diff --git a/ur_kinematics/CMakeLists.txt b/ur_kinematics/CMakeLists.txt
index a63d597bb118da810e02aeb53c763555fc56af13..014cd44c87f263dab102d8143340022106b8c262 100644
--- a/ur_kinematics/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/ur_kinematics/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ project(ur_kinematics)
 ## Find catkin macros and libraries
 ## if COMPONENTS list like find_package(catkin REQUIRED COMPONENTS xyz)
 ## is used, also find other catkin packages
-find_package(catkin REQUIRED COMPONENTS roscpp geometry_msgs moveit_core pluginlib)
+find_package(catkin REQUIRED COMPONENTS roscpp geometry_msgs moveit_core moveit_ros_planning pluginlib tf_conversions)
 ## System dependencies are found with CMake's conventions
 find_package(Boost REQUIRED COMPONENTS system)
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ catkin_package(
   INCLUDE_DIRS include
   LIBRARIES ur10_kin ur5_kin ur10_moveit_plugin ur5_moveit_plugin
   CATKIN_DEPENDS pluginlib
-  DEPENDS moveit_core
+  DEPENDS moveit_core 
 #  CATKIN_DEPENDS other_catkin_pkg
 #  DEPENDS system_lib
@@ -82,6 +82,8 @@ set_target_properties(ur10_moveit_plugin PROPERTIES COMPILE_DEFINITIONS "UR10_PA
+    ${moveit_ros_planning_LIBRARIES}
+    /opt/ros/hydro/lib/libmoveit_kdl_kinematics_plugin.so
 add_library(ur5_moveit_plugin src/ur_moveit_plugin.cpp)
@@ -89,6 +91,8 @@ set_target_properties(ur5_moveit_plugin PROPERTIES COMPILE_DEFINITIONS "UR5_PARA
+    ${moveit_ros_planning_LIBRARIES}
+    /opt/ros/hydro/lib/libmoveit_kdl_kinematics_plugin.so
 ## Declare a cpp executable
diff --git a/ur_kinematics/include/ur_kinematics/ur_kin.h b/ur_kinematics/include/ur_kinematics/ur_kin.h
index 2f5f45204d1dc196402c1729da253e2855c43313..ee5a0465f033f2b2eb526832b1e548375131ae92 100644
--- a/ur_kinematics/include/ur_kinematics/ur_kin.h
+++ b/ur_kinematics/include/ur_kinematics/ur_kin.h
@@ -86,6 +86,8 @@ namespace ur_kinematics {
   // @param T       The 4x4 end effector pose in row-major ordering
   void forward(const double* q, double* T);
+  // @param q       The 6 joint values 
+  // @param Ti      The 4x4 link i pose in row-major ordering. If NULL, nothing is stored.
   void forward_all(const double* q, double* T1, double* T2, double* T3, 
                                     double* T4, double* T5, double* T6);
diff --git a/ur_kinematics/include/ur_kinematics/ur_moveit_plugin.h b/ur_kinematics/include/ur_kinematics/ur_moveit_plugin.h
index a4b556aed064680942c38bc6762442efe4378955..9e0b5f608103688f889b3aabf763fb85634c2238 100644
--- a/ur_kinematics/include/ur_kinematics/ur_moveit_plugin.h
+++ b/ur_kinematics/include/ur_kinematics/ur_moveit_plugin.h
@@ -2,84 +2,74 @@
 #include <ros/ros.h>
 #include <moveit/kinematics_base/kinematics_base.h>
 #include <moveit_msgs/KinematicSolverInfo.h>
+#include <moveit/kdl_kinematics_plugin/kdl_kinematics_plugin.h>
 namespace ur_kinematics
-class URKinematicsPlugin : public kinematics::KinematicsBase
+class URKinematicsPlugin : public kdl_kinematics_plugin::KDLKinematicsPlugin
-  /**
 * @brief Plugin-able interface to the ur kinematics
+//   //~URKinematicsPlugin();
-  //~URKinematicsPlugin();
-  virtual bool getPositionIK(const geometry_msgs::Pose &ik_pose,
-                             const std::vector<double> &ik_seed_state,
-                             std::vector<double> &solution,
-                             moveit_msgs::MoveItErrorCodes &error_code,
-                             const kinematics::KinematicsQueryOptions &options = kinematics::KinematicsQueryOptions()) const;
-  virtual bool searchPositionIK(const geometry_msgs::Pose &ik_pose,
-                                const std::vector<double> &ik_seed_state,
-                                double timeout,
-                                std::vector<double> &solution,
-                                moveit_msgs::MoveItErrorCodes &error_code,
-                                const kinematics::KinematicsQueryOptions &options = kinematics::KinematicsQueryOptions()) const;
-  virtual bool searchPositionIK(const geometry_msgs::Pose &ik_pose,
-                                const std::vector<double> &ik_seed_state,
-                                double timeout,
-                                const std::vector<double> &consistency_limits,
-                                std::vector<double> &solution,
-                                moveit_msgs::MoveItErrorCodes &error_code,
-                                const kinematics::KinematicsQueryOptions &options = kinematics::KinematicsQueryOptions()) const;
-  virtual bool searchPositionIK(const geometry_msgs::Pose &ik_pose,
-                                const std::vector<double> &ik_seed_state,
-                                double timeout,
-                                std::vector<double> &solution,
-                                const IKCallbackFn &solution_callback,
-                                moveit_msgs::MoveItErrorCodes &error_code,
-                                const kinematics::KinematicsQueryOptions &options = kinematics::KinematicsQueryOptions()) const;
-  virtual bool searchPositionIK(const geometry_msgs::Pose &ik_pose,
-                                const std::vector<double> &ik_seed_state,
-                                double timeout,
-                                const std::vector<double> &consistency_limits,
-                                std::vector<double> &solution,
-                                const IKCallbackFn &solution_callback,
-                                moveit_msgs::MoveItErrorCodes &error_code,
-                                const kinematics::KinematicsQueryOptions &options = kinematics::KinematicsQueryOptions()) const;
-  virtual bool getPositionFK(const std::vector<std::string> &link_names,
-                             const std::vector<double> &joint_angles,
-                             std::vector<geometry_msgs::Pose> &poses) const;
-  /**
+//   virtual bool getPositionFK(const std::vector<std::string> &link_names,
+//                              const std::vector<double> &joint_angles,
+//                              std::vector<geometry_msgs::Pose> &poses) const;
 * @brief Initialization function for the kinematics
 * @return True if initialization was successful, false otherwise
-  virtual bool initialize(const std::string& robot_description,
-                          const std::string& group_name,
-                          const std::string& base_frame,
-                          const std::string& tip_frame,
-                          double search_discretization);
-  /**
-* @brief Return all the joint names in the order they are used internally
-  const std::vector<std::string>& getJointNames() const;
+virtual bool initialize(const std::string& robot_description,
+                        const std::string& group_name,
+                        const std::string& base_frame,
+                        const std::string& tip_frame,
+                        double search_discretization);
+//   /**
+// * @brief Return all the joint names in the order they are used internally
+// */
+//   const std::vector<std::string>& getJointNames() const;
+//   /**
+// * @brief Return all the link names in the order they are represented internally
+// */
+//   const std::vector<std::string>& getLinkNames() const;
-* @brief Return all the link names in the order they are represented internally
+* @brief Given a desired pose of the end-effector, search for the joint angles required to reach it.
+* This particular method is intended for "searching" for a solutions by stepping through the redundancy
+* (or other numerical routines).
+* @param ik_pose the desired pose of the link
+* @param ik_seed_state an initial guess solution for the inverse kinematics
+* @param timeout The amount of time (in seconds) available to the solver
+* @param solution the solution vector
+* @param solution_callback A callback solution for the IK solution
+* @param error_code an error code that encodes the reason for failure or success
+* @param check_consistency Set to true if consistency check needs to be performed
+* @param redundancy The index of the redundant joint
+* @param consistency_limit The returned solutuion will contain a value for the redundant joint in the range [seed_state(redundancy_limit)-consistency_limit,seed_state(redundancy_limit)+consistency_limit]
+* @return True if a valid solution was found, false otherwise
-  const std::vector<std::string>& getLinkNames() const;
+    bool searchPositionIK(const geometry_msgs::Pose &ik_pose,
+                          const std::vector<double> &ik_seed_state,
+                          double timeout,
+                          std::vector<double> &solution,
+                          const IKCallbackFn &solution_callback,
+                          moveit_msgs::MoveItErrorCodes &error_code,
+                          const std::vector<double> &consistency_limits,
+                          const kinematics::KinematicsQueryOptions &options = kinematics::KinematicsQueryOptions()) const;
-  moveit_msgs::KinematicSolverInfo fk_solver_info_, ik_solver_info_;
+  std::vector<double> ik_weights_;
+//   moveit_msgs::KinematicSolverInfo fk_solver_info_, ik_solver_info_;
diff --git a/ur_kinematics/package.xml b/ur_kinematics/package.xml
index 14b9a67dd8edfad680c9ad9f1c79bca86162a253..2891b86c05e453212f3eeba09c7aa561f02cdb24 100644
--- a/ur_kinematics/package.xml
+++ b/ur_kinematics/package.xml
@@ -47,14 +47,18 @@
+  <build_depend>moveit_ros_planning</build_depend>
+  <build_depend>tf_conversions</build_depend>
+  <run_depend>moveit_ros_planning</run_depend>
+  <run_depend>tf_conversions</run_depend>
   <!-- The export tag contains other, unspecified, tags -->
diff --git a/ur_kinematics/src/ur_kin.cpp b/ur_kinematics/src/ur_kin.cpp
index d10759dab9997e8e328eccc8d5b0805343f85d89..8c92ea3a13341b8c6f208e6fe5826563e5761adc 100644
--- a/ur_kinematics/src/ur_kin.cpp
+++ b/ur_kinematics/src/ur_kin.cpp
@@ -45,107 +45,119 @@ namespace ur_kinematics {
     double s23 = sin(q23), c23 = cos(q23);
     double s234 = sin(q234), c234 = cos(q234);
-    *T1 = c1; T1++;
-    *T1 = 0; T1++;
-    *T1 = s1; T1++;
-    *T1 = 0; T1++;
-    *T1 = s1; T1++;
-    *T1 = 0; T1++;
-    *T1 = -c1; T1++;
-    *T1 = 0; T1++;
-    *T1 =       0; T1++;
-    *T1 = 1; T1++;
-    *T1 = 0; T1++;
-    *T1 =d1; T1++;
-    *T1 =       0; T1++;
-    *T1 = 0; T1++;
-    *T1 = 0; T1++;
-    *T1 = 1; T1++;
-    *T2 = c1*c2; T2++;
-    *T2 = -c1*s2; T2++;
-    *T2 = s1; T2++;
-    *T2 =a2*c1*c2; T2++;
-    *T2 = c2*s1; T2++;
-    *T2 = -s1*s2; T2++;
-    *T2 = -c1; T2++;
-    *T2 =a2*c2*s1; T2++;
-    *T2 =         s2; T2++;
-    *T2 = c2; T2++;
-    *T2 = 0; T2++;
-    *T2 =   d1 + a2*s2; T2++;
-    *T2 =               0; T2++;
-    *T2 = 0; T2++;
-    *T2 = 0; T2++;
-    *T2 =                 1; T2++;
-    *T3 = c23*c1; T3++;
-    *T3 = -s23*c1; T3++;
-    *T3 = s1; T3++;
-    *T3 =c1*(a3*c23 + a2*c2); T3++;
-    *T3 = c23*s1; T3++;
-    *T3 = -s23*s1; T3++;
-    *T3 = -c1; T3++;
-    *T3 =s1*(a3*c23 + a2*c2); T3++;
-    *T3 =         s23; T3++;
-    *T3 = c23; T3++;
-    *T3 = 0; T3++;
-    *T3 =     d1 + a3*s23 + a2*s2; T3++;
-    *T3 =                    0; T3++;
-    *T3 = 0; T3++;
-    *T3 = 0; T3++;
-    *T3 =                                     1; T3++;
-    *T4 = c234*c1; T4++;
-    *T4 = s1; T4++;
-    *T4 = s234*c1; T4++;
-    *T4 =c1*(a3*c23 + a2*c2) + d4*s1; T4++;
-    *T4 = c234*s1; T4++;
-    *T4 = -c1; T4++;
-    *T4 = s234*s1; T4++;
-    *T4 =s1*(a3*c23 + a2*c2) - d4*c1; T4++;
-    *T4 =         s234; T4++;
-    *T4 = 0; T4++;
-    *T4 = -c234; T4++;
-    *T4 =                  d1 + a3*s23 + a2*s2; T4++;
-    *T4 =                         0; T4++;
-    *T4 = 0; T4++;
-    *T4 = 0; T4++;
-    *T4 =                                                  1; T4++;
-    *T5 = s1*s5 + c234*c1*c5; T5++;
-    *T5 = -s234*c1; T5++;
-    *T5 = c5*s1 - c234*c1*s5; T5++;
-    *T5 =c1*(a3*c23 + a2*c2) + d4*s1 + d5*s234*c1; T5++;
-    *T5 = c234*c5*s1 - c1*s5; T5++;
-    *T5 = -s234*s1; T5++;
-    *T5 = - c1*c5 - c234*s1*s5; T5++;
-    *T5 =s1*(a3*c23 + a2*c2) - d4*c1 + d5*s234*s1; T5++;
-    *T5 =                           s234*c5; T5++;
-    *T5 = c234; T5++;
-    *T5 = -s234*s5; T5++;
-    *T5 =                          d1 + a3*s23 + a2*s2 - d5*c234; T5++;
-    *T5 =                                                   0; T5++;
-    *T5 = 0; T5++;
-    *T5 = 0; T5++;
-    *T5 =                                                                                 1; T5++;
-    *T6 =   c6*(s1*s5 + c234*c1*c5) - s234*c1*s6; T6++;
-    *T6 = - s6*(s1*s5 + c234*c1*c5) - s234*c1*c6; T6++;
-    *T6 = c5*s1 - c234*c1*s5; T6++;
-    *T6 =d6*(c5*s1 - c234*c1*s5) + c1*(a3*c23 + a2*c2) + d4*s1 + d5*s234*c1; T6++;
-    *T6 = - c6*(c1*s5 - c234*c5*s1) - s234*s1*s6; T6++;
-    *T6 = s6*(c1*s5 - c234*c5*s1) - s234*c6*s1; T6++;
-    *T6 = - c1*c5 - c234*s1*s5; T6++;
-    *T6 =s1*(a3*c23 + a2*c2) - d4*c1 - d6*(c1*c5 + c234*s1*s5) + d5*s234*s1; T6++;
-    *T6 =                                       c234*s6 + s234*c5*c6; T6++;
-    *T6 = c234*c6 - s234*c5*s6; T6++;
-    *T6 = -s234*s5; T6++;
-    *T6 =                                                      d1 + a3*s23 + a2*s2 - d5*c234 - d6*s234*s5; T6++;
-    *T6 =                                                                                                   0; T6++;
-    *T6 = 0; T6++;
-    *T6 = 0; T6++;
-    *T6 =                                                                                                                                            1; T6++;
+    if(T1 != NULL) {
+      *T1 = c1; T1++;
+      *T1 = 0; T1++;
+      *T1 = s1; T1++;
+      *T1 = 0; T1++;
+      *T1 = s1; T1++;
+      *T1 = 0; T1++;
+      *T1 = -c1; T1++;
+      *T1 = 0; T1++;
+      *T1 =       0; T1++;
+      *T1 = 1; T1++;
+      *T1 = 0; T1++;
+      *T1 =d1; T1++;
+      *T1 =       0; T1++;
+      *T1 = 0; T1++;
+      *T1 = 0; T1++;
+      *T1 = 1; T1++;
+    }
+    if(T2 != NULL) {
+      *T2 = c1*c2; T2++;
+      *T2 = -c1*s2; T2++;
+      *T2 = s1; T2++;
+      *T2 =a2*c1*c2; T2++;
+      *T2 = c2*s1; T2++;
+      *T2 = -s1*s2; T2++;
+      *T2 = -c1; T2++;
+      *T2 =a2*c2*s1; T2++;
+      *T2 =         s2; T2++;
+      *T2 = c2; T2++;
+      *T2 = 0; T2++;
+      *T2 =   d1 + a2*s2; T2++;
+      *T2 =               0; T2++;
+      *T2 = 0; T2++;
+      *T2 = 0; T2++;
+      *T2 =                 1; T2++;
+    }
+    if(T3 != NULL) {
+      *T3 = c23*c1; T3++;
+      *T3 = -s23*c1; T3++;
+      *T3 = s1; T3++;
+      *T3 =c1*(a3*c23 + a2*c2); T3++;
+      *T3 = c23*s1; T3++;
+      *T3 = -s23*s1; T3++;
+      *T3 = -c1; T3++;
+      *T3 =s1*(a3*c23 + a2*c2); T3++;
+      *T3 =         s23; T3++;
+      *T3 = c23; T3++;
+      *T3 = 0; T3++;
+      *T3 =     d1 + a3*s23 + a2*s2; T3++;
+      *T3 =                    0; T3++;
+      *T3 = 0; T3++;
+      *T3 = 0; T3++;
+      *T3 =                                     1; T3++;
+    }
+    if(T4 != NULL) {
+      *T4 = c234*c1; T4++;
+      *T4 = s1; T4++;
+      *T4 = s234*c1; T4++;
+      *T4 =c1*(a3*c23 + a2*c2) + d4*s1; T4++;
+      *T4 = c234*s1; T4++;
+      *T4 = -c1; T4++;
+      *T4 = s234*s1; T4++;
+      *T4 =s1*(a3*c23 + a2*c2) - d4*c1; T4++;
+      *T4 =         s234; T4++;
+      *T4 = 0; T4++;
+      *T4 = -c234; T4++;
+      *T4 =                  d1 + a3*s23 + a2*s2; T4++;
+      *T4 =                         0; T4++;
+      *T4 = 0; T4++;
+      *T4 = 0; T4++;
+      *T4 =                                                  1; T4++;
+    }
+    if(T5 != NULL) {
+      *T5 = s1*s5 + c234*c1*c5; T5++;
+      *T5 = -s234*c1; T5++;
+      *T5 = c5*s1 - c234*c1*s5; T5++;
+      *T5 =c1*(a3*c23 + a2*c2) + d4*s1 + d5*s234*c1; T5++;
+      *T5 = c234*c5*s1 - c1*s5; T5++;
+      *T5 = -s234*s1; T5++;
+      *T5 = - c1*c5 - c234*s1*s5; T5++;
+      *T5 =s1*(a3*c23 + a2*c2) - d4*c1 + d5*s234*s1; T5++;
+      *T5 =                           s234*c5; T5++;
+      *T5 = c234; T5++;
+      *T5 = -s234*s5; T5++;
+      *T5 =                          d1 + a3*s23 + a2*s2 - d5*c234; T5++;
+      *T5 =                                                   0; T5++;
+      *T5 = 0; T5++;
+      *T5 = 0; T5++;
+      *T5 =                                                                                 1; T5++;
+    }
+    if(T6 != NULL) {
+      *T6 =   c6*(s1*s5 + c234*c1*c5) - s234*c1*s6; T6++;
+      *T6 = - s6*(s1*s5 + c234*c1*c5) - s234*c1*c6; T6++;
+      *T6 = c5*s1 - c234*c1*s5; T6++;
+      *T6 =d6*(c5*s1 - c234*c1*s5) + c1*(a3*c23 + a2*c2) + d4*s1 + d5*s234*c1; T6++;
+      *T6 = - c6*(c1*s5 - c234*c5*s1) - s234*s1*s6; T6++;
+      *T6 = s6*(c1*s5 - c234*c5*s1) - s234*c6*s1; T6++;
+      *T6 = - c1*c5 - c234*s1*s5; T6++;
+      *T6 =s1*(a3*c23 + a2*c2) - d4*c1 - d6*(c1*c5 + c234*s1*s5) + d5*s234*s1; T6++;
+      *T6 =                                       c234*s6 + s234*c5*c6; T6++;
+      *T6 = c234*c6 - s234*c5*s6; T6++;
+      *T6 = -s234*s5; T6++;
+      *T6 =                                                      d1 + a3*s23 + a2*s2 - d5*c234 - d6*s234*s5; T6++;
+      *T6 =                                                                                                   0; T6++;
+      *T6 = 0; T6++;
+      *T6 = 0; T6++;
+      *T6 =                                                                                                                                            1; T6++;
+    }
   int inverse(const double* T, double* q_sols, double q6_des) {
diff --git a/ur_kinematics/src/ur_moveit_plugin.cpp b/ur_kinematics/src/ur_moveit_plugin.cpp
index a141c413ed12e9bac28b06624998cf01ad3691c5..9be5a4fdd41dd3fdf2b8eb396fbef8b830e07658 100644
--- a/ur_kinematics/src/ur_moveit_plugin.cpp
+++ b/ur_kinematics/src/ur_moveit_plugin.cpp
@@ -1,473 +1,22 @@
- * Software License Agreement (BSD License)
- *
- *  Copyright (c) 2012, Willow Garage, Inc.
- *  All rights reserved.
- *
- *  Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- *  modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
- *  are met:
- *
- *   * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- *     notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- *   * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
- *     copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
- *     disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided
- *     with the distribution.
- *   * Neither the name of Willow Garage nor the names of its
- *     contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
- *     from this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
- *********************************************************************/
-/* Author: Sachin Chitta, David Lu!!, Ugo Cupcic */
-#include <moveit/kdl_kinematics_plugin/kdl_kinematics_plugin.h>
-#include <class_loader/class_loader.h>
-//#include <tf/transform_datatypes.h>
+#include <ur_kinematics/ur_moveit_plugin.h>
+#include <geometry_msgs/PoseStamped.h>
+#include <ros/ros.h>
+#include <pluginlib/class_list_macros.h>
+#include <ur_kinematics/ur_kin.h>
 #include <tf_conversions/tf_kdl.h>
-#include <kdl_parser/kdl_parser.hpp>
-#include <urdf_model/model.h>
-#include <srdfdom/model.h>
-#include <moveit/rdf_loader/rdf_loader.h>
-//register KDLKinematics as a KinematicsBase implementation
-CLASS_LOADER_REGISTER_CLASS(kdl_kinematics_plugin::KDLKinematicsPlugin, kinematics::KinematicsBase)
-namespace kdl_kinematics_plugin
-  KDLKinematicsPlugin::KDLKinematicsPlugin():active_(false) {}
-void KDLKinematicsPlugin::getRandomConfiguration(KDL::JntArray &jnt_array, bool lock_redundancy) const
-  std::vector<double> jnt_array_vector(dimension_, 0.0);
-  state_->setToRandomPositions(joint_model_group_);
-  state_->copyJointGroupPositions(joint_model_group_, &jnt_array_vector[0]);
-  for (std::size_t i = 0; i < dimension_; ++i)
-  {
-    if (lock_redundancy)
-      if (isRedundantJoint(i))
-        continue;
-    jnt_array(i) = jnt_array_vector[i];
-  }
+//#include <moveit/kdl_kinematics_plugin.cpp>
-bool KDLKinematicsPlugin::isRedundantJoint(unsigned int index) const
-  for (std::size_t j=0; j < redundant_joint_indices_.size(); ++j)
-    if (redundant_joint_indices_[j] == index)
-      return true;
-  return false;
-void KDLKinematicsPlugin::getRandomConfiguration(const KDL::JntArray &seed_state,
-                                                 const std::vector<double> &consistency_limits,
-                                                 KDL::JntArray &jnt_array,
-                                                 bool lock_redundancy) const
-  std::vector<double> values(dimension_, 0.0);
-  std::vector<double> near(dimension_, 0.0);
-  for (std::size_t i = 0 ; i < dimension_; ++i)
-    near[i] = seed_state(i);
-  // Need to resize the consistency limits to remove mimic joints
-  std::vector<double> consistency_limits_mimic;
-  for(std::size_t i = 0; i < dimension_; ++i)
-  {
-    if(!mimic_joints_[i].active)
-      continue;
-    consistency_limits_mimic.push_back(consistency_limits[i]);
-  }
-  joint_model_group_->getVariableRandomPositionsNearBy(state_->getRandomNumberGenerator(), values, near, consistency_limits_mimic);
-  for (std::size_t i = 0; i < dimension_; ++i)
-  {
-    bool skip = false;
-    if (lock_redundancy)
-      for (std::size_t j = 0; j < redundant_joint_indices_.size(); ++j)
-        if (redundant_joint_indices_[j] == i)
-        {
-          skip = true;
-          break;
-        }
-    if (skip)
-      continue;
-    jnt_array(i) = values[i];
-  }
-bool KDLKinematicsPlugin::checkConsistency(const KDL::JntArray& seed_state,
-                                           const std::vector<double> &consistency_limits,
-                                           const KDL::JntArray& solution) const
-  for (std::size_t i = 0; i < dimension_; ++i)
-    if (fabs(seed_state(i) - solution(i)) > consistency_limits[i])
-      return false;
-  return true;
+//register URKinematicsPlugin as a KinematicsBase implementation
-bool KDLKinematicsPlugin::initialize(const std::string &robot_description,
-                                     const std::string& group_name,
-                                     const std::string& base_frame,
-                                     const std::string& tip_frame,
-                                     double search_discretization)
+namespace ur_kinematics
-  setValues(robot_description, group_name, base_frame, tip_frame, search_discretization);
-  ros::NodeHandle private_handle("~");
-  rdf_loader::RDFLoader rdf_loader(robot_description_);
-  const boost::shared_ptr<srdf::Model> &srdf = rdf_loader.getSRDF();
-  const boost::shared_ptr<urdf::ModelInterface>& urdf_model = rdf_loader.getURDF();
-  if (!urdf_model || !srdf)
-  {
-    ROS_ERROR_NAMED("kdl","URDF and SRDF must be loaded for KDL kinematics solver to work.");
-    return false;
-  }
-  robot_model_.reset(new robot_model::RobotModel(urdf_model, srdf));
+  URKinematicsPlugin::URKinematicsPlugin() 
+    : kdl_kinematics_plugin::KDLKinematicsPlugin(), ik_weights_(6) {}
+//   //URKinematicsPlugin::~URKinematicsPlugin() {}
-  robot_model::JointModelGroup* joint_model_group = robot_model_->getJointModelGroup(group_name);
-  if (!joint_model_group)
-    return false;
-  if(!joint_model_group->isChain())
-  {
-    ROS_ERROR_NAMED("kdl","Group '%s' is not a chain", group_name.c_str());
-    return false;
-  }
-  if(!joint_model_group->isSingleDOFJoints())
-  {
-    ROS_ERROR_NAMED("kdl","Group '%s' includes joints that have more than 1 DOF", group_name.c_str());
-    return false;
-  }
-  KDL::Tree kdl_tree;
-  if (!kdl_parser::treeFromUrdfModel(*urdf_model, kdl_tree))
-  {
-    ROS_ERROR_NAMED("kdl","Could not initialize tree object");
-    return false;
-  }
-  if (!kdl_tree.getChain(base_frame_, getTipFrame(), kdl_chain_))
-  {
-    ROS_ERROR_NAMED("kdl","Could not initialize chain object");
-    return false;
-  }
-  dimension_ = joint_model_group->getActiveJointModels().size() + joint_model_group->getMimicJointModels().size();
-  for (std::size_t i=0; i < joint_model_group->getJointModels().size(); ++i)
-  {
-    if(joint_model_group->getJointModels()[i]->getType() == moveit::core::JointModel::REVOLUTE || joint_model_group->getJointModels()[i]->getType() == moveit::core::JointModel::PRISMATIC)
-    {
-      ik_chain_info_.joint_names.push_back(joint_model_group->getJointModelNames()[i]);
-      const std::vector<moveit_msgs::JointLimits> &jvec = joint_model_group->getJointModels()[i]->getVariableBoundsMsg();
-      ik_chain_info_.limits.insert(ik_chain_info_.limits.end(), jvec.begin(), jvec.end());
-    }
-  }
-  fk_chain_info_.joint_names = ik_chain_info_.joint_names;
-  fk_chain_info_.limits = ik_chain_info_.limits;
-  if(!joint_model_group->hasLinkModel(getTipFrame()))
-  {
-    ROS_ERROR_NAMED("kdl","Could not find tip name in joint group '%s'", group_name.c_str());
-    return false;
-  }
-  ik_chain_info_.link_names.push_back(getTipFrame());
-  fk_chain_info_.link_names = joint_model_group->getLinkModelNames();
-  joint_min_.resize(ik_chain_info_.limits.size());
-  joint_max_.resize(ik_chain_info_.limits.size());
-  for(unsigned int i=0; i < ik_chain_info_.limits.size(); i++)
-  {
-    joint_min_(i) = ik_chain_info_.limits[i].min_position;
-    joint_max_(i) = ik_chain_info_.limits[i].max_position;
-  }
-  // Get Solver Parameters
-  int max_solver_iterations;
-  double epsilon;
-  bool position_ik;
-  private_handle.param("max_solver_iterations", max_solver_iterations, 500);
-  private_handle.param("epsilon", epsilon, 1e-5);
-  private_handle.param(group_name+"/position_only_ik", position_ik, false);
-  ROS_DEBUG_NAMED("kdl","Looking in private handle: %s for param name: %s",
-            private_handle.getNamespace().c_str(),
-            (group_name+"/position_only_ik").c_str());
-  if(position_ik)
-    ROS_INFO_NAMED("kdl","Using position only ik");
-  num_possible_redundant_joints_ = kdl_chain_.getNrOfJoints() - joint_model_group->getMimicJointModels().size() - (position_ik? 3:6);
-  // Check for mimic joints
-  bool has_mimic_joints = joint_model_group->getMimicJointModels().size() > 0;
-  std::vector<unsigned int> redundant_joints_map_index;
-  std::vector<JointMimic> mimic_joints;
-  unsigned int joint_counter = 0;
-  for (std::size_t i = 0; i < kdl_chain_.getNrOfSegments(); ++i)
-  {
-    const robot_model::JointModel *jm = robot_model_->getJointModel(kdl_chain_.segments[i].getJoint().getName());
-    //first check whether it belongs to the set of active joints in the group
-    if (jm->getMimic() == NULL && jm->getVariableCount() > 0)
-    {
-      JointMimic mimic_joint;
-      mimic_joint.reset(joint_counter);
-      mimic_joint.joint_name = kdl_chain_.segments[i].getJoint().getName();
-      mimic_joint.active = true;
-      mimic_joints.push_back(mimic_joint);
-      ++joint_counter;
-      continue;
-    }
-    if (joint_model_group->hasJointModel(jm->getName()))
-    {
-      if (jm->getMimic() && joint_model_group->hasJointModel(jm->getMimic()->getName()))
-      {
-        JointMimic mimic_joint;
-        mimic_joint.reset(joint_counter);
-        mimic_joint.joint_name = kdl_chain_.segments[i].getJoint().getName();
-        mimic_joint.offset = jm->getMimicOffset();
-        mimic_joint.multiplier = jm->getMimicFactor();
-        mimic_joints.push_back(mimic_joint);
-        continue;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  for (std::size_t i = 0; i < mimic_joints.size(); ++i)
-  {
-    if(!mimic_joints[i].active)
-    {
-      const robot_model::JointModel* joint_model = joint_model_group->getJointModel(mimic_joints[i].joint_name)->getMimic();
-      for(std::size_t j=0; j < mimic_joints.size(); ++j)
-      {
-        if(mimic_joints[j].joint_name == joint_model->getName())
-        {
-          mimic_joints[i].map_index = mimic_joints[j].map_index;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  mimic_joints_ = mimic_joints;
-  // Setup the joint state groups that we need
-  state_.reset(new robot_state::RobotState(robot_model_));
-  state_2_.reset(new robot_state::RobotState(robot_model_));
-  // Store things for when the set of redundant joints may change
-  position_ik_ = position_ik;
-  joint_model_group_ = joint_model_group;
-  max_solver_iterations_ = max_solver_iterations;
-  epsilon_ = epsilon;
-  active_ = true;
-  ROS_DEBUG_NAMED("kdl","KDL solver initialized");
-  return true;
-bool KDLKinematicsPlugin::setRedundantJoints(const std::vector<unsigned int> &redundant_joints)
-  if(num_possible_redundant_joints_ < 0)
-  {
-    ROS_ERROR_NAMED("kdl","This group cannot have redundant joints");
-    return false;
-  }
-  if(redundant_joints.size() > num_possible_redundant_joints_)
-  {
-    ROS_ERROR_NAMED("kdl","This group can only have %d redundant joints", num_possible_redundant_joints_);
-    return false;
-  }
-  /*
-    XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue joint_list;
-    if(private_handle.getParam(group_name+"/redundant_joints", joint_list))
-    {
-      ROS_ASSERT(joint_list.getType() == XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::TypeArray);
-      std::vector<std::string> redundant_joints;
-      for (std::size_t i = 0; i < joint_list.size(); ++i)
-      {
-        ROS_ASSERT(joint_list[i].getType() == XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::TypeString);
-        redundant_joints.push_back(static_cast<std::string>(joint_list[i]));
-        ROS_INFO_NAMED("kdl","Designated joint: %s as redundant joint", redundant_joints.back().c_str());
-      }
-    }
-  */
-  std::vector<unsigned int> redundant_joints_map_index;
-  unsigned int counter = 0;
-  for(std::size_t i=0; i < dimension_; ++i)
-  {
-    bool is_redundant_joint = false;
-    for(std::size_t j=0; j < redundant_joints.size(); ++j)
-    {
-      if(i == redundant_joints[j])
-      {
-        is_redundant_joint = true;
-	counter++;
-        break;
-      }
-    }
-    if(!is_redundant_joint)
-    {
-      // check for mimic
-      if(mimic_joints_[i].active) 
-      {
-	redundant_joints_map_index.push_back(counter);
-	counter++;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  for(std::size_t i=0; i < redundant_joints_map_index.size(); ++i)
-    ROS_DEBUG_NAMED("kdl","Redundant joint map index: %d %d", (int) i, (int) redundant_joints_map_index[i]);
-  redundant_joints_map_index_ = redundant_joints_map_index;
-  redundant_joint_indices_ = redundant_joints;
-  return true;
-int KDLKinematicsPlugin::getJointIndex(const std::string &name) const
-  for (unsigned int i=0; i < ik_chain_info_.joint_names.size(); i++) {
-    if (ik_chain_info_.joint_names[i] == name)
-      return i;
-  }
-  return -1;
-int KDLKinematicsPlugin::getKDLSegmentIndex(const std::string &name) const
-  int i=0;
-  while (i < (int)kdl_chain_.getNrOfSegments()) {
-    if (kdl_chain_.getSegment(i).getName() == name) {
-      return i+1;
-    }
-    i++;
-  }
-  return -1;
-bool KDLKinematicsPlugin::timedOut(const ros::WallTime &start_time, double duration) const
-  return ((ros::WallTime::now()-start_time).toSec() >= duration);
-bool KDLKinematicsPlugin::getPositionIK(const geometry_msgs::Pose &ik_pose,
-                                        const std::vector<double> &ik_seed_state,
-                                        std::vector<double> &solution,
-                                        moveit_msgs::MoveItErrorCodes &error_code,
-                                        const kinematics::KinematicsQueryOptions &options) const
-  const IKCallbackFn solution_callback = 0;
-  std::vector<double> consistency_limits;
-  return searchPositionIK(ik_pose,
-                          ik_seed_state,
-                          default_timeout_,
-                          solution,
-                          solution_callback,
-                          error_code,
-                          consistency_limits,
-                          options);
-bool KDLKinematicsPlugin::searchPositionIK(const geometry_msgs::Pose &ik_pose,
-                                           const std::vector<double> &ik_seed_state,
-                                           double timeout,
-                                           std::vector<double> &solution,
-                                           moveit_msgs::MoveItErrorCodes &error_code,
-                                           const kinematics::KinematicsQueryOptions &options) const
-  const IKCallbackFn solution_callback = 0;
-  std::vector<double> consistency_limits;
-  return searchPositionIK(ik_pose,
-                          ik_seed_state,
-                          timeout,
-                          solution,
-                          solution_callback,
-                          error_code,
-                          consistency_limits,
-                          options);
-bool KDLKinematicsPlugin::searchPositionIK(const geometry_msgs::Pose &ik_pose,
-                                           const std::vector<double> &ik_seed_state,
-                                           double timeout,
-                                           const std::vector<double> &consistency_limits,
-                                           std::vector<double> &solution,
-                                           moveit_msgs::MoveItErrorCodes &error_code,
-                                           const kinematics::KinematicsQueryOptions &options) const
-  const IKCallbackFn solution_callback = 0;
-  return searchPositionIK(ik_pose,
-                          ik_seed_state,
-                          timeout,
-                          solution,
-                          solution_callback,
-                          error_code,
-                          consistency_limits,
-                          options);
-bool KDLKinematicsPlugin::searchPositionIK(const geometry_msgs::Pose &ik_pose,
-                                           const std::vector<double> &ik_seed_state,
-                                           double timeout,
-                                           std::vector<double> &solution,
-                                           const IKCallbackFn &solution_callback,
-                                           moveit_msgs::MoveItErrorCodes &error_code,
-                                           const kinematics::KinematicsQueryOptions &options) const
-  std::vector<double> consistency_limits;
-  return searchPositionIK(ik_pose,
-                          ik_seed_state,
-                          timeout,
-                          solution,
-                          solution_callback,
-                          error_code,
-                          consistency_limits,
-                          options);
-bool KDLKinematicsPlugin::searchPositionIK(const geometry_msgs::Pose &ik_pose,
-                                           const std::vector<double> &ik_seed_state,
-                                           double timeout,
-                                           const std::vector<double> &consistency_limits,
-                                           std::vector<double> &solution,
-                                           const IKCallbackFn &solution_callback,
-                                           moveit_msgs::MoveItErrorCodes &error_code,
-                                           const kinematics::KinematicsQueryOptions &options) const
-  return searchPositionIK(ik_pose,
-                          ik_seed_state,
-                          timeout,
-                          solution,
-                          solution_callback,
-                          error_code,
-                          consistency_limits,
-                          options);
-bool KDLKinematicsPlugin::searchPositionIK(const geometry_msgs::Pose &ik_pose,
+bool URKinematicsPlugin::searchPositionIK(const geometry_msgs::Pose &ik_pose,
                                            const std::vector<double> &ik_seed_state,
                                            double timeout,
                                            std::vector<double> &solution,
@@ -476,178 +25,95 @@ bool KDLKinematicsPlugin::searchPositionIK(const geometry_msgs::Pose &ik_pose,
                                            const std::vector<double> &consistency_limits,
                                            const kinematics::KinematicsQueryOptions &options) const
-  ros::WallTime n1 = ros::WallTime::now();
-  if(!active_)
-  {
-    ROS_ERROR_NAMED("kdl","kinematics not active");
+  //double homo_ik_pose[4][4];
+  KDL::Frame kdl_ik_pose;
+  tf::poseMsgToKDL(ik_pose, kdl_ik_pose);
+  double homo_ik_pose[4][4];
+  kdl_ik_pose.Make4x4((double*) homo_ik_pose);
+  for(int i=0; i<3; i++) homo_ik_pose[i][3] *= 1000;
+  double q_ik_sols[8][6];
+  uint16_t num_sols = inverse((double*) homo_ik_pose, (double*) q_ik_sols, ik_seed_state[5]);
+  if(num_sols <= 0) {
     error_code.val = error_code.NO_IK_SOLUTION;
     return false;
-  if(ik_seed_state.size() != dimension_)
-  {
-    ROS_ERROR_STREAM_NAMED("kdl","Seed state must have size " << dimension_ << " instead of size " << ik_seed_state.size());
-    error_code.val = error_code.NO_IK_SOLUTION;
-    return false;
-  }
-  if(!consistency_limits.empty() && consistency_limits.size() != dimension_)
-  {
-    ROS_ERROR_STREAM_NAMED("kdl","Consistency limits be empty or must have size " << dimension_ << " instead of size " << consistency_limits.size());
-    error_code.val = error_code.NO_IK_SOLUTION;
-    return false;
-  }
-  KDL::JntArray jnt_seed_state(dimension_);
-  KDL::JntArray jnt_pos_in(dimension_);
-  KDL::JntArray jnt_pos_out(dimension_);
-  KDL::ChainFkSolverPos_recursive fk_solver(kdl_chain_);
-  KDL::ChainIkSolverVel_pinv_mimic ik_solver_vel(kdl_chain_, joint_model_group_->getMimicJointModels().size(), redundant_joint_indices_.size(), position_ik_);
-  KDL::ChainIkSolverPos_NR_JL_Mimic ik_solver_pos(kdl_chain_, joint_min_, joint_max_, fk_solver, ik_solver_vel, max_solver_iterations_, epsilon_, position_ik_);
-  ik_solver_vel.setMimicJoints(mimic_joints_);
-  ik_solver_pos.setMimicJoints(mimic_joints_);
-  if ((redundant_joint_indices_.size() > 0) && !ik_solver_vel.setRedundantJointsMapIndex(redundant_joints_map_index_))
-  {
-    ROS_ERROR_NAMED("kdl","Could not set redundant joints");
-    return false;
-  }
-  if(options.lock_redundant_joints)
-  {
-    ik_solver_vel.lockRedundantJoints();
-  }
-  solution.resize(dimension_);
-  KDL::Frame pose_desired;
-  tf::poseMsgToKDL(ik_pose, pose_desired);
-  ROS_DEBUG_STREAM_NAMED("kdl","searchPositionIK2: Position request pose is " <<
-                   ik_pose.position.x << " " <<
-                   ik_pose.position.y << " " <<
-                   ik_pose.position.z << " " <<
-                   ik_pose.orientation.x << " " <<
-                   ik_pose.orientation.y << " " <<
-                   ik_pose.orientation.z << " " <<
-                   ik_pose.orientation.w);
-  //Do the IK
-  for(unsigned int i=0; i < dimension_; i++)
-    jnt_seed_state(i) = ik_seed_state[i];
-  jnt_pos_in = jnt_seed_state;
-  unsigned int counter(0);
-  while(1)
-  {
-    //    ROS_DEBUG_NAMED("kdl","Iteration: %d, time: %f, Timeout: %f",counter,(ros::WallTime::now()-n1).toSec(),timeout);
-    counter++;
-    if(timedOut(n1,timeout))
-    {
-      ROS_DEBUG_NAMED("kdl","IK timed out");
-      error_code.val = error_code.TIMED_OUT;
-      ik_solver_vel.unlockRedundantJoints();
-      return false;
-    }
-    int ik_valid = ik_solver_pos.CartToJnt(jnt_pos_in, pose_desired, jnt_pos_out);
-    ROS_DEBUG_NAMED("kdl","IK valid: %d", ik_valid);
-    if(!consistency_limits.empty())
-    {
-      getRandomConfiguration(jnt_seed_state, consistency_limits, jnt_pos_in, options.lock_redundant_joints);
-      if( (ik_valid < 0 && !options.return_approximate_solution) || !checkConsistency(jnt_seed_state, consistency_limits, jnt_pos_out))
-      {
-        ROS_DEBUG_NAMED("kdl","Could not find IK solution: does not match consistency limits");
-        continue;
-      }
+  double min_weighted_diff = 1e9;
+  int min_diff_index = -1;
+  for(uint16_t i=0; i<num_sols; i++) {
+    double cur_weighted_diff = 0;
+    for(uint16_t j=0; j<6; j++) {
+      cur_weighted_diff += ik_weights_[j] * std::fabs(q_ik_sols[i][j] - ik_seed_state[j]);
-    else
-    {
-      getRandomConfiguration(jnt_pos_in, options.lock_redundant_joints);
-      ROS_DEBUG_NAMED("kdl","New random configuration");
-      for(unsigned int j=0; j < dimension_; j++)
-        ROS_DEBUG_NAMED("kdl","%d %f", j, jnt_pos_in(j));
-      if(ik_valid < 0 && !options.return_approximate_solution)
-      {
-        ROS_DEBUG_NAMED("kdl","Could not find IK solution");
-        continue;
-      }
-    }
-    ROS_DEBUG_NAMED("kdl","Found IK solution");
-    for(unsigned int j=0; j < dimension_; j++)
-      solution[j] = jnt_pos_out(j);
-    if(!solution_callback.empty())
-      solution_callback(ik_pose,solution,error_code);
-    else
-      error_code.val = error_code.SUCCESS;
-    if(error_code.val == error_code.SUCCESS)
-    {
-      ROS_DEBUG_STREAM_NAMED("kdl","Solved after " << counter << " iterations");
-      ik_solver_vel.unlockRedundantJoints();
-      return true;
+    if(cur_weighted_diff < min_weighted_diff) {
+      min_weighted_diff = cur_weighted_diff;
+      min_diff_index = i;
-  ROS_DEBUG_NAMED("kdl","An IK that satisifes the constraints and is collision free could not be found");
-  error_code.val = error_code.NO_IK_SOLUTION;
-  ik_solver_vel.unlockRedundantJoints();
-  return false;
-bool KDLKinematicsPlugin::getPositionFK(const std::vector<std::string> &link_names,
-                                        const std::vector<double> &joint_angles,
-                                        std::vector<geometry_msgs::Pose> &poses) const
-  ros::WallTime n1 = ros::WallTime::now();
-  if(!active_)
-  {
-    ROS_ERROR_NAMED("kdl","kinematics not active");
-    return false;
-  }
-  poses.resize(link_names.size());
-  if(joint_angles.size() != dimension_)
-  {
-    ROS_ERROR_NAMED("kdl","Joint angles vector must have size: %d",dimension_);
-    return false;
-  }
-  KDL::Frame p_out;
-  geometry_msgs::PoseStamped pose;
-  tf::Stamped<tf::Pose> tf_pose;
-  KDL::JntArray jnt_pos_in(dimension_);
-  for(unsigned int i=0; i < dimension_; i++)
-  {
-    jnt_pos_in(i) = joint_angles[i];
-  }
-  KDL::ChainFkSolverPos_recursive fk_solver(kdl_chain_);
+  solution.resize(6);
+  std::copy(q_ik_sols[min_diff_index], q_ik_sols[min_diff_index+1], solution.begin());
-  bool valid = true;
-  for(unsigned int i=0; i < poses.size(); i++)
-  {
-    ROS_DEBUG_NAMED("kdl","End effector index: %d",getKDLSegmentIndex(link_names[i]));
-    if(fk_solver.JntToCart(jnt_pos_in,p_out,getKDLSegmentIndex(link_names[i])) >=0)
-    {
-      tf::poseKDLToMsg(p_out,poses[i]);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-      ROS_ERROR_NAMED("kdl","Could not compute FK for %s",link_names[i].c_str());
-      valid = false;
-    }
-  }
-  return valid;
-const std::vector<std::string>& KDLKinematicsPlugin::getJointNames() const
-  return ik_chain_info_.joint_names;
+  if(!solution_callback.empty())
+    solution_callback(ik_pose,solution,error_code);
+  else
+    error_code.val = error_code.SUCCESS;
+  return true;
-const std::vector<std::string>& KDLKinematicsPlugin::getLinkNames() const
-  return ik_chain_info_.link_names;
+//   bool URKinematicsPlugin::getPositionFK(const std::vector<std::string> &link_names,
+//                                          const std::vector<double> &joint_angles,
+//                                          std::vector<geometry_msgs::Pose> &poses) const
+//   {
+//     // double q[6];
+//     // for(int i=0; i<6; i++)
+//     //   q[i] = joint_angles[i];
+//     // double T[6][16];
+//     // forward_all(q, T[0], T[1], T[2], T[3], T[4], T[5]);
+//     // for(int i=0; i<6; i++) {
+//     //   aa
+//     // }
+//   }
+  /**
+* @brief Initialization function for the kinematics
+* @return True if initialization was successful, false otherwise
+bool URKinematicsPlugin::initialize(const std::string& robot_description,
+                                    const std::string& group_name,
+                                    const std::string& base_frame,
+                                    const std::string& tip_frame,
+                                    double search_discretization)
+  ros::NodeHandle private_handle("~");
+  if(private_handle.hasParam("ik_weights")) {
+    private_handle.getParam("ik_weights", ik_weights_);
+  } else {
+    ik_weights_[0] = 1.0;
+    ik_weights_[1] = 1.0;
+    ik_weights_[2] = 0.1;
+    ik_weights_[3] = 0.1;
+    ik_weights_[4] = 0.3;
+    ik_weights_[5] = 0.3;
+  }
+  return kdl_kinematics_plugin::KDLKinematicsPlugin::initialize(
+           robot_description, group_name, base_frame, tip_frame, search_discretization);
+//   /**
+// * @brief Return all the joint names in the order they are used internally
+// */
+//   const std::vector<std::string>& URKinematicsPlugin::getJointNames() const
+//   {
+//     return fk_solver_info_.joint_names;
+//   }
+//   /**
+// * @brief Return all the link names in the order they are represented internally
+// */
+//   const std::vector<std::string>& URKinematicsPlugin::getLinkNames() const
+//   {
+//     return fk_solver_info_.link_names;
+//   }
-} // namespace
diff --git a/ur_kinematics/src/ur_moveit_plugin.cpp.bak b/ur_kinematics/src/ur_moveit_plugin.cpp.bak
deleted file mode 100644
index e69bab96f6d60dd7aebb50db043bfa345023568b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ur_kinematics/src/ur_moveit_plugin.cpp.bak
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
-#include <ur_kinematics/ur_moveit_plugin.h>
-#include <geometry_msgs/PoseStamped.h>
-#include <ros/ros.h>
-#include <pluginlib/class_list_macros.h>
-#include <ur_kinematics/ur_kin.h>
-//register URKinematicsPlugin as a KinematicsBase implementation
-namespace ur_kinematics
-  URKinematicsPlugin::URKinematicsPlugin() {}
-  //URKinematicsPlugin::~URKinematicsPlugin() {}
-  bool URKinematicsPlugin::getPositionIK(const geometry_msgs::Pose &ik_pose,
-                                         const std::vector<double> &ik_seed_state,
-                                         std::vector<double> &solution,
-                                         moveit_msgs::MoveItErrorCodes &error_code,
-                                         const kinematics::KinematicsQueryOptions &options) const
-  {}
-  bool URKinematicsPlugin::searchPositionIK(const geometry_msgs::Pose &ik_pose,
-                                            const std::vector<double> &ik_seed_state,
-                                            double timeout,
-                                            std::vector<double> &solution,
-                                            moveit_msgs::MoveItErrorCodes &error_code,
-                                            const kinematics::KinematicsQueryOptions &options) const
-  {}
-  bool URKinematicsPlugin::searchPositionIK(const geometry_msgs::Pose &ik_pose,
-                                            const std::vector<double> &ik_seed_state,
-                                            double timeout,
-                                            const std::vector<double> &consistency_limits,
-                                            std::vector<double> &solution,
-                                            moveit_msgs::MoveItErrorCodes &error_code,
-                                            const kinematics::KinematicsQueryOptions &options) const
-  {}
-  bool URKinematicsPlugin::searchPositionIK(const geometry_msgs::Pose &ik_pose,
-                                            const std::vector<double> &ik_seed_state,
-                                            double timeout,
-                                            std::vector<double> &solution,
-                                            const IKCallbackFn &solution_callback,
-                                            moveit_msgs::MoveItErrorCodes &error_code,
-                                            const kinematics::KinematicsQueryOptions &options) const
-  {}
-  bool URKinematicsPlugin::searchPositionIK(const geometry_msgs::Pose &ik_pose,
-                                            const std::vector<double> &ik_seed_state,
-                                            double timeout,
-                                            const std::vector<double> &consistency_limits,
-                                            std::vector<double> &solution,
-                                            const IKCallbackFn &solution_callback,
-                                            moveit_msgs::MoveItErrorCodes &error_code,
-                                            const kinematics::KinematicsQueryOptions &options) const
-  {}
-  bool URKinematicsPlugin::getPositionFK(const std::vector<std::string> &link_names,
-                                         const std::vector<double> &joint_angles,
-                                         std::vector<geometry_msgs::Pose> &poses) const
-  {
-    double q[6];
-    for(int i=0; i<6; i++)
-      q[i] = joint_angles[i];
-    double T[6][16];
-    forward_all(q, T[0], T[1], T[2], T[3], T[4], T[5]);
-    for(int i=0; i<6; i++) {
-      aa
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-* @brief Initialization function for the kinematics
-* @return True if initialization was successful, false otherwise
-  bool URKinematicsPlugin::initialize(const std::string& robot_description,
-                                      const std::string& group_name,
-                                      const std::string& base_frame,
-                                      const std::string& tip_frame,
-                                      double search_discretization)
-  { 
-    setValues(robot_description, group_name, base_frame, tip_frame, search_discretization);
-    fk_solver_info_.joint_names.push_back("shoulder_pan_joint");
-    fk_solver_info_.joint_names.push_back("shoulder_lift_joint");
-    fk_solver_info_.joint_names.push_back("elbow_joint");
-    fk_solver_info_.joint_names.push_back("wrist_1_joint");
-    fk_solver_info_.joint_names.push_back("wrist_2_joint");
-    fk_solver_info_.joint_names.push_back("wrist_3_joint");
-    fk_solver_info_.link_names.push_back("base_link");
-    fk_solver_info_.link_names.push_back("shoulder_link");
-    fk_solver_info_.link_names.push_back("upper_arm_link");
-    fk_solver_info_.link_names.push_back("forearm_link");
-    fk_solver_info_.link_names.push_back("wrist_1_link");
-    fk_solver_info_.link_names.push_back("wrist_2_link");
-    fk_solver_info_.link_names.push_back("wrist_3_link");
-    fk_solver_info_.link_names.push_back("ee_link");
-    return true;
-  }
-  /**
-* @brief Return all the joint names in the order they are used internally
-  const std::vector<std::string>& URKinematicsPlugin::getJointNames() const
-  {
-    return fk_solver_info_.joint_names;
-  }
-  /**
-* @brief Return all the link names in the order they are represented internally
-  const std::vector<std::string>& URKinematicsPlugin::getLinkNames() const
-  {
-    return fk_solver_info_.link_names;
-  }
diff --git a/ur_kinematics/src/ur_moveit_plugin.cpp.bak2 b/ur_kinematics/src/ur_moveit_plugin.cpp.bak2
deleted file mode 100644
index b667cf7ad9eb8ed35d047bdd53f03857460d4997..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ur_kinematics/src/ur_moveit_plugin.cpp.bak2
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,609 +0,0 @@
-#include <ur_kinematics/ur_moveit_plugin.h>
-#include <geometry_msgs/PoseStamped.h>
-#include <ros/ros.h>
-#include <pluginlib/class_list_macros.h>
-#include <ur_kinematics/ur_kin.h>
-//register URKinematicsPlugin as a KinematicsBase implementation
-namespace ur_kinematics
-  KDLKinematicsPlugin::KDLKinematicsPlugin():active_(false) {}
-void KDLKinematicsPlugin::getRandomConfiguration(KDL::JntArray &jnt_array, bool lock_redundancy) const
-  std::vector<double> jnt_array_vector(dimension_, 0.0);
-  state_->setToRandomPositions(joint_model_group_);
-  state_->copyJointGroupPositions(joint_model_group_, &jnt_array_vector[0]);
-  for (std::size_t i = 0; i < dimension_; ++i)
-  {
-    if (lock_redundancy)
-      if (isRedundantJoint(i))
-        continue;
-    jnt_array(i) = jnt_array_vector[i];
-  }
-bool KDLKinematicsPlugin::isRedundantJoint(unsigned int index) const
-  for (std::size_t j=0; j < redundant_joint_indices_.size(); ++j)
-    if (redundant_joint_indices_[j] == index)
-      return true;
-  return false;
-void KDLKinematicsPlugin::getRandomConfiguration(const KDL::JntArray &seed_state,
-                                                 const std::vector<double> &consistency_limits,
-                                                 KDL::JntArray &jnt_array,
-                                                 bool lock_redundancy) const
-  std::vector<double> values(dimension_, 0.0);
-  std::vector<double> near(dimension_, 0.0);
-  for (std::size_t i = 0 ; i < dimension_; ++i)
-    near[i] = seed_state(i);
-  // Need to resize the consistency limits to remove mimic joints
-  std::vector<double> consistency_limits_mimic;
-  for(std::size_t i = 0; i < dimension_; ++i)
-  {
-    if(!mimic_joints_[i].active)
-      continue;
-    consistency_limits_mimic.push_back(consistency_limits[i]);
-  }
-  joint_model_group_->getVariableRandomPositionsNearBy(state_->getRandomNumberGenerator(), values, near, consistency_limits_mimic);
-  for (std::size_t i = 0; i < dimension_; ++i)
-  {
-    bool skip = false;
-    if (lock_redundancy)
-      for (std::size_t j = 0; j < redundant_joint_indices_.size(); ++j)
-        if (redundant_joint_indices_[j] == i)
-        {
-          skip = true;
-          break;
-        }
-    if (skip)
-      continue;
-    jnt_array(i) = values[i];
-  }
-bool KDLKinematicsPlugin::checkConsistency(const KDL::JntArray& seed_state,
-                                           const std::vector<double> &consistency_limits,
-                                           const KDL::JntArray& solution) const
-  for (std::size_t i = 0; i < dimension_; ++i)
-    if (fabs(seed_state(i) - solution(i)) > consistency_limits[i])
-      return false;
-  return true;
-bool KDLKinematicsPlugin::initialize(const std::string &robot_description,
-                                     const std::string& group_name,
-                                     const std::string& base_frame,
-                                     const std::string& tip_frame,
-                                     double search_discretization)
-  setValues(robot_description, group_name, base_frame, tip_frame, search_discretization);
-  ros::NodeHandle private_handle("~");
-  rdf_loader::RDFLoader rdf_loader(robot_description_);
-  const boost::shared_ptr<srdf::Model> &srdf = rdf_loader.getSRDF();
-  const boost::shared_ptr<urdf::ModelInterface>& urdf_model = rdf_loader.getURDF();
-  if (!urdf_model || !srdf)
-  {
-    ROS_ERROR_NAMED("kdl","URDF and SRDF must be loaded for KDL kinematics solver to work.");
-    return false;
-  }
-  robot_model_.reset(new robot_model::RobotModel(urdf_model, srdf));
-  robot_model::JointModelGroup* joint_model_group = robot_model_->getJointModelGroup(group_name);
-  if (!joint_model_group)
-    return false;
-  if(!joint_model_group->isChain())
-  {
-    ROS_ERROR_NAMED("kdl","Group '%s' is not a chain", group_name.c_str());
-    return false;
-  }
-  if(!joint_model_group->isSingleDOFJoints())
-  {
-    ROS_ERROR_NAMED("kdl","Group '%s' includes joints that have more than 1 DOF", group_name.c_str());
-    return false;
-  }
-  KDL::Tree kdl_tree;
-  if (!kdl_parser::treeFromUrdfModel(*urdf_model, kdl_tree))
-  {
-    ROS_ERROR_NAMED("kdl","Could not initialize tree object");
-    return false;
-  }
-  if (!kdl_tree.getChain(base_frame_, getTipFrame(), kdl_chain_))
-  {
-    ROS_ERROR_NAMED("kdl","Could not initialize chain object");
-    return false;
-  }
-  dimension_ = joint_model_group->getActiveJointModels().size() + joint_model_group->getMimicJointModels().size();
-  for (std::size_t i=0; i < joint_model_group->getJointModels().size(); ++i)
-  {
-    if(joint_model_group->getJointModels()[i]->getType() == moveit::core::JointModel::REVOLUTE || joint_model_group->getJointModels()[i]->getType() == moveit::core::JointModel::PRISMATIC)
-    {
-      ik_chain_info_.joint_names.push_back(joint_model_group->getJointModelNames()[i]);
-      const std::vector<moveit_msgs::JointLimits> &jvec = joint_model_group->getJointModels()[i]->getVariableBoundsMsg();
-      ik_chain_info_.limits.insert(ik_chain_info_.limits.end(), jvec.begin(), jvec.end());
-    }
-  }
-  fk_chain_info_.joint_names = ik_chain_info_.joint_names;
-  fk_chain_info_.limits = ik_chain_info_.limits;
-  if(!joint_model_group->hasLinkModel(getTipFrame()))
-  {
-    ROS_ERROR_NAMED("kdl","Could not find tip name in joint group '%s'", group_name.c_str());
-    return false;
-  }
-  ik_chain_info_.link_names.push_back(getTipFrame());
-  fk_chain_info_.link_names = joint_model_group->getLinkModelNames();
-  joint_min_.resize(ik_chain_info_.limits.size());
-  joint_max_.resize(ik_chain_info_.limits.size());
-  for(unsigned int i=0; i < ik_chain_info_.limits.size(); i++)
-  {
-    joint_min_(i) = ik_chain_info_.limits[i].min_position;
-    joint_max_(i) = ik_chain_info_.limits[i].max_position;
-  }
-  // Get Solver Parameters
-  int max_solver_iterations;
-  double epsilon;
-  bool position_ik;
-  private_handle.param("max_solver_iterations", max_solver_iterations, 500);
-  private_handle.param("epsilon", epsilon, 1e-5);
-  private_handle.param(group_name+"/position_only_ik", position_ik, false);
-  ROS_DEBUG_NAMED("kdl","Looking in private handle: %s for param name: %s",
-            private_handle.getNamespace().c_str(),
-            (group_name+"/position_only_ik").c_str());
-  if(position_ik)
-    ROS_INFO_NAMED("kdl","Using position only ik");
-  num_possible_redundant_joints_ = kdl_chain_.getNrOfJoints() - joint_model_group->getMimicJointModels().size() - (position_ik? 3:6);
-  // Check for mimic joints
-  bool has_mimic_joints = joint_model_group->getMimicJointModels().size() > 0;
-  std::vector<unsigned int> redundant_joints_map_index;
-  std::vector<JointMimic> mimic_joints;
-  unsigned int joint_counter = 0;
-  for (std::size_t i = 0; i < kdl_chain_.getNrOfSegments(); ++i)
-  {
-    const robot_model::JointModel *jm = robot_model_->getJointModel(kdl_chain_.segments[i].getJoint().getName());
-    //first check whether it belongs to the set of active joints in the group
-    if (jm->getMimic() == NULL && jm->getVariableCount() > 0)
-    {
-      JointMimic mimic_joint;
-      mimic_joint.reset(joint_counter);
-      mimic_joint.joint_name = kdl_chain_.segments[i].getJoint().getName();
-      mimic_joint.active = true;
-      mimic_joints.push_back(mimic_joint);
-      ++joint_counter;
-      continue;
-    }
-    if (joint_model_group->hasJointModel(jm->getName()))
-    {
-      if (jm->getMimic() && joint_model_group->hasJointModel(jm->getMimic()->getName()))
-      {
-        JointMimic mimic_joint;
-        mimic_joint.reset(joint_counter);
-        mimic_joint.joint_name = kdl_chain_.segments[i].getJoint().getName();
-        mimic_joint.offset = jm->getMimicOffset();
-        mimic_joint.multiplier = jm->getMimicFactor();
-        mimic_joints.push_back(mimic_joint);
-        continue;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  for (std::size_t i = 0; i < mimic_joints.size(); ++i)
-  {
-    if(!mimic_joints[i].active)
-    {
-      const robot_model::JointModel* joint_model = joint_model_group->getJointModel(mimic_joints[i].joint_name)->getMimic();
-      for(std::size_t j=0; j < mimic_joints.size(); ++j)
-      {
-        if(mimic_joints[j].joint_name == joint_model->getName())
-        {
-          mimic_joints[i].map_index = mimic_joints[j].map_index;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  mimic_joints_ = mimic_joints;
-  // Setup the joint state groups that we need
-  state_.reset(new robot_state::RobotState(robot_model_));
-  state_2_.reset(new robot_state::RobotState(robot_model_));
-  // Store things for when the set of redundant joints may change
-  position_ik_ = position_ik;
-  joint_model_group_ = joint_model_group;
-  max_solver_iterations_ = max_solver_iterations;
-  epsilon_ = epsilon;
-  active_ = true;
-  ROS_DEBUG_NAMED("kdl","KDL solver initialized");
-  return true;
-bool KDLKinematicsPlugin::setRedundantJoints(const std::vector<unsigned int> &redundant_joints)
-  if(num_possible_redundant_joints_ < 0)
-  {
-    ROS_ERROR_NAMED("kdl","This group cannot have redundant joints");
-    return false;
-  }
-  if(redundant_joints.size() > num_possible_redundant_joints_)
-  {
-    ROS_ERROR_NAMED("kdl","This group can only have %d redundant joints", num_possible_redundant_joints_);
-    return false;
-  }
-  /*
-    XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue joint_list;
-    if(private_handle.getParam(group_name+"/redundant_joints", joint_list))
-    {
-      ROS_ASSERT(joint_list.getType() == XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::TypeArray);
-      std::vector<std::string> redundant_joints;
-      for (std::size_t i = 0; i < joint_list.size(); ++i)
-      {
-        ROS_ASSERT(joint_list[i].getType() == XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::TypeString);
-        redundant_joints.push_back(static_cast<std::string>(joint_list[i]));
-        ROS_INFO_NAMED("kdl","Designated joint: %s as redundant joint", redundant_joints.back().c_str());
-      }
-    }
-  */
-  std::vector<unsigned int> redundant_joints_map_index;
-  unsigned int counter = 0;
-  for(std::size_t i=0; i < dimension_; ++i)
-  {
-    bool is_redundant_joint = false;
-    for(std::size_t j=0; j < redundant_joints.size(); ++j)
-    {
-      if(i == redundant_joints[j])
-      {
-        is_redundant_joint = true;
-  counter++;
-        break;
-      }
-    }
-    if(!is_redundant_joint)
-    {
-      // check for mimic
-      if(mimic_joints_[i].active) 
-      {
-  redundant_joints_map_index.push_back(counter);
-  counter++;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  for(std::size_t i=0; i < redundant_joints_map_index.size(); ++i)
-    ROS_DEBUG_NAMED("kdl","Redundant joint map index: %d %d", (int) i, (int) redundant_joints_map_index[i]);
-  redundant_joints_map_index_ = redundant_joints_map_index;
-  redundant_joint_indices_ = redundant_joints;
-  return true;
-int KDLKinematicsPlugin::getJointIndex(const std::string &name) const
-  for (unsigned int i=0; i < ik_chain_info_.joint_names.size(); i++) {
-    if (ik_chain_info_.joint_names[i] == name)
-      return i;
-  }
-  return -1;
-int KDLKinematicsPlugin::getKDLSegmentIndex(const std::string &name) const
-  int i=0;
-  while (i < (int)kdl_chain_.getNrOfSegments()) {
-    if (kdl_chain_.getSegment(i).getName() == name) {
-      return i+1;
-    }
-    i++;
-  }
-  return -1;
-bool KDLKinematicsPlugin::timedOut(const ros::WallTime &start_time, double duration) const
-  return ((ros::WallTime::now()-start_time).toSec() >= duration);
-bool KDLKinematicsPlugin::getPositionIK(const geometry_msgs::Pose &ik_pose,
-                                        const std::vector<double> &ik_seed_state,
-                                        std::vector<double> &solution,
-                                        moveit_msgs::MoveItErrorCodes &error_code,
-                                        const kinematics::KinematicsQueryOptions &options) const
-  const IKCallbackFn solution_callback = 0;
-  std::vector<double> consistency_limits;
-  return searchPositionIK(ik_pose,
-                          ik_seed_state,
-                          default_timeout_,
-                          solution,
-                          solution_callback,
-                          error_code,
-                          consistency_limits,
-                          options);
-bool KDLKinematicsPlugin::searchPositionIK(const geometry_msgs::Pose &ik_pose,
-                                           const std::vector<double> &ik_seed_state,
-                                           double timeout,
-                                           std::vector<double> &solution,
-                                           moveit_msgs::MoveItErrorCodes &error_code,
-                                           const kinematics::KinematicsQueryOptions &options) const
-  const IKCallbackFn solution_callback = 0;
-  std::vector<double> consistency_limits;
-  return searchPositionIK(ik_pose,
-                          ik_seed_state,
-                          timeout,
-                          solution,
-                          solution_callback,
-                          error_code,
-                          consistency_limits,
-                          options);
-bool KDLKinematicsPlugin::searchPositionIK(const geometry_msgs::Pose &ik_pose,
-                                           const std::vector<double> &ik_seed_state,
-                                           double timeout,
-                                           const std::vector<double> &consistency_limits,
-                                           std::vector<double> &solution,
-                                           moveit_msgs::MoveItErrorCodes &error_code,
-                                           const kinematics::KinematicsQueryOptions &options) const
-  const IKCallbackFn solution_callback = 0;
-  return searchPositionIK(ik_pose,
-                          ik_seed_state,
-                          timeout,
-                          solution,
-                          solution_callback,
-                          error_code,
-                          consistency_limits,
-                          options);
-bool KDLKinematicsPlugin::searchPositionIK(const geometry_msgs::Pose &ik_pose,
-                                           const std::vector<double> &ik_seed_state,
-                                           double timeout,
-                                           std::vector<double> &solution,
-                                           const IKCallbackFn &solution_callback,
-                                           moveit_msgs::MoveItErrorCodes &error_code,
-                                           const kinematics::KinematicsQueryOptions &options) const
-  std::vector<double> consistency_limits;
-  return searchPositionIK(ik_pose,
-                          ik_seed_state,
-                          timeout,
-                          solution,
-                          solution_callback,
-                          error_code,
-                          consistency_limits,
-                          options);
-bool KDLKinematicsPlugin::searchPositionIK(const geometry_msgs::Pose &ik_pose,
-                                           const std::vector<double> &ik_seed_state,
-                                           double timeout,
-                                           const std::vector<double> &consistency_limits,
-                                           std::vector<double> &solution,
-                                           const IKCallbackFn &solution_callback,
-                                           moveit_msgs::MoveItErrorCodes &error_code,
-                                           const kinematics::KinematicsQueryOptions &options) const
-  return searchPositionIK(ik_pose,
-                          ik_seed_state,
-                          timeout,
-                          solution,
-                          solution_callback,
-                          error_code,
-                          consistency_limits,
-                          options);
-bool KDLKinematicsPlugin::searchPositionIK(const geometry_msgs::Pose &ik_pose,
-                                           const std::vector<double> &ik_seed_state,
-                                           double timeout,
-                                           std::vector<double> &solution,
-                                           const IKCallbackFn &solution_callback,
-                                           moveit_msgs::MoveItErrorCodes &error_code,
-                                           const std::vector<double> &consistency_limits,
-                                           const kinematics::KinematicsQueryOptions &options) const
-  ros::WallTime n1 = ros::WallTime::now();
-  if(!active_)
-  {
-    ROS_ERROR_NAMED("kdl","kinematics not active");
-    error_code.val = error_code.NO_IK_SOLUTION;
-    return false;
-  }
-  if(ik_seed_state.size() != dimension_)
-  {
-    ROS_ERROR_STREAM_NAMED("kdl","Seed state must have size " << dimension_ << " instead of size " << ik_seed_state.size());
-    error_code.val = error_code.NO_IK_SOLUTION;
-    return false;
-  }
-  if(!consistency_limits.empty() && consistency_limits.size() != dimension_)
-  {
-    ROS_ERROR_STREAM_NAMED("kdl","Consistency limits be empty or must have size " << dimension_ << " instead of size " << consistency_limits.size());
-    error_code.val = error_code.NO_IK_SOLUTION;
-    return false;
-  }
-  KDL::JntArray jnt_seed_state(dimension_);
-  KDL::JntArray jnt_pos_in(dimension_);
-  KDL::JntArray jnt_pos_out(dimension_);
-  KDL::ChainFkSolverPos_recursive fk_solver(kdl_chain_);
-  KDL::ChainIkSolverVel_pinv_mimic ik_solver_vel(kdl_chain_, joint_model_group_->getMimicJointModels().size(), redundant_joint_indices_.size(), position_ik_);
-  KDL::ChainIkSolverPos_NR_JL_Mimic ik_solver_pos(kdl_chain_, joint_min_, joint_max_, fk_solver, ik_solver_vel, max_solver_iterations_, epsilon_, position_ik_);
-  ik_solver_vel.setMimicJoints(mimic_joints_);
-  ik_solver_pos.setMimicJoints(mimic_joints_);
-  if ((redundant_joint_indices_.size() > 0) && !ik_solver_vel.setRedundantJointsMapIndex(redundant_joints_map_index_))
-  {
-    ROS_ERROR_NAMED("kdl","Could not set redundant joints");
-    return false;
-  }
-  if(options.lock_redundant_joints)
-  {
-    ik_solver_vel.lockRedundantJoints();
-  }
-  solution.resize(dimension_);
-  KDL::Frame pose_desired;
-  tf::poseMsgToKDL(ik_pose, pose_desired);
-  ROS_DEBUG_STREAM_NAMED("kdl","searchPositionIK2: Position request pose is " <<
-                   ik_pose.position.x << " " <<
-                   ik_pose.position.y << " " <<
-                   ik_pose.position.z << " " <<
-                   ik_pose.orientation.x << " " <<
-                   ik_pose.orientation.y << " " <<
-                   ik_pose.orientation.z << " " <<
-                   ik_pose.orientation.w);
-  //Do the IK
-  for(unsigned int i=0; i < dimension_; i++)
-    jnt_seed_state(i) = ik_seed_state[i];
-  jnt_pos_in = jnt_seed_state;
-  unsigned int counter(0);
-  while(1)
-  {
-    //    ROS_DEBUG_NAMED("kdl","Iteration: %d, time: %f, Timeout: %f",counter,(ros::WallTime::now()-n1).toSec(),timeout);
-    counter++;
-    if(timedOut(n1,timeout))
-    {
-      ROS_DEBUG_NAMED("kdl","IK timed out");
-      error_code.val = error_code.TIMED_OUT;
-      ik_solver_vel.unlockRedundantJoints();
-      return false;
-    }
-    int ik_valid = ik_solver_pos.CartToJnt(jnt_pos_in, pose_desired, jnt_pos_out);
-    ROS_DEBUG_NAMED("kdl","IK valid: %d", ik_valid);
-    if(!consistency_limits.empty())
-    {
-      getRandomConfiguration(jnt_seed_state, consistency_limits, jnt_pos_in, options.lock_redundant_joints);
-      if( (ik_valid < 0 && !options.return_approximate_solution) || !checkConsistency(jnt_seed_state, consistency_limits, jnt_pos_out))
-      {
-        ROS_DEBUG_NAMED("kdl","Could not find IK solution: does not match consistency limits");
-        continue;
-      }
-    }
-    else
-    {
-      getRandomConfiguration(jnt_pos_in, options.lock_redundant_joints);
-      ROS_DEBUG_NAMED("kdl","New random configuration");
-      for(unsigned int j=0; j < dimension_; j++)
-        ROS_DEBUG_NAMED("kdl","%d %f", j, jnt_pos_in(j));
-      if(ik_valid < 0 && !options.return_approximate_solution)
-      {
-        ROS_DEBUG_NAMED("kdl","Could not find IK solution");
-        continue;
-      }
-    }
-    ROS_DEBUG_NAMED("kdl","Found IK solution");
-    for(unsigned int j=0; j < dimension_; j++)
-      solution[j] = jnt_pos_out(j);
-    if(!solution_callback.empty())
-      solution_callback(ik_pose,solution,error_code);
-    else
-      error_code.val = error_code.SUCCESS;
-    if(error_code.val == error_code.SUCCESS)
-    {
-      ROS_DEBUG_STREAM_NAMED("kdl","Solved after " << counter << " iterations");
-      ik_solver_vel.unlockRedundantJoints();
-      return true;
-    }
-  }
-  ROS_DEBUG_NAMED("kdl","An IK that satisifes the constraints and is collision free could not be found");
-  error_code.val = error_code.NO_IK_SOLUTION;
-  ik_solver_vel.unlockRedundantJoints();
-  return false;
-bool KDLKinematicsPlugin::getPositionFK(const std::vector<std::string> &link_names,
-                                        const std::vector<double> &joint_angles,
-                                        std::vector<geometry_msgs::Pose> &poses) const
-  ros::WallTime n1 = ros::WallTime::now();
-  if(!active_)
-  {
-    ROS_ERROR_NAMED("kdl","kinematics not active");
-    return false;
-  }
-  poses.resize(link_names.size());
-  if(joint_angles.size() != dimension_)
-  {
-    ROS_ERROR_NAMED("kdl","Joint angles vector must have size: %d",dimension_);
-    return false;
-  }
-  KDL::Frame p_out;
-  geometry_msgs::PoseStamped pose;
-  tf::Stamped<tf::Pose> tf_pose;
-  KDL::JntArray jnt_pos_in(dimension_);
-  for(unsigned int i=0; i < dimension_; i++)
-  {
-    jnt_pos_in(i) = joint_angles[i];
-  }
-  KDL::ChainFkSolverPos_recursive fk_solver(kdl_chain_);
-  bool valid = true;
-  for(unsigned int i=0; i < poses.size(); i++)
-  {
-    ROS_DEBUG_NAMED("kdl","End effector index: %d",getKDLSegmentIndex(link_names[i]));
-    if(fk_solver.JntToCart(jnt_pos_in,p_out,getKDLSegmentIndex(link_names[i])) >=0)
-    {
-      tf::poseKDLToMsg(p_out,poses[i]);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-      ROS_ERROR_NAMED("kdl","Could not compute FK for %s",link_names[i].c_str());
-      valid = false;
-    }
-  }
-  return valid;
-const std::vector<std::string>& KDLKinematicsPlugin::getJointNames() const
-  return ik_chain_info_.joint_names;
-const std::vector<std::string>& KDLKinematicsPlugin::getLinkNames() const
-  return ik_chain_info_.link_names;