// Module to generate a bunch of CATALOG.json files which 
// have arbitrary but realistic data

	'id': 'https://examples.edu',
	'name': 'Examples University'

const EMAIL_DOMAIN = 'examples.edu';
const OWNER = 'owner@examples.edu';
const APPROVER = 'approver@examples.edu';

const NAME_MIN = 3;
const NAME_MAX = 10;
const KEYWORD_MIN = 3;
const KEYWORD_MAX = 12;
const WORD_MIN = 2;
const WORD_MAX = 14;
const SENTENCE_MIN = 3;
const SENTENCE_MAX = 30;
const PARA_MIN = 1;
const PARA_MAX = 10;

const N_KEYWORD_MIN = 2;
const N_KEYWORD_MAX = 10;

const N_PEOPLE_MIN = 1;
const N_PEOPLE_MAX = 5;

const HONORIFICS = [ 'Dr', 'A/Prof', 'Prof', 'Dr', 'Dr', 'Dr', 'Mr', 'Ms' ];

const datacrate = require('./catalog.js');
const _ = require('lodash');
const fs = require('fs-extra');
const randdict = require('random-word');
const path = require('path');
const uuidv4 = require('uuid/v4');

function randrange(min, max) {
	return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min)) + min;

function randoms(n, fn) {
	return Array(n).fill(0).map(fn);

function randname() {
	return _.upperFirst(randdict());

function randperson() {
	const honorific = _.sample(HONORIFICS);
	const surname = randname();
	const givenname = randname();
	const name = givenname + ' ' + surname;
	const email = givenname + '.' + surname + '@' + EMAIL_DOMAIN;
	const id = uuidv4();
	return {
		'dc:identifier': id,
		'text_full_name': name,
		'full_name_honorific': honorific + ' ' + name,
		'email': email

function randkeyword() {
	return randdict();

function randsentence() {
	const nwords = randrange(SENTENCE_MIN, SENTENCE_MAX);
	const s = randoms(nwords, randdict).join(' ') + '.';
	return _.upperFirst(s);

function randtext() {
	const nsentences = randrange(PARA_MIN, PARA_MAX);
	return randoms(nsentences, randsentence).join(' ') + '\n';

function randdatapub(keywords, people) {
	const k = _.sampleSize(keywords, randrange(N_KEYWORD_MIN, N_KEYWORD_MAX));
	const title = _.startCase(_.camelCase(randsentence()));
	const desc = randtext();
	const creators = _.clone(_.sampleSize(people, randrange(N_PEOPLE_MIN, N_PEOPLE_MAX)));
	const contributors = _.clone(creators);
	const collabs = contributors.splice(1);
	contributors[0].role = 'Chief Investigator';
	return {
		keywords: k,
		contributor_ci: contributors[0],
		contributors: collabs,
		creators: creators,
		title: title,
		description: desc

function randdatapubs(n) {
	const keywords = randoms(Math.floor(n / 2), randkeyword);
	const people = randoms(n * 2, randperson);
	return randoms(n, () => randdatapub(keywords, people))

async function makedatacrate(dest, datapub) {
	const id = uuidv4();
	await fs.ensureDir(path.join(dest, id));
	const catalog = await datacrate.datapub2catalog({
		id: id,
		datapub: datapub,
		organisation: ORGANISATION,
		owner: OWNER,
		approver: APPROVER
	const catfile = path.join(dest, id, 'CATALOG.json');
	await fs.writeFile(catfile, JSON.stringify(catalog, null, 2));
	console.log('Wrote ' + catfile);
	const datapubfile = path.join(dest, id, 'datapub.json');
	await fs.writeFile(datapubfile, JSON.stringify(datapub, null, 2));
	console.log('Wrote ' + datapubfile);

async function makedatacrates(dest, n) {
	const datapubs = randdatapubs(n);
		datapubs.map(async p => {
			await makedatacrate(dest, p);

makedatacrates('./output/', 5)