diff --git a/ur5_driver/driver.py b/ur5_driver/driver.py
index 48de91f596aae94f3d7766accd76e1149cb2cc81..3d5ee73a22d5f8d05df6f7c153a47b3c1f219b87 100755
--- a/ur5_driver/driver.py
+++ b/ur5_driver/driver.py
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import rospy
 import actionlib
 from sensor_msgs.msg import JointState
 from control_msgs.msg import FollowJointTrajectoryAction
+from trajectory_msgs.msg import JointTrajectoryPoint
@@ -159,6 +160,21 @@ def get_segment_duration(traj, index):
         return traj.points[0].time_from_start.to_sec()
     return (traj.points[index].time_from_start - traj.points[index-1].time_from_start).to_sec()
+# Reorders the JointTrajectory traj according to the order in
+# joint_names.  Destructive.
+def reorder_traj_joints(traj, joint_names):
+    order = [traj.joint_names.index(j) for j in joint_names]
+    new_points = []
+    for p in traj.points:
+        new_points.append(JointTrajectoryPoint(
+            positions = [p.positions[i] for i in order],
+            velocities = [p.velocities[i] for i in order] if p.velocities else [],
+            accelerations = [p.accelerations[i] for i in order] if p.accelerations else [],
+            time_from_start = p.time_from_start))
+    traj.joint_names = joint_names
+    traj.points = new_points
 class UR5TrajectoryFollower(object):
     def __init__(self, robot):
         self.robot = robot
@@ -180,14 +196,23 @@ class UR5TrajectoryFollower(object):
     def on_goal(self, goal_handle):
-        if self.goal_handle:
-            rospy.logerr("Already have a goal in progress!  Rejecting.  (TODO)")
+        # Checks if the joints are just incorrect
+        if set(goal_handle.get_goal().trajectory.joint_names) != set(JOINT_NAMES):
+            rospy.logerr("Received a goal with incorrect joint names: (%s)" % \
+                         ', '.join(goal_handle.get_goal().trajectory.joint_names))
-        # TODO: Verify that the goal has the correct joints.  Reorder if necessary
+        # Orders the joints of the trajectory according to JOINT_NAMES
+        reorder_traj_joints(goal_handle.get_goal().trajectory, JOINT_NAMES)
         with self.following_lock:
+            if self.goal_handle:
+                rospy.logerr("Already have a goal in progress!  Rejecting.  (TODO)")
+                goal_handle.set_rejected()
+                return
             self.goal_handle = goal_handle
             self.tracking_i = 0
             self.pending_i = 0
@@ -196,7 +221,6 @@ class UR5TrajectoryFollower(object):
             # Sends a tracking point and a pending point to the robot
             traj = self.goal_handle.get_goal().trajectory
-            # TODO: joints may have a different order
             self.robot.send_movej(self.first_waypoint_id, traj.points[0].positions,
                                   t=get_segment_duration(traj, 0))
             self.robot.send_movej(self.first_waypoint_id + 1, traj.points[1].positions,
@@ -211,32 +235,32 @@ class UR5TrajectoryFollower(object):
     # The URScript program sends back waypoint_finished messages,
     # which trigger this callback.
     def on_waypoint_finished(self, waypoint_id):
-        log("Waypoint finished: %i" % waypoint_id)
-        index = waypoint_id - self.first_waypoint_id
-        if index != self.tracking_i:
-            rospy.logerr("Completed waypoint %i (id=%i), but tracking %i (id=%i)" % \
-                         (index, waypoint_id, self.tracking_i,
-                          self.first_waypoint_id + self.tracking_i))
-            # TODO: Probably need to fail here
-        traj = self.goal_handle.get_goal().trajectory
-        traj_len = len(traj.points)
-        # Checks if we've completed the trajectory
-        if index == traj_len - 1:
-            self.goal_handle.set_succeeded()
-            self.first_waypoint_id += traj_len
-            self.goal_handle = None
-        # Moves onto the next segment
-        self.tracking_i += 1
-        if self.pending_i + 1 < traj_len:
-            self.pending_i += 1
-            # TODO: reorder joint positions
-            self.robot.send_movej(self.first_waypoint_id + self.pending_i,
-                                  traj.points[self.pending_i],
-                                  t=get_segment_duration(traj, self.pending_i))
+        with self.following_lock:
+            log("Waypoint finished: %i" % waypoint_id)
+            index = waypoint_id - self.first_waypoint_id
+            if index != self.tracking_i:
+                rospy.logerr("Completed waypoint %i (id=%i), but tracking %i (id=%i)" % \
+                             (index, waypoint_id, self.tracking_i,
+                              self.first_waypoint_id + self.tracking_i))
+                # TODO: Probably need to fail here
+            traj = self.goal_handle.get_goal().trajectory
+            traj_len = len(traj.points)
+            # Checks if we've completed the trajectory
+            if index == traj_len - 1:
+                self.goal_handle.set_succeeded()
+                self.first_waypoint_id += traj_len
+                self.goal_handle = None
+            # Moves onto the next segment
+            self.tracking_i += 1
+            if self.pending_i + 1 < traj_len:
+                self.pending_i += 1
+                self.robot.send_movej(self.first_waypoint_id + self.pending_i,
+                                      traj.points[self.pending_i].positions,
+                                      t=get_segment_duration(traj, self.pending_i))
 sock = None
 def main():
diff --git a/ur5_driver/test_move.py b/ur5_driver/test_move.py
index 4812d7a26b8a26fbbd44e244db7354598f62fab1..a3d6ec088f16a1915b81ae077cd8feee99fddf08 100755
--- a/ur5_driver/test_move.py
+++ b/ur5_driver/test_move.py
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ JOINT_NAMES = ['shoulder_pan_joint', 'shoulder_lift_joint', 'elbow_joint',
                'wrist_1_joint', 'wrist_2_joint', 'wrist_3_joint']
 Q1 = [2.2,0,-1.57,0,0,0]
 Q2 = [1.5,0,-1.57,0,0,0]
+Q3 = [1.5,-0.2,-1.57,0,0,0]
 client = None
@@ -18,8 +19,26 @@ def move1():
     g.trajectory.joint_names = JOINT_NAMES
     g.trajectory.points = [
         JointTrajectoryPoint(positions=Q1, velocities=[0]*6, time_from_start=rospy.Duration(2.0)),
-        JointTrajectoryPoint(positions=Q2, velocities=[0]*6, time_from_start=rospy.Duration(3.0))]
+        JointTrajectoryPoint(positions=Q2, velocities=[0]*6, time_from_start=rospy.Duration(3.0)),
+        JointTrajectoryPoint(positions=Q3, velocities=[0]*6, time_from_start=rospy.Duration(4.0))]
+    client.wait_for_result()
+def move_disordered():
+    order = [4, 2, 3, 1, 5, 0]
+    g = FollowJointTrajectoryGoal()
+    g.trajectory = JointTrajectory()
+    g.trajectory.joint_names = [JOINT_NAMES[i] for i in order]
+    q1 = [Q1[i] for i in order]
+    q2 = [Q2[i] for i in order]
+    q3 = [Q3[i] for i in order]
+    g.trajectory.points = [
+        JointTrajectoryPoint(positions=q1, velocities=[0]*6, time_from_start=rospy.Duration(2.0)),
+        JointTrajectoryPoint(positions=q2, velocities=[0]*6, time_from_start=rospy.Duration(3.0)),
+        JointTrajectoryPoint(positions=q3, velocities=[0]*6, time_from_start=rospy.Duration(4.0))]
+    client.send_goal(g)
+    client.wait_for_result()
 def main():
     global client
@@ -30,6 +49,7 @@ def main():
         print "Connected to server"
+        #move_disordered()
     except KeyboardInterrupt: