeval[0]) < 0.0000001000000000  )
+} else
+IKReal op[8+1], zeror[8];
+int numroots;
+IKReal j1array[8], cj1array[8], sj1array[8], tempj1array[1];
+int numsolutions = 0;
+for(int ij1 = 0; ij1 < numroots; ++ij1)
+IKReal htj1 = zeror[ij1];
+for(int kj1 = 0; kj1 < 1; ++kj1)
+j1array[numsolutions] = tempj1array[kj1];
+if( j1array[numsolutions] > IKPI )
+    j1array[numsolutions]-=IK2PI;
+else if( j1array[numsolutions] < -IKPI )
+    j1array[numsolutions]+=IK2PI;
+sj1array[numsolutions] = IKsin(j1array[numsolutions]);
+cj1array[numsolutions] = IKcos(j1array[numsolutions]);
+bool j1valid[8]={true,true,true,true,true,true,true,true};
+_nj1 = 8;
+for(int ij1 = 0; ij1 < numsolutions; ++ij1)
+    {
+if( !j1valid[ij1] )
+    continue;
+    j1 = j1array[ij1]; cj1 = cj1array[ij1]; sj1 = sj1array[ij1];
+htj1 = IKtan(j1/2);
+_ij1[0] = ij1; _ij1[1] = -1;
+for(int iij1 = ij1+1; iij1 < numsolutions; ++iij1)
+if( j1valid[iij1] && IKabs(cj1array[ij1]-cj1array[iij1]) < IKFAST_SOLUTION_THRESH && IKabs(sj1array[ij1]-sj1array[iij1]) < IKFAST_SOLUTION_THRESH )
+    j1valid[iij1]=false; _ij1[1] = iij1; break; 
+IKReal dummyeval[1];
+IKReal gconst95;
+if( IKabs(dummyeval[0]) < 0.0000010000000000  )
+} else
+IKReal j2array[1], cj2array[1], sj2array[1];
+bool j2valid[1]={false};
+_nj2 = 1;
+if( IKabs(((gconst95)*(((((4000.00000000000)*(cj0)*(px)*(sj1)))+(((4000.00000000000)*(py)*(sj0)*(sj1)))+(((378.600000000000)*(r10)*(sj0)*(sj1)*(sj5)))+(((378.600000000000)*(cj0)*(r00)*(sj1)*(sj5)))+(((378.600000000000)*(cj0)*(cj5)*(r01)*(sj1)))+(((378.600000000000)*(cj1)*(cj5)*(r21)))+(((378.600000000000)*(cj5)*(r11)*(sj0)*(sj1)))+(((4000.00000000000)*(cj1)*(pz)))+(((378.600000000000)*(cj1)*(r20)*(sj5))))))) < IKFAST_ATAN2_MAGTHRESH && IKabs(((gconst95)*(((((-378.600000000000)*(cj1)*(r10)*(sj0)*(sj5)))+(((1700.00000000000)*((cj1)*(cj1))))+(((378.600000000000)*(r20)*(sj1)*(sj5)))+(((-4000.00000000000)*(cj0)*(cj1)*(px)))+(((4000.00000000000)*(pz)*(sj1)))+(((-378.600000000000)*(cj0)*(cj1)*(cj5)*(r01)))+(((-378.600000000000)*(cj1)*(cj5)*(r11)*(sj0)))+(((1700.00000000000)*((sj1)*(sj1))))+(((-4000.00000000000)*(cj1)*(py)*(sj0)))+(((-378.600000000000)*(cj0)*(cj1)*(r00)*(sj5)))+(((378.600000000000)*(cj5)*(r21)*(sj1))))))) < IKFAST_ATAN2_MAGTHRESH )
+    continue;
+j2array[0]=IKatan2(((gconst95)*(((((4000.00000000000)*(cj0)*(px)*(sj1)))+(((4000.00000000000)*(py)*(sj0)*(sj1)))+(((378.600000000000)*(r10)*(sj0)*(sj1)*(sj5)))+(((378.600000000000)*(cj0)*(r00)*(sj1)*(sj5)))+(((378.600000000000)*(cj0)*(cj5)*(r01)*(sj1)))+(((378.600000000000)*(cj1)*(cj5)*(r21)))+(((378.600000000000)*(cj5)*(r11)*(sj0)*(sj1)))+(((4000.00000000000)*(cj1)*(pz)))+(((378.600000000000)*(cj1)*(r20)*(sj5)))))), ((gconst95)*(((((-378.600000000000)*(cj1)*(r10)*(sj0)*(sj5)))+(((1700.00000000000)*((cj1)*(cj1))))+(((378.600000000000)*(r20)*(sj1)*(sj5)))+(((-4000.00000000000)*(cj0)*(cj1)*(px)))+(((4000.00000000000)*(pz)*(sj1)))+(((-378.600000000000)*(cj0)*(cj1)*(cj5)*(r01)))+(((-378.600000000000)*(cj1)*(cj5)*(r11)*(sj0)))+(((1700.00000000000)*((sj1)*(sj1))))+(((-4000.00000000000)*(cj1)*(py)*(sj0)))+(((-378.600000000000)*(cj0)*(cj1)*(r00)*(sj5)))+(((378.600000000000)*(cj5)*(r21)*(sj1)))))));
+if( j2array[0] > IKPI )
+    j2array[0]-=IK2PI;
+else if( j2array[0] < -IKPI )
+{    j2array[0]+=IK2PI;
+j2valid[0] = true;
+for(int ij2 = 0; ij2 < 1; ++ij2)
+if( !j2valid[ij2] )
+    continue;
+_ij2[0] = ij2; _ij2[1] = -1;
+for(int iij2 = ij2+1; iij2 < 1; ++iij2)
+if( j2valid[iij2] && IKabs(cj2array[ij2]-cj2array[iij2]) < IKFAST_SOLUTION_THRESH && IKabs(sj2array[ij2]-sj2array[iij2]) < IKFAST_SOLUTION_THRESH )
+    j2valid[iij2]=false; _ij2[1] = iij2; break; 
+j2 = j2array[ij2]; cj2 = cj2array[ij2]; sj2 = sj2array[ij2];
+IKReal evalcond[2];
+IKReal x65=IKcos(j2);
+IKReal x66=IKsin(j2);
+if( IKabs(evalcond[0]) > 0.000001  || IKabs(evalcond[1]) > 0.000001  )
+IKReal dummyeval[1];
+IKReal gconst96;
+IKReal x67=(sj1)*(sj1);
+IKReal x68=(cj2)*(cj2);
+IKReal x69=(cj1)*(cj1);
+IKReal x70=(sj2)*(sj2);
+IKReal x71=(sj1)*(sj1);
+IKReal x72=(cj2)*(cj2);
+IKReal x73=(cj1)*(cj1);
+IKReal x74=(sj2)*(sj2);
+if( IKabs(dummyeval[0]) < 0.0000010000000000  )
+} else
+IKReal j3array[1], cj3array[1], sj3array[1];
+bool j3valid[1]={false};
+_nj3 = 1;
+if( IKabs(((gconst96)*(((((-1.00000000000000)*(cj1)*(cj5)*(r21)*(sj2)))+(((-1.00000000000000)*(cj2)*(r20)*(sj1)*(sj5)))+(((cj4)*(r21)*(sj1)*(sj2)*(sj5)))+(((cj1)*(cj2)*(cj4)*(cj5)*(r20)))+(((-1.00000000000000)*(cj4)*(cj5)*(r20)*(sj1)*(sj2)))+(((r22)*(sj1)*(sj2)*(sj4)))+(((-1.00000000000000)*(cj1)*(cj2)*(r22)*(sj4)))+(((-1.00000000000000)*(cj2)*(cj5)*(r21)*(sj1)))+(((-1.00000000000000)*(cj1)*(cj2)*(cj4)*(r21)*(sj5)))+(((-1.00000000000000)*(cj1)*(r20)*(sj2)*(sj5))))))) < IKFAST_ATAN2_MAGTHRESH && IKabs(((gconst96)*(((((-1.00000000000000)*(r20)*(sj1)*(sj2)*(sj5)))+(((cj1)*(cj2)*(r20)*(sj5)))+(((-1.00000000000000)*(cj1)*(cj4)*(r21)*(sj2)*(sj5)))+(((-1.00000000000000)*(cj1)*(r22)*(sj2)*(sj4)))+(((-1.00000000000000)*(cj2)*(r22)*(sj1)*(sj4)))+(((cj2)*(cj4)*(cj5)*(r20)*(sj1)))+(((cj1)*(cj2)*(cj5)*(r21)))+(((cj1)*(cj4)*(cj5)*(r20)*(sj2)))+(((-1.00000000000000)*(cj2)*(cj4)*(r21)*(sj1)*(sj5)))+(((-1.00000000000000)*(cj5)*(r21)*(sj1)*(sj2))))))) < IKFAST_ATAN2_MAGTHRESH )
+    continue;
+j3array[0]=IKatan2(((gconst96)*(((((-1.00000000000000)*(cj1)*(cj5)*(r21)*(sj2)))+(((-1.00000000000000)*(cj2)*(r20)*(sj1)*(sj5)))+(((cj4)*(r21)*(sj1)*(sj2)*(sj5)))+(((cj1)*(cj2)*(cj4)*(cj5)*(r20)))+(((-1.00000000000000)*(cj4)*(cj5)*(r20)*(sj1)*(sj2)))+(((r22)*(sj1)*(sj2)*(sj4)))+(((-1.00000000000000)*(cj1)*(cj2)*(r22)*(sj4)))+(((-1.00000000000000)*(cj2)*(cj5)*(r21)*(sj1)))+(((-1.00000000000000)*(cj1)*(cj2)*(cj4)*(r21)*(sj5)))+(((-1.00000000000000)*(cj1)*(r20)*(sj2)*(sj5)))))), ((gconst96)*(((((-1.00000000000000)*(r20)*(sj1)*(sj2)*(sj5)))+(((cj1)*(cj2)*(r20)*(sj5)))+(((-1.00000000000000)*(cj1)*(cj4)*(r21)*(sj2)*(sj5)))+(((-1.00000000000000)*(cj1)*(r22)*(sj2)*(sj4)))+(((-1.00000000000000)*(cj2)*(r22)*(sj1)*(sj4)))+(((cj2)*(cj4)*(cj5)*(r20)*(sj1)))+(((cj1)*(cj2)*(cj5)*(r21)))+(((cj1)*(cj4)*(cj5)*(r20)*(sj2)))+(((-1.00000000000000)*(cj2)*(cj4)*(r21)*(sj1)*(sj5)))+(((-1.00000000000000)*(cj5)*(r21)*(sj1)*(sj2)))))));
+if( j3array[0] > IKPI )
+    j3array[0]-=IK2PI;
+else if( j3array[0] < -IKPI )
+{    j3array[0]+=IK2PI;
+j3valid[0] = true;
+for(int ij3 = 0; ij3 < 1; ++ij3)
+if( !j3valid[ij3] )
+    continue;
+_ij3[0] = ij3; _ij3[1] = -1;
+for(int iij3 = ij3+1; iij3 < 1; ++iij3)
+if( j3valid[iij3] && IKabs(cj3array[ij3]-cj3array[iij3]) < IKFAST_SOLUTION_THRESH && IKabs(sj3array[ij3]-sj3array[iij3]) < IKFAST_SOLUTION_THRESH )
+    j3valid[iij3]=false; _ij3[1] = iij3; break; 
+j3 = j3array[ij3]; cj3 = cj3array[ij3]; sj3 = sj3array[ij3];
+IKReal evalcond[4];
+IKReal x75=IKsin(j3);
+IKReal x76=IKcos(j3);
+IKReal x77=((sj1)*(sj2)*(x75));
+IKReal x78=((cj2)*(sj1)*(x76));
+IKReal x79=((cj1)*(sj2)*(x76));
+IKReal x80=((cj1)*(cj2)*(x75));
+IKReal x81=((cj1)*(sj2)*(x75));
+IKReal x82=((cj2)*(sj1)*(x75));
+IKReal x83=((sj1)*(sj2)*(x76));
+IKReal x84=((cj1)*(cj2)*(x76));
+if( IKabs(evalcond[0]) > 0.000001  || IKabs(evalcond[1]) > 0.000001  || IKabs(evalcond[2]) > 0.000001  || IKabs(evalcond[3]) > 0.000001  )
+vsolutions.push_back(IKSolution()); IKSolution& solution = vsolutions.back();
+solution.basesol[0].foffset = j0;
+solution.basesol[0].indices[0] = _ij0[0];
+solution.basesol[0].indices[1] = _ij0[1];
+solution.basesol[0].maxsolutions = _nj0;
+solution.basesol[1].foffset = j1;
+solution.basesol[1].indices[0] = _ij1[0];
+solution.basesol[1].indices[1] = _ij1[1];
+solution.basesol[1].maxsolutions = _nj1;
+solution.basesol[2].foffset = j2;
+solution.basesol[2].indices[0] = _ij2[0];
+solution.basesol[2].indices[1] = _ij2[1];
+solution.basesol[2].maxsolutions = _nj2;
+solution.basesol[3].foffset = j3;
+solution.basesol[3].indices[0] = _ij3[0];
+solution.basesol[3].indices[1] = _ij3[1];
+solution.basesol[3].maxsolutions = _nj3;
+solution.basesol[4].foffset = j4;
+solution.basesol[4].indices[0] = _ij4[0];
+solution.basesol[4].indices[1] = _ij4[1];
+solution.basesol[4].maxsolutions = _nj4;
+solution.basesol[5].foffset = j5;
+solution.basesol[5].indices[0] = _ij5[0];
+solution.basesol[5].indices[1] = _ij5[1];
+solution.basesol[5].maxsolutions = _nj5;
+    }
+    }
+return vsolutions.size()>0;
+static inline void polyroots8(IKReal rawcoeffs[8+1], IKReal rawroots[8], int& numroots)
+    using std::complex;
+    //IKFAST_ASSERT(rawcoeffs[0] != 0);
+    const IKReal tol = 128.0*std::numeric_limits<IKReal>::epsilon();
+    const IKReal tolsqrt = 8*sqrt(std::numeric_limits<IKReal>::epsilon());
+    complex<IKReal> coeffs[8];
+    const int maxsteps = 110;
+    for(int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
+        coeffs[i] = complex<IKReal>(rawcoeffs[i+1]/rawcoeffs[0]);
+    }
+    complex<IKReal> roots[8];
+    IKReal err[8];
+    roots[0] = complex<IKReal>(1,0);
+    roots[1] = complex<IKReal>(0.4,0.9); // any complex number not a root of unity works
+    err[0] = 1.0;
+    err[1] = 1.0;
+    for(int i = 2; i < 8; ++i) {
+        roots[i] = roots[i-1]*roots[1];
+        err[i] = 1.0;
+    }
+    for(int step = 0; step < maxsteps; ++step) {
+        bool changed = false;
+        for(int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
+            if ( err[i] >= tol ) {
+                changed = true;
+                // evaluate
+                complex<IKReal> x = roots[i] + coeffs[0];
+                for(int j = 1; j < 8; ++j) {
+                    x = roots[i] * x + coeffs[j];
+                }
+                for(int j = 0; j < 8; ++j) {
+                    if( i != j ) {
+                        if( roots[i] != roots[j] ) {
+                            x /= (roots[i] - roots[j]);
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                roots[i] -= x;
+                err[i] = abs(x);
+            }
+        }
+        if( !changed ) {
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    numroots = 0;
+    bool visited[8] = {false};
+    for(int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
+        if( !visited[i] ) {
+            // might be a multiple root, in which case it will have more error than the other roots
+            // find any neighboring roots, and take the average
+            complex<IKReal> newroot=roots[i];
+            int n = 1;
+            for(int j = i+1; j < 8; ++j) {
+                if( abs(roots[i]-roots[j]) < tolsqrt ) {
+                    newroot += roots[j];
+                    n += 1;
+                    visited[j] = true;
+                }
+            }
+            if( n > 1 ) {
+                newroot /= n;
+            }
+            // there are still cases where even the mean is not accurate enough, until a better multi-root algorithm is used, need to use the sqrt
+            if( IKabs(imag(newroot)) < sqrt(std::numeric_limits<IKReal>::epsilon()) ) {
+                rawroots[numroots++] = real(newroot);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+/// solves the inverse kinematics equations.
+/// \param pfree is an array specifying the free joints of the chain.
+IKFAST_API bool ik(const IKReal* eetrans, const IKReal* eerot, const IKReal* pfree, std::vector<IKSolution>& vsolutions) {
+IKSolver solver;
+return solver.ik(eetrans,eerot,pfree,vsolutions);
+IKFAST_API const char* getKinematicsHash() { return "b61b6309e37433286886547930660887"; }
+IKFAST_API const char* getIKFastVersion() { return "54"; }
+} // end namespace
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+using namespace IKFAST_NAMESPACE;
+int main(int argc, char** argv)
+    if( argc != 12+getNumFreeParameters()+1 ) {
+        printf("\nUsage: ./ik r00 r01 r02 t0 r10 r11 r12 t1 r20 r21 r22 t2 free0 ...\n\n"
+               "Returns the ik solutions given the transformation of the end effector specified by\n"
+               "a 3x3 rotation R (rXX), and a 3x1 translation (tX).\n"
+               "There are %d free parameters that have to be specified.\n\n",getNumFreeParameters());
+        return 1;
+    }
+    std::vector<IKSolution> vsolutions;
+    std::vector<IKReal> vfree(getNumFreeParameters());
+    IKReal eerot[9],eetrans[3];
+    eerot[0] = atof(argv[1]); eerot[1] = atof(argv[2]); eerot[2] = atof(argv[3]); eetrans[0] = atof(argv[4]);
+    eerot[3] = atof(argv[5]); eerot[4] = atof(argv[6]); eerot[5] = atof(argv[7]); eetrans[1] = atof(argv[8]);
+    eerot[6] = atof(argv[9]); eerot[7] = atof(argv[10]); eerot[8] = atof(argv[11]); eetrans[2] = atof(argv[12]);
+    for(std::size_t i = 0; i < vfree.size(); ++i)
+        vfree[i] = atof(argv[13+i]);
+    bool bSuccess = ik(eetrans, eerot, vfree.size() > 0 ? &vfree[0] : NULL, vsolutions);
+    if( !bSuccess ) {
+        fprintf(stderr,"Failed to get ik solution\n");
+        return -1;
+    }
+    printf("Found %d ik solutions:\n", (int)vsolutions.size());
+    std::vector<IKReal> sol(getNumJoints());
+    for(std::size_t i = 0; i < vsolutions.size(); ++i) {
+        printf("sol%d (free=%d): ", (int)i, (int)vsolutions[i].GetFree().size());
+        std::vector<IKReal> vsolfree(vsolutions[i].GetFree().size());
+        vsolutions[i].GetSolution(&sol[0],vsolfree.size()>0?&vsolfree[0]:NULL);
+        for( std::size_t j = 0; j < sol.size(); ++j)
+            printf("%.15f, ", sol[j]);
+        printf("\n");
+    }
+    return 0;
diff --git a/ur5_moveit/src/universal_robot_arm_ikfast_plugin.cpp b/ur5_moveit/src/universal_robot_arm_ikfast_plugin.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d18972d245013657c4d8ee3c78860b25a6a96b7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ur5_moveit/src/universal_robot_arm_ikfast_plugin.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,663 @@
+#include <ros/ros.h>
+#include <kinematics_base/kinematics_base.h>
+#include <urdf/model.h>
+#include <moveit_configuration_tools/ik_fast_solver.h>
+#include <planning_models/transforms.h>
+namespace universal_robot_arm_kinematics
+//autogenerated file
+#include "universal_robot_arm_ikfast_output.cpp"
+class IKFastKinematicsPlugin : public kinematics::KinematicsBase
+  std::vector<std::string> joint_names_;
+  std::vector<double> joint_min_vector_;
+  std::vector<double> joint_max_vector_;
+  std::vector<bool> joint_has_limits_vector_;
+  std::vector<std::string> link_names_;
+  moveit_configuration_tools::ik_solver_base* ik_solver_;
+  size_t num_joints_;
+  std::vector<int> free_params_;
+  void (*fk)(const IKReal* j, IKReal* eetrans, IKReal* eerot);
+  IKFastKinematicsPlugin():ik_solver_(0), num_joints_(0) {}
+  ~IKFastKinematicsPlugin(){ if(ik_solver_) delete ik_solver_;}
+  void fillFreeParams(int count, int *array) { free_params_.clear(); for(int i=0; i<count;++i) free_params_.push_back(array[i]); }
+  bool initialize(const std::string& group_name,
+                  const std::string& base_name,
+                  const std::string& tip_name,
+                  double search_discretization) {
+    if(num_joints_ != 0) {
+      ROS_WARN_STREAM("Already initialized, not reinitializing");
+      return true;
+    }
+    setValues(group_name, base_name, tip_name,search_discretization);
+    ros::NodeHandle node_handle("~/"+group_name);
+    std::string robot;
+    node_handle.param("robot",robot,std::string());
+    fillFreeParams(getNumFreeParameters(),getFreeParameters());
+    num_joints_ = getNumJoints();
+    ik_solver_ = new moveit_configuration_tools::ikfast_solver<IKSolution>(ik, num_joints_);
+    fk=fk;
+    if(free_params_.size()>1){
+      ROS_FATAL("Only one free joint paramter supported!");
+      return false;
+    }
+    urdf::Model robot_model;
+    std::string xml_string;
+    std::string urdf_xml,full_urdf_xml;
+    node_handle.param("urdf_xml",urdf_xml,std::string("robot_description"));
+    node_handle.searchParam(urdf_xml,full_urdf_xml);
+    ROS_DEBUG("Reading xml file from parameter server\n");
+    if (!node_handle.getParam(full_urdf_xml, xml_string))
+    {
+      ROS_FATAL("Could not load the xml from parameter server: %s\n", urdf_xml.c_str());
+      return false;
+    }
+    node_handle.param(full_urdf_xml,xml_string,std::string());
+    robot_model.initString(xml_string);
+    boost::shared_ptr<urdf::Link> link = boost::const_pointer_cast<urdf::Link>(robot_model.getLink(tip_frame_));
+    while(link->name != base_frame_ && joint_names_.size() <= num_joints_){
+      //	ROS_INFO("link %s",link->name.c_str());
+      link_names_.push_back(link->name);
+      boost::shared_ptr<urdf::Joint> joint = link->parent_joint;
+      if(joint){
+        if (joint->type != urdf::Joint::UNKNOWN && joint->type != urdf::Joint::FIXED) {
+          ROS_INFO_STREAM("Pushing back " << joint->name);
+	  joint_names_.push_back(joint->name);
+          float lower, upper;
+          int hasLimits;
+          if ( joint->type != urdf::Joint::CONTINUOUS ) {
+            if(joint->safety) {
+              lower = joint->safety->soft_lower_limit; 
+              upper = joint->safety->soft_upper_limit;
+            } else {
+              lower = joint->limits->lower;
+              upper = joint->limits->upper;
+            }
+            hasLimits = 1;
+          } else {
+            lower = -M_PI;
+            upper = M_PI;
+            hasLimits = 0;
+          }
+          if(hasLimits) {
+            joint_has_limits_vector_.push_back(true);
+            joint_min_vector_.push_back(lower);
+            joint_max_vector_.push_back(upper);
+          } else {
+            joint_has_limits_vector_.push_back(false);
+            joint_min_vector_.push_back(-M_PI);
+            joint_max_vector_.push_back(M_PI);
+          }
+        }
+      } else{
+        ROS_WARN("no joint corresponding to %s",link->name.c_str());
+      }
+      link = link->getParent();
+    }
+    if(joint_names_.size() != num_joints_){
+      ROS_FATAL_STREAM("Joints number mismatch. Num joints " << num_joints_ << " joint names size is " << joint_names_.size());
+      return false;
+    }
+    std::reverse(link_names_.begin(),link_names_.end());
+    std::reverse(joint_names_.begin(),joint_names_.end());
+    std::reverse(joint_min_vector_.begin(),joint_min_vector_.end());
+    std::reverse(joint_max_vector_.begin(),joint_max_vector_.end());
+    std::reverse(joint_has_limits_vector_.begin(), joint_has_limits_vector_.end());
+    for(size_t i=0; i <num_joints_; ++i)
+      ROS_INFO_STREAM(joint_names_[i] << " " << joint_min_vector_[i] << " " << joint_max_vector_[i] << " " << joint_has_limits_vector_[i]);
+    return true;
+  }
+  bool getCount(int &count, 
+                const int &max_count, 
+                const int &min_count) const
+  {
+    if(count > 0)
+    {
+      if(-count >= min_count)
+      {   
+        count = -count;
+        return true;
+      }
+      else if(count+1 <= max_count)
+      {
+        count = count+1;
+        return true;
+      }
+      else
+      {
+        return false;
+      }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      if(1-count <= max_count)
+      {
+        count = 1-count;
+        return true;
+      }
+      else if(count-1 >= min_count)
+      {
+        count = count -1;
+        return true;
+      }
+      else
+        return false;
+    }
+  }
+  bool getPositionIK(const geometry_msgs::Pose &ik_pose,
+                     const std::vector<double> &ik_seed_state,
+                     std::vector<double> &solution,
+                     moveit_msgs::MoveItErrorCodes &error_code) const
+  {
+    std::vector<double> vfree(free_params_.size());
+    for(std::size_t i = 0; i < free_params_.size(); ++i){
+      int p = free_params_[i];
+      //	    ROS_ERROR("%u is %f",p,ik_seed_state[p]);
+      vfree[i] = ik_seed_state[p];
+    }
+    Eigen::Affine3d frame;
+    planning_models::poseFromMsg(ik_pose, frame);
+    int numsol = ik_solver_->solve(frame,vfree);
+    if(numsol){
+      for(int s = 0; s < numsol; ++s){
+        std::vector<double> sol;
+        ik_solver_->getSolution(s,sol);
+        bool obeys_limits = true;
+        ROS_INFO_STREAM("Got " << numsol << " solutions");
+        for(unsigned int i = 0; i < sol.size(); i++) {
+          if(joint_has_limits_vector_[i] && (sol[i] < joint_min_vector_[i] || sol[i] > joint_max_vector_[i])) {
+            obeys_limits = false;
+            break;
+          }
+          //ROS_INFO_STREAM("Num " << i << " value " << sol[i] << " has limits " << joint_has_limits_vector_[i] << " " << joint_min_vector_[i] << " " << joint_max_vector_[i]);
+        }
+        if(obeys_limits) {
+          ik_solver_->getSolution(s,solution);
+          error_code.val = error_code.SUCCESS;
+          return true;
+        }
+      }
+    } else {
+      ROS_INFO_STREAM("No ik solution");
+    }
+    error_code.val = error_code.NO_IK_SOLUTION; 
+    return false;
+  }
+  bool searchPositionIK(const geometry_msgs::Pose &ik_pose,
+                        const std::vector<double> &ik_seed_state,
+                        double timeout,
+                        std::vector<double> &solution,
+                        moveit_msgs::MoveItErrorCodes &error_code) const
+  {
+    if(free_params_.size()==0){
+      return getPositionIK(ik_pose, ik_seed_state,solution, error_code);
+    }
+    Eigen::Affine3d frame;
+    planning_models::poseFromMsg(ik_pose, frame);
+    std::vector<double> vfree(free_params_.size());
+    ros::Time maxTime = ros::Time::now() + ros::Duration(timeout);
+    int counter = 0;
+    double initial_guess = ik_seed_state[free_params_[0]];
+    vfree[0] = initial_guess;
+    int num_positive_increments = (joint_max_vector_[free_params_[0]]-initial_guess)/search_discretization_;
+    int num_negative_increments = (initial_guess-joint_min_vector_[free_params_[0]])/search_discretization_;
+    ROS_INFO_STREAM("Free param is " << free_params_[0] << " initial guess is " << initial_guess << " " << num_positive_increments << " " << num_negative_increments);
+    while(1) {
+      int numsol = ik_solver_->solve(frame,vfree);
+      //ROS_INFO_STREAM("Solutions number is " << numsol);
+      //ROS_INFO("%f",vfree[0]);
+      if(numsol > 0){
+        for(int s = 0; s < numsol; ++s){
+          std::vector<double> sol;
+          ik_solver_->getSolution(s,sol);
+          bool obeys_limits = true;
+          for(unsigned int i = 0; i < sol.size(); i++) {
+            if(joint_has_limits_vector_[i] && (sol[i] < joint_min_vector_[i] || sol[i] > joint_max_vector_[i])) {
+              obeys_limits = false;
+              break;
+            }
+            //ROS_INFO_STREAM("Num " << i << " value " << sol[i] << " has limits " << joint_has_limits_vector_[i] << " " << joint_min_vector_[i] << " " << joint_max_vector_[i]);
+          }
+          if(obeys_limits) {
+            ik_solver_->getSolution(s,solution);
+            error_code.val = error_code.SUCCESS;
+            return true;
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      // if(numsol > 0){
+      //   for(unsigned int i = 0; i < sol.size(); i++) {
+      //     if(i == 0) {
+      //       ik_solver_->getClosestSolution(ik_seed_state,solution);
+      //     } else {
+      //       ik_solver_->getSolution(s,sol);            
+      //     }
+      //   }
+      //   bool obeys_limits = true;
+      //   for(unsigned int i = 0; i < solution.size(); i++) {
+      //     if(joint_has_limits_vector_[i] && (solution[i] < joint_min_vector_[i] || solution[i] > joint_max_vector_[i])) {
+      //       obeys_limits = false;
+      //       break;
+      //     }
+      //     //ROS_INFO_STREAM("Num " << i << " value " << sol[i] << " has limits " << joint_has_limits_vector_[i] << " " << joint_min_vector_[i] << " " << joint_max_vector_[i]);
+      //   }
+      //   if(obeys_limits) {
+      //     error_code.val = kinematics::SUCCESS;
+      //     return true;
+      //   }
+      // }
+      if(!getCount(counter, num_positive_increments, num_negative_increments)) {
+        error_code.val = error_code.NO_IK_SOLUTION; 
+        return false;
+      }
+      vfree[0] = initial_guess+search_discretization_*counter;
+      ROS_DEBUG_STREAM(counter << " " << vfree[0]);
+    }
+    //shouldn't ever get here
+    error_code.val = error_code.NO_IK_SOLUTION; 
+    return false;
+  }      
+  bool searchPositionIK(const geometry_msgs::Pose &ik_pose,
+                        const std::vector<double> &ik_seed_state,
+                        double timeout,
+                        unsigned int redundancy,
+                        double consistency_limit,
+                        std::vector<double> &solution,
+                        moveit_msgs::MoveItErrorCodes &error_code) const
+  {
+    if(free_params_.size()==0){
+      //TODO - how to check consistency when there are no free params?
+      return getPositionIK(ik_pose, ik_seed_state,solution, error_code);
+      ROS_WARN_STREAM("No free parameters, so can't search");
+    }
+    if(redundancy != (unsigned int)free_params_[0]) {
+      ROS_WARN_STREAM("Calling consistency search with wrong free param");
+      return false;
+    }
+    Eigen::Affine3d frame;
+    planning_models::poseFromMsg(ik_pose, frame);
+    std::vector<double> vfree(free_params_.size());
+    ros::Time maxTime = ros::Time::now() + ros::Duration(timeout);
+    int counter = 0;
+    double initial_guess = ik_seed_state[free_params_[0]];
+    vfree[0] = initial_guess;
+    double max_limit = fmin(joint_max_vector_[free_params_[0]], initial_guess+consistency_limit);
+    double min_limit = fmax(joint_min_vector_[free_params_[0]], initial_guess-consistency_limit);
+    int num_positive_increments = (int)((max_limit-initial_guess)/search_discretization_);
+    int num_negative_increments = (int)((initial_guess-min_limit)/search_discretization_);
+    ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("Free param is " << free_params_[0] << " initial guess is " << initial_guess << " " << num_positive_increments << " " << num_negative_increments);
+    while(1) {
+      int numsol = ik_solver_->solve(frame,vfree);
+      //ROS_INFO_STREAM("Solutions number is " << numsol);
+      //ROS_INFO("%f",vfree[0]);
+      if(numsol > 0){
+        for(int s = 0; s < numsol; ++s){
+          std::vector<double> sol;
+          ik_solver_->getSolution(s,sol);
+          bool obeys_limits = true;
+          for(unsigned int i = 0; i < sol.size(); i++) {
+            if(joint_has_limits_vector_[i] && (sol[i] < joint_min_vector_[i] || sol[i] > joint_max_vector_[i])) {
+              obeys_limits = false;
+              break;
+            }
+            //ROS_INFO_STREAM("Num " << i << " value " << sol[i] << " has limits " << joint_has_limits_vector_[i] << " " << joint_min_vector_[i] << " " << joint_max_vector_[i]);
+          }
+          if(obeys_limits) {
+            ik_solver_->getSolution(s,solution);
+            error_code.val = error_code.SUCCESS;
+            return true;
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      // if(numsol > 0){
+      //   for(unsigned int i = 0; i < sol.size(); i++) {
+      //     if(i == 0) {
+      //       ik_solver_->getClosestSolution(ik_seed_state,solution);
+      //     } else {
+      //       ik_solver_->getSolution(s,sol);            
+      //     }
+      //   }
+      //   bool obeys_limits = true;
+      //   for(unsigned int i = 0; i < solution.size(); i++) {
+      //     if(joint_has_limits_vector_[i] && (solution[i] < joint_min_vector_[i] || solution[i] > joint_max_vector_[i])) {
+      //       obeys_limits = false;
+      //       break;
+      //     }
+      //     //ROS_INFO_STREAM("Num " << i << " value " << sol[i] << " has limits " << joint_has_limits_vector_[i] << " " << joint_min_vector_[i] << " " << joint_max_vector_[i]);
+      //   }
+      //   if(obeys_limits) {
+      //     error_code.val = kinematics::SUCCESS;
+      //     return true;
+      //   }
+      // }
+      if(!getCount(counter, num_positive_increments, num_negative_increments)) {
+        error_code.val = error_code.NO_IK_SOLUTION; 
+        return false;
+      }
+      vfree[0] = initial_guess+search_discretization_*counter;
+      ROS_DEBUG_STREAM(counter << " " << vfree[0]);
+    }
+    //shouldn't ever get here
+    error_code.val = error_code.NO_IK_SOLUTION; 
+    return false;
+  }      
+  bool searchPositionIK(const geometry_msgs::Pose &ik_pose,
+                        const std::vector<double> &ik_seed_state,
+                        double timeout,
+                        std::vector<double> &solution,
+                        const kinematics::KinematicsBase::IKCallbackFn &desired_pose_callback,
+                        const kinematics::KinematicsBase::IKCallbackFn &solution_callback,
+                        moveit_msgs::MoveItErrorCodes &error_code) const
+  {
+    if(free_params_.size()==0){
+      if(!getPositionIK(ik_pose, ik_seed_state,solution, error_code)) {
+        ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("No solution whatsoever");
+        error_code.val = error_code.NO_IK_SOLUTION; 
+        return false;
+      } 
+      solution_callback(ik_pose,solution,error_code);
+      if(error_code.val == error_code.SUCCESS) {
+        ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("Solution passes");
+        return true;
+      } else {
+        ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("Solution has error code " << error_code);
+        return false;
+      }
+    }
+    if(!desired_pose_callback.empty())
+      desired_pose_callback(ik_pose,ik_seed_state,error_code);
+    if(error_code.val != error_code.SUCCESS)
+    {
+      ROS_ERROR("Could not find inverse kinematics for desired end-effector pose since the pose may be in collision");
+      return false;
+    }
+    Eigen::Affine3d frame;
+    planning_models::poseFromMsg(ik_pose, frame);
+    std::vector<double> vfree(free_params_.size());
+    ros::Time maxTime = ros::Time::now() + ros::Duration(timeout);
+    int counter = 0;
+    double initial_guess = ik_seed_state[free_params_[0]];
+    vfree[0] = initial_guess;
+    int num_positive_increments = (joint_max_vector_[free_params_[0]]-initial_guess)/search_discretization_;
+    int num_negative_increments = (initial_guess - joint_min_vector_[free_params_[0]])/search_discretization_;
+    ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("Free param is " << free_params_[0] << " initial guess is " << initial_guess << " " << num_positive_increments << " " << num_negative_increments);
+    unsigned int solvecount = 0;
+    unsigned int countsol = 0;
+    ros::WallTime start = ros::WallTime::now();
+    std::vector<double> sol;
+    while(1) {
+      int numsol = ik_solver_->solve(frame,vfree);
+      if(solvecount == 0) {
+        if(numsol == 0) {
+          ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("Bad solve time is " << ros::WallTime::now()-start);
+        } else {
+          ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("Good solve time is " << ros::WallTime::now()-start);
+        }
+      }
+      solvecount++;
+      if(numsol > 0){
+        if(solution_callback.empty()){
+          ik_solver_->getClosestSolution(ik_seed_state,solution);
+          error_code.val = error_code.SUCCESS;
+          return true;
+        }
+        for(int s = 0; s < numsol; ++s){
+          ik_solver_->getSolution(s,sol);
+          countsol++;
+          bool obeys_limits = true;
+          for(unsigned int i = 0; i < sol.size(); i++) {
+            if(joint_has_limits_vector_[i] && (sol[i] < joint_min_vector_[i] || sol[i] > joint_max_vector_[i])) {
+              obeys_limits = false;
+              break;
+            }
+          }
+          if(obeys_limits) {
+            solution_callback(ik_pose,sol,error_code);
+            if(error_code.val == error_code.SUCCESS){
+              solution = sol;
+              ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("Took " << (ros::WallTime::now() - start) << " to return true " << countsol << " " << solvecount);
+              return true;
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      if(!getCount(counter, num_positive_increments, num_negative_increments)) {
+        error_code.val = error_code.NO_IK_SOLUTION; 
+        ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("Took " << (ros::WallTime::now() - start) << " to return false " << countsol << " " << solvecount);
+        return false;
+      }
+      vfree[0] = initial_guess+search_discretization_*counter;
+      ROS_DEBUG_STREAM(counter << " " << vfree[0]);
+    }
+    error_code.val = error_code.NO_IK_SOLUTION; 
+    return false;
+  }      
+  bool searchPositionIK(const geometry_msgs::Pose &ik_pose,
+                        const std::vector<double> &ik_seed_state,
+                        double timeout,
+                        unsigned int redundancy,
+                        double consistency_limit,
+                        std::vector<double> &solution,
+                        const kinematics::KinematicsBase::IKCallbackFn &desired_pose_callback,
+                        const kinematics::KinematicsBase::IKCallbackFn &solution_callback,
+                        moveit_msgs::MoveItErrorCodes &error_code) const
+  {
+    if(free_params_.size()==0){
+      if(!getPositionIK(ik_pose, ik_seed_state,solution, error_code)) {
+        ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("No solution whatsoever");
+        error_code.val = error_code.NO_IK_SOLUTION; 
+        return false;
+      } 
+      solution_callback(ik_pose,solution,error_code);
+      if(error_code.val == error_code.SUCCESS) {
+        ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("Solution passes");
+        return true;
+      } else {
+        ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("Solution has error code " << error_code);
+        return false;
+      }
+    }
+    if(redundancy != (unsigned int) free_params_[0]) {
+      ROS_WARN_STREAM("Calling consistency search with wrong free param");
+      return false;
+    }
+    if(!desired_pose_callback.empty())
+      desired_pose_callback(ik_pose,ik_seed_state,error_code);
+    if(error_code.val != error_code.SUCCESS)
+    {
+      ROS_ERROR("Could not find inverse kinematics for desired end-effector pose since the pose may be in collision");
+      return false;
+    }
+    Eigen::Affine3d frame;
+    planning_models::poseFromMsg(ik_pose, frame);
+    std::vector<double> vfree(free_params_.size());
+    ros::Time maxTime = ros::Time::now() + ros::Duration(timeout);
+    int counter = 0;
+    double initial_guess = ik_seed_state[free_params_[0]];
+    vfree[0] = initial_guess;
+    double max_limit = fmin(joint_max_vector_[free_params_[0]], initial_guess+consistency_limit);
+    double min_limit = fmax(joint_min_vector_[free_params_[0]], initial_guess-consistency_limit);
+    int num_positive_increments = (int)((max_limit-initial_guess)/search_discretization_);
+    int num_negative_increments = (int)((initial_guess-min_limit)/search_discretization_);
+    ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("Free param is " << free_params_[0] << " initial guess is " << initial_guess << " " << num_positive_increments << " " << num_negative_increments);
+    unsigned int solvecount = 0;
+    unsigned int countsol = 0;
+    ros::WallTime start = ros::WallTime::now();
+    std::vector<double> sol;
+    while(1) {
+      int numsol = ik_solver_->solve(frame,vfree);
+      if(solvecount == 0) {
+        if(numsol == 0) {
+          ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("Bad solve time is " << ros::WallTime::now()-start);
+        } else {
+          ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("Good solve time is " << ros::WallTime::now()-start);
+        }
+      }
+      solvecount++;
+      if(numsol > 0){
+        if(solution_callback.empty()){
+          ik_solver_->getClosestSolution(ik_seed_state,solution);
+          error_code.val = error_code.SUCCESS;
+          return true;
+        }
+        for(int s = 0; s < numsol; ++s){
+          ik_solver_->getSolution(s,sol);
+          countsol++;
+          bool obeys_limits = true;
+          for(unsigned int i = 0; i < sol.size(); i++) {
+            if(joint_has_limits_vector_[i] && (sol[i] < joint_min_vector_[i] || sol[i] > joint_max_vector_[i])) {
+              obeys_limits = false;
+              break;
+            }
+          }
+          if(obeys_limits) {
+            solution_callback(ik_pose,sol,error_code);
+            if(error_code.val == error_code.SUCCESS){
+              solution = sol;
+              ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("Took " << (ros::WallTime::now() - start) << " to return true " << countsol << " " << solvecount);
+              return true;
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      if(!getCount(counter, num_positive_increments, num_negative_increments)) {
+        error_code.val = error_code.NO_IK_SOLUTION; 
+        ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("Took " << (ros::WallTime::now() - start) << " to return false " << countsol << " " << solvecount);
+        return false;
+      }
+      vfree[0] = initial_guess+search_discretization_*counter;
+      ROS_DEBUG_STREAM(counter << " " << vfree[0]);
+    }
+    error_code.val = error_code.NO_IK_SOLUTION; 
+    return false;
+  }      
+  bool getPositionFK(const std::vector<std::string> &link_names,
+                     const std::vector<double> &joint_angles, 
+                     std::vector<geometry_msgs::Pose> &poses) const
+  {
+    if(link_names.size() == 0) {
+      ROS_WARN_STREAM("Link names with nothing");
+      return false;
+    }
+    if(link_names.size()!=1 || link_names[0]!=tip_frame_){
+      ROS_ERROR("Can compute FK for %s only",tip_frame_.c_str());
+      return false;
+    }
+    bool valid = true;
+    double eerot[9], eetrans[3];
+    fk(&joint_angles[0],eetrans,eerot);
+    Eigen::Affine3d out_mat;
+    out_mat.translation().x() = eetrans[0];
+    out_mat.translation().y() = eetrans[1];
+    out_mat.translation().z() = eetrans[2];
+    out_mat(0,0) = eerot[0];
+    out_mat(0,1) = eerot[1];
+    out_mat(0,2) = eerot[2];
+    out_mat(1,0) = eerot[3];
+    out_mat(1,1) = eerot[4];
+    out_mat(1,2) = eerot[5];
+    out_mat(2,0) = eerot[6];
+    out_mat(2,1) = eerot[7];
+    out_mat(2,2) = eerot[8];
+    poses.resize(1);
+    planning_models::msgFromPose(out_mat, poses[0]);
+    return valid;
+  }      
+  const std::vector<std::string>& getJointNames() const { return joint_names_; }
+  const std::vector<std::string>& getLinkNames() const { return link_names_; }
+#include <pluginlib/class_list_macros.h>
+PLUGINLIB_DECLARE_CLASS(universal_robot_arm_kinematics, IKFastKinematicsPlugin, universal_robot_arm_kinematics::IKFastKinematicsPlugin, kinematics::KinematicsBase);