diff --git a/build/paper.pdf b/build/paper.pdf
index 33c950296cc9bb8e5d4789dc191b5781403aabc6..8a1e59f3be2f6e8dacd3c17f4343eda67cd580cf 100644
Binary files a/build/paper.pdf and b/build/paper.pdf differ
diff --git a/metadata.yaml b/metadata.yaml
index d45f8a0162f75768e5036a02a02d9be5f6cf208d..acf2b14e7f73e020e792912a1b13959d03fa250e 100644
--- a/metadata.yaml
+++ b/metadata.yaml
@@ -3,8 +3,16 @@ title: 'DataCrate - '
   - name: Peter Sefton
     affilation: University of Technology Sydney
-    location: Sydney, Austsralia
+    location: Sydney, Australia
     email: peter.sefton@uts.edu.au
+  - name: Michael Lynch
+      affilation: University of Technology Sydney
+      location: Sydney, Australia
+      email: michael.lynch@uts.edu.au
+  - name: Gerrard Devine
+      affilation: Western Sydney University
+      location: Sydney, Australia
+      email: gerrard.devine@wsu.edu.au
   - Research Objects
   - Data Packaging
@@ -13,8 +21,21 @@ numbersections: yes
 lang: en
 babel-lang: english
 abstract: |
-  DataCrate is a ...
-  And...
+  DataCrate is a specification for packaging research data for distribution and
+  reuse.  DataCrate packages may be distributed as archives with or without
+  compression, and hosted on web sites, as they contain an index.html page that
+  sumamrises the contents of the package for  human readers. For machines, there
+  is a JSON-LD file containing metadata that will aid in the  re-use of the data
+  including licensing, publication dates, parties involved in creating the data.
+  Where possible the terms from schema.org are used for metadata, with other
+  ontologies used where needed.
+  DataCrate optionally uses the BagIt data packaging standard which is widely
+  used in libraries and archives and increasingly in research data management,
+  including in recent dicsusions about data packaging at the Research Data
+  Aliance (RDA).