diff --git a/bibliography.bib b/bibliography.bib index 534f06ed1ee71b0f982547611c89ae2c93dba8cb..bd527fea2da8bc7a70feefd6802125a6dba0ef09 100644 --- a/bibliography.bib +++ b/bibliography.bib @@ -1,5694 +1,26 @@ -@article{whiteConsideringPersonalOrganization2010, - title = {Considering {{Personal Organization}}: {{Metadata Practices}} of {{Scientists}}}, - volume = {10}, - issn = {1938-6389}, - shorttitle = {Considering {{Personal Organization}}}, - doi = {10.1080/19386389.2010.506396}, - number = {2}, - urldate = {2011-02-03}, - journal = {Journal of Library Metadata}, - author = {White, Hollie C.}, - year = {2010}, - pages = {156}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/5HP2FTXB/content~db=all.html;/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/VTI9F2RA/ftinterface~content=a928338385~fulltext=713240930~frm=content.html}, - note = {(accessed 2011-02-03T21:01:51Z)}, - url = {http://www.informaworld.com/10.1080/19386389.2010.506396} -} - -@article{pilskBiodiversityHeritageLibrary2010, - title = {The {{Biodiversity Heritage Library}}: {{Advancing Metadata Practices}} in a {{Collaborative Digital Library}}}, - volume = {10}, - issn = {1938-6389}, - shorttitle = {The {{Biodiversity Heritage Library}}}, - doi = {10.1080/19386389.2010.506400}, - number = {2}, - urldate = {2011-02-03}, - journal = {Journal of Library Metadata}, - author = {Pilsk, Suzanne C. and Person, Matthew A. and Deveer, Joseph M. and Furfey, John F. and Kalfatovic, Martin R.}, - year = {2010}, - pages = {136}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/J2MCRTBF/content~db=all.html;/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/TU2ADSTP/ftinterface~content=a928339949~fulltext=713240930~frm=content.html}, - note = {(accessed 2011-02-03T21:01:44Z)}, - url = {http://www.informaworld.com/10.1080/19386389.2010.506400} -} - -@article{richessonRDPRISMLibrary2010, - title = {[{{RD}}] {{PRISM}} - {{Library}}: {{Patient Registry Item Specifications}} and {{Metadata}} for {{Rare Diseases}}}, - volume = {10}, - issn = {1938-6389}, - shorttitle = {[{{RD}}] {{PRISM}} - {{Library}}}, - doi = {10.1080/19386389.2010.506376}, - number = {2}, - urldate = {2011-02-03}, - journal = {Journal of Library Metadata}, - author = {Richesson, Rachel and Shereff, Denise and Andrews, James}, - year = {2010}, - pages = {119}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/QETTCTPH/content~db=all.html;/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/TH256DDR/ftinterface~content=a928341165~fulltext=713240930~frm=content.html}, - note = {(accessed 2011-02-03T21:01:24Z)}, - url = {http://www.informaworld.com/10.1080/19386389.2010.506385} -} - -@article{gilMetadataActivitiesBiology2010, - title = {Metadata {{Activities}} in {{Biology}}}, - volume = {10}, - issn = {1938-6389}, - doi = {10.1080/19386389.2010.506389}, - number = {2}, - urldate = {2011-02-03}, - journal = {Journal of Library Metadata}, - author = {Gil, Inigo San and Hutchison, Vivian and Frame, Mike and Palanisamy, Giri}, - year = {2010}, - pages = {99}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/9ZVIUFUP/ftinterface~content=a928352203~fulltext=713240930~frm=content.html;/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/H64FCS32/content~db=all.html}, - note = {(accessed 2011-02-03T21:01:10Z)}, - url = {http://www.informaworld.com/10.1080/19386389.2010.506389} -} - -@article{dietrichMetadataManagementData2010, - title = {Metadata {{Management}} in a {{Data Staging Repository}}}, - volume = {10}, - issn = {1938-6389}, - doi = {10.1080/19386389.2010.506376}, - number = {2}, - urldate = {2011-02-03}, - journal = {Journal of Library Metadata}, - author = {Dietrich, Dianne}, - year = {2010}, - pages = {79}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/7TTNP6RW/content~db=all.html;/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/E2MCIQC7/ftinterface~content=a928341165~fulltext=713240930~frm=content.html}, - note = {(accessed 2011-02-03T21:00:57Z)}, - url = {http://www.informaworld.com/10.1080/19386389.2010.506376} -} - -@article{greenbergMetadataScientificData2010, - title = {Metadata for {{Scientific Data}}: {{Historical Considerations}}, {{Current Practice}}, and {{Prospects}}}, - volume = {10}, - issn = {1938-6389}, - shorttitle = {Metadata for {{Scientific Data}}}, - doi = {10.1080/19386389.2010.520262}, - number = {2}, - urldate = {2011-02-03}, - journal = {Journal of Library Metadata}, - author = {Greenberg, Jane}, - year = {2010}, - pages = {75}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/66S7556V/Greenberg - 2010 - Metadata for Scientific Data Historical Considera.pdf;/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/PHBRCFFB/content~db=all.html}, - note = {(accessed 2011-02-03T21:00:51Z)}, - url = {http://www.informaworld.com/10.1080/19386389.2010.520262} -} - -@article{kurtzEmergingScholarlyBrain2010, - title = {The {{Emerging Scholarly Brain}}}, - abstract = {It is now a commonplace observation that human society is becoming a coherent super-organism, and that the information infrastructure forms its emerging brain. Perhaps, as the underlying technologies are likely to become billions of times more powerful than those we have today, we could say that we are now building the lizard brain for the future organism.}, - urldate = {2010-12-08}, - journal = {1008.0826}, - author = {Kurtz, Michael J}, - month = aug, - year = {2010}, - keywords = {Astrophysics - Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics,Computer Science - Digital Libraries,Computer Science - Information Retrieval,Physics - Physics and Society}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/2758QPRG/1008.html}, - note = {(accessed 2010-12-08T23:13:39Z)}, - url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/1008.0826} -} - -@article{kurtzUsingMultipartiteGraphs2009, - title = {Using {{Multipartite Graphs}} for {{Recommendation}} and {{Discovery}}}, - abstract = {The Smithsonian/NASA Astrophysics Data System exists at the nexus of a dense system of interacting and interlinked information networks. The syntactic and the semantic content of this multipartite graph structure can be combined to provide very specific research recommendations to the scientist/user.}, - urldate = {2010-12-08}, - journal = {0912.5235}, - author = {Kurtz, Michael J and Accomazzi, Alberto and Henneken, Edwin and Di Milia, Giovanni and Grant, Carolyn S}, - month = dec, - year = {2009}, - keywords = {Astrophysics - Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics,Computer Science - Digital Libraries,Computer Science - Information Retrieval,Physics - Physics and Society}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/2XG6JCIK/0912.html}, - note = {(accessed 2010-12-08T23:13:37Z)}, - url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/0912.5235} -} - -@article{kurtzUsingMultipartiteGraphs2009a, - title = {Using {{Multipartite Graphs}} for {{Recommendation}} and {{Discovery}}}, - abstract = {The Smithsonian/NASA Astrophysics Data System exists at the nexus of a dense system of interacting and interlinked information networks. The syntactic and the semantic content of this multipartite graph structure can be combined to provide very specific research recommendations to the scientist/user.}, - urldate = {2010-12-08}, - journal = {0912.5235}, - author = {Kurtz, Michael J and Accomazzi, Alberto and Henneken, Edwin and Di Milia, Giovanni and Grant, Carolyn S}, - month = dec, - year = {2009}, - keywords = {Astrophysics - Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics,Computer Science - Digital Libraries,Computer Science - Information Retrieval,Physics - Physics and Society}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/PTCEFAUJ/0912.html}, - note = {(accessed 2010-12-08T20:28:23Z)}, - url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/0912.5235} -} - -@article{wikipediacontributorsHTML52010, - title = {{{HTML5}}}, - copyright = {CC-BY-SA 3.0}, - language = {en}, - urldate = {2010-11-30}, - journal = {Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia}, - publisher = {{Wikimedia Foundation}}, - author = {{Wikipedia contributors}}, - month = nov, - year = {2010}, - note = {(accessed 2010-11-30T23:37:43Z)}, - url = {http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=HTML5\\\&oldid=399647428} -} - -@article{wikipediacontributorsEPUB2010, - title = {{{EPUB}}}, - copyright = {CC-BY-SA 3.0}, - language = {en}, - urldate = {2010-11-30}, - journal = {Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia}, - publisher = {{Wikimedia Foundation}}, - author = {{Wikipedia contributors}}, - month = nov, - year = {2010}, - note = {(accessed 2010-11-30T23:37:06Z)}, - url = {http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=EPUB\\\&oldid=399335606} -} - -@misc{downingLensfieldGoogleCode2009, - title = {Lensfield - {{Google Code}}}, - urldate = {2009-06-29}, - howpublished = {http://code.google.com/p/lensfield/}, - journal = {Project website}, - author = {Downing, Jim}, - year = {2009}, - keywords = {eraust09}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/7CGVSA2U/lensfield.html}, - note = {(accessed 2009-06-29T01:35:21Z)}, - url = {http://code.google.com/p/lensfield/} -} - -@article{seftonEmbeddingMetadataOther2009, - title = {Embedding {{Metadata}} and {{Other Semantics}} in {{Word Processing Documents}}}, - volume = {4}, - issn = {1746-8256}, - abstract = {This paper describes a technique for embedding document metadata, and potentially other semantic references inline in word processing documents, which the authors have implemented with the help of a software development team. Several assumptions underly the approach; It must be available across computing platforms and work with both Microsoft Word (because of its user base) and OpenOffice.org (because of its free availability). Further the application needs to be acceptable to and usable by users, so the initial implementation covers only small number of features, which will only be extended after user-testing. Within these constraints the system provides a mechanism for encoding not only simple metadata, but for inferring hierarchical relationships between metadata elements from a `flat' word processing file.The paper includes links to open source code implementing the techniques as part of a broader suite of tools for academic writing. This addresses tools and software, semantic web and data curation, integrating curation into research workflows and will provide a platform for integrating work on ontologies, vocabularies and folksonomies into word processing tools.}, - number = {2}, - urldate = {2009-10-22}, - journal = {International Journal of Digital Curation}, - author = {Sefton, Peter and Barnes, Ian and Ward, Ron and Downing, Jim}, - year = {2009}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/47MHMWJM/121.html}, - note = {(accessed 2009-10-22T05:41:06Z)}, - url = {http://www.ijdc.net/index.php/ijdc/article/view/121} -} - -@article{neylonHeadCloudsReimagining2009, - title = {Head in the Clouds: {{Re}}-Imagining the Experimental Laboratory Record for the Web-Based Networked World}, - volume = {1}, - shorttitle = {Head in the Clouds}, - doi = {10.1186/1759-4499-1-3}, - abstract = {The means we use to record the process of carrying out research remains tied to the concept of a paginated paper notebook despite the advances over the past decade in web based communication and publication tools. The development of these tools offers an opportunity to re-imagine what the laboratory record would look like if it were re-built in a web-native form. In this paper I describe a distributed approach to the laboratory record based which uses the most appropriate tool available to house and publish each specific object created during the research process, whether they be a physical sample, a digital data object, or the record of how one was created from another. I propose that the web-native laboratory record would act as a feed of relationships between these items. This approach can be seen as complementary to, rather than competitive with, integrative approaches that aim to aggregate relevant objects together to describe knowledge. The potential for the recent announcement of the Google Wave protocol to have a significant impact on realizing this vision is discussed along with the issues of security and provenance that are raised by such an approach.}, - journal = {Automated Experimentation}, - author = {Neylon, Cameron}, - year = {2009}, - pages = {3-3}, - pmid = {20098590}, - pmcid = {2809323} -} - -@misc{tennantRochesterReleasesTheir2009, - title = {Rochester {{Releases Their}} "{{IR}}+" {{Repository Platform}} \guillemotleft{} {{Tennant}}: {{Digital Libraries}}}, - urldate = {2010-11-30}, - howpublished = {http://blog.libraryjournal.com/tennantdigitallibraries/2009/12/16/rochester-releases-their-ir-repository-platform/}, - author = {Tennant, Roy}, - year = {2009}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/CTJUJBI4/rochester-releases-their-ir-repository-platform.html}, - note = {(accessed 2010-11-30T06:12:08Z)}, - url = {http://blog.libraryjournal.com/tennantdigitallibraries/2009/12/16/rochester-releases-their-ir-repository-platform/} -} - -@inproceedings{hunterOpenAnnotationCollaboration2010, - title = {The {{Open Annotation Collaboration}}: {{A Data Model}} to {{Support Sharing}} and {{Interoperability}} of {{Scholarly Annotations}}}, - booktitle = {Digital {{Humanities}} 2010}, - author = {Hunter, Jane and Cole, Tim and Sanderson, Robert and {Van de Sompel}, H.}, - year = {2010}, - pages = {175-177}, - url = {http://dh2010.cch.kcl.ac.uk/academic-programme/abstracts/papers/pdf/book-final.pdf\\\#page=201} -} - -@misc{jacksonRDFencodingPlinyAnnotations2010, - title = {{{RDF}}-Encoding {{Pliny}} Annotations in the {{Open Annotation Collaboration}} Project}, - abstract = {not peer reviewed}, - language = {en}, - urldate = {2010-11-30}, - howpublished = {http://hdl.handle.net/2142/15418}, - author = {Jackson, Larry S}, - month = apr, - year = {2010}, - keywords = {Java Derby SQL,object relationship graph,open annotation collaboration (OAC),Pliny scholarly annotation,Resource Description Framework (RDF)}, - note = {(accessed 2010-11-30T03:19:27Z)}, - url = {http://hdl.handle.net/2142/15418} -} - -@inproceedings{sandersonMakingWebAnnotations2010, - address = {Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia}, - title = {Making Web Annotations Persistent over Time}, - doi = {10.1145/1816123.1816125}, - urldate = {2010-11-30}, - booktitle = {Proceedings of the 10th Annual Joint Conference on {{Digital}} Libraries - {{JCDL}} '10}, - author = {Sanderson, Robert and {Van de Sompel}, Herbert}, - year = {2010}, - pages = {1}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/UNVSQ82R/citation.html}, - note = {(accessed 2010-11-30T03:18:16Z)}, - url = {http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1816125} -} - -@article{kahanAnnoteaOpenRDF2002, - title = {Annotea: An Open {{RDF}} Infrastructure for Shared {{Web}} Annotations}, - volume = {39}, - issn = {1389-1286}, - shorttitle = {Annotea}, - number = {5}, - journal = {Computer Networks}, - author = {Kahan, J. and Koivunen, M. R and Prud'Hommeaux, E. and Swick, R. R}, - year = {2002}, - pages = {589--608} -} - -@inproceedings{hunterHarvana2008, - address = {Pittsburgh PA, PA, USA}, - title = {Harvana}, - doi = {10.1145/1378889.1378916}, - urldate = {2010-11-28}, - booktitle = {Proceedings of the 8th {{ACM}}/{{IEEE}}-{{CS}} Joint Conference on {{Digital}} Libraries - {{JCDL}} '08}, - author = {Hunter, Jane and Khan, Imran and Gerber, Anna}, - year = {2008}, - pages = {147}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/SW98WZGH/citation.html}, - note = {(accessed 2010-11-28T04:48:36Z)}, - url = {http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1378916\\\&CFID=112945788\\\&CFTOKEN=24412518} -} - -@article{mesirovAccessibleReproducibleResearch2010, - title = {Accessible Reproducible Research}, - volume = {327}, - number = {5964}, - journal = {Science}, - author = {Mesirov, J. P}, - year = {2010}, - pages = {415} -} - -@article{mesirovAccessibleReproducibleResearch2010a, - title = {Accessible Reproducible Research}, - volume = {327}, - number = {5964}, - journal = {Science}, - author = {Mesirov, J. P}, - year = {2010}, - pages = {415} -} - -@misc{BlogSmarterZemanta, - title = {Blog {{Smarter}} | {{Zemanta Ltd}}.}, - urldate = {2010-11-28}, - howpublished = {http://www.zemanta.com/}, - journal = {Zemanta}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/D5IEZB2M/www.zemanta.com.html}, - note = {(accessed 2010-11-28T04:14:13Z)}, - url = {http://www.zemanta.com/} -} - -@article{borchertUsageMetricsOpen2010, - title = {Usage Metrics for Open Access Repositories}, - author = {Borchert, M. and Richardson, J.}, - year = {2010} -} - -@misc{APSRBESTBenchmark, - title = {{{APSR}}: {{BEST}} - {{Benchmark Statistics Project}}}, - urldate = {2010-10-28}, - howpublished = {http://www.apsr.edu.au/best/index.htm}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/K77DQISD/final_report(2).pdf;/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/GIX7NJPV/index.html}, - note = {(accessed 2010-10-28T00:55:24Z)}, - url = {http://www.apsr.edu.au/best/index.htm} -} - -@misc{HomePIRUS2, - title = {Home : {{PIRUS2}}}, - urldate = {2010-10-28}, - howpublished = {http://www.cranfieldlibrary.cranfield.ac.uk/pirus2/tiki-index.php?page=pirus2}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/8CMTNBJ4/tiki-index.html}, - note = {(accessed 2010-10-28T00:10:00Z)}, - url = {http://www.cranfieldlibrary.cranfield.ac.uk/pirus2/tiki-index.php?page=pirus2} -} - -@misc{stephaniewellsPublisherInstitutionalRepository, - title = {Publisher and Institutional Repository Usage Statistics}, - copyright = {Copyright Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE), on behalf of the Joint Information Systems Commmittee (JISC), unless explicitly acknowledged otherwise.}, - urldate = {2010-10-26}, - howpublished = {http://www.jisc.ac.uk/whatwedo/programmes/pals3/pirus.aspx}, - author = {{stephaniewells}}, - keywords = {Network \& Infrastructure;Digital Repositories;Tools \& Technique}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/TD73DBCH/pirus.html}, - note = {(accessed 2010-10-26T23:58:06Z)}, - url = {http://www.jisc.ac.uk/whatwedo/programmes/pals3/pirus.aspx} -} - -@misc{kellyGettingTopTen2010, - title = {Getting {{Into The Top Ten For Your Institutional Repository}} \guillemotleft{} {{UK Web Focus}}}, - urldate = {2010-10-26}, - author = {Kelly, Brian}, - month = jun, - year = {2010}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/M5ZEBZGT/getting-into-the-top-ten-for-your-institutional-repository.html}, - note = {(accessed 2010-10-26T23:17:46Z)}, - url = {http://ukwebfocus.wordpress.com/2010/06/10/getting-into-the-top-ten-for-your-institutional-repository/} -} - -@article{organDownloadStatisticsWhat2006, - title = {Download {{Statistics}} - {{What Do They Tell Us}}?}, - volume = {12}, - issn = {1082-9873}, - doi = {10.1045/november2006-organ}, - number = {11}, - urldate = {2010-10-26}, - journal = {D-Lib Magazine}, - author = {Organ, Michael}, - month = nov, - year = {2006}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/KS7497BF/11organ.html}, - note = {(accessed 2010-10-26T23:12:17Z)}, - url = {http://www.dlib.org/dlib/november06/organ/11organ.html} -} - -@article{macdonaldCollaborationDataCuration2010, - title = {Collaboration to {{Data Curation}}: {{Harnessing Institutional Expertise}}}, - volume = {16}, - issn = {1361-4533}, - shorttitle = {Collaboration to {{Data Curation}}}, - doi = {10.1080/13614533.2010.505823}, - number = {1 supp 1}, - urldate = {2010-10-25}, - journal = {New Review of Academic Librarianship}, - author = {Macdonald, Stuart and {Martinez-Uribe}, Luis}, - year = {2010}, - pages = {4}, - note = {(accessed 2010-10-25T06:18:57Z)}, - url = {http://www.informaworld.com/10.1080/13614533.2010.505823} -} - -@misc{BuildingBlocksMetadata2010, - type = {Text.{{Serial}}.{{Journal}}}, - title = {Building Blocks of Metadata: {{What}} Can We Learn from {{Lego}}\texttrademark{}?}, - copyright = {The copyright for articles is retained by the author(s), with first publication rights granted to DCMI for publication in the electronic and print proceedings. By virtue of their appearance in this open access publication, articles are free to be used with proper attribution for educational and other non-commercial purposes. Other uses may require the permission of the author(s).}, - shorttitle = {Building Blocks of Metadata}, - urldate = {2010-10-25}, - howpublished = {http://dcpapers.dublincore.org/ojs/pubs/article/viewArticle/1041}, - month = oct, - year = {2010}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/SWANRVXT/1041.html}, - note = {(accessed 2010-10-25T01:14:06Z)}, - url = {http://dcpapers.dublincore.org/ojs/pubs/article/viewArticle/1041} -} - -@misc{MovingLibraryMetadata2010, - type = {Text.{{Serial}}.{{Journal}}}, - title = {Moving {{Library Metadata Toward Linked Data}}: {{Opportunities Provided}} by the {{eXtensible Catalog}}}, - copyright = {The copyright for articles is retained by the author(s), with first publication rights granted to DCMI for publication in the electronic and print proceedings. By virtue of their appearance in this open access publication, articles are free to be used with proper attribution for educational and other non-commercial purposes. Other uses may require the permission of the author(s).}, - shorttitle = {Moving {{Library Metadata Toward Linked Data}}}, - urldate = {2010-10-25}, - howpublished = {http://dcpapers.dublincore.org/ojs/pubs/article/viewArticle/1010}, - month = oct, - year = {2010}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/KCF2W5EF/1010.html}, - note = {(accessed 2010-10-25T01:13:02Z)}, - url = {http://dcpapers.dublincore.org/ojs/pubs/article/viewArticle/1010} -} - -@misc{universityofsouthernqueenslandResearchScholarship2008, - title = {Research and {{Scholarship}}}, - urldate = {2010-10-06}, - howpublished = {http://policy.usq.edu.au/portal/custom/detail/research-and-scholarship-policy/index.html}, - author = {{University of Southern Queensland}}, - year = {2008}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/KGC9UZDF/index.html}, - note = {(accessed 2010-10-06T00:48:31Z)}, - url = {http://policy.usq.edu.au/portal/custom/detail/research-and-scholarship-policy/index.html} -} - -@misc{eresearchsouthaustraliaWhatEResearchEResearch, - title = {What Is {{eResearch}}? | {{eResearch SA}}}, - urldate = {2010-10-04}, - howpublished = {http://www.eresearchsa.edu.au/whatis}, - author = {{eResearch South Australia}}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/PMDCTN56/whatis.html}, - note = {(accessed 2010-10-04T22:48:56Z)}, - url = {http://www.eresearchsa.edu.au/whatis} -} - -@misc{nhmrc/avccAustralianCodeResponsible, - title = {Australian {{Code}} for the {{Responsible Conduct}} of {{Research}} | {{National Health}} and {{Medical Research Council}}}, - urldate = {2010-10-04}, - howpublished = {http://www.nhmrc.gov.au/publications/synopses/r39syn.htm}, - author = {NHMRC/AVCC}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/9QPA73RQ/r39.pdf;/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/MPP8ESDA/r39syn.html}, - note = {(accessed 2010-10-04T04:44:50Z)}, - url = {http://www.nhmrc.gov.au/publications/synopses/r39syn.htm} -} - -@misc{universityofsouthernqueenslandUSQResearchStrategy2005, - title = {{{USQ Research Strategy}}}, - urldate = {2010-10-04}, - howpublished = {http://www.usq.edu.au/research/usqresearch/strategy}, - author = {{University of Southern Queensland}}, - year = {2005}, - keywords = {Discussion Paper}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/MG5N5G86/aUSQResearchStrategypdf (1).pdf;/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/Z759ENI4/strategy.html}, - note = {(accessed 2010-10-04T03:55:44Z)}, - url = {http://www.usq.edu.au/research/usqresearch/strategy} -} - -@misc{australiangovernmentStrategicRoadmapAustralian2008, - title = {Strategic {{Roadmap}} for {{Australian Research Infrastructure}}}, - urldate = {2010-10-04}, - howpublished = {http://ncris.innovation.gov.au/Pages/SRARI.aspx}, - author = {Australian Government}, - year = {2008}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/W4VMNRGD/2008_Roadmap.pdf;/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/HI5TD6VW/SRARI.html}, - note = {(accessed 2010-10-04T03:20:46Z)}, - url = {http://ncris.innovation.gov.au/Pages/SRARI.aspx} -} - -@article{borgmanResearchDataWho2010, - title = {Research {{Data}}: {{Who}} Will Share What, with Whom, When, and Why?}, - shorttitle = {Research {{Data}}}, - journal = {Christine L. Borgman}, - author = {Borgman, C. L}, - year = {2010}, - pages = {238} -} - -@article{mcdowellEvaluatingInstitutionalRepository2007, - title = {Evaluating {{Institutional Repository Deployment}} in {{American Academe Since Early}} 2005}, - volume = {13}, - issn = {1082-9873}, - doi = {10.1045/september2007-mcdowell}, - number = {9/10}, - urldate = {2010-09-01}, - journal = {D-Lib Magazine}, - author = {McDowell, Cat S.}, - month = sep, - year = {2007}, - note = {(accessed 2010-09-01T02:25:29Z)}, - url = {http://www.dlib.org/dlib/september07/mcdowell/09mcdowell.html} -} - -@article{fosterUnderstandingFacultyImprove2005, - title = {Understanding {{Faculty}} to {{Improve Content Recruitment}} for {{Institutional Repositories}}}, - volume = {11}, - issn = {1082-9873}, - doi = {10.1045/january2005-foster}, - number = {01}, - urldate = {2010-09-01}, - journal = {D-Lib Magazine}, - author = {Foster, Nancy Fried and Gibbons, Susan}, - month = jan, - year = {2005}, - note = {(accessed 2010-09-01T02:25:27Z)}, - url = {http://www.dlib.org/dlib/january05/foster/01foster.html} -} - -@article{lynchInstitutionalRepositoryDeployment2005, - title = {Institutional {{Repository Deployment}} in the {{United States}} as of {{Early}} 2005}, - volume = {11}, - issn = {1082-9873}, - doi = {10.1045/september2005-lynch}, - number = {09}, - urldate = {2010-09-01}, - journal = {D-Lib Magazine}, - author = {Lynch, Clifford A. and Lippincott, Joan K.}, - month = sep, - year = {2005}, - note = {(accessed 2010-09-01T02:25:26Z)}, - url = {http://www.dlib.org/dlib/september05/lynch/09lynch.html} -} - -@article{hofmanIntroducingCopyrightPlain2009, - title = {Introducing {{Copyright}}: {{A}} Plain Language Guide to Copyright in the 21st Century}, - shorttitle = {Introducing {{Copyright}}}, - journal = {Commonwealth of Learning}, - author = {Hofman, J.}, - year = {2009} -} - -@misc{gonzalezbarahonaIntroductionFreeSoftware, - type = {Lecture Notes}, - title = {Introduction to Free Software}, - copyright = {http://www.gnu.org/licenses/fdl.txt}, - urldate = {2010-08-25}, - howpublished = {http://openaccess.uoc.edu/webapps/o2/handle/10609/227}, - author = {Gonz\'alez Barahona, Jes\'us and Seoane Pascual, Joaqu\'in and Robles Mart\'inez, Gregorio}, - keywords = {Open source software -- Textbooks -- Study and teaching (Higher),Programari lliure -- Llibres de text -- Ensenyament universitari,Software libre -- Libros de texto -- Enseñanza universitaria}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/EF7JZDXF/227.html}, - note = {(accessed 2010-08-25T02:14:47Z)}, - url = {http://openaccess.uoc.edu/webapps/o2/handle/10609/227} -} - -@misc{mariofernandezperezRankingWebWorld, - type = {Text.{{Homepage}}}, - title = {Ranking {{Web}} of {{World}} Repositories}, - copyright = {(SCHEME=URL) http://repositories.webometrics.info}, - urldate = {2010-07-21}, - howpublished = {http://repositories.webometrics.info/top800\_rep.asp}, - author = {Mario Fern\'andez P\'erez}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/HQJWT2TW/top800_rep.html}, - note = {(accessed 2010-07-21T00:15:45Z)}, - url = {http://repositories.webometrics.info/top800_rep.asp} -} - -@misc{mariofernandezperezRankingWebWorlda, - type = {Text.{{Homepage}}}, - title = {Ranking {{Web}} of {{World}} Repositories}, - copyright = {(SCHEME=URL) http://repositories.webometrics.info}, - urldate = {2010-07-21}, - howpublished = {http://repositories.webometrics.info/top800\_rep\_inst.asp}, - author = {Mario Fern\'andez P\'erez}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/72A562QU/top800_rep_inst.html}, - note = {(accessed 2010-07-21T00:15:30Z)}, - url = {http://repositories.webometrics.info/top800_rep_inst.asp} -} - -@misc{thestandardeacismaintainedbythestaatsbibliothekzuberlinandthebundesarchivStaatsbibliothekBerlinBundesarchiv, - title = {Staatsbibliothek Zu {{Berlin}} and the {{Bundesarchiv}}}, - copyright = {Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin and the Bundesarchiv}, - urldate = {2010-07-04}, - howpublished = {http://eac.staatsbibliothek-berlin.de/}, - author = {{The standard EAC is maintained by the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin {and} the Bundesarchiv} and {Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin {and} the Bundesarchiv}}, - keywords = {slavistik; slawistik; slavistische}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/PPUAPZWR/eac.staatsbibliothek-berlin.de.html}, - note = {(accessed 2010-07-04T15:16:39Z)}, - url = {http://eac.staatsbibliothek-berlin.de/} -} - -@misc{BusinessTechnologyAmazon, - title = {Business \& {{Technology}} | {{Amazon}}.Com's {{Kindle}} Fails First College Test | {{Seattle Times Newspaper}}}, - urldate = {2010-05-26}, - howpublished = {http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/businesstechnology/2011938870\_kindle24.html}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/VVB66H9B/2011938870_kindle24.html}, - note = {(accessed 2010-05-26T00:12:53Z)}, - url = {http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/businesstechnology/2011938870_kindle24.html} -} - -@article{vascellaroGoogleLaunchDigital2010, - chapter = {Technology}, - title = {Google to {{Launch Digital Books}} by {{Early Summer}}}, - abstract = {Google plans to begin selling digital books in late June or July, aiming to let users access books from a broad range of sites using multiple devices.}, - urldate = {2010-05-05}, - journal = {wsj.com}, - author = {Vascellaro, Jessica E. and Trachtenberg, Jeffrey A.}, - month = may, - year = {2010}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/JSPTI36D/SB10001424052748703866704575224232417931818.html}, - note = {(accessed 2010-05-05T03:57:21Z)}, - url = {http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703866704575224232417931818.html?mg=com-wsj} -} - -@article{tonkinEBooksTippingVanishing2010, - title = {{{eBooks}}: {{Tipping}} or {{Vanishing Point}}?}, - volume = {1}, - shorttitle = {{{eBooks}}}, - number = {62}, - journal = {Ariadne}, - author = {Tonkin, E.}, - year = {2010} -} - -@article{seftonICETheoremEndEnd2010, - title = {{{ICE}}-{{Theorem}} - {{End}} to End Semantically Aware {{eResearch}} Infrastructure for Theses}, - volume = {11}, - issn = {ISSN: 1368-7506}, - number = {1}, - urldate = {2010-03-24}, - journal = {Journal of Digital Information}, - author = {Sefton, Peter and Downing, Jim}, - month = mar, - year = {2010}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/SPCPU4NJ/754.html}, - note = {(accessed 2010-03-24T01:46:48Z)}, - url = {http://journals.tdl.org/jodi/article/viewArticle/754} -} - -@article{seftonHackingOpenOffice2005, - title = {Hacking {{Open Office}}}, - abstract = {Peter Sefton shows us how to use XML tools to hack Open Office file formats.}, - urldate = {2008-02-25}, - journal = {O'Reilly, XML.com}, - author = {Sefton, Peter}, - year = {2005}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/WSX5AGV6/hacking-ooo.html}, - note = {(accessed 2008-02-25T04:10:52Z)}, - url = {http://www.xml.com/pub/a/2005/01/26/hacking-ooo.html} -} - -@article{seftonWordXMLBack2004, - title = {Word to {{XML}} and {{Back Again}}}, - journal = {O'Reilly, XML.com}, - author = {Sefton, Peter}, - year = {2004}, - url = {http://www.xml.com/pub/a/2004/12/08/word-to-xml.html} -} - -@phdthesis{seftonStatepotentialsSocialsubjectsSystemicfunctional1995, - address = {Sydney, Australia}, - type = {{{PhD}}}, - title = {State-Potentials and Social-Subjects in Systemic-Functional Theory : Towards a Computational Social Semiotics}, - school = {University of Sydney}, - author = {Sefton, P}, - year = {1995}, - url = {http://opac.library.usyd.edu.au/record=b2163743~S4} -} - -@article{seftonScholarlyHTML2009, - title = {Towards Scholarly {{HTML}}}, - issn = {00987913}, - doi = {10.1016/j.serrev.2009.05.001}, - journal = {Serials Review}, - author = {Sefton, Peter}, - year = {2009}, - url = {http://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0098791309000598} -} - -@techreport{DynamicRepresentationExchange, - title = {Dynamic Representation of Exchange Structure} -} - -@inproceedings{seftonIntegratedApproachPreparing2007, - address = {Uppsala}, - title = {An Integrated Approach to Preparing, Publishing, Presenting and Preserving Theses}, - urldate = {2007-07-02}, - booktitle = {{{ETD}} 2007}, - author = {Sefton, Peter}, - year = {2007}, - keywords = {280300 Computer Software,oa}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/BJWUPDFN/00002653.html}, - note = {(accessed 2007-07-02T03:26:55Z)}, - url = {http://eprints.usq.edu.au/archive/00002653/} -} - -@article{seftonReDiscoveringRepositoryArchitecture2008, - title = {Re-{{Discovering Repository Architecture}}: {{Adding Discovery}} as a {{Key Service}}}, - volume = {14}, - issn = {1361-4576}, - shorttitle = {Re-{{Discovering Repository Architecture}}}, - doi = {10.1080/13614570903359407}, - number = {2}, - urldate = {2010-04-19}, - journal = {New Review of Information Networking}, - author = {Sefton, Peter}, - year = {2008}, - pages = {84}, - note = {(accessed 2010-04-19T01:36:39Z)}, - url = {http://www.informaworld.com/10.1080/13614570903359407} -} - -@misc{centerforhistoryandnewmediaZoteroQuickStart, - title = {Zotero {{Quick Start Guide}}}, - howpublished = {http://zotero.org/support/quick\_start\_guide}, - author = {{Center for History and New Media}}, - url = {http://zotero.org/support/quick_start_guide} -} - -@article{kaczmarekUsingAuditChecklist2006, - title = {Using the {{Audit Checklist}} for the {{Certification}} of a {{Trusted Digital Repository}} as a {{Framework}} for {{Evaluating Repository Software Applications}}}, - volume = {12}, - issn = {1082-9873}, - doi = {10.1045/december2006-kaczmarek}, - number = {12}, - urldate = {2010-03-01}, - journal = {D-Lib Magazine}, - author = {Kaczmarek, Joanne and Hswe, Patricia and Eke, Janet and Habing, Thomas G.}, - month = dec, - year = {2006}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/MA3FZUQH/12kaczmarek.html}, - note = {(accessed 2010-03-01T00:27:25Z)}, - url = {http://www.dlib.org/dlib/december06/kaczmarek/12kaczmarek.html} -} - -@article{bradleySurveyDataCollections2005, - title = {Survey of {{Data Collections}}: A Research Project Undertaken for the {{Australian Partnership}} for {{Sustainable Repositories}}}, - shorttitle = {Survey of {{Data Collections}}}, - author = {Bradley, K. and Henty, M.}, - year = {2005} -} - -@article{buchhornSustainabilityIssuesAustralian2006, - title = {Sustainability {{Issues}} for {{Australian Research Data}}: {{The}} Report of the {{Australian eResearch Sustainability Survey Project}}}, - shorttitle = {Sustainability {{Issues}} for {{Australian Research Data}}}, - author = {Buchhorn, M. and McNamara, P.}, - year = {2006} -} - -@article{bradleyDigitalSustainabilityDigital2006, - title = {Digital Sustainability and Digital Repositories}, - author = {Bradley, K.}, - year = {2006} -} - -@article{bradleyAPSRSustainabilityIssues2005, - title = {{{APSR}} Sustainability Issues Discussion Paper}, - journal = {Australian Partnership for Sustainable Repositories, Canberra}, - author = {Bradley, K.}, - year = {2005} -} - -@article{saloInnkeeperRoachMotel2008, - title = {Innkeeper at the Roach Motel}, - volume = {57}, - number = {2}, - journal = {Library Trends}, - author = {Salo, D.}, - year = {2008}, - pages = {98--123} -} - -@misc{SuccessEyeBeholder, - type = {Conference {{Paper}}}, - title = {Success Is in the Eye of the Beholder}, - urldate = {2010-02-26}, - howpublished = {http://espace.library.uq.edu.au/view/UQ:104804}, - keywords = {280103 Information Storage; Retrieval and Management,700299 Information services not elsewhere classified,EX}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/SET285WU/UQ104804.html}, - note = {(accessed 2010-02-26T02:57:42Z)}, - url = {http://espace.library.uq.edu.au/view/UQ:104804} -} - -@misc{MigratingEprintsOrg2007, - type = {Generic {{Document}}}, - title = {Migrating Eprints.Org Data to a {{Fez}} Repository}, - urldate = {2010-02-26}, - howpublished = {http://espace.library.uq.edu.au/view/UQ:12868}, - month = mar, - year = {2007}, - keywords = {280103 Information Storage; Retrieval and Management}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/DHA3AE84/UQ12868.html}, - note = {(accessed 2010-02-26T02:56:57Z)}, - url = {http://espace.library.uq.edu.au/view/UQ:12868} -} - -@article{killeenInformaticsSystemNeuroscience2007, - title = {An Informatics System for Neuroscience Research Imaging}, - author = {Killeen, N.}, - year = {2007}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/QRN2CH29/Killeen - 2007 - An informatics system for neuroscience research im} -} - -@article{lohreyMediafluxDataManagement2007, - title = {Mediaflux: A Data Management Platform for Collaborative Research}, - shorttitle = {Mediaflux}, - author = {Lohrey, J.}, - year = {2007}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/564PZADN/46868.html} -} - -@article{leggottIslandoraDrupalFedora2009, - title = {Islandora: A {{Drupal}}/{{Fedora Repository System}}}, - shorttitle = {Islandora}, - author = {Leggott, M. A}, - year = {2009}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/6AQBFP5M/28495.html} -} - -@inproceedings{howisonWhyCanManage2004, - title = {Why Can't {{I}} Manage Academic Papers like {{MP3s}}? {{The}} Evolution and Intent of Metadata Standards}, - shorttitle = {Why Can't {{I}} Manage Academic Papers like {{MP3s}}?}, - booktitle = {Proc}, - author = {Howison, J. and Goodrum, A.}, - year = {2004}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/N5JGW6I4/Howison and Goodrum - 2004 - Why cant I manage academic papers like MP3s The .pdf} -} - -@misc{seftonDesktopFascinatorAKA2009, - title = {The {{Desktop Fascinator AKA}} \#{{DTeRrev}}}, - abstract = {Less than two weeks ago I posted here on what I called the Desktop eRearch revolution. Jim Richardson gave that resulting discussion the twitter tag \#DTeRrev. You can see what people said. -Since then we went ahead with the idea \textendash{} Oliver Lucido has put together a version of The Fascinator that can index a [...]'}, - urldate = {2010-01-05}, - howpublished = {http://ptsefton.com/2009/03/16/the-desktop-fascinator-aka-dterrev.htm}, - journal = {ptsefton}, - author = {Sefton, Peter}, - year = {Mon, 16 Mar 2009 11:41:04 -0500}, - keywords = {Uncategorized}, - note = {(accessed 2010-01-05T05:17:29Z)}, - url = {http://ptsefton.com/2009/03/16/the-desktop-fascinator-aka-dterrev.htm} -} - -@misc{seftonDesktopEResearchRevolution, - type = {Blog}, - title = {Desktop {{eResearch}} Revolution \guillemotleft{} Ptsefton}, - urldate = {2010-01-05}, - howpublished = {http://ptsefton.com/2009/03/05/desktop-eresearch-revolution.htm}, - author = {Sefton, Peter}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/6AK43ATN/desktop-eresearch-revolution.html}, - note = {(accessed 2010-01-05T05:15:05Z)}, - url = {http://ptsefton.com/2009/03/05/desktop-eresearch-revolution.htm} -} - -@article{kennanStateNationSnapshot2009, - title = {The State of the Nation: {{A}} Snapshot of {{Australian}} Institutional Repositories}, - volume = {14}, - shorttitle = {The State of the Nation}, - number = {2-2}, - journal = {First Monday}, - author = {Kennan, M. A and Kingsley, D. A}, - year = {2009}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/547R8ZA8/2092.html} -} - -@article{fosterUnderstandingFacultyImprove2005a, - title = {Understanding {{Faculty}} to {{Improve Content Recruitment}} for {{Institutional Repositories}}}, - volume = {11}, - issn = {1082-9873}, - doi = {10.1045/january2005-foster}, - number = {01}, - urldate = {2010-01-05}, - journal = {D-Lib Magazine}, - author = {Foster, Nancy Fried and Gibbons, Susan}, - month = jan, - year = {2005}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/T9RP5P5U/01foster.html}, - note = {(accessed 2010-01-05T03:44:09Z)}, - url = {http://webdoc.sub.gwdg.de/edoc/aw/d-lib/dlib/january05/foster/01foster.html} -} - -@article{rohatynskiREVIEWSAnthropologySubject2003, - title = {{{REVIEWS}} - {{An Anthropology}} of the {{Subject}}: {{Holographic Worldview}} in {{New Guinea}} and {{Its Meaning}} and {{Significance}} for the {{World}} of {{Anthropology}}}, - volume = {73}, - issn = {0029-8077}, - shorttitle = {{{REVIEWS}} - {{An Anthropology}} of the {{Subject}}}, - number = {4}, - journal = {Oceania.}, - author = {Rohatynski, Marta}, - year = {2003}, - pages = {306} -} - -@book{wagnerSymbolsThatStand1986, - address = {Chicago :}, - title = {Symbols That Stand for Themselves / {{Roy Wagner}}}, - isbn = {0226869296 (pbk.) :, 0226869288 (hard) :}, - lccn = {306W134}, - publisher = {{University of Chicago Press}}, - author = {Wagner, Roy and Wagner, Roy}, - year = {Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 1986.}, - keywords = {CULTURE,Daribi (Papua New Guinean people),Meaning (Psychology),Semiotic models.,Symbolism.}, - note = {Sequel to: The invention of culture. -Includes index. -Bibliography: p. 143-145.} -} - -@misc{TLUSeminarSeriesYYYY-MM-DD, - title = {{{TLU Seminar Series}}: {{Teaching}} and {{Learning Unit}}}, - copyright = {http://www.unimelb.edu.au/disclaimer/}, - shorttitle = {{{TLU Seminar Series}}}, - urldate = {2009-11-25}, - howpublished = {http://tlu.ecom.unimelb.edu.au/teaching\_staff/seminar\_series/archive/seminar09-1-1.htm}, - year = {YYYY-MM-DD}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/TSM55DPH/seminar09-1-1.html}, - note = {(accessed 2009-11-25T01:40:57Z)}, - url = {http://tlu.ecom.unimelb.edu.au/teaching_staff/seminar_series/archive/seminar09-1-1.htm} -} - -@misc{phythianHyperlinkedConceptMap2008, - type = {Conference or {{Workshop Item}} ({{DEST Category E}})}, - title = {Hyperlinked Concept Map Enhancements for Electronic Study Materials}, - urldate = {2009-11-24}, - howpublished = {http://eprints.usq.edu.au/4776/}, - author = {Phythian, Mark W and Das Gupta, Jishu}, - month = dec, - year = {2008}, - keywords = {299999 Engineering and Technology not elsewhere classified,330199 Education Studies not elsewhere classified,339999 Other Education}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/RVEMZNRS/4776.html}, - note = {(accessed 2009-11-24T05:04:49Z)}, - url = {http://eprints.usq.edu.au/4776/} -} - -@misc{brodieInvestigationStormwaterParticles2007, - type = {Thesis (\_{{PhD}}/{{Research}})}, - title = {Investigation of Stormwater Particles Generated from Common Urban Surfaces}, - urldate = {2009-11-05}, - howpublished = {http://eprints.usq.edu.au/3558/}, - author = {Brodie, Ian}, - year = {2007}, - keywords = {290802 Water and Sanitary Engineering}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/ZSZCZZ9X/3558.html}, - note = {(accessed 2009-11-05T11:55:04Z)}, - url = {http://eprints.usq.edu.au/3558/} -} - -@misc{schonbaumsfeldLookingglassProblemWittgenstein2001, - type = {Article}, - title = {Through the Looking-Glass: The Problem of {{Wittgenstein}}'s Point of View}, - shorttitle = {Through the Looking-Glass}, - urldate = {2009-11-05}, - howpublished = {http://eprints.soton.ac.uk/12399/}, - author = {Sch\"onbaumsfeld, G. M.E}, - year = {2001}, - keywords = {B Philosophy (General)}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/NA6BIN7U/12399.html}, - note = {(accessed 2009-11-05T03:58:24Z)}, - url = {http://eprints.soton.ac.uk/12399/} -} - -@article{ionsreportOAIORESpecifications2008, - title = {{{OAI}}-{{ORE}} Specifications}, - volume = {12}, - abstract = {.}, - number = {1}, - journal = {Scholarly Communications Report}, - author = {IONSREPORT, SLYCAT}, - year = {2008}, - pages = {5-5}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/P95T626T/scrn121.html} -} - -@misc{hardeoThreeDimensionalFinite2006, - type = {Conference or {{Workshop Item}} ({{DEST Category E}})}, - title = {Three Dimensional Finite Element Analysis of Concrete Filled {{FRP}} Tubular Model Piles under Lateral Loads}, - urldate = {2009-11-03}, - howpublished = {http://eprints.usq.edu.au/3493/}, - author = {Hardeo, P. and Karunasena, Warna}, - month = jul, - year = {2006}, - keywords = {291402 Composite Materials}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/FCCTUZXA/3493.html}, - note = {(accessed 2009-11-03T00:58:26Z)}, - url = {http://eprints.usq.edu.au/3493/} -} - -@misc{arnoldTransplantingNationalCultures2004, - type = {Book {{Section}}}, - title = {Trans-Planting National Cultures: {{The Phoenix Park}}, {{Dublin}} (1832-49), an Urban Heterotopia}, - shorttitle = {Trans-Planting National Cultures}, - urldate = {2009-11-03}, - howpublished = {http://eprints.soton.ac.uk/12473/}, - author = {Arnold, Dana}, - year = {2004}, - keywords = {CC Archaeology}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/W29SDB5T/12473.html}, - note = {(accessed 2009-11-03T00:06:00Z)}, - url = {http://eprints.soton.ac.uk/12473/} -} - -@misc{thompsonImpactMobileDisarticulated2002, - type = {Article}, - title = {The Impact of Mobile Disarticulated Shells of {{Cerastoderma}} Edulis on the Abrasion of a Cohesive Substrate}, - urldate = {2009-11-03}, - howpublished = {http://eprints.soton.ac.uk/12470/}, - author = {Thompson, C. E.L and Amos, C. L}, - year = {2002}, - keywords = {Q Science (General),QE Geology}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/6V7BIU9I/12470.html}, - note = {(accessed 2009-11-03T00:03:17Z)}, - url = {http://eprints.soton.ac.uk/12470/} -} - -@misc{thompsonImpactMobileDisarticulated2002a, - type = {Article}, - title = {The Impact of Mobile Disarticulated Shells of {{Cerastoderma}} Edulis on the Abrasion of a Cohesive Substrate}, - urldate = {2009-11-02}, - howpublished = {http://eprints.soton.ac.uk/12470/}, - author = {Thompson, C. E.L and Amos, C. L}, - year = {2002}, - keywords = {Q Science (General),QE Geology}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/QXJDTTM4/12470.html}, - note = {(accessed 2009-11-02T23:51:58Z)}, - url = {http://eprints.soton.ac.uk/12470/} -} - -@article{wikipediacontributorsSchematron2008, - title = {Schematron}, - language = {en}, - urldate = {2008-08-21}, - journal = {Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia}, - publisher = {{Wikimedia Foundation}}, - author = {{Wikipedia contributors}}, - month = aug, - year = {2008}, - note = {(accessed 2008-08-21T00:04:59Z)}, - url = {http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Schematron\\\&oldid=231982472} -} - -@misc{Sdfsdfsdfsdfsdfsd, - title = {Sdfsdfsdfsdfsdfsd} -} - -@misc{SystemsReviewKnowledge, - title = {Systems {{Review}}: {{Knowledge Management System}} for {{Irrigation}} ({{KM}}}, - urldate = {2009-10-30}, - howpublished = {http://ice-server.usq.edu.au/rep.adfi/projects/KMSI\%20Review\%202009/KMSI\%20Review\%20Oct\%202009.htm}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/EVIX6BHH/KMSI20Review20Oct202009.html}, - note = {(accessed 2009-10-30T05:42:06Z)}, - url = {http://ice-server.usq.edu.au/rep.adfi/projects/KMSI\\\%20Review\\\%202009/KMSI\\\%20Review\\\%20Oct\\\%202009.htm} -} - -@misc{MainArticlesLibrary, - title = {Main {{Articles}}: '{{The Library Catalogue}} in the {{New Discovery Environment}}: {{Some Thoughts}}', {{Ariadne Issue}} 48}, - urldate = {2009-10-30}, - howpublished = {file:///home/sefton/.mozilla/firefox/xzjiirrt.default/zotero/storage/2KQJ35HE/dempsey.html}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/7XHHQATM/dempsey.html}, - note = {(accessed 2009-10-30T05:35:15Z)}, - url = {file:///home/sefton/.mozilla/firefox/xzjiirrt.default/zotero/storage/2KQJ35HE/dempsey.html} -} - -@misc{JSONJavaScriptParser, - title = {The {{JSON}} in {{JavaScript}} Parser Has the Ability to Pretty-Print {{JSON}} Objects - {{SWiK}}}, - urldate = {2009-10-29}, - howpublished = {http://swik.net/json/del.icio.us\%2Ftag\%2Fjson/The+JSON+in+JavaScript+parser+has+the+ability+to+pretty-print+JSON+objects/b4qsb}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/D2GS8HF2/b4qsb.html}, - note = {(accessed 2009-10-29T05:16:36Z)}, - url = {http://swik.net/json/del.icio.us\\\%2Ftag\\\%2Fjson/The+JSON+in+JavaScript+parser+has+the+ability+to+pretty-print+JSON+objects/b4qsb} -} - -@techreport{Rtertretertretre, - title = {Rtertretertretre} -} - -@misc{Asdasdasdasdas, - title = {Asdasdasdasdas} -} - -@article{dushayUsingStructuralMetadata2001, - title = {Using {{Structural Metadata}} to {{Localize Experience}} of {{Digital Content}}}, - abstract = {With the increasing technical sophistication of both information consumers and providers, there is increasing demand for more meaningful experiences of digital information. We present a framework that separates digital object experience, or rendering, from digital object storage and manipulation, so the rendering can be tailored to particular communities of users. Our framework also accommodates extensible digital object behaviors and interoperability. The two key components of our approach are 1) exposing structural metadata associated with digital objects -- metadata about the labeled access points within a digital object and 2) information intermediaries called context brokers that match structural characteristics of digital objects with mechanisms that produce behaviors. These context brokers allow for localized rendering of digital information stored externally.}, - urldate = {2009-10-29}, - journal = {cs/0112017}, - author = {Dushay, Naomi}, - month = dec, - year = {2001}, - keywords = {Computer Science - Digital Libraries,H.3.7}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/F9WTTFBF/0112017.html}, - note = {(accessed 2009-10-29T01:52:47Z)}, - url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/cs/0112017} -} - -@inproceedings{seftonPublishingHandoutsContrasting2004, - address = {Gold Coast}, - title = {Publishing versus {{Handouts}}, Contrasting Approaches to Courseware Online}, - booktitle = {{{AUSWEB}}}, - author = {Sefton, Peter}, - year = {2004}, - url = {http://ausweb.scu.edu.au/aw04/papers/edited/sefton2/paper.html} -} - -@misc{seftonWorkflow2006, - title = {Workflow 2.0}, - urldate = {2007-05-10}, - howpublished = {http://ptsefton.com/blog/2006/10/24/workflow\_2\_0}, - author = {Sefton, Peter}, - year = {2006}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/JSNTWDT5/workflow_2_0.html}, - note = {(accessed 2007-05-10T00:30:23Z)}, - url = {http://ptsefton.com/blog/2006/10/24/workflow_2_0} -} - -@misc{seftonIntegratedContentEnvironment2006, - type = {Project Site}, - title = {The {{Integrated Content Environment}} for {{Research}} and {{Scholarship}}}, - urldate = {2007-04-30}, - howpublished = {http://ice.usq.edu.au/introduction/ice\_rs.htm}, - journal = {ICE Website}, - author = {Sefton, Peter}, - year = {2006}, - keywords = {etd-paper}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/9NNFZTEK/ice_rs.html}, - note = {(accessed 2007-04-30T01:34:58Z)}, - url = {http://ice.usq.edu.au/introduction/ice_rs.htm} -} - -@misc{seftonSubmittingPaperConference2007, - title = {Submitting a Paper to a Conference Using {{ICE}}}, - urldate = {2007-05-15}, - howpublished = {http://ptsefton.com/blog/2007/05/15/etd\_paper}, - journal = {PT's outing}, - author = {Sefton, Peter}, - year = {2007}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/7T7D3V9Q/etd_paper.html}, - note = {(accessed 2007-05-15T04:57:04Z)}, - url = {http://ptsefton.com/blog/2007/05/15/etd_paper} -} - -@article{odonnellModelingInteraction1992, - title = {Modeling {{Interaction}}}, - journal = {19th International Systemic-Functional Congress, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia}, - author = {O'Donnell, M. and Sefton, Peter}, - year = {1992} -} - -@article{seftonGraphologyMeaningRecord1988, - title = {Graphology and Meaning on Record Sleeves}, - journal = {Department of Linguistics, University of Sydney: Mimeo}, - author = {Sefton, Peter}, - year = {1988} -} - -@inproceedings{sunEstablishingPersistentIdentity2001, - title = {Establishing Persistent Identity Using the Handle System}, - booktitle = {Proceedings of the {{Tenth International World Wide Web Conference}}}, - author = {Sun, S.}, - year = {2001}, - keywords = {etd-paper}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/IABCZ3TQ/SunEstablishing persistent identity using the handle .pdf} -} - -@misc{neylonScienceOpenPersonal2008, - title = {Science in the Open \guillemotright{} {{A}} Personal View of {{Open Science}} - {{Part IV}} - {{Policies}} and Standards}, - urldate = {2009-02-05}, - howpublished = {http://blog.openwetware.org/scienceintheopen/2008/10/26/a-personal-view-of-open-science-part-iv-policies-and-standards/}, - author = {Neylon, Cameron}, - year = {2008}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/Q2F53GGP/a-personal-view-of-open-science-part-iv-policies-and-standards.html}, - note = {(accessed 2009-02-05T02:27:14Z)}, - url = {http://blog.openwetware.org/scienceintheopen/2008/10/26/a-personal-view-of-open-science-part-iv-policies-and-standards/} -} - -@misc{jacobsSmallScaleOAIObject2008, - title = {Small-{{Scale OAI Object Re}}-{{Use}} and {{Exchange Experiments}}}, - copyright = {Copyright Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE), on behalf of the Joint Information Systems Commmittee (JISC), unless explicitly acknowledged otherwise.}, - urldate = {2009-02-05}, - howpublished = {http://www.jisc.ac.uk/whatwedo/programmes/digitalrepositories2007/oaioredemonstrators.aspx}, - author = {Jacobs, Neil}, - year = {2008}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/HG3G92ZA/oaioredemonstrators.html}, - note = {(accessed 2009-02-05T02:23:58Z)}, - url = {http://www.jisc.ac.uk/whatwedo/programmes/digitalrepositories2007/oaioredemonstrators.aspx} -} - -@misc{ribbeMonitoringAssessingSalinity2008, - type = {Report}, - title = {Monitoring and Assessing Salinity and Temperature Variations in {{Hervey Bay}}}, - urldate = {2009-02-18}, - howpublished = {http://eprints.usq.edu.au/4351/}, - author = {Ribbe, Joachim}, - month = aug, - year = {2008}, - keywords = {260400 Oceanography,260602 Climatology (incl. Palaeoclimatology)}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/Q7I9UVXJ/4351.html}, - note = {(accessed 2009-02-18T16:45:44Z)}, - url = {http://eprints.usq.edu.au/4351/} -} - -@misc{saleImpactMandatoryPolicies2005, - type = {Report}, - title = {The Impact of Mandatory Policies on {{ETD}} Acquisition}, - urldate = {2009-05-01}, - howpublished = {http://eprints.utas.edu.au/222/}, - author = {Sale, A. H. J.}, - month = nov, - year = {2005}, - keywords = {280100 Information Systems}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/AM5KG8AR/222.html}, - note = {(accessed 2009-05-01T06:28:07Z)}, - url = {http://eprints.utas.edu.au/222/} -} - -@inproceedings{seftonEResearchWordUsers2008, - address = {Melbourne}, - title = {{{eResearch}} for {{Word}} Users?}, - abstract = {This paper documents the plight of 'average' modern researchers as they apply their academic writing skills in the new world of eResearch. - -We might expect researchers to have mastered some of the basic generic writing tools; an office suite with a word processor, the ability to generate charts from tables of data; a reference manager that can insert citations; and tools of their discipline like statistics packages. - -But the 'ordinary' researcher who tunes-in to the clamour about ideas and tools from a conference like eResearch Australia could be easily overwhelmed by the gap between the obvious potential and their own command of the technology they have to hand. - -Eight things to which a tuned-in researcher might aspire: (a) to share data with colleagues, (b) to collaborate on semantically rich documents which include appropriate data visualizations, (c) to blog their research as it happens, (d) to annotate data and works in progress, (e) to submit to journals, (f) to deposit appropriate copies of papers into various discipline and institutional repositories, and not just in PDF format, (g) in HTML, with rich interactivity and links to their data. They might also aspire to ensure (h) preservation of their data and their writing without accidentally choosing a doomed data format in which to store it. - -The question is how do we get there from here? The starting point is using Microsoft Word with references in EndNote emailed around a workgroup then sent to a publisher. The goal is to collaborate on a document which has embedded rich semantics, such as geographical data points that can be displayed on maps and overlaid with data from other sources. The document needs to be viewed on the web with interactive maps, and annotated, tagged and commented upon, as well as being distributed as a traditional paper paper and stored in the dreaded PDF file. Finally it must be automatically deposited in appropriate repositories, one of which is a publisher's review queue. - -Focussing on the writing process, this paper explores some of the aspirations listed above and suggests some practical advice for researchers and their support staff. There is a discussion at this point about the Integrated Content Environment \textendash{} an academically focussed collaborative content management system, with integration into repository systems which can help with some of the aspirations of the modern eResearcher, but with a lot of work still to do. Other tools are also considered and found wanting. - -The conclusion suggests some more areas for research and development, targeted both at the Australasian context but also globally, to research funding bodies. How can our researchers get there from here?}, - booktitle = {Proceedings of the {{eResearch Australasia Conference}}}, - publisher = {{The University of Queensland}}, - author = {Sefton, Peter}, - year = {2008}, - note = {submitted}, - url = {http://espace.library.uq.edu.au/view/UQ:155359} -} - -@misc{elsevierElsevierArticleContest2009, - type = {Publisher Website}, - title = {Elsevier {{Article}} 2.0 {{Contest}}}, - urldate = {2009-04-30}, - howpublished = {http://article20.elsevier.com/contest/home.html}, - journal = {Elsevier}, - author = {Elsevier}, - year = {2009}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/HZGEHGV8/etd_paper.html;/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/WGQUESD9/home.html}, - note = {(accessed 2009-04-30T01:56:59Z)}, - url = {http://article20.elsevier.com/contest/home.html} -} - -@misc{usqICEDevelopersBlog2007, - type = {Project Weblog}, - title = {{{ICE Developers Blog}} \guillemotright{} {{Blog Archive}} \guillemotright{} {{Linking}} Authoring Tools to Repositories}, - urldate = {2009-04-30}, - howpublished = {http://ice.usq.edu.au/blog/2007/12/18/linking-authoring-tools-to-repositories.html}, - journal = {Integrated Content Environment Blog}, - author = {USQ}, - year = {2007}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/UTPQXTAA/linking-authoring-tools-to-repositories.html}, - note = {(accessed 2009-04-30T01:39:10Z)}, - url = {http://ice.usq.edu.au/blog/2007/12/18/linking-authoring-tools-to-repositories.html} -} - -@misc{OpenJournalSystems2009, - type = {Project Website}, - title = {Open {{Journal Systems}} | {{Public Knowledge Project}}}, - urldate = {2009-04-30}, - howpublished = {http://pkp.sfu.ca/?q=ojs}, - journal = {Public Knowledge Project}, - year = {2009}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/VXHXIWIZ/pkp.sfu.ca.html}, - note = {(accessed 2009-04-30T01:36:56Z)}, - url = {http://pkp.sfu.ca/?q=ojs} -} - -@misc{pkpPublicKnowledgeProject2009, - type = {Project Webstite}, - title = {Public {{Knowledge Project}} |}, - urldate = {2009-04-30}, - howpublished = {http://pkp.sfu.ca/}, - journal = {Public Knowledge Project}, - author = {PKP}, - year = {2009}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/7QF7IKTU/pkp.sfu.ca.html;/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/PGC4GX29/wwwdigikamorg.html}, - note = {(accessed 2009-04-30T01:35:40Z)}, - url = {http://pkp.sfu.ca/} -} - -@article{coombsMarkupSystemsFuture1987, - title = {Markup Systems and the Future of Scholarly Text Processing}, - volume = {30}, - doi = {10.1145/32206.32209}, - abstract = {Markup practices can affect the move toward systems that support scholars in the process of thinking and writing. Whereas procedural and presentational markup systems retard that movement, descriptive markup systems accelerate the pace by simplifying mechanical tasks and allowing the authors to focus their attention on the content.}, - number = {11}, - urldate = {2009-04-30}, - journal = {Commun. ACM}, - author = {Coombs, James H. and Renear, Allen H. and DeRose, Steven J.}, - year = {1987}, - pages = {933-947}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/KENUXC8D/citation.html}, - note = {(accessed 2009-04-30T01:20:51Z)}, - url = {http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=32206.32209} -} - -@inproceedings{hardmanStructuredMultimediaAuthoring1993, - title = {Structured Multimedia Authoring}, - booktitle = {Proceedings of the First {{ACM}} International Conference on {{Multimedia}}}, - publisher = {{ACM New York, NY, USA}}, - author = {Hardman, L. and {van Rossum}, G. and Bulterman, D. C. A.}, - year = {1993}, - pages = {283-289}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/CDUB9XNN/citation.html} -} - -@article{taylorOpenCoursewareFutures2007, - title = {Open {{Courseware Futures}}: {{Creating}} a {{Parallel Universe}}}, - volume = {10}, - shorttitle = {Open {{Courseware Futures}}}, - number = {1}, - journal = {e-Journal of Instructional Science and Technology (e-JIST)}, - author = {Taylor, J. C.}, - year = {2007}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/9KDF6IQG/119.html;/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/KZH9B9B6/taylorj.html}, - url = {http://www.usq.edu.au/electpub/e-jist/docs/vol10_no1/papers/full_papers/taylorj.htm} -} - -@misc{universityofsouthernqueenslandUSQFirstAustralian2007, - type = {Institutional Website}, - title = {{{USQ}} First {{Australian}} Member of {{OCW Consortium}}}, - urldate = {2009-04-28}, - howpublished = {http://www.usq.edu.au/newsevents/news/usqocw1.htm}, - journal = {University of Southern Queensland}, - author = {{University of Southern Queensland}}, - year = {2007}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/UBNGJTCI/usqocw1.html}, - note = {(accessed 2009-04-28T22:53:00Z)}, - url = {http://www.usq.edu.au/newsevents/news/usqocw1.htm} -} - -@article{shottonAdventuresSemanticPublishing2009, - title = {Adventures in {{Semantic Publishing}}: {{Exemplar Semantic Enhancements}} of a {{Research Article}}}, - volume = {5}, - shorttitle = {Adventures in {{Semantic Publishing}}}, - doi = {10.1371\%2Fjournal.pcbi.1000361}, - abstract = {Scientific innovation depends on finding, integrating, and re-using the products of -previous research. Here we explore how recent developments in Web technology, -particularly those related to the publication of data and metadata, might assist that -process by providing semantic enhancements to journal articles within the mainstream -process of scholarly journal publishing. We exemplify this by describing semantic -enhancements we have made to a recent biomedical research article taken from -PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, providing enrichment to its -content and increased access to datasets within it. These semantic enhancements -include provision of live DOIs and hyperlinks; semantic markup of textual terms, with -links to relevant third-party information resources; interactive figures; a -re-orderable reference list; a document summary containing a study summary, a tag -cloud, and a citation analysis; and two novel types of semantic enrichment: the -first, a Supporting Claims Tooltip to permit ``Citations in -Context'', and the second, Tag Trees that bring together semantically -related terms. In addition, we have published downloadable spreadsheets containing -data from within tables and figures, have enriched these with provenance information, -and have demonstrated various types of data fusion (mashups) with results from other -research articles and with Google Maps. We have also published machine-readable RDF -metadata both about the article and about the references it cites, for which we -developed a Citation Typing Ontology, CiTO (http://purl.org/net/cito/). The -enhanced article, which is available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pntd.0000228.x001, presents a -compelling existence proof of the possibilities of semantic publication. We hope the -showcase of examples and ideas it contains, described in this paper, will excite the -imaginations of researchers and publishers, stimulating them to explore the -possibilities of semantic publishing for their own research articles, and thereby -break down present barriers to the discovery and re-use of information within -traditional modes of scholarly communication.}, - number = {4}, - urldate = {2009-04-20}, - journal = {PLoS Comput Biol}, - author = {Shotton, David and Portwin, Katie and Klyne, Graham and Miles, Alistair}, - month = apr, - year = {2009}, - pages = {e1000361}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/WCTJHIDP/Shotton et al - 2009 - Adventures in Semantic Publishing Exemplar Semant.pdf;/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/QZ4F2NN5/info3Adoi2F10.13712Fjournal.pcbi.html}, - note = {(accessed 2009-04-20T05:15:39Z)}, - url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1371\\\%2Fjournal.pcbi.1000361} -} - -@article{chobanianSeventhReportJoint2003, - title = {The {{Seventh Report}} of the {{Joint National Committee}} on {{Prevention}}, {{Detection}}, {{Evaluation}}, and {{Treatment}} of {{High Blood Pressure}}: The {{JNC}} 7 Report}, - volume = {289}, - issn = {0098-7484}, - shorttitle = {The {{Seventh Report}} of the {{Joint National Committee}} on {{Prevention}}, {{Detection}}, {{Evaluation}}, and {{Treatment}} of {{High Blood Pressure}}}, - doi = {10.1001/jama.289.19.2560}, - abstract = {"The Seventh Report of the Joint National Committee on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Pressure" provides a new guideline for hypertension prevention and management. The following are the key messages(1) In persons older than 50 years, systolic blood pressure (BP) of more than 140 mm Hg is a much more important cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factor than diastolic BP; (2) The risk of CVD, beginning at 115/75 mm Hg, doubles with each increment of 20/10 mm Hg; individuals who are normotensive at 55 years of age have a 90\% lifetime risk for developing hypertension; (3) Individuals with a systolic BP of 120 to 139 mm Hg or a diastolic BP of 80 to 89 mm Hg should be considered as prehypertensive and require health-promoting lifestyle modifications to prevent CVD; (4) Thiazide-type diuretics should be used in drug treatment for most patients with uncomplicated hypertension, either alone or combined with drugs from other classes. Certain high-risk conditions are compelling indications for the initial use of other antihypertensive drug classes (angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, angiotensin-receptor blockers, beta-blockers, calcium channel blockers); (5) Most patients with hypertension will require 2 or more antihypertensive medications to achieve goal BP ($<$140/90 mm Hg, or $<$130/80 mm Hg for patients with diabetes or chronic kidney disease); (6) If BP is more than 20/10 mm Hg above goal BP, consideration should be given to initiating therapy with 2 agents, 1 of which usually should be a thiazide-type diuretic; and (7) The most effective therapy prescribed by the most careful clinician will control hypertension only if patients are motivated. Motivation improves when patients have positive experiences with and trust in the clinician. Empathy builds trust and is a potent motivator. Finally, in presenting these guidelines, the committee recognizes that the responsible physician's judgment remains paramount.}, - number = {19}, - urldate = {2009-04-06}, - journal = {JAMA: The Journal of the American Medical Association}, - author = {Chobanian, Aram V and Bakris, George L and Black, Henry R and Cushman, William C and Green, Lee A and Izzo, Joseph L and Jones, Daniel W and Materson, Barry J and Oparil, Suzanne and Wright, Jackson T and Roccella, Edward J}, - month = may, - year = {2003}, - keywords = {Adrenergic alpha-Agonists,Adrenergic alpha-Antagonists,Algorithms,Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitors,Antihypertensive Agents,Blood Pressure,Blood Pressure Determination,Blood Pressure Monitors,Calcium Channel Blockers,Cardiovascular Diseases,Diagnostic Tests; Routine,Diuretics,Humans,Hypertension,Receptors; Angiotensin,Risk Factors,Risk Reduction Behavior,Vasodilator Agents}, - pages = {2560-72}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/GN3Q2V2S/12748199.html}, - pmid = {12748199}, - note = {(accessed 2009-04-06T06:37:22Z)}, - url = {http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12748199} -} - -@book{leeBugHunt2004, - address = {Toowoomba [Qld.]}, - title = {Bug Hunt}, - isbn = {978-1-920855-56-7}, - publisher = {{Lifeline Darling Downs \& South West Queensland}}, - author = {Lee, Christopher and Lifeline Darling Downs \& South West Queensland.}, - year = {2004} -} - -@misc{RdfHtml, - title = {Rdf {{In Html}}}, - urldate = {2009-04-02}, - howpublished = {http://research.talis.com/2005/erdf/wiki/Main/RdfInHtml}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/QM6KXK7T/RdfInHtml.html}, - note = {(accessed 2009-04-02T23:17:15Z)}, - url = {http://research.talis.com/2005/erdf/wiki/Main/RdfInHtml} -} - -@misc{UnileverCentreMolecular, - title = {Unilever {{Centre}} for {{Molecular Informatics}}, {{Cambridge}} - {{Approaches}} to Compound Documents - {{ORE}}, {{PDF}}, {{DOCX}} \guillemotleft{} Petermr's Blog}, - urldate = {2009-03-31}, - howpublished = {http://wwmm.ch.cam.ac.uk/blogs/murrayrust/?p=1212}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/SPKZIA4G/murrayrust.html}, - note = {(accessed 2009-03-31T02:06:25Z)}, - url = {http://wwmm.ch.cam.ac.uk/blogs/murrayrust/?p=1212} -} - -@article{murray-rustOpenDataScience2008, - title = {Open {{Data}} in {{Science}}}, - volume = {34}, - issn = {0098-7913}, - doi = {10.1016/j.serrev.2008.01.001}, - abstract = {Open Data (OD) is an emerging term in the process of defining how scientific data may be published and re-used without price or permission barriers. Scientists generally see published data as belonging to the scientific community, but many publishers claim copyright over data and will not allow its re-use without permission. This is a major impediment to the progress of scholarship in the digital age. This article reviews the need for Open Data, shows examples of why Open Data are valuable, and summarizes some early initiatives in formalizing the right of access to and re-use of scientific data.}, - number = {1}, - urldate = {2009-03-12}, - journal = {Serials Review}, - author = {{Murray-Rust}, Peter}, - month = mar, - year = {2008}, - pages = {52-64}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/FVTTE7PB/Murray-Rust - 2008 - Open Data in Science.pdf;/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/FK6U7C8M/science.html}, - note = {(accessed 2009-03-12T00:50:39Z)}, - url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6W63-4SK9CVW-1/2/b43ddd2c2e418b3df7c434773ac77e83} -} - -@inproceedings{shahLostTranslationInteroperability2008, - title = {Lost in {{Translation}}: {{Interoperability Issues}} for {{Open Standards}} - {{ODF}} and {{OOXML}} as {{Examples}} by {{Rajiv Shah}}, {{Jay Kesan}}}, - abstract = {Open standards are widely considered to have significant economic and technological benefits. This has led many governments to consider mandating open standards for document formats. Document formats are how a computer stores memos or spreadsheets. Governments are moving away from Microsoft's proprietary DOC format to open standard document formats, such as the OpenDocument Format (ODF) and Office Open XML (OOXML). The belief is that by shifting to open standards, governments will benefit from choice, competition, and the ability to seamlessly substitute different vendor implementations. - -This paper suggests that governments seeking the benefits of open standards need to consider the role of interoperability. Without multiple interoperable implementations, i.e., "running code", users will not gain the advantages of competition and substitutability. To highlight the issues around interoperability, we examined the interoperability issues around ODF and OOXML. - -This research assesses interoperability among different software implementations of each document formats. For example, the implementations for ODF included KOffice, Wordperfect, TextEdit, Microsoft Office, and Google Docs. A set of test documents was used to evaluate the performance of other alternative implementations. - -Our analyses show that there are significant issues with interoperability among various implementations. Users face numerous issues when transferring files between different implementations. While the best implementations may result in formatting problems, the worst implementations actually lose information, e.g., information found in pictures, footnotes, comments, tracking changes, and tables. Our findings include specific scores for each implementation. There was considerable variation among how well each implementation performed. For ODF, the compatibility scores ranged from a raw score of 151 (100\% - weighted percent) to 48 (55\% - weighted percent). - -We consider several implications of these results including the lack of perfect compatibility between implementations, the lack of good implementations outside of Windows, and the surprisingly good overall performance of OOXML implementations. The interoperability issues are troubling and suggest the need for improved interoperability testing for document formats. The results also highlight the importance of interoperability for open standards in general. Without interoperability, governments will be locked-in to the dominant implementations for either standard and in the process lose many of the benefits that might accrue from adopting an open standard in the first instance.}, - urldate = {2008-08-10}, - booktitle = {The Proceedings of the 36th {{Research Conference}} on {{Communication}}, {{Information}} and {{Internet Policy}} ({{TPRC}}), {{Arlington}}, {{VA Sept}}. 26-28, 2008}, - author = {Shah, Rajiv C and Kesan, Jay P}, - year = {2008}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/6RGKAJQW/ssrn-id1201708.pdf;/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/K9GR8AQH/papers.html}, - note = {(accessed 2008-08-10T23:32:57Z)}, - url = {http://ssrn.com/abstract=1201708} -} - -@misc{oscarcontributorsGetOSCARToolkit, - title = {Get the {{OSCAR Toolkit}}}, - urldate = {2008-07-25}, - author = {{OSCAR contributors}}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/MTMCN9TQ/getOSCAR.html}, - note = {(accessed 2008-07-25T03:38:31Z)}, - url = {http://www.rsc.org/Publishing/ReSourCe/AuthorGuidelines/AuthoringTools/ExperimentalDataChecker/getOSCAR.asp} -} - -@article{wikipediacontributorsMathType2008, - title = {{{MathType}}}, - language = {en}, - urldate = {2008-07-23}, - journal = {Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia}, - publisher = {{Wikimedia Foundation}}, - author = {{Wikipedia contributors}}, - month = jul, - year = {2008}, - note = {(accessed 2008-07-23T03:31:48Z)}, - url = {http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=MathType\\\&oldid=225118687} -} - -@article{murray-rustChemicalMarkupXML2003, - title = {Chemical Markup, {{XML}}, and the {{World Wide Web}}. 4. {{CML}} Schema}, - volume = {43}, - issn = {0095-2338}, - doi = {12767134}, - abstract = {A revision to Chemical Markup Language (CML) is presented as a XML Schema compliant form, modularized into nonchemical and chemical components. STMML contains generic concepts for numeric data and scientific units, while CMLCore retains most of the chemical functionality of the original CML 1.0 and extends it by adding handlers for chemical substances, extended bonding models and names. We propose extension via new namespaced components for chemical queries, reactions, spectra, and computational chemistry. The conformance with XML schemas allows much greater control over datatyping, document validation, and structure.}, - number = {3}, - journal = {Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences}, - author = {{Murray-Rust}, Peter and Rzepa, Henry S}, - year = {2003}, - pages = {757-72}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/NBGBT77J/12767134.html}, - pmid = {12767134} -} - -@misc{CmlSourceforgeNet, - title = {Cml.Sourceforge.Net}, - urldate = {2008-07-23}, - howpublished = {http://cml.sourceforge.net/}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/ZJ4RT3DT/cmlsourceforgenet.html}, - note = {(accessed 2008-07-23T03:01:41Z)}, - url = {http://cml.sourceforge.net/} -} - -@misc{jmolcontributorsJmolOpensourceJava, - title = {Jmol: An Open-Source {{Java}} Viewer for Chemical Structures in {{3D}}}, - urldate = {2008-07-23}, - author = {{Jmol contributors}}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/SV3WPZNB/jmolsourceforgenet.html}, - note = {(accessed 2008-07-23T02:59:24Z)}, - url = {http://jmol.sourceforge.net/} -} - -@article{wikipediacontributorsDigiKam2008, - title = {{{DigiKam}}}, - urldate = {2008-07-16}, - journal = {Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia}, - publisher = {{Wikimedia Foundation}}, - author = {{Wikipedia contributors}}, - month = jul, - year = {2008}, - note = {(accessed 2008-07-16T23:38:21Z)}, - url = {http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=DigiKam\\\&oldid=224442202} -} - -@misc{digkamDigiKamPhotoManagement, - title = {{{digiKam}} - {{Photo Management Program}} | {{Manage}} Your Photographs like a Professional with the Power of Open Source}, - urldate = {2008-07-16}, - howpublished = {http://www.digikam.org/}, - author = {{digKam}}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/T7SQDJ5Q/wwwdigikamorg.html}, - note = {(accessed 2008-07-16T23:37:41Z)}, - url = {http://www.digikam.org/} -} - -@misc{hayesUsingFieldHelper2007, - title = {Using {{Field Helper}} (v 0.4 07/11/2007)}, - urldate = {2008-07-15}, - howpublished = {http://acl.arts.usyd.edu.au/fieldhelper/}, - author = {Hayes, Steven}, - year = {2007}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/5WFW2HPI/fieldhelper.html}, - note = {(accessed 2008-07-15T02:16:29Z)}, - url = {http://acl.arts.usyd.edu.au/fieldhelper/} -} - -@misc{microsoftMicrosoftProPhoto, - title = {Microsoft {{Pro Photo Tools}}}, - urldate = {2008-07-15}, - author = {Microsoft}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/77Z92I9M/details.html}, - note = {(accessed 2008-07-15T01:33:24Z)}, - url = {http://www.microsoft.com/DownLoads/details.aspx?familyid=3ACBE51C-9D63-48FF-9614-5F30D76061B4\\\&displaylang=en} -} - -@misc{commongroundpublishingPublishingAgreement2006, - title = {Publishing Agreement}, - urldate = {2008-07-15}, - howpublished = {http://ijl.cgpublisher.com/publishing\_agreement.html}, - journal = {International Journal of Learning}, - author = {Common Ground Publishing}, - year = {2006}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/MXPHT5DF/JournalPubAgree22Sep05.pdf;/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/X4HVUIWM/publishing_agreement.html}, - note = {(accessed 2008-07-15T01:27:36Z)}, - url = {http://ijl.cgpublisher.com/publishing_agreement.html} -} - -@patent{copeMethodApparatusCreation, - title = {Method and Apparatus for the Creation, Location and Formatting of Digital Content - {{Patent}} 20070162465}, - abstract = {A system of translating a first schema of data having one structure or semantics into a second schema of data having a second structure or semantics by using a computer-implemented ontology deconstruction and reconstruction transfer mechanism which automatically creates an `interlanguage' document type definition (interlanguage DTD) in which the interlanguage DTD automatically manages the structure and semantics of the structure and semantics of data to allow an automatic interlanguage definition of the first schema and translation into the second schema by the transfer mechanism. Such use can be in the publishing industry to translate data from any one of a number of key XML-based schemas such as DocBook, HTML4, Open eBook, Digital Talking Book, ONIX, MARC, etc to another of such schemas. The system can also be used to translate queries made on documents in the interlanguage DTD as queries on any of the schemas mapped to that interlanguage DTD.}, - urldate = {2008-07-09}, - author = {Cope, B}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/FQBKXKFA/70162465.html;/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/QBBCEKQM/nph-Parser.html}, - note = {(accessed 2008-07-09T03:52:08Z)}, - url = {http://appft1.uspto.gov/netacgi/nph-Parser?Sect1=PTO1\\\&Sect2=HITOFF\\\&d=PG01\\\&p=1\\\&u=\\\%2Fnetahtml\\\%2FPTO\\\%2Fsrchnum.html\\\&r=1\\\&f=G\\\&l=50\\\&s1=\\\%2220070162465\\\%22.PGNR.\\\&OS=DN/20070162465\\\&RS=DN/20070162465} -} - -@article{yakelInvitingUserVirtual2006, - title = {Inviting the User into the Virtual Archives}, - volume = {22}, - number = {3}, - journal = {OCLC Systems \& Services}, - author = {Yakel, E.}, - year = {2006}, - pages = {159-163}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/3NPNFDDR/art00003.html;/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/HKPHD7JS/ViewContentServlet.html}, - url = {http://www.emeraldinsight.com/Insight/ViewContentServlet?Filename=Published/EmeraldFullTextArticle/Articles/1640220303.html} -} - -@techreport{middletonCulturalInstitutionsWeb2007, - title = {Cultural Institutions and {{Web}} 2.0}, - institution = {{Queensland University of Technology}}, - author = {Middleton, M. R. and Lee, J. M.}, - year = {2007}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/A8SSIF9H/Middleton and Lee - 2007 - Cultural institutions and Web 20.pdf;/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/D6BZ4H7X/Cultural_Institutions_and_Web_2_0.pdf}, - url = {http://eprints.qut.edu.au/archive/00010808/01/Cultural_Institutions_and_Web_2_0.pdf} -} - -@article{taksaInformationTechnologyReports2000, - title = {Information {{Technology Reports}}}, - volume = {31}, - number = {4}, - journal = {LASIE: Library Automated Systems Information Exchange}, - author = {Taksa, Lucy and Stumm, Deborah and Groom, Linda}, - year = {2000}, - pages = {78-89}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/5E5V324K/fullText.html}, - url = {http://search.informit.com.au/documentSummary;dn=967112200151993;res=E-LIBRARY} -} - -@article{copeTextmadeText2004, - title = {Text-Made {{Text}}}, - volume = {1}, - number = {2}, - journal = {E-Learning}, - author = {COPE, B. and KALANTZIS, M.}, - year = {2004}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/FR59IUTT/COPE and KALANTZIS - 2004 - Text-made Text.pdf}, - url = {http://www.wwwords.co.uk/pdf/viewpdf.asp?j=elea\\\&vol=1\\\&issue=2\\\&year=2004\\\&article=4_Cope_Kalantzis_ELEA_1_2_web\\\&id=} -} - -@article{austinAutoethnographyTeacherDevelopment2007, - title = {Autoethnography and Teacher Development}, - volume = {2}, - issn = {1833-1882}, - abstract = {Autoethnography has largely been deployed in formal therapeutic situations, with its potential for application in general personal and professional development only now emerging. Autoethnography presents valuable opportunities for application in situations requiring a connection between self-understanding and broader socialization processes. This paper explores the nature of autoethnographic approaches to research, including various methodological issues pertaining to Self as data-source, and describes initial outcomes of a research project aimed at illuminating procedural and epistemological issues attached to the use of autoethnography in teacher education and professional development situations. The importance of excavating Self and identity through the autoethnographic process is highlighted with the paper drawing upon examples from practice to illustrate possibilities for the deployment of agency through critical analyses of Self.}, - urldate = {2008-07-14}, - journal = {International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences}, - author = {Austin, Jon and Hickey, Andrew}, - year = {2007}, - keywords = {330103 Sociology of Education}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/29TTHP7I/3287.html}, - note = {(accessed 2008-07-14T23:28:45Z)}, - url = {http://eprints.usq.edu.au/3287/} -} - -@misc{dextprojectDataExchangeTools2008, - title = {About {{Data Exchange Tools DExT}}}, - urldate = {2008-07-15}, - howpublished = {http://www.data-archive.ac.uk/dext/about/introduction.asp}, - author = {{DexT project}}, - year = {2008}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/9QKXNTKN/introduction.html}, - note = {(accessed 2008-07-15T00:12:30Z)}, - url = {http://www.data-archive.ac.uk/dext/about/introduction.asp} -} - -@misc{hickeyPedagogiesSelfConscientising2007, - type = {Article ({{DEST Category C}})}, - title = {Pedagogies of Self: Conscientising the Personal to the Social}, - shorttitle = {Pedagogies of Self}, - urldate = {2008-07-14}, - howpublished = {http://eprints.usq.edu.au/3275/}, - author = {Hickey, Andrew and Austin, Jon}, - month = sep, - year = {2007}, - keywords = {330103 Sociology of Education}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/FVI5DUWE/3275.html}, - note = {(accessed 2008-07-14T23:26:04Z)}, - url = {http://eprints.usq.edu.au/3275/} -} - -@techreport{denisonDARTWorkPackage2008, - title = {{{DART Work Package CR1}} : {{Move}} Data from Personal Data Repositories to Secure Trusted Alternatives}, - number = {DART-CR1}, - urldate = {2008-07-14}, - institution = {{Monash University}}, - author = {Denison, Tom and Kethers, Stephanie and McPhee, Nicholas and Pang, Natalie}, - year = {2008}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/V5IDN5AH/cr1-final.pdf}, - note = {(accessed 2008-07-14T23:18:50Z)}, - url = {http://www.dart.edu.au/workpackages/cr/cr1-final.pdf} -} - -@techreport{mckayResearcherDataPractices2008, - address = {Melbourne}, - title = {Researcher Data Practices at {{Swinburne}}: {{Results}} of a Survey}, - urldate = {2008-07-14}, - institution = {{Swinburne University}}, - author = {McKay, Dana}, - year = {2008}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/K894JEFP/SwinburneDataPractices.pdf}, - note = {(accessed 2008-07-14T23:05:30Z)}, - url = {http://arrow-repository.googlegroups.com/web/SwinburneDataPractices.pdf?gda=j19QBEsAAACXbtube5QXCEdNF5Sbn62vAiPUy9e-9t6dGdzwoIwCZ2G1qiJ7UbTIup-M2XPURDQjKIhePVYmK_LRAYRdLA2pxyo4mDFXK98_fPNKKndRjw} -} - -@misc{harveyExiftoolApplicationDocumentation, - title = {Exiftool {{Application Documentation}}}, - urldate = {2008-07-14}, - author = {Harvey, Phil}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/Z7BCIQ9J/exiftool_pod.html}, - note = {(accessed 2008-07-14T04:40:27Z)}, - url = {http://www.sno.phy.queensu.ca/~phil/exiftool/exiftool_pod.html} -} - -@misc{pixblogWindowsLivePhoto2007, - title = {Windows {{Live Photo}} \& {{Video Blog}} : {{Hierarchical Tags}} and {{XMP}}}, - urldate = {2008-07-14}, - journal = {Windows Live Photo \& Video Blog}, - author = {{pixblog}}, - year = {2007}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/623C8WFZ/hierarchical-tags-and-xmp.html}, - note = {(accessed 2008-07-14T03:01:40Z)}, - url = {http://blogs.msdn.com/pix/archive/2007/02/01/hierarchical-tags-and-xmp.aspx} -} - -@misc{nationallibraryofaustraliaContributingPictureAustralia, - title = {Contributing to {{Picture Australia}}}, - urldate = {2008-07-13}, - howpublished = {http://www.pictureaustralia.org/contribute/index.html}, - author = {{National Library of Australia}}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/BSPQ7RMZ/index.html}, - note = {(accessed 2008-07-13T23:33:32Z)}, - url = {http://www.pictureaustralia.org/contribute/index.html} -} - -@article{mcleanLibraryLibrariesBuilding2007, - title = {Library 2.0 and Libraries Building Community Initiatives in {{Australia}}}, - author = {McLean, M.}, - year = {2007}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/VQQQQP5J/McLean - 2007 - Library 20 and libraries building community initi.doc} -} - -@article{wikipediacontributorsGeotagging2008, - title = {Geotagging}, - urldate = {2008-07-09}, - journal = {Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia}, - publisher = {{Wikimedia Foundation}}, - author = {{Wikipedia contributors}}, - month = jul, - year = {2008}, - note = {(accessed 2008-07-09T06:48:19Z)}, - url = {http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Geotagging\\\&oldid=224090135} -} - -@article{wikipediacontributorsExtensibleMetadataPlatform2008, - title = {Extensible {{Metadata Platform}}}, - urldate = {2008-07-09}, - journal = {Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia}, - publisher = {{Wikimedia Foundation}}, - author = {{Wikipedia contributors}}, - month = jul, - year = {2008}, - note = {(accessed 2008-07-09T04:06:33Z)}, - url = {http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Extensible_Metadata_Platform\\\&oldid=224000610} -} - -@article{wikipediacontributorsExchangeableImageFile2008, - title = {Exchangeable Image File Format}, - urldate = {2008-07-09}, - journal = {Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia}, - publisher = {{Wikimedia Foundation}}, - author = {{Wikipedia contributors}}, - month = jul, - year = {2008}, - note = {(accessed 2008-07-09T04:04:49Z)}, - url = {http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Exchangeable_image_file_format\\\&oldid=224131031} -} - -@article{wikipediacontributorsIPTCInformationInterchange2008, - title = {{{IPTC Information Interchange Model}}}, - urldate = {2008-07-09}, - journal = {Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia}, - publisher = {{Wikimedia Foundation}}, - author = {{Wikipedia contributors}}, - month = jun, - year = {2008}, - note = {(accessed 2008-07-09T04:03:11Z)}, - url = {http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=IPTC_Information_Interchange_Model\\\&oldid=222156958} -} - -@misc{lowagieITextJavaPDF, - title = {{{iText Java PDF}} Generation Library}, - collaborator = {Lowagie, B. and Soares, P.}, - url = {http://www.lowagie.com/iText/} -} - -@article{wikipediacontributorsGratisLibre2008, - title = {Gratis versus {{Libre}}}, - urldate = {2008-07-09}, - journal = {Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia}, - publisher = {{Wikimedia Foundation}}, - author = {{Wikipedia contributors}}, - month = jul, - year = {2008}, - note = {(accessed 2008-07-09T03:27:05Z)}, - url = {http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Gratis_versus_Libre\\\&oldid=224478391} -} - -@misc{longboroughuniversityCAQDASNewMedia, - title = {{{CAQDAS}} ({{New Media Methods}} @ {{Loughborough}})}, - urldate = {2008-07-09}, - howpublished = {http://www.lboro.ac.uk/research/mmethods/research/software/caqdas.html}, - author = {Longborough University}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/TWFUFQT5/caqdas.html}, - note = {(accessed 2008-07-09T02:59:33Z)}, - url = {http://www.lboro.ac.uk/research/mmethods/research/software/caqdas.html} -} - -@misc{commongroundpublisherCGPublisherInterpersonalComputing2008, - title = {{{CGPublisher}} - {{Interpersonal Computing}}}, - urldate = {2008-07-09}, - howpublished = {http://www.cgpublisher.com/ui/about/interpersonal\_computing.html}, - author = {Common Ground Publisher}, - year = {2008}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/HFVRBXTJ/interpersonal_computing.html}, - note = {(accessed 2008-07-09T02:15:11Z)}, - url = {http://www.cgpublisher.com/ui/about/interpersonal_computing.html} -} - -@misc{commongroundpublishingCGPublisherBrochureFeb051PdfApplication2005, - title = {{{CGPublisherBrochureFeb05}}-1.Pdf (Application/Pdf {{Object}})}, - urldate = {2008-07-09}, - howpublished = {http://www.cgpublisher.com/ui/about/ui/CGPublisherBrochureFeb05-1.pdf}, - journal = {Common Ground Publisher Website}, - author = {Common Ground Publishing}, - year = {2005}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/PSWGZA2T/CGPublisherBrochureFeb05-1.pdf}, - note = {(accessed 2008-07-09T02:11:02Z)}, - url = {http://www.cgpublisher.com/ui/about/ui/CGPublisherBrochureFeb05-1.pdf} -} - -@article{austinSigningSchoolNeoliberal2008, - title = {Signing the School in Neoliberal Times: The Public Pedagogy of Being Pedagogically Public}, - volume = {15}, - shorttitle = {Signing the School in Neoliberal Times}, - number = {1}, - urldate = {2008-06-27}, - journal = {The International Journal of Learning}, - author = {Austin, Jon and Hickey, Andrew}, - month = jun, - year = {2008}, - keywords = {420307 Consumption and Everyday Life}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/UPXHERN6/Austin_Hickey_Jour_of_Learning_v15n1.pdf;/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/RQGF76U5/4240.html}, - note = {(accessed 2008-06-27T02:30:00Z)}, - url = {http://eprints.usq.edu.au/4240/} -} - -@article{wynantsFreeFreedomNot, - title = {Free as in {{Freedom}}, Not {{Gratis}}!}, - journal = {How Open is the Future?}, - author = {Wynants, M.}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/MX44STC2/Wynants - Free as in Freedom, not Gratis!.pdf} -} - -@article{richardsNUDISTQualitativeData1991, - title = {The {{NUDIST}} Qualitative Data Analysis System}, - volume = {14}, - doi = {10.1007/BF00989643}, - abstract = {Most computer approaches to qualitative data analysis have concentrated on coding and retrieval of text. This paper describes a research project which set out to support a range of methods for the analysis of unstructured data, with emphasis on the building and testing of grounded theory. It resulted in software whose innovations include: a) No limit to the number of coding categories and sub-categories, and no limit to the number of times a given text passage can be coded; b) The use of separate document and indexing databases, interrelated and of unlimited flexibility; c) Comprehensive hypermedia-like browsing tools for both document and indexing databases; d) Ability to search for words and lexical patterns occurring in text and to combine this with indexing of the text; e) Ability to handle off-line textual and non-textual data as well as on-line data; f) Ability to record textual comments in indexing categories \textemdash{} a memoing facility for emerging ideas and categories; g) Support and exploitation of hierarchical indexing systems; h) Mechanisms for creating new indexing categories out of existing ones, relating them to the data documents, and using them for further analyses. New goals of the project are to provide a number of artificial intelligence based information structuring and reasoning facilities which can be used to aid the organization and retrieval of qualitative data, and to extend the present capabilities of the software to express and test new ideas, concepts, generalizations and hypotheses about the data.}, - number = {4}, - urldate = {2008-07-08}, - journal = {Qualitative Sociology}, - author = {Richards, Tom and Richards, Lyn}, - month = dec, - year = {1991}, - pages = {307-324}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/X4S9M5PM/uxj45917q3207417.html}, - note = {(accessed 2008-07-08T00:10:35Z)}, - url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/BF00989643} -} - -@article{khooJCDLWorkshopReport2005, - title = {{{JCDL Workshop Report}}: {{Studying Digital Library Users}} in the {{Wild}}}, - volume = {11}, - shorttitle = {{{JCDL Workshop Report}}}, - number = {8}, - journal = {D-Lib Magazine}, - author = {Khoo, M. and Ribes, D.}, - year = {2005}, - pages = {30} -} - -@misc{SundayNigM1598186, - title = {Sunday\_nig\_m1598186.Mp3 (Audio/Mpeg {{Object}})}, - urldate = {2008-06-17}, - howpublished = {http://mpegmedia.abc.net.au/local/sundaynights/sunday\_nig\_m1598186.mp3}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/ATW8QSXZ/sunday_nig_m1598186.mp3}, - note = {(accessed 2008-06-17T06:17:17Z)}, - url = {http://mpegmedia.abc.net.au/local/sundaynights/sunday_nig_m1598186.mp3} -} - -@article{collectiveDesignbasedResearchEmerging2003, - title = {Design-Based Research: {{An}} Emerging Paradigm for Educational Inquiry}, - volume = {32}, - shorttitle = {Design-{{Based Research}}}, - number = {1}, - journal = {Educational Researcher}, - author = {Collective, T.}, - year = {2003}, - pages = {5--8} -} - -@misc{Shibboleth, - title = {{{Shibboleth}}\textregistered}, - urldate = {2008-05-29}, - howpublished = {http://shibboleth.internet2.edu/}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/BFIDVM9J/shibboleth.internet2.edu.html}, - note = {(accessed 2008-05-29T06:06:00Z)}, - url = {http://shibboleth.internet2.edu/} -} - -@misc{TheoryUnderlyingConcept, - title = {The {{Theory Underlying Concept Maps}} and {{How}} to {{Construct Them}}}, - urldate = {2008-05-27}, - howpublished = {http://cmap.ihmc.us/Publications/ResearchPapers/TheoryCmaps/TheoryUnderlyingConceptMaps.htm}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/HGESUT45/TheoryUnderlyingConceptMaps.html}, - note = {(accessed 2008-05-27T04:30:40Z)}, - url = {http://cmap.ihmc.us/Publications/ResearchPapers/TheoryCmaps/TheoryUnderlyingConceptMaps.htm} -} - -@article{stephensWebLibraryHyperlinked2007, - title = {Web 2.0, {{Library}} 2.0, and the {{Hyperlinked Library}}}, - volume = {33}, - doi = {10.1016/j.serrev.2007.08.002}, - abstract = {Discussions surrounding the concepts of Web 2.0/Library 2.0 are increasing among the library community. This column outlines key principles behind Web 2.0 and provides a brief explanation of social tools, such as blogs, RSS feeds, podcasting, and wikis. The author also provides specific uses and applications of these tools within the library environment to illustrate the Library 2.0 concept. An open framework for library communication or hyperlinked library can result if Library 2.0 philosophies are fully utilized.}, - number = {4}, - urldate = {2008-05-26}, - journal = {Serials Review}, - author = {Stephens, Michael and Collins, Maria}, - month = dec, - year = {2007}, - pages = {253-256}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/AX9TNT72/Stephens and Collins - 2007 - Web 20, Library 20, and the Hyperlinked Library.pdf;/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/QAKT9XTV/science.html}, - note = {(accessed 2008-05-26T00:53:13Z)}, - url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6W63-4R0CPYY-2/1/3cbe6ead1c10dda1dfcc13004b315c0b} -} - -@article{recordonOpenIDPlatformUsercentric2006, - title = {{{OpenID}} 2.0: A Platform for User-Centric Identity Management}, - shorttitle = {{{OpenID}} 2.0}, - journal = {Proceedings of the second ACM workshop on Digital identity management}, - author = {Recordon, D. and Reed, D.}, - year = {2006}, - pages = {11-16}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/88FEIPXK/citation.html}, - url = {http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1179532} -} - -@article{pearceAustralianMETSProfile2008, - title = {The {{Australian METS Profile}}\textendash{{A Journey}} about {{Metadata}}}, - volume = {14}, - number = {3/4}, - journal = {D-Lib Magazine}, - author = {Pearce, J. and Pearson, D. and Williams, M. and Yeadon, S.}, - year = {2008}, - pages = {1082-9873}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/EPJRK4CE/03pearce.html}, - url = {http://www.dlib.org/dlib/march08/pearce/03pearce.html} -} - -@misc{dekeyserExtendingGoogleDocs2006, - address = {Toowoomba}, - title = {Extending {{Google Docs}} to {{Collaborate}} on {{Research Papers}} (Departmental Presentation)}, - author = {Dekeyser, Stijn and Watson, Richard}, - year = {2006}, - keywords = {phase2}, - url = {http://www.sci.usq.edu.au/research/seminars/files//seminar132/GoogleDocsSeminar.pdf} -} - -@inproceedings{bowGeneralModelInterlinear2003, - address = {Michigan}, - title = {Towards a {{General Model}} of {{Interlinear Text}}}, - booktitle = {Proceedings of the {{E}}-{{Meld Workshop}} on Digitizing and {{Annotating Texts}} and {{Field Recordings}}.}, - author = {Bow, C. and Hughes, B. and Bird, S.}, - year = {2003}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/TVI84ZD9/Bow et al - Towards a General Model of Interlinear Text.pdf} -} - -@techreport{ferraioloScalableVectorGraphics2001, - title = {Scalable {{Vector Graphics}} ({{SVG}}) 1.0 {{Specification}}}, - institution = {{World Wide Web Consortium}}, - author = {Ferraiolo, J.}, - year = {2001}, - url = {http://www.w3.org/TR/2001/REC-SVG-20010904/} -} - -@techreport{brayExtensibleMarkupLanguage2006, - title = {Extensible {{Markup Language}} ({{XML}}) 1.0 ({{Fourth Edition}})}, - urldate = {2007-04-23}, - institution = {{World Wide Web Consortium}}, - author = {Bray, Tim and Paoli, Jean and {Sperberg-McQueen}, C. M. and Maler, Eve and Yergeau, Fran{\c c}ois}, - year = {2006}, - keywords = {etd-paper}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/9II88NXZ/REC-xml.html}, - note = {(accessed 2007-04-23T22:43:41Z)}, - url = {http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml/} -} - -@article{martindaleUsingWeblogsScholarship2004, - title = {Using Weblogs in Scholarship and Teaching}, - volume = {49}, - doi = {10.1007/BF02773972}, - number = {2}, - urldate = {2008-05-21}, - journal = {TechTrends}, - author = {Martindale, Trey and Wiley, David}, - month = mar, - year = {2004}, - pages = {55-61}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/TDPBQMSZ/b1112366j2070128.html}, - note = {(accessed 2008-05-21T01:53:46Z)}, - url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/BF02773972} -} - -@article{kennanReassemblingScholarlyPublishing, - title = {Reassembling {{Scholarly Publishing}}: {{Institutional Repositories}}, {{Open Access}}, and the {{Process}} of {{Change}}}, - shorttitle = {Reassembling {{Scholarly Publishing}}}, - author = {KENNAN, MAM and {CECEZ-KECMANOVIC}, D.} -} - -@article{galeRQFEducationalResearch, - title = {The {{RQF}} and Educational Research in {{Australia}}: {{Implications}} and Responses across the Research Community}, - shorttitle = {The {{RQF}} and Educational Research in {{Australia}}}, - author = {Gale, T. and Gilbert, R. and Seddon, T. and Wright, J.} -} - -@article{steeleCitationCitationCitation, - title = {Citation, {{Citation}}, {{Citation}}? {{Scholarly Publishing Trends}} on {{Campus}}}, - shorttitle = {Citation, {{Citation}}, {{Citation}}?}, - author = {Steele, C.} -} - -@article{richardsonResearchQualityFramework, - title = {Research {{Quality Framework}} as a Catalyst for Open Access}, - author = {Richardson, J. P. and Treloar, A. and Ellis, A.} -} - -@article{harboe-reeMANAGINGAUSTRALIANRESEARCH, - title = {{{MANAGING AUSTRALIAN RESEARCH OUTPUT FOR INCREASED RETURN ON INVESTMENT}}: {{THE ROLE OF OPEN ACCESS INSTITUTIONAL REPOSITORIES}}-{{DISCUSSION PAPER}}}, - shorttitle = {{{MANAGING AUSTRALIAN RESEARCH OUTPUT FOR INCREASED RETURN ON INVESTMENT}}}, - author = {{Harboe-Ree}, C.} -} - -@misc{OASISOpenOffice, - title = {{{OASIS Open Office Specification}}}, - urldate = {2008-05-20}, - howpublished = {http://docs.oasis-open.org/office/v1.1/OpenDocument-v1.1.html}, - note = {(accessed 2008-05-20T03:50:56Z)}, - url = {http://docs.oasis-open.org/office/v1.1/OpenDocument-v1.1.html} -} - -@misc{monusZeroClickIngest2008, - type = {Conference or {{Workshop Item}}}, - title = {Zero {{Click Ingest}}}, - urldate = {2008-05-20}, - howpublished = {http://pubs.or08.ecs.soton.ac.uk/119/}, - author = {Monus, Leo and Sefton, Peter and Yeadon, Scott and Kortekaas, Christiaan}, - month = apr, - year = {2008}, - keywords = {Repository Developer Challenge Finalists}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/ECI4FZ8I/119.html}, - note = {(accessed 2008-05-20T03:01:37Z)}, - url = {http://pubs.or08.ecs.soton.ac.uk/119/} -} - -@misc{dartprojectDARTWorkPackages, - title = {{{DART Work Packages}} and {{Outcomes}}}, - urldate = {2008-05-20}, - howpublished = {http://dart.edu.au/workpackages/}, - author = {{DART project}}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/H2WX9TS3/workpackages.html}, - note = {(accessed 2008-05-20T00:30:33Z)}, - url = {http://dart.edu.au/workpackages/} -} - -@misc{dartprojectAA4WikibasedCollaborative, - title = {{{AA4}}: {{Wiki}}-Based Collaborative Work Practices}, - urldate = {2008-05-20}, - howpublished = {http://dart.edu.au/workpackages/aa/aa4.html}, - author = {{DART project}}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/8J9KTMAJ/aa4.html}, - note = {(accessed 2008-05-20T00:28:06Z)}, - url = {http://dart.edu.au/workpackages/aa/aa4.html} -} - -@misc{kerryanndownKeepingResearchData, - title = {Keeping Research Data Safe}, - copyright = {Copyright Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE), on behalf of the Joint Information Systems Commmittee (JISC), unless explicitly acknowledged otherwise.}, - urldate = {2008-05-15}, - howpublished = {http://www.jisc.ac.uk/publications/publications/keepingresearchdatasafe.aspx}, - author = {Kerry Ann Down}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/RNXVZHKS/keepingresearchdatasafe.html}, - note = {(accessed 2008-05-15T06:22:15Z)}, - url = {http://www.jisc.ac.uk/publications/publications/keepingresearchdatasafe.aspx} -} - -@inproceedings{floresTemplatesMicroformatsStructured2006, - address = {Amsterdam, The Netherlands}, - title = {Templates, Microformats and Structured Editing}, - isbn = {1-59593-515-0}, - doi = {10.1145/1166160.1166211}, - abstract = {Microformats and semantic XHTML add semantics to web pages while taking advantage of the existing (X)HTML infrastructure. This approach enables new applications that can be deployed smoothly on the web. But there is currently no way to describe rigorously this type of markup and authors of web pages have very little help for creating and encoding semantic markup. A language that addresses these issues is presented in this paper. Its role is to specify semantically rich XML languages in terms of other XML languages, such as XHTML. The language is versatile enough to represent templates that can capture the overall structure of large documents as well as the fine details of a microformat. It is supported by an editing tool for producing documents encoded in a semantically rich markup language, still fully compatible with XHTML.}, - urldate = {2008-02-25}, - booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2006 {{ACM}} Symposium on {{Document}} Engineering}, - publisher = {{ACM}}, - author = {Flores, Francesc Campoy and Quint, Vincent and Vatton, Ir\`ene}, - year = {2006}, - keywords = {document authoring,document models,document templates,metadata_embedding,microformats,semantic xhtml,structure editing,world wide web}, - pages = {188-197}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/4A9ZA7BN/Flores et al2006Templates, microformats and structured editing.pdf;/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/FM5W24IS/citation.html}, - note = {(accessed 2008-02-25T04:29:23Z)}, - url = {http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1166160.1166211} -} - -@inproceedings{khareMicroformatsPragmaticPath2006, - address = {Edinburgh, Scotland}, - title = {Microformats: A Pragmatic Path to the Semantic Web}, - isbn = {1-59593-323-9}, - shorttitle = {Microformats}, - doi = {10.1145/1135777.1135917}, - abstract = {Microformats are a clever adaptation of semantic XHTML that makes it easier to publish, index, and extract semi-structured information such as tags, calendar entries, contact information, and reviews on the Web. This makes it a pragmatic path towards achieving the vision set forth for the Semantic Web.Even though it sidesteps the existing "technology stack" of RDF, ontologies, and Artificial Intelligence-inspired processing tools, various microformats have emerged that parallel the goals of several well-known Semantic Web projects. This poster compares their prospects to the Semantic Web according to Rogers' Diffusion of Innovation model.}, - urldate = {2008-02-25}, - booktitle = {Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on {{World Wide Web}}}, - publisher = {{ACM}}, - author = {Khare, Rohit and {\c C}elik, Tantek}, - year = {2006}, - keywords = {metadata_embedding,microformats,css,decentralization,html,semantic web}, - pages = {865-866}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/AX4MU9PT/citation.html}, - note = {(accessed 2008-02-25T04:23:00Z)}, - url = {http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1135777.1135917} -} - -@article{wittenImportingDocumentsMetadata2002, - title = {Importing {{Documents}} and {{Metadata}} into {{Digital Libraries}}: {{Requirements Analysis}} and an {{Extensible Architecture}}}, - shorttitle = {Importing {{Documents}} and {{Metadata}} into {{Digital Libraries}}}, - journal = {Proceedings of the European Conference on Digital Libraries}, - author = {Witten, I. H. and Bainbridge, D. and Paynter, G. and Boddie, S.}, - year = {2002}, - keywords = {metadata_embedding}, - pages = {390--405} -} - -@misc{sallymurrayOpenScienceOpen2008, - type = {Text.{{Serial}}.{{Journal}}}, - title = {Open Science, Open Access and Open Source Software at {{Open Medicine}}}, - copyright = {Open Medicine is Open Access Open Medicine applies the Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike License to works we publish, because we believe that there should be no financial barriers to access to information that can benefit medical practice. We also believe that authors should retain copyright to the article they have worked so hard to produce. This Creative Commons license means that anyone is able to freely copy, download, reprint, reuse, distribute, display or perform the work we publish. They are also free to make derivative works (alter, transform, or build upon) so long as they distribute the resulting work only under a license identical to this one. Any derivative or non-derivative work must be attributed to the author and to Open Medicine. Any of these conditions can be waived with permission from the copyright holder, including the right to modification or commercial distribution. These conditions do not negate or supersede Fair Use laws in any country. For more information, please see our Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 2.5 Canada License .}, - urldate = {2008-02-22}, - howpublished = {http://www.openmedicine.ca/article/viewArticle/205/104}, - author = {Sally Murray}, - month = jan, - year = {2008}, - keywords = {metadata_embedding,user_generated_content}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/E8VD5UMQ/104.html}, - note = {(accessed 2008-02-22T06:08:03Z)}, - url = {http://www.openmedicine.ca/article/viewArticle/205/104} -} - -@article{dempseyDigitalLibraryEnvironment2006, - title = {The ({{Digital}}) {{Library Environment}}: {{Ten Years After}}}, - volume = {46}, - shorttitle = {The ({{Digital}}) {{Library Environment}}}, - journal = {Ariadne}, - author = {Dempsey, L.}, - year = {2006}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/GB7IKSPC/dempsey.html;/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/URXDNGCN/dempsey.html} -} - -@article{millerComingTogetherLibrary2006, - title = {Coming {{Together}} around {{Library}} 2.0}, - volume = {12}, - number = {4}, - journal = {D-Lib Magazine}, - author = {Miller, P.}, - year = {2006}, - keywords = {user_generated_content}, - pages = {1082-9873}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/PG7ZPPFZ/04miller.html} -} - -@article{warnerTransformationScholarlyCommunication2005, - title = {The Transformation of Scholarly Communication}, - volume = {18}, - journal = {Learned Publishing}, - author = {Warner, S.}, - year = {2005}, - keywords = {user_generated_content}, - pages = {177-185}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/TXHFGJNI/Warner2005of scholarly communication.pdf} -} - -@article{davisEJournalInterfaceCan2006, - title = {{{eJournal}} Interface Can Influence Usage Statistics: {{Implications}} for Libraries, Publishers, and {{Project COUNTER}}}, - volume = {57}, - shorttitle = {{{eJournal}} Interface Can Influence Usage Statistics}, - abstract = {The design of a publisher's electronic interface can have a measurable effect on electronic journal usage statistics. A study of journal usage from six COUNTER-compliant publishers at 32 research institutions in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Sweden indicates that the ratio of PDF to HTML views is not consistent across publisher interfaces, even after controlling for differences in publisher content. The number of full-text downloads may be artificially inflated when publishers require users to view HTML versions before accessing PDF versions or when linking mechanisms, such as CrossRef, direct users to the full text rather than the abstract of each article. These results suggest that usage reports from COUNTER-compliant publishers are not directly comparable in their current form. One solution may be to modify publisher numbers with ?adjustment factors? deemed to be representative of the benefit or disadvantage due to its interface. Standardization of some interface and linking protocols may obviate these differences and allow for more accurate cross-publisher comparisons.}, - number = {9}, - urldate = {2008-02-22}, - journal = {Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology}, - author = {Davis, Philip M. and Price, Jason S.}, - year = {2006}, - keywords = {user_generated_content}, - pages = {1243-1248}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/TP4FSMEC/HTMLSTART.html}, - note = {(accessed 2008-02-22T03:37:10Z)}, - url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/asi.20405} -} - -@article{erikssonSemanticdocumentApproachCombining2007, - title = {The Semantic-Document Approach to Combining Documents and Ontologies}, - volume = {65}, - doi = {10.1016/j.ijhcs.2007.03.008}, - abstract = {An ontology is a powerful way of representing knowledge for multiple purposes. There are several ontology languages for describing concepts, properties, objects, and relationships. However, ontologies in information systems are not primarily written for human reading and communication among humans. For many business, government, and scientific purposes, written documents are the primary description and communication media for human knowledge communication. Unfortunately, there is a significant gap between knowledge expressed as textual documents and knowledge represented as ontologies. Semantic documents aim at combining documents and ontologies, and allowing users to access the knowledge in multiple ways. By adding annotations to electronic-document formats and including ontologies in electronic documents, it is possible to reconcile documents and ontologies, and to provide new services, such as ontology-based searches of large document databases. To accomplish this goal, semantic documents require tools that support both complex ontologies and advanced document formats. The Protege ontology editor, together with a custom-tailored documentation-handling extension, enables developers to create semantic documents by linking preexisting documents to ontologies.}, - number = {7}, - urldate = {2008-02-22}, - journal = {International Journal of Human-Computer Studies}, - author = {Eriksson, Henrik}, - month = jul, - year = {2007}, - keywords = {Annotation,Document,Knowledge representation,Metadata,Ontology}, - pages = {624-639}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/F4TX6IEK/Eriksson2007The semantic-document approach to combining docume.pdf;/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/CBT3VSDI/science.html}, - note = {(accessed 2008-02-22T01:46:57Z)}, - url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6WGR-4NFXDN3-1/2/b2dfe578e6aa84b801e80a84b7888a35} -} - -@inproceedings{carrCaseExplicitKnowledge2004, - address = {Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA}, - title = {The Case for Explicit Knowledge in Documents}, - isbn = {1-58113-938-1}, - doi = {10.1145/1030397.1030417}, - urldate = {2008-02-22}, - booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2004 {{ACM}} Symposium on {{Document}} Engineering}, - publisher = {{ACM}}, - author = {Carr, Leslie and {Miles-Board}, Timothy and Woukeu, Arouna and Wills, Gary and Hall, Wendy}, - year = {2004}, - keywords = {semantic web,document structure,knowledge writing}, - pages = {90-98}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/K7ASCB24/p90-carr.pdf;/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/JXRGRDKA/citation.html}, - note = {(accessed 2008-02-22T00:58:08Z)}, - url = {http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1030417} -} - -@article{tallisSemanticWordProcessing, - title = {Semantic {{Word Processing}} for {{Content Authors}}}, - author = {Tallis, M.}, - keywords = {metadata_embedding,user_generated_content}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/9539FVAV/semannot-2003-article.pdf} -} - -@article{xiangExploitingLightweightProtocols2005, - title = {Exploiting" {{Light}}-Weight" {{Protocols}} and {{Open Source Tools}} to {{Implement Digital Library Collections}} and {{Services}}}, - volume = {11}, - number = {10}, - journal = {D-Lib Magazine}, - author = {Xiang, X. and Morgan, E. L.}, - year = {2005}, - pages = {1082-9873}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/5U66K3TE/10morgan.html} -} - -@misc{seftonHookingAuthoringProcesses2007, - title = {Hooking up Authoring Processes and Tools to Institutional Repositories}, - abstract = {' - Last week we held a workshop at USQ where I invited a bunch of developers to come, gave them a vague theme and set them loose. The process seems to have worked well. I figured that if invited good developers, and asked them to bring a laptop then we would end up with some code and integrate a few things that have been going on in their own little silos.I was right.See the summary that I wrote with Daniel de Byl over on the ICE blog \textendash{} and if you want to find out more use the feeds to subscribe ...' [first 500 characters shown]}, - urldate = {2008-02-21}, - howpublished = {http://ptsefton.com/2007/12/19/hooking-up-authoring-processes-and-tools-to-institutional-repositories.htm}, - journal = {PT's blog}, - author = {Sefton, Peter}, - year = {2007}, - keywords = {Uncategorized}, - note = {(accessed 2008-02-21T04:19:27Z)}, - url = {http://ptsefton.com/2007/12/19/hooking-up-authoring-processes-and-tools-to-institutional-repositories.htm} -} - -@misc{murray-rustUnileverCentreMolecular2008, - title = {Unilever {{Centre}} for {{Molecular Informatics}}, {{Cambridge}} - Petermr's Blog \guillemotright{} {{Blog Archive}} \guillemotright{} {{Open Data}}: {{Datument}} Submitted to {{Elsevier}}'s {{Serials Review}}}, - urldate = {2008-02-21}, - howpublished = {http://wwmm.ch.cam.ac.uk/blogs/murrayrust/?p=913}, - journal = {petermr's blog: A scientist and the Web}, - author = {{Murray-Rust}, Peter}, - year = {2008}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/3EZRP4BP/murrayrust.html}, - note = {(accessed 2008-02-21T04:06:15Z)}, - url = {http://wwmm.ch.cam.ac.uk/blogs/murrayrust/?p=913} -} - -@article{chavezServicesMakeRepository2007, - title = {Services {{Make}} the {{Repository}}}, - volume = {8}, - number = {2}, - journal = {Journal of Digital Information}, - author = {Chavez, R. and Crane, G. and Sauer, A. and Babeu, A. and Packel, A. and Weaver, G.}, - year = {2007}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/VJ7WM67C/179.html} -} - -@misc{petermurray-rustOpenDataScience2008, - title = {Open {{Data}} in {{Science}}}, - copyright = {\textcopyright{} 2008 Peter Murray-Rust}, - urldate = {2008-02-21}, - howpublished = {http://precedings.nature.com/documents/1526/version/1}, - author = {{Peter Murray-Rust}}, - month = jan, - year = {2008}, - keywords = {Bioinformatics,Biotechnology,Chemistry,Genetics,Molecular Cell Biology}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/7ZC8VMT4/1.html}, - note = {(accessed 2008-02-21T01:36:17Z)}, - url = {http://precedings.nature.com/documents/1526/version/1} -} - -@misc{centerforhistoryandnewmediaZotero2006, - title = {About {{Zotero}}}, - urldate = {2008-02-21}, - journal = {Zotero: The Next-Generation Research Tool}, - author = {{Center for History {and} New Media}}, - month = oct, - year = {2006}, - keywords = {News}, - note = {(accessed 2008-02-21T01:18:03Z)}, - url = {http://www.zotero.org/about/} -} - -@article{JournalDigitalInformation, - title = {Journal of {{Digital Information}}}, - urldate = {2008-02-20}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/CC8WS9AI/jodi.html}, - note = {(accessed 2008-02-20T05:58:18Z)}, - url = {http://journals.tdl.org/jodi} -} - -@misc{crystaleyeCrystalEyeRSSFeeds2008, - title = {{{CrystalEye}}: {{RSS}} Feeds}, - urldate = {2008-02-20}, - howpublished = {http://wwmm.ch.cam.ac.uk/crystaleye/gm/index.html}, - author = {Crystaleye}, - year = {2008}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/7VN3AHW5/index.html}, - note = {(accessed 2008-02-20T04:57:51Z)}, - url = {http://wwmm.ch.cam.ac.uk/crystaleye/gm/index.html} -} - -@article{dobratzThinkingLongTerm2005, - title = {Thinking the Long Term: The {{XML}}-Based Publishing {{Workflow}} for Handling Electronic Theses and Dissertations at {{Humboldt}}-{{University Berlin}}}, - shorttitle = {Thinking the Long Term}, - journal = {ETD2005: evolution through discovery 8th International Symposium on Electronic Theses \& Dissertations}, - author = {Dobratz, S.}, - year = {2005}, - keywords = {etd-paper}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/TJHJM9QW/Dobratz - 2005 - Thinking the long term the XML-based publishing W.pdf} -} - -@patent{languageVersion, - title = {Version 1.0}, - collaborator = {Language, XMLP}, - pages = {1-48} -} - -@article{napoleonMethodApparatusProducing2005, - title = {Method and Apparatus for Producing Structured {{SGML}}/{{XML}} Student Compositions}, - author = {Napoleon, S.}, - year = {2005}, - keywords = {etd-paper}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/UMFISBRB/20050188322.html} -} - -@article{universityofumeaUSINGXMLIMS, - title = {{{USING XML AND THE IMS QTI STANDARD FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF ASSESSMENT TOOLS}}}, - author = {UniversityofUmea, S.}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/7NKJUG39/UniversityofUmea - - USING XML AND THE IMS QTI STANDARD FOR THE DEVELOP.pdf} -} - -@article{hennebergerXDiMLDissertationMarkupLanguage, - title = {Save as {{XDiML}} ({{DissertationMarkupLanguage}})}, - author = {Henneberger, S. and Schulz, M.}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/EWN3C66T/Henneberger et al - - Save as XDiML (DissertationMarkupLanguage).pdf} -} - -@article{parkElectronicThesisInitiative2007, - title = {Electronic Thesis Initiative: Pilot Project of {{McGill University}}, {{Montreal The Authors}}}, - volume = {41}, - shorttitle = {Electronic Thesis Initiative}, - number = {1}, - journal = {Program: electronic library and information systems}, - author = {Park, E. G. and Zou, Q. and McKnight, D.}, - year = {2007}, - keywords = {etd-paper}, - pages = {81-91}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/89AAWVK8/ViewContentServlet.html} -} - -@article{schirmbacherHighQualityElectronic, - title = {High Quality Electronic Publishing in Universities Using {{XML}}-the {{DiDi}} Principle}, - author = {Schirmbacher, P. and Dobratz, S. and Schulz, M.}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/F3VA8RE6/Show.html} -} - -@article{berendtUnderstandingSupportingVolunteer2005, - title = {Understanding and Supporting Volunteer Contributors: {{The}} Case of Metadata and Document Servers}, - shorttitle = {Understanding and Supporting Volunteer Contributors}, - author = {Berendt, B.}, - year = {2005}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/QMNDX6FD/Berendt - 2005 - Understanding and supporting volunteer contributor.pdf} -} - -@article{diepoldDissertationenOnlineETD2000, - title = {,,{{Dissertationen Online}}''-{{The ETD Project}} of the {{German Learned Societies}}}, - volume = {10}, - number = {1}, - journal = {Liber Quarterly. The Journal of European Research Libraries}, - author = {DIEPOLD, P.}, - year = {2000}, - pages = {31-40} -} - -@article{dobratzSGMLXMLBasedElectronic2001, - title = {{{SGML}}/{{XML}}-{{Based Electronic Theses}} and {{Dissertations}}: {{Existing Projects}} and {{Standards}}.}, - shorttitle = {{{SGML}}/{{XML}}-{{Based Electronic Theses}} and {{Dissertations}}}, - journal = {Internet and Higher Education}, - author = {Dobratz, S. and Schulz, M. and Potter, P. and Strabala, P.}, - year = {2001}, - keywords = {etd-paper}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/EU6SKWGA/detailmini.html} -} - -@article{odonnellDynamicRepresentationExchange, - title = {Dynamic {{Representation}} of {{Exchange Structure}}}, - author = {O'Donnell, M.} -} - -@article{odonnellContextDynamicModelling1999, - title = {Context in {{Dynamic Modelling}}}, - journal = {Text and Context in Functional Linguistics. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: Benjamins}, - author = {O'Donnell, M.}, - year = {1999}, - pages = {63-99} -} - -@article{barnesPreservationWordprocessingDocuments2006, - title = {Preservation of Word-Processing Documents}, - volume = {2}, - journal = {Retrieved October}, - author = {Barnes, I.}, - year = {2006}, - keywords = {metadata_embedding}, - pages = {2006}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/TVKX6IIV/Barnes - 2006 - Preservation of word-processing documents.pdf} -} - -@misc{IngentaConnectSGMLXMLbased, - title = {{{IngentaConnect SGML}}/{{XML}}-Based Electronic Theses and Dissertations - {{Existing}} Pro...}, - urldate = {2007-04-22}, - howpublished = {http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/els/10967516/2001/00000004/00000002/art00052}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/KMTS7ZBX/art00052.html}, - note = {(accessed 2007-04-22T23:28:11Z)}, - url = {http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/els/10967516/2001/00000004/00000002/art00052} -} - -@misc{NoncodeExtensionsOpenOffice, - title = {Non-Code Extensions - {{OpenOffice}}.Org {{Wiki}}}, - urldate = {2006-10-30}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/NZ8M447I/Non-code_extensions.html}, - note = {(accessed 2006-10-30T20:27:34Z)}, - url = {http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/Non-code_extensions} -} - -@misc{PHFPortableHypertext, - title = {{{PHF}}: {{Portable Hypertext Format}} - {{Demo}}}, - urldate = {2007-03-04}, - howpublished = {http://www.greywyvern.com/code/php/phf-demo}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/XW8C2BUJ/phf-demo.html}, - note = {(accessed 2007-03-04T23:15:47Z)}, - url = {http://www.greywyvern.com/code/php/phf-demo} -} - -@book{blackGettingThingsDone1987, - address = {London}, - title = {Getting Things Done : A Radical New Approach to Managing Time and Achieving More at Work}, - isbn = {0-7181-2842-7}, - publisher = {{Michael Joseph}}, - author = {Black, Roger}, - year = {1987} -} - -@misc{QUTEPrintsArchive, - title = {{{QUT}} | {{ePrints Archive}} - {{FLOSS}} as {{Democratic Principle}}}, - urldate = {2006-10-30}, - howpublished = {http://eprints.qut.edu.au/archive/00004425/}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/E2IBBSEB/mail.google.com.html;/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/HKQ6W5AX/eprints.qut.edu.au.html}, - note = {(accessed 2006-10-30T04:25:43Z)}, - url = {http://eprints.qut.edu.au/archive/00004425/} -} - -@misc{jodiSubmissions2008, - title = {Submissions}, - urldate = {2008-02-20}, - howpublished = {http://journals.tdl.org/jodi/about/submissions}, - journal = {The Journal of Digital Information}, - author = {JoDI}, - year = {2008}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/JJJTEZB7/submissions.html}, - note = {(accessed 2008-02-20T00:54:10Z)}, - url = {http://journals.tdl.org/jodi/about/submissions} -} - -@misc{seftonMiniWebsitesSupporting02:19:10, - title = {Mini Websites of Supporting Material for Scholarly Articles}, - abstract = {' - [Update \textendash{} repost with the spell checker on, text was in Aussie English so the spell checker ignored it.]Via First Author, I see that BioMed Central has added the ability for authors to include extra web material with a paper:... to make it possible to upload collections of files that can be conveniently navigated in the web browser - essentially a miniature website associated with the article. This functionality has now been added to the BioMed Central publication system.The BioMed Central hom...' [first 500 characters shown]}, - urldate = {2008-02-06}, - howpublished = {http://ptsefton.com/2008/02/05/mini-websites-of-supporting-material-for-scholarly-articles-2.htm}, - journal = {PT's blog}, - author = {Sefton, Peter}, - year = {02:19:10}, - keywords = {Uncategorized}, - note = {(accessed 2008-02-06T03:52:54Z)}, - url = {http://ptsefton.com/2008/02/05/mini-websites-of-supporting-material-for-scholarly-articles-2.htm} -} - -@misc{saloMessyMetaphor2006, - type = {Blog}, - title = {A Messy Metaphor}, - urldate = {2008-02-05}, - howpublished = {http://cavlec.yarinareth.net/archives/2006/01/09/a-messy-metaphor/}, - journal = {Caveat Lector}, - author = {Salo, Dorothea}, - month = jan, - year = {2006}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/T7952QZA/a-messy-metaphor.html}, - note = {(accessed 2008-02-05T01:03:16Z)}, - url = {http://cavlec.yarinareth.net/archives/2006/01/09/a-messy-metaphor/} -} - -@article{roomScholarlyPublishingDigital, - title = {Scholarly {{Publishing}} in the {{Digital Age}}}, - author = {Room, G.}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/SJDDBHHZ/SyllabusEPcourseFall2007fnl.pdf} -} - -@article{hillesundManyOutputsMany2002, - title = {Many {{Outputs}}\textemdash{{Many Inputs}}: {{XML}} for {{Publishers}} and {{E}}-Book {{Designers}}}, - volume = {3}, - shorttitle = {Many {{Outputs}}\textemdash{{Many Inputs}}}, - number = {1}, - journal = {Journal of Digital Information}, - author = {Hillesund, T.}, - year = {2002}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/NDT3Z58H/75.html} -} - -@article{walshXMLOneInput2002, - title = {{{XML}}: {{One Input}}--{{Many Outputs}}: A Response to {{Hillesund}}}, - volume = {3}, - shorttitle = {{{XML}}}, - number = {1}, - journal = {Journal of Digital Information}, - author = {Walsh, N.}, - year = {2002}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/TN6GDB9I/78.html} -} - -@article{diiorioWritingWeb2004, - title = {Writing the {{Web}}}, - volume = {5}, - number = {1}, - journal = {Journal of Digital Information}, - author = {Di Iorio, A. and Vitali, F.}, - year = {2004}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/2U2AI2H9/119.html} -} - -@article{verbylaUnlinkingLink1999, - title = {Unlinking the Link}, - volume = {31}, - abstract = {Note: OCR errors may be found in this Reference List extracted from the full text article. ACM has opted to expose the complete List rather than only correct and linked references.}, - number = {4es}, - journal = {ACM Comput. Surv}, - author = {Verbyla, Janet}, - year = {1999}, - pages = {34}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/NM4UMT7Z/citation.html} -} - -@misc{bendaGavinBendaComAu, - title = {{{GavinBenda}}.Com.Au / {{Definitive Guide To Charts And Graphs}}}, - urldate = {2008-01-03}, - howpublished = {http://gavinbenda.com.au/2007/12/06/definitive-guide-to-charts-and-graphs/}, - author = {Benda, Gavin}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/54J6XJZF/definitive-guide-to-charts-and-graphs.html}, - note = {(accessed 2008-01-03T00:44:07Z)}, - url = {http://gavinbenda.com.au/2007/12/06/definitive-guide-to-charts-and-graphs/} -} - -@article{rosadoCommonFoldMediates2007, - title = {A {{Common Fold Mediates Vertebrate Defense}} and {{Bacterial Attack}}}, - volume = {317}, - doi = {10.1126/science.1144706}, - abstract = {Proteins containing membrane attack complex/perforin (MACPF) domains play important roles in vertebrate immunity, embryonic development, and neural-cell migration. In vertebrates, the ninth component of complement and perforin form oligomeric pores that lyse bacteria and kill virus-infected cells, respectively. However, the mechanism of MACPF function is unknown. We determined the crystal structure of a bacterial MACPF protein, Plu-MACPF from Photorhabdus luminescens, to 2.0 angstrom resolution. The MACPF domain reveals structural similarity with poreforming cholesterol-dependent cytolysins (CDCs) from Gram-positive bacteria. This suggests that lytic MACPF proteins may use a CDC-like mechanism to form pores and disrupt cell membranes. Sequence similarity between bacterial and vertebrate MACPF domains suggests that the fold of the CDCs, a family of proteins important for bacterial pathogenesis, is probably used by vertebrates for defense against infection.}, - number = {5844}, - urldate = {2007-12-20}, - journal = {Science}, - author = {Rosado, Carlos J. and Buckle, Ashley M. and Law, Ruby H. P. and Butcher, Rebecca E. and Kan, Wan-Ting and Bird, Catherina H. and Ung, Kheng and Browne, Kylie A. and Baran, Katherine and {Bashtannyk-Puhalovich}, Tanya A. and Faux, Noel G. and Wong, Wilson and Porter, Corrine J. and Pike, Robert N. and Ellisdon, Andrew M. and Pearce, Mary C. and Bottomley, Stephen P. and Emsley, Jonas and Smith, A. Ian and Rossjohn, Jamie and Hartland, Elizabeth L. and Voskoboinik, Ilia and Trapani, Joseph A. and Bird, Phillip I. and Dunstone, Michelle A. and Whisstock, James C.}, - month = sep, - year = {2007}, - pages = {1548-1551}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/AQGT89RI/Rosado et al2007A Common Fold Mediates Vertebrate Defense and Bact.pdf;/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/TTM8S6BA/1144706.html}, - note = {(accessed 2007-12-20T23:54:07Z)}, - url = {http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/abstract/317/5844/1548} -} - -@techreport{theandstechnicalworkinggroupAustralianDataCommons2007, - address = {Canberra}, - title = {Towards the {{Australian Data Commons}}. {{A}} Proposal for an {{Australian National Data Service}}}, - abstract = {The development of ANDS is intended to provide the essential meeting place where the Australian -path forward for research data management can evolve and where a vision can be achieved. This -vision will articulate over time policies and guidelines that are readily understood and interpreted -while simultaneously creating exemplars of best practice.}, - institution = {{Australian Government Department of Science Education and Trainining}}, - author = {The ANDS Technical Working Group}, - year = {2007}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/ZQTUUTI9/TowardstheAustralianDataCommons.pdf}, - url = {http://www.pfc.org.au/twiki/pub/Main/Data/TowardstheAustralianDataCommons.pdf} -} - -@misc{APSR, - title = {{{APSR}}:}, - urldate = {2007-12-20}, - howpublished = {http://www.apsr.edu.au/aons2/}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/DXV5KX77/aons2.html}, - note = {(accessed 2007-12-20T00:32:29Z)}, - url = {http://www.apsr.edu.au/aons2/} -} - -@patent{needhamEP1485842IntelEuropean, - address = {AT, BE, CH, DE, DK, ES, FR, GB, GR, IE, IT, LI, LU, MC, NL, PT, SE, FI, CY, TR, BG, CZ, EE, HU, RO, SI, SK}, - title = {{{EP1485842 Intel}} European Software Patent - {{Authenticatable}} Positioning Data - {{Gauss}}}, - abstract = {To facilitate an offeror making sensible offers to offerees based on locations visited by offerees, position data from a positioning device, such as a GPS or other positioning device, is digitally signed or encrypted, and provided to an offeror. The offeror may then validate the digitally signed or encrypted position data before extending an offer based thereon. To facilitate digital signing or encryption of position data, an encryption key may be embedded within a positioning device by a manufacture of the positioning device. Various trust models may be employed between the manufacturer, offeror and offerees.}, - number = {EP1485842}, - urldate = {2007-12-19}, - author = {Needham, Bradford H and Cowperthwaite, David}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/T9WVBD3G/EP1485842.html}, - note = {(accessed 2007-12-19T23:29:10Z)}, - url = {http://gauss.ffii.org/PatentView/EP1485842} -} - -@misc{SourceForgeNetFezusers, - title = {{{SourceForge}}.Net: Fez-Users}, - urldate = {2007-10-15}, - howpublished = {http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?set=custom\&viewmonth=200608\&viewday=17\&forum\_name=fez-users\&style=nested\&max\_rows=25\&submit=Change+View}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/NW8BCSDD/forum.html}, - note = {(accessed 2007-10-15T03:39:37Z)}, - url = {http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?set=custom\\\&viewmonth=200608\\\&viewday=17\\\&forum_name=fez-users\\\&style=nested\\\&max_rows=25\\\&submit=Change+View} -} - -@misc{meyerConsideredHarmfulEssays2002, - title = {"{{Considered Harmful}}" {{Essays Considered Harmful}}}, - urldate = {2007-10-15}, - howpublished = {http://meyerweb.com/eric/comment/chech.html}, - author = {Meyer, Eric A.}, - year = {2002}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/ICBFCZ92/chech.html}, - note = {(accessed 2007-10-15T01:33:48Z)}, - url = {http://meyerweb.com/eric/comment/chech.html} -} - -@misc{jean-claudebradleyOpenNotebookScience2007, - title = {Open {{Notebook Science Using Blogs}} and {{Wikis}}}, - copyright = {\textcopyright{} 2007 Jean-Claude Bradley}, - urldate = {2007-09-19}, - howpublished = {http://precedings.nature.com/documents/39/version/1}, - author = {{Jean-Claude Bradley}}, - month = jun, - year = {2007}, - keywords = {Chemistry}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/HIC94T9B/1.html}, - note = {(accessed 2007-09-19T02:29:58Z)}, - url = {http://precedings.nature.com/documents/39/version/1} -} - -@article{lagozeFedoraArchitectureComplex2006, - title = {Fedora: An Architecture for Complex Objects and Their Relationships}, - volume = {6}, - shorttitle = {Fedora}, - doi = {10.1007/s00799-005-0130-3}, - abstract = {Abstract The Fedora architecture is an extensible framework for the storage, management, and dissemination of complex objects and the relationships among them. Fedora accommodates the aggregation of local and distributed content into digital objects and the association of services with objects. This allows an object to have several accessible representations, some of them dynamically produced. The architecture includes a generic Resource Description Framework (RDF)-based relationship model that represents relationships among objects and their components. Queries against these relationships are supported by an RDF triple store. The architecture is implemented as a web service, with all aspects of the complex object architecture and related management functions exposed through REST and SOAP interfaces. The implementation is available as open-source software, providing the foundation for a variety of end-user applications for digital libraries, archives, institutional repositories, and learning object systems.}, - number = {2}, - urldate = {2007-09-17}, - journal = {International Journal on Digital Libraries}, - author = {Lagoze and Payette and Shin and Wilper}, - month = apr, - year = {2006}, - pages = {124-138}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/G5Z7H25J/Lagoze et al2006Fedora an architecture for complex objects and th.pdf;/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/G7P4KTFG/x7224797g8703g30.html}, - note = {(accessed 2007-09-17T01:57:44Z)}, - url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00799-005-0130-3} -} - -@techreport{landwateraustraliaCONTRACTAANRORepository2007, - type = {Contract}, - title = {{{CONTRACT}}: {{AANRO Repository Evaluation}}}, - number = {USQ004659}, - institution = {{Land \& Water Australia}}, - author = {Land \& Water Australia}, - year = {2007} -} - -@misc{OAIsterHome, - title = {{{OAIster}} | {{Home}}}, - urldate = {2007-09-12}, - howpublished = {http://www.oaister.org/}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/4HVR9TGX/www.oaister.org.html}, - note = {(accessed 2007-09-12T23:14:39Z)}, - url = {http://www.oaister.org/} -} - -@misc{UnileverCentreMoleculara, - title = {Unilever {{Centre}} for {{Molecular Informatics}}, {{Cambridge}} - Petermr's Blog \guillemotright{} {{Blog Archive}} \guillemotright{} {{Blogoversary}}}, - urldate = {2007-09-09}, - howpublished = {http://wwmm.ch.cam.ac.uk/blogs/murrayrust/?p=564}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/I4J27FN3/murrayrust.html}, - note = {(accessed 2007-09-09T03:56:16Z)}, - url = {http://wwmm.ch.cam.ac.uk/blogs/murrayrust/?p=564} -} - -@article{hubelReceptiveFieldsFunctional1968, - title = {Receptive Fields and Functional Architecture of Monkey Striate Cortex}, - volume = {195}, - number = {1}, - journal = {The Journal of Physiology}, - author = {Hubel, D. H. and Wiesel, T. N.}, - year = {1968}, - pages = {215-243}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/AEQTZWF9/215.html} -} - -@article{wikipediacontributorsResourceDescriptionFramework2007, - title = {Resource {{Description Framework}}}, - urldate = {2007-08-20}, - journal = {Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia}, - publisher = {{Wikimedia Foundation}}, - author = {{Wikipedia contributors}}, - month = aug, - year = {2007}, - note = {(accessed 2007-08-20T02:00:33Z)}, - url = {http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Resource_Description_Framework\\\&oldid=151387368} -} - -@misc{weaverSettingCollectionUQ2007, - type = {Generic {{Document}}}, - title = {Setting up a Collection on {{UQ eSpace}}}, - urldate = {2007-07-09}, - howpublished = {http://espace.library.uq.edu.au/view.php?pid=UQ:23802}, - author = {Weaver, Belinda}, - month = jun, - year = {2007}, - keywords = {280102 Information Systems Management}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/R67F29WA/view.html}, - note = {(accessed 2007-07-09T04:55:11Z)}, - url = {http://espace.library.uq.edu.au/view.php?pid=UQ:23802} -} - -@article{wikipediacontributorsWorldWideWeb2007, - title = {World {{Wide Web}}}, - urldate = {2007-07-02}, - journal = {Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia}, - publisher = {{Wikimedia Foundation}}, - author = {{Wikipedia contributors}}, - month = jun, - year = {2007}, - note = {(accessed 2007-07-02T03:42:35Z)}, - url = {http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=World_Wide_Web\\\&oldid=141398985} -} - -@misc{BlockquoteWikipediaFree, - title = {Blockquote - {{Wikipedia}}, the Free Encyclopedia}, - urldate = {2007-07-02}, - howpublished = {http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blockquote}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/76TTUE6R/Blockquote.html}, - note = {(accessed 2007-07-02T03:21:41Z)}, - url = {http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blockquote} -} - -@misc{wikipediacontributorsUnixPhilosophyWikipedia2007, - title = {Unix Philosophy - {{Wikipedia}}, the Free Encyclopedia}, - urldate = {2007-06-04}, - howpublished = {http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unix\_philosophy\#McIlroy:\_A\_Quarter\_Century\_of\_Unix}, - author = {{Wikipedia contributors}}, - year = {2007}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/6E47R5ZU/Unix_philosophy.html}, - note = {(accessed 2007-06-04T01:51:43Z)}, - url = {http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unix_philosophy\\\#McIlroy:_A_Quarter_Century_of_Unix} -} - -@misc{wikipediacontributorsCreateReadUpdate, - title = {Create, Read, Update and Delete - {{Wikipedia}}, the Free Encyclopedia}, - urldate = {2007-06-04}, - howpublished = {http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CRUD\_(acronym)}, - author = {{Wikipedia contributors}}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/Q3RAWAGU/CRUD_(acronym).html}, - note = {(accessed 2007-06-04T03:10:43Z)}, - url = {http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CRUD_(acronym)} -} - -@article{huitfeldtMultidimensionalTextsOnedimensional1994, - title = {Multi-Dimensional Texts in a One-Dimensional Medium}, - volume = {28}, - doi = {10.1007/BF01830270}, - abstract = {This paper discusses one of the tools which may be used for representing texts in machine-readable form, i.e. encoding systems or markup languages. This discussion is at the same time a report on current tendencies in the field. An attempt is made at reconstructing some of the main conceptions of text lying behind these tendencies. It is argued that, although the conceptions of texts and text structures inherent in these tendencies seem to be misguided, text encoding is nevertheless a fruitful approach to the study of texts. Finally, some conclusions are drawn concerning the relevance of this discussion to themes in text linguistics.}, - number = {4}, - urldate = {2007-05-27}, - journal = {Computers and the Humanities}, - author = {Huitfeldt}, - month = jul, - year = {1994}, - pages = {235-241}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/5TMK7G2P/Huitfeldt1994Multi-dimensional texts in a one-dimensional mediu.pdf;/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/FTFXNT4M/h3t1377w7l107544.html}, - note = {(accessed 2007-05-27T23:21:55Z)}, - url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/BF01830270} -} - -@book{piezDescriptiveVsProcedural2001, - title = {Beyond the "Descriptive vs. Procedural" Distinction}, - volume = {3}, - isbn = {1099-6621}, - publisher = {{MIT Press}}, - author = {Piez, Wendell}, - year = {2001}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/3H3EG7RC/citation.html}, - url = {http://mitpress.mit.edu/catalog/item/default.asp?ttype=6\\\&tid=8007} -} - -@article{readIncorporatingInteroperabilityDistributed2003, - title = {Incorporating Interoperability into a Distributed {{eLearning}} System}, - volume = {6}, - journal = {Retrieve May}, - author = {Read, T. and Verdejo, F.}, - year = {2003}, - pages = {2004} -} - -@article{wikipediacontributorsCuttlefish2007, - title = {Cuttlefish}, - urldate = {2007-05-19}, - journal = {Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia}, - author = {{Wikipedia contributors}}, - month = mar, - year = {2007}, - note = {(accessed 2007-05-19T22:33:19Z)}, - url = {http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Cuttlefish\\\&oldid=112171784} -} - -@book{sperberg-mcqueenXMLVersionTEI2002, - title = {The {{XML Version}} of the {{TEI Guidelines}}}, - number = {TEI P4}, - urldate = {2007-05-13}, - publisher = {{The TEI Consortium}}, - author = {{Sperberg-McQueen}, C M and Burnard, L}, - year = {2002}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/RMNQK9XM/index.html}, - note = {(accessed 2007-05-13T20:19:37Z)}, - url = {http://www.tei-c.org/P4X/index.html} -} - -@book{udellPracticalInternetGroupware, - address = {Beijing ;;Sebastopol CA}, - edition = {1st ed.}, - title = {Practical Internet Groupware}, - isbn = {978-1-56592-537-3}, - publisher = {{O'Reilly}}, - author = {Udell, Jon}, - url = {http://www.worldcat.org/oclc/43188074} -} - -@article{treloarARROWDARTARCHER2007, - title = {{{ARROW}}, {{DART}} and {{ARCHER}}: {{A Quiver Full}} of {{Research Repository}} and {{Related Projects}}}, - number = {51}, - urldate = {2007-05-16}, - journal = {Ariadne}, - author = {Treloar, A and Groenewegen, D}, - year = {2007}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/JXMZU3GV/treloar-groenewegen.html}, - note = {(accessed 2007-05-16T00:20:32Z)}, - url = {http://www.ariadne.ac.uk/issue51/treloar-groenewegen/} -} - -@article{warinThreadsMemoryReproducing2005, - title = {Threads of {{Memory}}: {{Reproducing}} the {{Cypress Tree}} through {{Sensual Consumption}}}, - volume = {26}, - shorttitle = {Threads of {{Memory}}}, - number = {1}, - journal = {Journal of Intercultural Studies}, - author = {Warin, M. and Dennis, S.}, - year = {2005}, - pages = {159-170}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/IUZDGUUF/Warin et al2005Threads of Memory Reproducing the Cypress Tree th.pdf} -} - -@article{barnesIntegratingRepositoryAcademic2006, - title = {Integrating the {{Repository}} with {{Academic Workflow}}}, - journal = {OpenReposiotries. Sydney, APSR http://www. apsr. edu. au/Open\_Repositories\_2006/ian\_barnes. pdf}, - author = {Barnes, I.}, - year = {2006}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/5DJCSMGX/BARNES - 2006 - Integrating the Repository with Academic Workflow.pdf} -} - -@misc{barnesDigitalScholarWorkbench2007, - title = {The {{Digital Scholar}}'s {{Workbench}}}, - urldate = {2007-05-14}, - howpublished = {http://elpub.scix.net/cgi-bin/works/Show?\_id=159\_elpub2007}, - author = {Barnes, Ian}, - year = {2007}, - keywords = {word processing; scholarly communication; digital preservation; XML; electronic publishing}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/PB34E2PM/Show.html}, - note = {(accessed 2007-05-14T05:10:07Z)}, - url = {http://elpub.scix.net/cgi-bin/works/Show?_id=159_elpub2007} -} - -@article{mullerDiVAProjectDevelopmentElectronic2003, - title = {The {{DiVA Project}}-{{Development}} of an {{Electronic Publishing System}}}, - volume = {9}, - number = {11}, - journal = {D\DH{}Lib Magazine}, - author = {Muller, E. and Klosa, U. and Andersson, S. and Hansson, P.}, - year = {2003} -} - -@inproceedings{mullerUsingXMLLongterm2003, - title = {Using {{XML}} for {{Long}}-Term {{Preservation}}}, - author = {Muller, E. and Klosa, U. and Hansson, P. and Andersson, S. and Siira, E.}, - year = {2003}, - url = {http://edoc.hu-berlin.de/etd2003/hansson-peter/PDF/index.pdf} -} - -@misc{zoteroprojectQuickStartGuide, - title = {Quick\_start\_guide [{{Zotero Documentation}}]}, - author = {Zotero Project}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/NW3JZQ2D/doku.php.html} -} - -@misc{wikipediaWeb2007, - title = {Web 2.0}, - urldate = {2007-05-10}, - howpublished = {http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web\_2.0\#Introduction}, - author = {Wikipedia}, - year = {2007}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/RUPB36H3/Web_2.html}, - note = {(accessed 2007-05-10T00:25:48Z)}, - url = {http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_2.0\\\#Introduction} -} - -@article{pembertonXHTMLExtensibleHyperText2000, - title = {{{XHTML}} 1.0: {{The Extensible HyperText Markup Language}}}, - shorttitle = {{{XHTML}} 1.0}, - journal = {World Wide Web Consortium Recommendation xhtml1, January}, - author = {Pemberton, S.}, - year = {2000} -} - -@misc{uppsalauniversitetETD2007Added2007, - title = {{{ETD}} 2007: {{Added}} Values to e-Theses}, - urldate = {2007-05-13}, - howpublished = {http://epc.ub.uu.se/etd2007/}, - author = {{Uppsala Universitet}}, - year = {2007}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/PN448TQP/etd2007.html}, - note = {(accessed 2007-05-13T20:50:20Z)}, - url = {http://epc.ub.uu.se/etd2007/} -} - -@misc{adobePDFReference2007, - title = {{{PDF}} Reference}, - urldate = {2007-05-13}, - howpublished = {http://www.adobe.com/devnet/pdf/pdf\_reference.html}, - author = {Adobe}, - year = {2007}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/JNMS3XDA/pdf_reference.html}, - note = {(accessed 2007-05-13T19:52:19Z)}, - url = {http://www.adobe.com/devnet/pdf/pdf_reference.html} -} - -@article{prasadPersistentIdentifiersDigital2005, - title = {Persistent {{Identifiers}} for {{Digital Resources}}}, - author = {Prasad, A. R. D. and Guha, N.}, - year = {2005}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/RUNEKVTE/246.html} -} - -@misc{cantrellpHandsPaulCantrell2007, - title = {In the {{Hands}} \textemdash{} {{Paul Cantrell}}'s Piano Music Podcast and Blog}, - urldate = {2007-05-11}, - howpublished = {http://innig.net/music/inthehands/2007/03/25/125/}, - author = {{Cantrell, P}}, - year = {2007}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/N2XFTCB8/ith_chopin-28-4.mp3;/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/XMRCIBF4/ith_chopin-28-4.mp3}, - note = {(accessed 2007-05-11T02:31:34Z)}, - url = {http://innig.net/music/inthehands/2007/03/25/125/} -} - -@misc{universityofsouthernqueenslandSubmissionGuidelines2007, - title = {Submission Guidelines}, - urldate = {2007-05-10}, - howpublished = {http://www.usq.edu.au/e-jist/submission.htm}, - author = {{University of Southern Queensland}}, - year = {2007}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/XV73SZNT/submission.html}, - note = {(accessed 2007-05-10T20:42:20Z)}, - url = {http://www.usq.edu.au/e-jist/submission.htm} -} - -@misc{CitationStyleLanguage, - title = {Citation Style Language - {{Wikipedia}}, the Free Encyclopedia}, - urldate = {2007-05-10}, - howpublished = {http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Citation\_style\_language}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/SBJZ9BHN/Citation_style_language.html}, - note = {(accessed 2007-05-10T12:19:07Z)}, - url = {http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Citation_style_language} -} - -@article{foxEvolvingGenreElectronic1999, - title = {The Evolving Genre of Electronic Theses and Dissertations}, - journal = {System Sciences, 1999. HICSS-32. Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Hawaii International Conference on}, - author = {Fox, E. A. and McMillan, G. and Eaton, J. L.}, - year = {1999}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/ZD5TPGTT/freeabs_all.html} -} - -@article{foxNationalDigitalLibrary1996, - title = {National {{Digital Library}} of {{Theses}} and {{Dissertations}}}, - journal = {D-Lib Magazine}, - author = {Fox, E. A. and Eaton, J. L. and McMillan, G. and Kipp, N. A. and Weiss, L. and Arce, E. and Guyer, S. and Blacksburg, V.}, - year = {1996}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/NT5QWGZT/fox-kipp.html} -} - -@article{sulemanNetworkedDigitalLibrary2001, - title = {Networked {{Digital Library}} of {{Theses}} and {{Dissertations}}: {{Bridging}} the {{Gaps}} for {{Global Access}}-{{Part}} 1: {{Mission}} and {{Progress}}}, - shorttitle = {Networked {{Digital Library}} of {{Theses}} and {{Dissertations}}}, - journal = {D-Lib Magazine}, - author = {Suleman, H. and Atkins, A. and Gon{\c c}alves, M. A. and France, R. K. and Fox, E. A. and Chachra, V. and Crowder, M. and Young, J.}, - year = {2001}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/KK88IEJZ/23.html} -} - -@misc{apsrprojectAustralianPartnershipSustainable2007, - title = {Australian {{Partnership}} for {{Sustainable Repositories}}}, - urldate = {2007-05-10}, - howpublished = {http://www.apsr.edu.au/}, - author = {APSR Project}, - year = {2007}, - keywords = {etd-paper}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/D2SIT4WU/www.apsr.edu.au.html}, - note = {(accessed 2007-05-10T03:50:16Z)}, - url = {http://www.apsr.edu.au/} -} - -@misc{arrowprojectAustralianResearchRepositories2007, - title = {Australian {{Research Repositories Online}} to the {{World}}}, - urldate = {2007-05-10}, - howpublished = {http://www.arrow.edu.au/}, - author = {ARROW Project}, - year = {2007}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/BH7FSPDW/www.arrow.edu.au.html}, - note = {(accessed 2007-05-10T03:51:28Z)}, - url = {http://www.arrow.edu.au/} -} - -@inproceedings{garybrowneSearchingMeaningLibrary, - title = {Searching for Meaning in the {{Library}} of {{Babel}}: Field Semantics and Problems of Digital Archiving}, - urldate = {2007-05-10}, - author = {Gary Browne}, - keywords = {repository; repositories; innovation; digital library; publishing; XML; collection; community}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/SNHBFNFU/1509.html}, - note = {(accessed 2007-05-10T01:21:52Z)}, - url = {http://ses.library.usyd.edu.au/handle/2123/1509} -} - -@misc{universityofsouthernqueenslandRUBRIC2007, - title = {{{RUBRIC}}}, - urldate = {2007-05-09}, - howpublished = {http://rubric.edu.au/}, - author = {{University of Southern Queensland}}, - year = {2007}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/9DTJ9Q2T/rubric.edu.au.html}, - note = {(accessed 2007-05-09T23:38:41Z)}, - url = {http://rubric.edu.au/} -} - -@book{ecmaStandardECMA376Office2006, - title = {Standard {{ECMA}}-376: {{Office Open XML File Formats}}}, - urldate = {2007-05-09}, - publisher = {{Ecma International}}, - author = {ECMA}, - year = {2006}, - keywords = {etd-paper}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/TNTB65MK/Ecma-376.html}, - note = {(accessed 2007-05-09T23:07:58Z)}, - url = {http://www.ecma-international.org/publications/standards/Ecma-376.htm} -} - -@misc{universityofsouthernqueenslandICEUserGuide2007, - title = {{{ICE User}} Guide}, - urldate = {2007-05-09}, - publisher = {{University of Southern Queenland, ICE project}}, - author = {{University of Southern Queensland}}, - year = {2007}, - keywords = {etd-paper}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/NJKG56QQ/user_guide.html}, - note = {(accessed 2007-05-09T20:33:10Z)}, - url = {http://ice.usq.edu.au/instructions/user_guide.htm} -} - -@book{heimElectricLanguagePhilosophical1999, - title = {Electric {{Language}}: A Philosophical Study of Word Processing}, - shorttitle = {Electric {{Language}}}, - publisher = {{Yale University Press}}, - author = {Heim, M.}, - year = {1999}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/HQN8EDRM/books.html} -} - -@article{hammelUsingOutlinerWord1993, - title = {Using an Outliner with a Word Processor}, - volume = {9}, - number = {1}, - journal = {Computers in Human Behavior}, - author = {Hammel, M. L. and Kozma, R. B.}, - year = {1993}, - keywords = {etd-paper}, - pages = {65-81}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/93JTCT7B/30852.html} -} - -@misc{jonesWordXSLTData2005, - type = {Blog}, - title = {Word {{XSLT}}: {{Data Only Transform}}}, - urldate = {2007-05-09}, - howpublished = {http://blogs.msdn.com/brian\_jones/archive/2005/07/08/436973.aspx\#452483}, - journal = {Brian Jones: Open XML Formats}, - author = {Jones, Brian}, - year = {2005}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/TFQ8BX2D/436973.html}, - note = {(accessed 2007-05-09T03:10:29Z)}, - url = {http://blogs.msdn.com/brian_jones/archive/2005/07/08/436973.aspx\\\#452483} -} - -@book{glassyUsingVersionControl2006, - title = {Using Version Control to Observe Student Software Development Processes}, - volume = {21}, - abstract = {Instructors more easily see the results of students' programming efforts than the process students used to produce those results. In 2004, our students used Subversion, an open-source version control system, to manage their homework programs. Our experience shows that version control is an valuable tool for gaining insight into how students develop code. Problematic patterns of coding show up version control commit record and can provide clear feedback to students on how to improve their development processes.}, - publisher = {{Consortium for Computing Sciences in Colleges}}, - author = {Glassy, Louis}, - year = {2006}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/MQN4FZS8/citation.html} -} - -@book{collins-sussmannVersionControlSubversion2004, - title = {Version {{Control With Subversion}}}, - publisher = {{O'Reilly}}, - author = {{Collins-Sussmann}, B. and Fitzpatrick, B. W. and Pilato, C. M.}, - year = {2004}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/EQ562TC5/books.html} -} - -@article{smithElectronicThesesDissertations2003, - title = {Electronic {{Theses}} and {{Dissertations}} ({{ETDs}}): {{A Report}} on the {{Current Issues}} and {{Trends Among Academic Iinstitutions}}}, - shorttitle = {Electronic {{Theses}} and {{Dissertations}} ({{ETDs}})}, - author = {Smith, A. D.}, - year = {2003}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/7UV79E5M/46.html} -} - -@article{sorgaardProblemsStylesWord, - title = {Problems with {{Styles}} in {{Word Processing}}: {{A Weak Foundation}} for {{Electronic Publishing}} with {{SGML}}}, - shorttitle = {Problems with {{Styles}} in {{Word Processing}}}, - journal = {Proceedings of the 30th HICSS}, - author = {S\o{}rgaard, P. and Sandahl, T. I.}, - keywords = {etd-paper}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/ASX8CXZI/DLAbsToc.html} -} - -@article{bonifatiTechnicalSurveyXML2001, - title = {Technical {{Survey}} of {{XML Schema}} and {{Query Languages}}}, - volume = {11}, - journal = {Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER), Yokohama, Japan}, - author = {Bonifati, A. and Lee, D.}, - year = {2001}, - keywords = {etd-paper}, - pages = {5-40}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/KA2R4M69/Bonifati et al2001Technical Survey of XML Schema and Query Languages.ps} -} - -@article{murataTaxonomyXMLSchema2005, - title = {Taxonomy of {{XML}} Schema Languages Using Formal Language Theory}, - volume = {5}, - number = {4}, - journal = {ACM Transactions on Internet Technology (TOIT)}, - author = {Murata, M. and Lee, D. and Mani, M. and Kawaguchi, K.}, - year = {2005}, - pages = {660-704}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/GT8SMCM5/citation.html} -} - -@article{leeComparativeAnalysisSix2000, - title = {Comparative Analysis of Six {{XML}} Schema Languages}, - volume = {29}, - number = {3}, - journal = {ACM SIGMOD Record}, - author = {Lee, D. and Chu, W. W.}, - year = {2000}, - pages = {76-87}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/BACG6Z56/citation.html} -} - -@book{snooksco.StyleManualAuthors2002, - address = {Milton, Qld.}, - title = {Style Manual for Authors, Editors and Printers}, - volume = {6th}, - isbn = {0701636483 (pbk.) 0701636475}, - publisher = {{John Wiley \& Sons}}, - author = {Snooks \& Co.}, - year = {2002}, - keywords = {Authorship Style manuals. Printing Style manuals. Word processing Style manuals.} -} - -@misc{openoffice.orgOpenOfficeOrgVersion, - title = {{{OpenOffice}}.Org {{Version}} 2}, - author = {OpenOffice.org}, - keywords = {ice-rs-intro}, - url = {http://www.openoffice.org} -} - -@article{taylorFifthGenerationDistance2001, - title = {Fifth {{Generation Distance Education}}}, - volume = {4}, - number = {1}, - journal = {E-Journal of Instructional Science and Technology}, - author = {Taylor, J.}, - year = {2001}, - url = {http://www.dest.gov.au/archive/highered/hes/hes40/hes40.pdf} -} - -@misc{rubricRUBRICGrantSubmission2005, - title = {{{RUBRIC Grant Submission}} {{Intended Outcomes}}}, - howpublished = {http://rubric.edu.au/bid/bidoutcome.htm}, - author = {RUBRIC}, - year = {2005}, - keywords = {ice-rs-intro}, - url = {http://rubric.edu.au/bid/bidoutcome.htm} -} - -@misc{oasisOpenDocumentV1Specification2005, - title = {{{OpenDocument}} v1.0 Specification}, - publisher = {{Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards}}, - author = {OASIS}, - year = {2005}, - keywords = {etd-paper,ice-rs-intro}, - url = {http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/download.php/12572/OpenDocument-v1.0-os.pdf} -} - -@misc{sourceforgeContinuousPublishingSystem, - title = {Continuous {{Publishing System}}}, - publisher = {{NextEd Ltd (copyright holder)}}, - author = {Sourceforge}, - url = {http://sourceforge.net/projects/cps-skite} -} - -@misc{mozillaFirefox, - title = {Firefox 1.5}, - author = {Mozilla}, - url = {http://www.mozilla.com/firefox/} -} - -@article{simpsonWordXML2003, - title = {From {{Word}} to {{XML}}}, - journal = {XML.com}, - author = {Simpson, J.E.}, - year = {2003}, - url = {http://www.xml.com/pub/a/2003/12/31/qa.html} -} - -@book{walshDocBookTheDefinitiveGuide1999, - title = {{{DocBookThe Definitive Guide}}}, - isbn = {1-56592-580-7}, - publisher = {{O'Reilly}}, - author = {Walsh, N. and Muellner, L.}, - year = {1999} -} - -@misc{osfOpenSourceCase2005, - title = {Open {{Source Case}} for {{Business}}}, - howpublished = {http://www.opensource.org/advocacy/case\_for\_business.php}, - author = {OSF}, - year = {2005}, - url = {http://www.opensource.org/advocacy/case_for_business.php} -} - -@misc{w3cExtensibleStylesheetLanguage2001, - title = {Extensible {{Stylesheet Language}} ({{XSL}}) {{Version}} 1.0}, - howpublished = {http://www.w3.org/TR/xsl/}, - author = {W3C}, - month = nov, - year = {2001}, - url = {http://www.w3.org/TR/xsl/} -} - -@misc{microsoftOffice12XML2005, - title = {Office "12" {{XML Schema Reference PDC}} 2005 {{Preview}}}, - howpublished = {http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=15805380-f2c0-4b80-9ad1-2cb0c300aef9\&displaylang=en}, - author = {Microsoft}, - year = {2005}, - url = {http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=15805380-f2c0-4b80-9ad1-2cb0c300aef9\\\&displaylang=en} -} - -@misc{w3cXHTMLExtensibleHyperText2002, - title = {{{XHTML}}\texttrademark{} 1.0 {{The Extensible HyperText Markup Language}} ({{Second Edition}})}, - howpublished = {http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/}, - author = {W3C}, - year = {2002}, - url = {http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/} -} - -@misc{openoffice.orgGettingStartedDocBook2005, - title = {Getting {{Started}} with {{DocBook}} on {{OpenOffice}}}, - howpublished = {http://xml.openoffice.org/xmerge/docbook/UserGuide.html}, - author = {OpenOffice.org}, - year = {2005}, - url = {http://xml.openoffice.org/xmerge/docbook/UserGuide.html} -} - -@inproceedings{radajewskiGOODPublishingSystem2004, - title = {{{GOOD Publishing System}}: {{Generic Online}}/{{Offline Delivery}}}, - shorttitle = {{{GOOD Publishing System}}}, - booktitle = {Australian {{Document Computing Symposium}}}, - author = {Radajewski, J. and MacFarlane, S. and Dekeyser, S.}, - year = {2004} -} - -@inproceedings{mullerSCOPEXMLBased2005, - address = {Sydney}, - title = {{{SCOPE}} - {{An XML Based Publishing Platform}}}, - booktitle = {{{ETD}}}, - author = {M\"uller, U. and Klatt, M.}, - year = {2005}, - url = {http://adt.caul.edu.au/etd2005/papers/041Muller.pdf} -} - -@misc{latex3LaTeX2EAuthors2001, - title = {{{LaTeX2E}} for Authors}, - howpublished = {http://www.latex-project.org/guides/usrguide.pdf}, - author = {LaTeX3, P.T.}, - year = {2001}, - url = {http://www.latex-project.org/guides/usrguide.pdf} -} - -@misc{fsfGNUGeneralPublic1991, - title = {{{GNU General Public License}}}, - howpublished = {http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html}, - author = {FSF}, - year = {1991}, - url = {http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html} -} - -@misc{exeExe14, - title = {Exe 0.14}, - author = {{eXe}}, - url = {http://exelearning.org/?q=about} -} - -@inproceedings{ballDocBookRoundtripping2005, - title = {{{DocBook Roundtripping}}}, - booktitle = {{{AUSWEB}}}, - author = {Ball, S.}, - year = {2005}, - url = {http://ausweb.scu.edu.au/aw05/papers/edited/ball/poster.html} -} - -@misc{barnesSustainabilityWordProcessing2005, - title = {Sustainability of Word Processing Documents}, - howpublished = {http://www.apsr.edu.au/currentprojects/wordprocessing.html}, - author = {Barnes, I.}, - year = {2005}, - keywords = {ice-rs-intro}, - url = {http://www.apsr.edu.au/currentprojects/wordprocessing.html} -} - -@misc{apacheApacheLicenseVersion2004, - title = {Apache {{License}}, {{Version}} 2.0}, - publisher = {{Apache Software Foundation}}, - author = {Apache}, - year = {2004}, - url = {http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html} -} - -@book{ellisAusWeb95InnovationDiversity1995, - address = {Lismore, N.S.W.}, - title = {{{AusWeb95}}, Innovation and Diversity: The {{World Wide Web}} in {{Australia}}, Proceedings of {{AusWeb95}}, the First {{Australian World Wide Web Conference}}, {{Ballina NSW}}, {{Australia}}, 30 {{April}} to 2 {{May}} 1995}, - isbn = {0-646-23946-5}, - shorttitle = {{{AusWeb95}}, Innovation and Diversity}, - publisher = {{Norsearch Limited}}, - author = {Ellis, A. and Debreceny, R.}, - year = {1995}, - keywords = {Internet Congresses. Information superhighway Australia Congresses. World Wide Web Congresses.} -} - -@misc{harboe-reeARROWAustralianResearch2003, - title = {{{ARROW}}: {{Australian Research Repositories Online}} to the {{World}}}, - shorttitle = {Arrow}, - publisher = {{Monash University ePrint Repository}}, - author = {{Harboe-Ree}, C. and Treloar, A. and Sabto, M.}, - year = {2003}, - url = {http://eprint.monash.edu.au/archive/00000046/} -} - -@misc{imsIMSContentPackaging2005, - title = {{{IMS Content Packaging Overview Version}} 1.2 {{Public Draft}}}, - howpublished = {http://www.imsglobal.org/content/packaging/cpv1p2pd/imscp\_oviewv1p2pd.html}, - author = {IMS}, - year = {2005}, - url = {http://www.imsglobal.org/content/packaging/cpv1p2pd/imscp_oviewv1p2pd.html} -} - -@misc{apsrAPSRPartnershipModel2003, - title = {The {{APSR Partnership Model}}}, - author = {APSR}, - year = {2003} -} - -@misc{adlSharableContentObject2006, - title = {Sharable {{Content Object Reference Model}} ({{SCORM}}) 2004}, - howpublished = {http://www.adlnet.gov/scorm/index.cfm}, - author = {ADL}, - year = {2006}, - url = {http://www.adlnet.gov/scorm/index.cfm} -} - -@book{beckPlanningExtremeProgramming2000, - title = {Planning {{Extreme Programming}}}, - isbn = {0-201-61641-6}, - publisher = {{Addison Wesley}}, - author = {Beck, K. and Fowler, M.}, - year = {2000} -} - -@inproceedings{deraadtElectronicPeerReview2005, - address = {Brisbane}, - title = {Electronic Peer Review: {{A}} Large Cohort Teaching Themselves?}, - shorttitle = {Electronic Peer Review}, - booktitle = {{{ASCILITE}}}, - publisher = {{Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education}}, - author = {{deRaadt}, M. and Toleman, M. and Watson, R.}, - year = {2005}, - url = {http://www.ascilite.org.au/conferences/brisbane05/blogs/proceedings/17_de\\\%20Raadt.pdf} -} - -@incollection{daleHumanCommunicationScience2011, - address = {Sydney, Australia}, - title = {Human {{Communication Science}}: {{A Compendium}}}, - shorttitle = {Human {{Communication Science}}}, - booktitle = {{{ARC Research Network}} in {{Communication Science}}}, - author = {Dale, R.}, - year = {2011} -} - -@article{coxTimingDifferencesVC2011, - title = {Timing Differences in the {{VC}} Rhyme of Standard {{Australian English}} and {{Lebanese Australian English}} (Submitted}, - journal = {ICPhS XVII. Hong Kong}, - author = {Cox, F. and Palethorpe, S.}, - year = {2011} -} - -@incollection{coplandDopaminergicNeuromodulationsSemantic2011, - title = {Dopaminergic {{Neuromodulations}} of {{Semantic Procesing}}: {{A}} 4-{{T fMRI}}. {{Human Communication Science}}: {{A}}}, - shorttitle = {Dopaminergic {{Neuromodulations}} of {{Semantic Procesing}}}, - booktitle = {{{ARC Research Network}} in {{Communication Science}}}, - author = {Copland, D. A.}, - year = {2011} -} - -@article{cabreraPsysound3SoftwareAcoustical2007, - title = {Psysound3': {{Software}} for {{Acoustical}} and {{Psychoacoustical Analysis}} of {{Sound Recordings}}}, - shorttitle = {Psysound3'}, - journal = {International Community on Auditory}, - author = {Cabrera, D.}, - year = {2007} -} - -@incollection{butaviciusEmpiricalEvaluationFour2011, - title = {An {{Empirical Evaluation}} of {{Four Data Visualization Techniques}} for {{Displaying Short News Text Similarities}}. {{Human Communication Science}}: {{A}}}, - shorttitle = {An {{Empirical Evaluation}} of {{Four Data Visualization Techniques}} for {{Displaying Short News Text Similarities}}. {{Human Communication Science}}}, - booktitle = {{{ARC Research Network}} in {{Communication Science}}}, - author = {Butavicius, M. A. and Dale, M. D. Lee Compendium R. and Burnham, D. and Sydney, C. J. Stevens and Australia}, - year = {2011}, - pages = {125-148} -} - -@misc{VirtualLaboratories, - title = {Virtual {{Laboratories}}}, - urldate = {2014-02-04}, - howpublished = {https://www.nectar.org.au/virtual-laboratories-1}, - note = {(accessed 2014-02-04T20:52:19Z)}, - url = {https://www.nectar.org.au/virtual-laboratories-1} -} - -@article{awreProjectHydraDesigning2009, - title = {Project {{Hydra}}: {{Designing}} \& {{Building}} a {{Reusable Framework}} for {{Multipurpose}}, {{Multifunction}}, {{Multi}}-Institutional {{Repository}}-{{Powered Solutions}}}, - shorttitle = {Project {{Hydra}}}, - urldate = {2014-02-02}, - author = {Awre, Chris and Cramer, Tom and Green, Richard and McRae, Lynn and Sadler, Bess and Sigmon, Tim and Staples, Thornton and Wayland, Ross}, - year = {2009}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/JZT5SFVH/28496.html}, - note = {(accessed 2014-02-02T04:44:04Z)}, - url = {http://smartech.gatech.edu/handle/1853/28496} -} - -@misc{yakovshafranovichCommonFormatMIME, - title = {Common {{Format}} and {{MIME Type}} for {{Comma}}-{{Separated Values}} ({{CSV}}) {{Files}}}, - urldate = {2013-06-08}, - howpublished = {http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4180}, - author = {$<$ietf@shaftek.org$>$, Yakov Shafranovich}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/RRHXX5TQ/rfc4180.html}, - note = {(accessed 2013-06-08T22:14:50Z)}, - url = {http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4180} -} - -@misc{yakovshafranovichCommonFormatMIMEa, - title = {Common {{Format}} and {{MIME Type}} for {{Comma}}-{{Separated Values}} ({{CSV}}) {{Files}}}, - urldate = {2013-06-08}, - howpublished = {http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4180}, - author = {$<$ietf@shaftek.org$>$, Yakov Shafranovich}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/7IVQJBCE/ietf@shaftek.org - Common Format and MIME Type for Comma-Separated Va.html}, - note = {(accessed 2013-06-08T22:11:03Z)}, - url = {http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4180} -} - -@book{sandlandIntroductionANDS2009, - title = {Introduction to {{ANDS}}}, - number = {1}, - publisher = {{ANDS}}, - author = {Sandland, Ron}, - year = {2009}, - url = {http://ands.org.au/newsletters/newsletter-2009-07.pdf} -} - -@article{awreProjectHydraDesigning2009a, - title = {Project {{Hydra}}: {{Designing}} \& {{Building}} a {{Reusable Framework}} for {{Multipurpose}}, {{Multifunction}}, {{Multi}}-Institutional {{Repository}}-{{Powered Solutions}}}, - shorttitle = {Project {{Hydra}}}, - urldate = {2013-06-05}, - author = {Awre, Chris and Cramer, Tom and Green, Richard and McRae, Lynn and Sadler, Bess and Sigmon, Tim and Staples, Thornton and Wayland, Ross}, - year = {2009}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/QP8N5Q9D/28496.html}, - note = {(accessed 2013-06-05T22:47:12Z)}, - url = {http://smartech.gatech.edu/handle/1853/28496} -} - -@article{foleyOpenResearcherContributor2012, - title = {Open {{Researcher}} and {{Contributor Identification}} ({{ORCID}})}, - urldate = {2013-05-21}, - author = {Foley, Michael J. and Kochalko, David L.}, - year = {2012}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/RD5MTVZN/Foley and Kochalko - 2012 - Open Researcher and Contributor Identification (OR.pdf}, - note = {(accessed 2013-05-21T22:09:10Z)}, - url = {http://docs.lib.purdue.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1133\\\&context=charleston} -} - -@article{wilsonOpenResearcherContributor2012, - title = {Open {{Researcher}} \& {{Contributor ID}} ({{ORCID}}): {{Solving}} the {{Name Ambiguity Problem}}}, - volume = {47}, - shorttitle = {Open {{Researcher}} \& {{Contributor ID}} ({{ORCID}})}, - number = {3}, - journal = {Educause Review}, - author = {Wilson, B. and Fenner, M.}, - year = {2012}, - pages = {1--4} -} - -@article{stoddenLegalFrameworkReproducible2009, - title = {The {{Legal Framework}} for {{Reproducible Scientific Research}}: {{Licensing}} and {{Copyright}}}, - volume = {11}, - issn = {1521-9615}, - shorttitle = {The {{Legal Framework}} for {{Reproducible Scientific Research}}}, - doi = {10.1109/MCSE.2009.19}, - abstract = {As computational researchers increasingly make their results available in a reproducible way, and often outside the traditional journal publishing mechanism, questions naturally arise with regard to copyright, subsequent use and citation, and ownership rights in general. The growing number of scientists who release their research publicly face a gap in the current licensing and copyright structure, particularly on the Internet. Scientific research produces more than the final paper: The code, data structures, experimental design and parameters, documentation, and figures are all important for scholarship communication and result replication. The author proposes the reproducible research standard for scientific researchers to use for all components of their scholarship that should encourage reproducible scientific investigation through attribution, facilitate greater collaboration, and promote engagement of the larger community in scientific learning and discovery.}, - number = {1}, - journal = {Computing in Science Engineering}, - author = {Stodden, V.}, - year = {2009}, - keywords = {Collaboration,copyright,Data structures,Design for experiments,Documentation,electronic publishing,Internet,journal publishing mechanism,Law,Legal factors,legal framework,legislation,Licenses,licensing,ownership rights,Publishing,reproducible research,reproducible scientific research,Scholarships,scientific discovery,scientific learning}, - pages = {35-40}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/CCTMWTFT/login.html} -} - -@article{parsonsDataCitationPeer2010, - title = {Data {{Citation}} and {{Peer Review}}}, - volume = {91}, - copyright = {\textcopyright{}2010. American Geophysical Union. All Rights Reserved.}, - issn = {2324-9250}, - doi = {10.1029/2010EO340001}, - abstract = {A scientific publication is fundamentally an argument consisting of a set of ideas and expectations supported by observations and calculations that serve as evidence of its veracity. An argument without evidence is only a set of assertions. Consider the difference between the statement ``The hairy woodpecker population is declining in the northwest region of the United States'' and the statement ``Hairy woodpecker populations in the northwest region of the United States have declined by 11\% between 1992 and 2003, according to data from the Institute for Bird Populations (http://www.birdpop.org/).'' Both or neither of these statements could be true, but only the second one can be verified. Scientific papers do, of course, present specific data points as evidence for their arguments, but how well do papers guide readers to the body of those data, where the the data's integrity can be further examined? In practice, a chasm may lie across the path of a reviewer seeking the source data of a scientific argument.}, - language = {en}, - number = {34}, - urldate = {2013-05-21}, - journal = {Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union}, - author = {Parsons, Mark A. and Duerr, Ruth and Minster, Jean-Bernard}, - year = {2010}, - keywords = {citation,informatics}, - pages = {297--298}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/BGEU7SFK/abstract.html}, - note = {(accessed 2013-05-21T20:30:47Z)}, - url = {http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1029/2010EO340001/abstract} -} - -@article{lindahlInstitutionalRepositoriesPolicies2007, - title = {Institutional {{Repositories}}, {{Policies}}, and {{Disruption}}}, - urldate = {2013-05-21}, - author = {Lindahl, David and Bell, Suzanne and Gibbons, Susan and Foster, Nancy Fried}, - year = {2007}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/5T8GD7FQ/Lindahl et al. - 2007 - Institutional Repositories, Policies, and Disrupti.pdf;/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/ADXBQRED/919.html}, - note = {(accessed 2013-05-21T00:38:03Z)}, - url = {http://open.bu.edu/xmlui/handle/2144/919} -} - -@book{fogelProducingOpenSource2010, - title = {Producing Open Source Software: {{How}} to Run a Successful Free Software Project}, - shorttitle = {Producing Open Source Software}, - urldate = {2013-03-17}, - publisher = {{O'Reilly Media, Inc. 2005 (and online)}}, - author = {Fogel, Karl}, - year = {2010}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/STWDQPJV/Fogel - 2005 - Producing open source software How to run a succe.pdf;/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/S9KNH9HN/citation.html}, - note = {(accessed 2013-03-17T22:01:21Z)}, - url = {http://producingoss.com/en/producingoss.html} -} - -@book{berners-leeLinkedData2006, - title = {Linked Data, 2006}, - author = {{Berners-Lee}, T.}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/HMZR3D77/LinkedData.html}, - url = {http://www.w3.org/DesignIssues/LinkedData.html} -} - -@book{groupRDFaCoreRecommendation2012, - title = {{{RDFa Core}} 1.1 {{Recommendation}}}, - author = {Group, W3C Working and {others}}, - year = {2012}, - url = {http://www.w3.org/TR/rdfa-syntax/} -} - -@inproceedings{wolskiSharedBenefitsExposing2011, - title = {Shared Benefits from Exposing Research Data}, - urldate = {2013-03-04}, - booktitle = {32 Nd {{Annual IATUL Conference}}}, - author = {Wolski, Malcolm and Richardson, Joanna and Rebollo, Robyn}, - year = {2011}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/DIQTAX5T/Wolski et al. - 2011 - Shared benefits from exposing research data.pdf}, - note = {(accessed 2013-03-04T00:54:58Z)}, - url = {http://iatul2011.bg.pw.edu.pl/proceedings/ft/Wolski_M.pdf} -} - -@misc{seftonFascinatorDesktopEResearch2009, - type = {Proceedings}, - title = {The {{Fascinator}} - {{Desktop eResearch}} and {{Flexible Portals}}}, - abstract = {The Fascinator is an Apache Solr front end to the Fedora commons repository. This project was originally funded by ARROW, as part of the mini project scheme. The Fascinator is written in Java. It drops into the Tomcat server that comes with Fedora. There are two ways this software can be used. It can be used as a server to deliver one or more portals with faceted searching and browsing or as an (experimental) desktop tool for managing eResearch assets and synchronising them with other repositories.}, - urldate = {2013-03-04}, - howpublished = {https://smartech.gatech.edu/handle/1853/28483}, - author = {Sefton, Peter M.}, - month = may, - year = {2009}, - keywords = {Apache Solr,eResearch,Fedora,Harvest,Java,Portal}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/ZXJMKBGR/28483.html}, - note = {(accessed 2013-03-04T00:48:47Z)}, - url = {https://smartech.gatech.edu/handle/1853/28483} -} - -@inproceedings{androulakisMyTARDISTARDISManaging2010, - title = {{{MyTARDIS}} and {{TARDIS}}: {{Managing}} the {{Lifecycle}} of {{Data}} from {{Generation}} to {{Publication}}}, - copyright = {Authors who submit to this conference agree to the following terms: a) \ Authors retain copyright over their work, while allowing the conference to place this work under a Creative Commons Attribution License , which allows others to freely access, use, and share the work, with an acknowledgement of the work's authorship and its presentation at this conference. b) \ Authors are able to waive the terms of the CC license and enter into separate, additional contractual arrangements for the non-exclusive distribution and subsequent publication of this work. c) \ In addition, authors are encouraged to post and share their work online (e.g., in institutional repositories or on their website) at any point before and after the conference.}, - shorttitle = {{{MyTARDIS}} and {{TARDIS}}}, - abstract = {MyTARDIS and TARDIS: Managing the Lifecycle of Data from Generation to Publication}, - language = {en}, - urldate = {2013-03-04}, - booktitle = {{{eResearch Australasia}} 2010}, - author = {Androulakis, Steve}, - month = aug, - year = {2010}, - keywords = {Digital Curation,mytardis,protein crystallography,tardis}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/QRJFCKQK/scholar.html}, - note = {(accessed 2013-03-04T00:44:15Z)}, - url = {http://ccaeducause1.caudit.edu.au/index.php/eraust/2010/paper/view/62} -} - -@article{burtonDesigningDiscoveryReUse2009, - title = {Designing for {{Discovery}} and {{Re}}-{{Use}}: The `{{ANDS Data Sharing Verbs}}' {{Approach}} to {{Service Decomposition}}}, - volume = {4}, - copyright = {Copyright for articles published in this journal is retained by the authors, with first publication rights granted to the University of Bath. By virtue of their appearance in this open access journal, articles are free to use, with proper attribution. This work is licenced under a Creative Commons Attribution Licence .}, - issn = {1746-8256}, - shorttitle = {Designing for {{Discovery}} and {{Re}}-{{Use}}}, - doi = {10.2218/ijdc.v4i3.124}, - abstract = {72 1024x768 Normal 0 false false false This paper describes how the Australian National Data Services (ANDS) is designing systems to support data sharing and Re-use. The paper commences with an overview of the setting for ANDS, before introducing ANDS itself. The paper then structures its discussion of ANDS services for Re-use in terms of the ANDS Data Sharing Verbs: Create, Store, Describe, Identify, Register, Discover, Access and Exploit. For each of the data verbs, a rationale for its importance is provided together with a description of how it is being implemented by ANDS. The paper concludes by arguing for the data verbs approach as a useful way to design and structure flexible services in a heterogenous environment.}, - language = {en}, - number = {3}, - urldate = {2013-03-04}, - journal = {International Journal of Digital Curation}, - author = {Burton, Adrian and Treloar, Andrew}, - month = dec, - year = {2009}, - pages = {44-56}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/JR7QEB6J/133.html}, - note = {(accessed 2013-03-04T00:31:23Z)}, - url = {http://www.ijdc.net/index.php/ijdc/article/view/133} -} - -@article{burtonDesigningDiscoveryReUse2009a, - title = {Designing for {{Discovery}} and {{Re}}-{{Use}}: The `{{ANDS Data Sharing Verbs}}' {{Approach}} to {{Service Decomposition}}}, - volume = {4}, - copyright = {Copyright for articles published in this journal is retained by the authors, with first publication rights granted to the University of Bath. By virtue of their appearance in this open access journal, articles are free to use, with proper attribution. This work is licenced under a Creative Commons Attribution Licence .}, - issn = {1746-8256}, - shorttitle = {Designing for {{Discovery}} and {{Re}}-{{Use}}}, - doi = {10.2218/ijdc.v4i3.124}, - abstract = {72 1024x768 Normal 0 false false false This paper describes how the Australian National Data Services (ANDS) is designing systems to support data sharing and Re-use. The paper commences with an overview of the setting for ANDS, before introducing ANDS itself. The paper then structures its discussion of ANDS services for Re-use in terms of the ANDS Data Sharing Verbs: Create, Store, Describe, Identify, Register, Discover, Access and Exploit. For each of the data verbs, a rationale for its importance is provided together with a description of how it is being implemented by ANDS. The paper concludes by arguing for the data verbs approach as a useful way to design and structure flexible services in a heterogenous environment.}, - language = {en}, - number = {3}, - urldate = {2013-03-04}, - journal = {International Journal of Digital Curation}, - author = {Burton, Adrian and Treloar, Andrew}, - month = dec, - year = {2009}, - pages = {44-56}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/TC87QETU/133.html}, - note = {(accessed 2013-03-04T00:30:25Z)}, - url = {http://www.ijdc.net/index.php/ijdc/article/view/133} -} - -@article{borchertCoordinatedResearchSupport2010, - title = {Coordinated Research Support Services at {{Queensland University}} of {{Technology}}, {{Australia}}}, - journal = {International Association of Scientific and Technological University Libraries, 31st Annual Conference}, - author = {Borchert, Martin and Young, Joseph}, - month = jun, - year = {2010}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/G6HX7MA7/4.html}, - url = {http://docs.lib.purdue.edu/iatul2010/conf/day2/4} -} - -@misc{kunzeBagItFilePackaging, - title = {The {{BagIt File Packaging Format}} ({{V0}}.97)}, - urldate = {2013-03-01}, - howpublished = {http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-kunze-bagit-06}, - author = {Kunze, John and Boyko, Andy and Vargas, Brian and Madden, Liz and Littman, Justin}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/G69D6B5W/draft-kunze-bagit-06.html}, - note = {(accessed 2013-03-01T04:15:25Z)}, - url = {http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-kunze-bagit-06} -} - -@article{tsuboPowerLawInterSpikeInterval2012, - title = {Power-{{Law Inter}}-{{Spike Interval Distributions Infer}} a {{Conditional Maximization}} of {{Entropy}} in {{Cortical Neurons}}}, - volume = {8}, - doi = {10.1371/journal.pcbi.1002461}, - abstract = {Author Summary The brain is a highly noisy information machine, making a striking contrast with man-made electric computers to which noise is merely harmful. However, little is known about the way neurons process information in the noisy states. Here, we explore the principle of noisy neural information processing in accurately recorded spike trains of in vivo cortical neurons. We found that their irregular spiking exhibits power-law statistics of inter-spike intervals. While the power law in neuronal firing itself is a surprising finding in neuroscience, a simple mathematics further reveals a possible link between the power law and neural code. Namely, we show that in vivo cortical neurons try to maximize the firing-rate entropy under joint constraints on the energy consumption and uncertainty of output spike trains. Our results suggest that the brain, which operates under a highly noisy environment and a severe limitation of the energy consumption, may employ a different computational principle from the mutual information maximization in the standard information theory.}, - number = {4}, - urldate = {2012-12-18}, - journal = {PLoS Comput Biol}, - author = {Tsubo, Yasuhiro and Isomura, Yoshikazu and Fukai, Tomoki}, - month = apr, - year = {2012}, - pages = {e1002461}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/AZEACRVZ/Tsubo et al. - 2012 - Power-Law Inter-Spike Interval Distributions Infer.pdf}, - note = {(accessed 2012-12-18T01:05:53Z)}, - url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1002461} -} - -@book{wischenbartGlobalEBookMarket2011, - title = {The {{Global eBook Market}}: {{Current Conditions}} \& {{Future Projections}}}, - isbn = {978-1-4493-1998-4}, - shorttitle = {The {{Global eBook Market}}}, - abstract = {This report provides an overview of the global ebook marketplace, with both a thorough analysis and synopsis on key territorial developments, and a broad set of detailed references. It is a terrific resource for anyone interested in the globalization of digital (book) content production and dissemination. The report offers coverage of the US and UK markets as well as a broad survey of data on emerging ebook markets across Europe as well as Brazil, China, Russia, and the Arab World. Special chapters also focus on piracy and the expansion of activities of the leading global players such as Amazon, Apple, Barnes \& Noble, Google, and Kobo. Key data on the more mature ebook markets in the US and UK serve as benchmarks.}, - language = {en}, - publisher = {{O'Reilly Media, Inc.}}, - author = {Wischenbart, Ruediger}, - month = oct, - year = {2011}, - keywords = {Computers / Electronic Commerce} -} - -@book{wischenbartGlobalEBookMarket2011a, - title = {The {{Global eBook Market}}: {{Current Conditions}} \& {{Future Projections}}}, - isbn = {978-1-4493-1998-4}, - shorttitle = {The {{Global eBook Market}}}, - abstract = {This report provides an overview of the global ebook marketplace, with both a thorough analysis and synopsis on key territorial developments, and a broad set of detailed references. It is a terrific resource for anyone interested in the globalization of digital (book) content production and dissemination. The report offers coverage of the US and UK markets as well as a broad survey of data on emerging ebook markets across Europe as well as Brazil, China, Russia, and the Arab World. Special chapters also focus on piracy and the expansion of activities of the leading global players such as Amazon, Apple, Barnes \& Noble, Google, and Kobo. Key data on the more mature ebook markets in the US and UK serve as benchmarks.}, - language = {en}, - publisher = {{O'Reilly Media, Inc.}}, - author = {Wischenbart, Ruediger}, - month = oct, - year = {2011}, - keywords = {Computers / Electronic Commerce} -} - -@article{Album2012, - title = {Album}, - copyright = {Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License}, - abstract = {An album is a book used for the collection and preservation of miscellaneous items such as photographs, postage stamps, newspaper clippings, visitors' comments, etc.[1] The word later became widely used to describe a collection of audio recordings of pieces of music on a single gramophone record, cassette, compact disc, or via digital distribution.[1]}, - language = {en}, - urldate = {2012-12-11}, - journal = {Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia}, - month = dec, - year = {2012}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/EU388AZM/index.html}, - note = {(accessed 2012-12-11T01:12:23Z)}, - url = {http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Album\\\&oldid=526533373} -} - -@article{liuEndEndBook2009, - title = {The {{End}} of the {{End}} of the {{Book}}: {{Dead Books}}, {{Lively Margins}}, and {{Social Computing}}}, - shorttitle = {The {{End}} of the {{End}} of the {{Book}}}, - author = {Liu, Alan}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/JQ9V7F7S/Liu - 2009 - The End of the End of the Book Dead Books, Lively.html}, - url = {http://hdl.handle.net/2027/spo.act2080.0048.404} -} - -@article{druckerGraphesisVisualKnowledge2010, - title = {Graphesis: {{Visual}} Knowledge Production and Representation}, - volume = {2}, - shorttitle = {Graphesis}, - number = {1}, - urldate = {2012-12-10}, - journal = {Poetess Archive Journal}, - author = {Drucker, J.}, - year = {2010}, - pages = {1--50}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/UWT2KGU5/Drucker - 2010 - Graphesis Visual knowledge production and represe}, - note = {(accessed 2012-12-10T21:58:00Z)}, - url = {http://www.csdl.tamu.edu/~furuta/689dh/Graphesis_7_9_6.doc} -} - -@article{dollarXXXXXAsianCentury2007, - title = {{{XXXXX Asian Century}} or {{Multi}}-{{Polar Century}}?}, - abstract = {The rise of Asia is something of a myth. During 1990-2005 China accounted for 28 percent of global growth, measured at Purchasing Power Parity (PPP). India accounted for 9 percent. The rest of developing Asia, with nearly a billion people, accounted for only 7 percent, the same as Latin America. Hence there is no general success of Asian developing economies. China has grown better than its developing neighbors because it started its reform with a better base of human capital, has been more open to foreign trade and investment, and created good investment climates in coastal cities. China's success changes the equation going forward: its wages are now two to three times higher than in the populous Asian countries (Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Pakistan, and Vietnam), and China will become an ever-larger importer of natural resource and labor-intensive products. Developing countries need to become more open and improve their investment climates to benefit from these opportunities. China itself faces new challenges that could hamper its further development: unsustainable trade imbalance with the United States, energy and water scarcity and unsustainable use of natural resources, and growing inequality and social tension. To address the first two of these challenges, good cooperation between China and the United States is essential. The author concludes that we are more likely to be facing a multi-polar century, than an Asian century.}, - urldate = {2012-11-29}, - journal = {SSRN eLibrary}, - author = {Dollar, David}, - month = mar, - year = {2007}, - keywords = {Economic Theory \& Research,Energy Production and Transportation,Population Policies,Pro-Poor Growth and Inequality,Trade and Regional Integration}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/C767XZN8/papers.html}, - note = {(accessed 2012-11-29T00:50:43Z)}, - url = {http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=975845} -} - -@techreport{TestReport, - title = {Test Report} -} - -@book{ghadessyTextContextFunctional1999, - title = {Text and {{Context}} in {{Functional Linguistics}}}, - isbn = {978-90-272-3674-6}, - abstract = {The shift towards a sociolinguistic approach to the analysis of language in the last few decades has necessitated new definitions for a number of concepts that linguists have taken for granted for a long time. This volume attempts to demystify the important notions of text and context by providing clear definitions and examples within the assumptions of Systemic Functional (SF) linguistics. After a discussion of the role and significance of context by three eminent SF linguists in section one, the influence of context on text is dealt with in section two From Context to Language . Section three From Language to Context considers textual features and their relationship to contextual factors. All the contributors base their analyses on data collected from a variety of spoken and written registers of contemporary English.}, - language = {en}, - publisher = {{John Benjamins Publishing}}, - author = {Ghadessy, Edited by Mohsen}, - year = {1999}, - keywords = {Language Arts \& Disciplines / General,Language Arts \& Disciplines / Linguistics / General} -} - -@article{ClineInstantiation2012, - title = {Cline of Instantiation}, - copyright = {Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License}, - abstract = {The ``cline of instantiation'' is a linguistic term within the systemic functional linguistics theory.}, - language = {en}, - urldate = {2012-11-11}, - journal = {Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia}, - month = aug, - year = {2012}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/3RNM22W7/2012 - Cline of instantiation.html}, - note = {(accessed 2012-11-11T22:31:25Z)}, - url = {http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Cline_of_instantiation\\\&oldid=509330241} -} - -@misc{[squizStaff, - title = {Staff}, - copyright = {University of Western Sydney 2012}, - language = {en}, - urldate = {2012-09-18}, - howpublished = {http://uws.edu.au/staff\_home}, - author = {[Squiz, University of Western Sydney-Simon Barrett}, - keywords = {Staff}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/TZCR6Z73/[Squiz - Staff.html}, - note = {(accessed 2012-09-18T04:05:28Z)}, - url = {http://uws.edu.au/staff_home} -} - -@article{woelfleOpenScienceResearch2011, - title = {Open Science Is a Research Accelerator}, - volume = {3}, - copyright = {\textcopyright{} 2011 Nature Publishing Group, a division of Macmillan Publishers Limited. All Rights Reserved.}, - issn = {1755-4330}, - doi = {10.1038/nchem.1149}, - abstract = {An open-source approach to the problem of producing an off-patent drug in enantiopure form serves as an example of how academic and industrial researchers can join forces to make new scientific discoveries that could have a huge impact on human health.}, - language = {en}, - number = {10}, - urldate = {2012-09-12}, - journal = {Nature Chemistry}, - author = {Woelfle, Michael and Olliaro, Piero and Todd, Matthew H.}, - year = {2011}, - keywords = {Medicinal chemistry,Organic chemistry,Synthesis}, - pages = {745-748}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/JNA5KKHI/Woelfle et al. - 2011 - Open science is a research accelerator.pdf}, - note = {(accessed 2012-09-12T01:42:20Z)}, - url = {http://www.nature.com/nchem/journal/v3/n10/full/nchem.1149.html} -} - -@misc{lordProcess2010, - title = {Process}, - language = {English}, - urldate = {2012-09-08}, - howpublished = {http://process.knowledgeblog.org/}, - journal = {The Knowledgeblog Process}, - author = {Lord, Phillip}, - month = apr, - year = {2010}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/4IQMD3TZ/Lord - 2010 - Process.html}, - note = {(accessed 2012-09-08T02:33:01Z)}, - url = {http://process.knowledgeblog.org/} -} - -@misc{lordProcess2010a, - title = {Process}, - language = {English}, - urldate = {2012-09-08}, - howpublished = {http://process.knowledgeblog.org/}, - journal = {The Knowledgeblog Process}, - author = {Lord, Phillip}, - month = apr, - year = {2010}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/2IV63RZD/Lord - 2010 - Process.html}, - note = {(accessed 2012-09-08T02:32:22Z)}, - url = {http://process.knowledgeblog.org/} -} - -@misc{TimetablesLineCityRail, - title = {Timetables by Line - {{CityRail}}}, - urldate = {2012-02-21}, - howpublished = {http://www.cityrail.info/timetables/timetables\_by\_line.htm?line=bm\&dir=2\#landingPoint}, - note = {(accessed 2012-02-21T04:34:44Z)}, - url = {http://www.cityrail.info/timetables/timetables_by_line.htm?line=bm\\\&dir=2\\\#landingPoint} -} - -@article{wolskiBuildingInstitutionalDiscovery2011, - title = {Building an {{Institutional Discovery Layer}} for {{Virtual Research Collections}}}, - volume = {17}, - issn = {1082-9873}, - doi = {10.1045/may2011-wolski}, - number = {5/6}, - urldate = {2012-02-15}, - journal = {D-Lib Magazine}, - author = {Wolski, Malcolm and Richardson, Joanna and Rebollo, Robyn}, - month = may, - year = {2011}, - note = {(accessed 2012-02-15T03:48:45Z)}, - url = {http://dlib.org/dlib/may11/wolski/05wolski.html} -} - -@article{hentyTenMajorIssues2007, - title = {Ten {{Major Issues}} in {{Providing}} a {{Repository Service}} in {{Australian Universities}}}, - volume = {13}, - issn = {1082-9873}, - doi = {10.1045/may2007-henty}, - number = {5/6}, - urldate = {2012-02-15}, - journal = {D-Lib Magazine}, - author = {Henty, Margaret}, - month = may, - year = {2007}, - note = {(accessed 2012-02-15T03:42:55Z)}, - url = {http://www.dlib.org/dlib/may07/henty/05henty.html} -} - -@article{vanwestrienenAcademicInstitutionalRepositories2005, - title = {Academic {{Institutional Repositories}}}, - volume = {11}, - issn = {1082-9873}, - doi = {10.1045/september2005-westrienen}, - number = {09}, - urldate = {2012-02-15}, - journal = {D-Lib Magazine}, - author = {{van Westrienen}, Gerard and Lynch, Clifford A.}, - month = sep, - year = {2005}, - note = {(accessed 2012-02-15T03:42:55Z)}, - url = {http://www.dlib.org/dlib/september05/westrienen/09westrienen.html} -} - -@book{australiannationaldataserviceResearchDataAustralia2010, - title = {Research {{Data Australia}}}, - volume = {2010}, - number = {1 November}, - publisher = {{ANDS}}, - author = {Australian National Data Service}, - year = {2010} -} - -@book{australiannationaldataserviceControlledVocabulary2010, - title = {Controlled {{Vocabulary}}}, - volume = {2010}, - number = {1 November}, - publisher = {{ANDS}}, - author = {Australian National Data Service}, - year = {2010} -} - -@book{researchdatasetviceWindowAustralianResearch2010, - title = {A {{Window}} on the {{Australian Research Data Commons}}}, - volume = {2010}, - number = {1 November}, - publisher = {{ANDS}}, - author = {Research Data Setvice}, - year = {2010} -} - -@techreport{wongJISCUserBehaviour2009, - title = {{{JISC User Behaviour Observational Study}}: {{User Behaviour}} in {{Resource Discovery}}: {{Final Report}}}, - institution = {{JISC}}, - author = {Wong, William and Stelmaszewska, Hanna and Barn, Balbir and Bhimani, Nazlin and Barn, Sukhbinde}, - year = {2009} -} - -@book{wagnerOpenAccessCitation2010, - title = {Open {{Access Citation Advantage}}: {{An Annotated Bibliography}}}, - volume = {2010}, - number = {27 June}, - publisher = {{Issues in Science \& Technology Librarianship}}, - author = {Wagner, A. Ben}, - year = {2010} -} - -@article{thelwallAssessingInternationalWeb2008, - title = {Assessing the International Web Connectivity of Research Groups}, - volume = {Vol. 60}, - number = {Iss: 1,}, - journal = {Aslib Proceedings}, - author = {Thelwall, Mike and Li, Xuemei and Barjak, Franz and Robinson, Simon}, - year = {2008}, - pages = {pp.18 - 31} -} - -@article{saloInnkeeperRoachMotel2008a, - title = {Innkeeper at the {{Roach Motel}}}, - volume = {57}, - number = {2}, - journal = {Library Trends}, - author = {Salo, Dorothea}, - year = {2008}, - pages = {98-123} -} - -@book{ukValueLibrariesResearch2011, - title = {The {{Value}} of {{Libraries}} for {{Research}} and {{Researchers}}}, - volume = {2011}, - number = {13 April}, - publisher = {{RIN}}, - author = {UK, Research Libraries and Network, Research Information}, - year = {2011} -} - -@book{obrienChangingScholarlyInformation2010, - title = {The Changing Scholarly Information Landscape: Reinventing Information Services to Increase Research Impact}, - volume = {2010}, - number = {27 June}, - publisher = {{ELPUB2010 - Conference on Electronic Publishing}}, - author = {O'Brien, Linda}, - year = {2010} -} - -@article{lynchInstitutionalRepositoriesEssential2003, - title = {Institutional {{Repositories}}: {{Essential Infrastructure}} for {{Scholarship}} in the {{Digital Age}}}, - volume = {3}, - number = {2}, - journal = {Portal: Libraries and the Academy}, - author = {Lynch, Clifford A.}, - year = {2003}, - pages = {327-336} -} - -@book{organisationISO214620102010, - title = {{{ISO}} 2146:2010}, - volume = {2010}, - number = {1 November}, - publisher = {{ISO}}, - author = {Organisation, International Standards}, - year = {2010} -} - -@book{hitchcockEffectOpenAccess2010, - title = {The Effect of Open Access and Downloads ('hits') on Citation Impact: A Bibliography of Studies}, - volume = {2010}, - number = {27 June}, - publisher = {{Open Citation Project}}, - author = {Hitchcock, Steve}, - year = {2010} -} - -@book{furloughWhatWeTalk2010, - title = {What {{We Talk About When We Talk About Repositories}}}, - volume = {49}, - number = {1}, - author = {Furlough, Mike}, - year = {2010 2 July 2009} -} - -@article{devareVIVOConnectingPeople2007, - title = {{{VIVO}}: {{Connecting People}}, {{Creating}} a {{Virtual Life Sciences Community}}}, - volume = {13}, - number = {7/8}, - journal = {D-Lib Magazine}, - author = {Devare, Medha and {Corson-Riker}, Jon and Caruso, Brian and Lowe, Brian and Chiang, Kathy and McCue, Janet}, - year = {2007}, - pages = {1-16} -} - -@book{buetowSpeedingResearchDevelopment2009, - title = {Speeding {{Research}} and {{Development}} through a {{Collaborative Ecosystem}}}, - author = {Buetow, Kenneth H.}, - year = {2009} -} - -@book{wolskiMetadataAggregationCritical2010, - title = {Metadata {{Aggregation}} \textendash{} {{A Critical Component}} of {{Research Infrastructure}} for the {{Future}}}, - volume = {2010}, - number = {15 November}, - publisher = {{University of Queensland}}, - author = {Wolski, Malcolm and Young, Joe and Morris, Joanne and De Vine, Lance and Rebollo, Robyn}, - year = {2010} -} - -@book{wolskiSharedBenefitsExposing2011a, - title = {Shared Benefits from Exposing Research Data}, - publisher = {{In press}}, - author = {Wolski, Malcolm and Richardson, Joanna and Rebollo, Robyn}, - year = {2011} -} - -@techreport{williamsPatternsInformationUse2009, - title = {Patterns of {{Information Use}} and {{Exchange}}: {{Case Studies}} of {{Researchers}} in the {{Life Sciences}}}, - institution = {{Research Information Network and the British Library}}, - author = {Williams, Robin and Pryor, Graham}, - year = {2009} -} - -@book{wegnerChangingRolesAcademic2006, - title = {Changing Roles of Academic and Research Libraries}, - volume = {2010}, - number = {7 July}, - author = {Wegner, Gregory}, - year = {2006} -} - -@book{payetteRepositoriesCloudServices2010, - title = {Repositories and Cloud Services for Data Cyberinfrastructure}, - volume = {2010}, - number = {4 July}, - author = {Payette, Sandy}, - year = {2010} -} - -@book{oclcOAICat2010, - title = {{{OAICat}}}, - volume = {2010}, - number = {20 October}, - publisher = {{OCLC}}, - author = {OCLC}, - year = {2010} -} - -@techreport{oakleafValueAcademicLibraries2010, - title = {Value of {{Academic Libraries}}: {{A Comprehensive Research Review}} and {{Report}}}, - institution = {{Association of College and Research Libraries}}, - author = {Oakleaf, Megan}, - year = {2010} -} - -@book{nicholasPositionPaperADL2010, - title = {Position {{Paper}}: {{ADL Learning Content Registries}} and {{Repositories Summit}}}, - author = {Nicholas, Nick}, - year = {2010} -} - -@book{neurothEInfrastructuresResearchData2009, - title = {E-{{Infrastructures}} for {{Research Data}} in the {{Humanities}}}, - volume = {2010}, - number = {4 July}, - publisher = {{Knowledge Exchange}}, - author = {Neuroth, Heike and Blanke, Tobias}, - year = {2009} -} - -@article{lougeeDiffuseLibraryRevisited2009, - title = {The Diffuse Library Revisited: Aligning the Library as Strategic Asset}, - volume = {27}, - number = {4}, - journal = {Library Hi Tech}, - author = {Lougee, Wendy}, - year = {2009}, - pages = {610-623} -} - -@techreport{krollSliceResearchLife2010, - title = {A {{Slice}} of {{Research Life}}: {{Information Support}} for {{Research}} in the {{United States}}}, - institution = {{OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc.}}, - author = {Kroll, Susan and Forsman, Rick}, - year = {2010} -} - -@book{krafftVIVOEnablingNational2010, - title = {{{VIVO}}: {{Enabling National Networking}} of {{Scientists}}}, - author = {Krafft, Dean B. and Cappadona, Nicholas A. and Caruso, Brian and {Corson-Rikert}, Jon and Devare, Medha and Lowe, Brian J. and Collaboration, VIVO}, - year = {2010} -} - -@book{collaborationKeplerProject2010, - title = {The {{Kepler Project}}}, - volume = {2010}, - number = {1 November}, - publisher = {{NSF}}, - author = {Collaboration, Kepler}, - year = {2010} -} - -@article{frischerPanelContinuityChange2009, - title = {Panel 1: {{Continuity}} and {{Change}} in {{University Scholarship}}}, - volume = {Vol: 49}, - number = {Issue: 3}, - journal = {Journal of Library Administration}, - author = {Frischer, Bernard and Unsworth, John and Dempsey, Lorcan and Staley, Tom}, - year = {2009}, - pages = {pp. 245-260} -} - -@techreport{brownResearchersUseAcademic2007, - title = {Researchers' Use of Academic Libraries and Their Services: A Report Commissioned by the {{Research Information Network}} and the {{Consortium}} of {{Research Libraries}}}, - institution = {{Research Information Network}}, - author = {Brown, Sheridan and Swan, Alma}, - year = {2007} -} - -@incollection{borgmanDisciplinesDocumentsData2007, - address = {Cambridge, MA}, - title = {Disciplines, {{Documents}}, and {{Data}}}, - booktitle = {Scholarship in the {{Digital Age}}}, - publisher = {{MIT Press}}, - author = {Borgman, Christine}, - year = {2007} -} - -@techreport{qingqiwangHTML5BasedElecture2011, - address = {Bath, UK}, - title = {{{HTML5 Based E}}-Lecture {{Framework}}}, - institution = {{UKOLN, University of Bath}}, - author = {{Qingqi Wang}}, - year = {2011} -} - -@techreport{qingqiwangHTML5BasedElecture2011a, - address = {Bath, UK}, - title = {{{HTML5 Based E}}-Lecture {{Framework}}}, - institution = {{UKOLN, University of Bath}}, - author = {{Qingqi Wang}}, - year = {2011} -} - -@book{pilgrimDiveHTML52009, - title = {Dive into {{HTML5}}}, - copyright = {http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/}, - urldate = {2011-10-18}, - publisher = {{Mark Pilgrim}}, - author = {Pilgrim, M.}, - year = {2009}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/9RXG5W8V/Pilgrim - 2009 - Dive into HTML5.pdf}, - note = {(accessed 2011-10-18)}, - url = {http://diveintohtml5.info/} -} - -@article{wikipediaHTML5WikipediaFree2011, - title = {{{HTML5}} \textemdash{} {{Wikipedia}}, {{The Free Encyclopedia}}}, - author = {Wikipedia}, - year = {2011}, - note = {[Online; accessed 18-October-2011]}, - url = {//en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=HTML5\\\&oldid=455493654} -} - -@techreport{ciccareseOntologyRhetoricalBlocks2011, - title = {Ontology of {{Rhetorical Blocks}} ({{ORB}}) {{Editor}}'s {{Draft}} 5 {{June}} 2011}, - abstract = {The Ontology of Rhetorical Blocks is a formalization capturing the coarse-grained rhetorical structure of scientific publications. This note is designed to provide a general overview of the motivation and use-cases supporting ORB, in addition to the actual conceptual elements, as well as, practical examples of how to use it in conjunction with different representation languages.}, - institution = {{World Wide Web Consortium}}, - author = {Ciccarese, Paolo and Groza, Tudor}, - collaborator = {Clark, Tim and De Waard, Anita}, - year = {2011}, - url = {http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/hcls/notes/orb/} -} - -@article{shottonCiTOCitationTyping, - title = {{{CiTO}}, the {{Citation Typing Ontology}}}, - volume = {1}, - doi = {10.1186/2041-1480-1-S1-S6}, - abstract = {CiTO, the Citation Typing Ontology, is an ontology for describing the nature of reference citations in scientific research articles and other scholarly works, both to other such publications and also to Web information resources, and for publishing these descriptions on the Semantic Web. Citation are described in terms of the factual and rhetorical relationships between citing publication and cited publication, the in-text and global citation frequencies of each cited work, and the nature of the cited work itself, including its publication and peer review status. This paper describes CiTO and illustrates its usefulness both for the annotation of bibliographic reference lists and for the visualization of citation networks. The latest version of CiTO, which this paper describes, is CiTO Version 1.6, published on 19 March 2010. CiTO is written in the Web Ontology Language OWL, uses the namespace http://purl.org/net/cito/, and is available from http://purl.org/net/cito/. This site uses content negotiation to deliver to the user an OWLDoc Web version of the ontology if accessed via a Web browser, or the OWL ontology itself if accessed from an ontology management tool such as Prot\'eg\'e 4 (http://protege.stanford.edu/). Collaborative work is currently under way to harmonize CiTO with other ontologies describing bibliographies and the rhetorical structure of scientific discourse.}, - number = {Suppl 1}, - author = {Shotton, David}, - pages = {S6-S6}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/VG58STHQ/Shotton - CiTO, the Citation Typing Ontology}, - pmid = {20626926}, - pmcid = {2903725} -} - -@incollection{HTML52010, - title = {{{HTML5}}}, - booktitle = {1.9.2 {{Syntax Errors}}}, - year = {16~November~2010}, - url = {http://dev.w3.org/html5/spec/Overview.html\\\#syntax-errors} -} - -@article{GREATFLOODTOOWOOMBA1893, - address = {Vic.}, - title = {{{GREAT FLOOD AT TOOWOOMBA}}. {{SYDNEY}}, {{Friday}}.}, - urldate = {2011-10-17}, - journal = {Gippsland Times}, - month = feb, - year = {1893}, - pages = {3}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/BDZ3A5GF/1893 - GREAT FLOOD AT TOOWOOMBA. SYDNEY, Friday.}, - note = {(accessed 2011-10-17T03:03:27Z)}, - url = {http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article62300354} -} - -@article{bennettCitationStyleLanguage2009, - title = {Citation {{Style Language Syntax Specification}}}, - journal = {Info}, - author = {Bennett, Frank and Kornblith, Simon and Onions, Julian and Razlogova, Elena and Rossato, Andrea}, - year = {2009} -} - -@article{jonesOpenBibliographyScience2011, - title = {Open {{Bibliography}} for {{Science}}, {{Technology}}, and {{Medicine}}}, - author = {Jones, R. and MacGillivray, M. and {Murray-Rust}, P. and Pitman, J. and Sefton, P. and O'Steen, B. and Waites, W.}, - year = {2011}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/9KZGXT4W/238394.html}, - url = {http://www.dspace.cam.ac.uk/handle/1810/238406} -} - -@misc{jonesTheyLlCome2008, - type = {{{DVD Video}}}, - title = {They'll Come Looking for You the Battle of {{Fire Support Base Coral}}, {{Vietnam}}, 1968.}, - language = {English}, - publisher = {{Meanjin Entertainment}}, - author = {Jones, Leonie}, - year = {2008}, - url = {http://library.usq.edu.au/Record/vtls000614097} -} - -@misc{leggottIslandoraDrupalFedora2009a, - type = {Proceedings}, - title = {Islandora: A {{Drupal}}/{{Fedora Repository System}}}, - shorttitle = {Islandora}, - urldate = {2010-11-30}, - howpublished = {http://smartech.gatech.edu/handle/1853/28495}, - author = {Leggott, Mark A}, - year = {2009}, - keywords = {Fedora,Digital Curation,Administration,Drupal,Learning,Research}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/GJIIPBTU/28495.html}, - note = {(accessed 2010-11-30T23:32:31Z)}, - url = {http://smartech.gatech.edu/handle/1853/28495} -} - -@article{awreProjectHydraDesigning2009b, - title = {Project {{Hydra}}: {{Designing}} \& {{Building}} a {{Reusable Framework}} for {{Multipurpose}}, {{Multifunction}}, {{Multi}}-Institutional {{Repository}}-{{Powered Solutions}}}, - shorttitle = {Project {{Hydra}}}, - author = {Awre, C. and Cramer, T. and Green, R. and McRae, L. and Sadler, B. and Sigmon, T. and Staples, T. and Wayland, R.}, - year = {2009}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/HJKEFTES/28496.html}, - url = {http://smartech.gatech.edu/handle/1853/28496} -} - -@inproceedings{dickinsonHintMintName2011, - address = {Austin, Texas}, - title = {A Hint of {{Mint}} \textendash{} Name Authorities and Vocabularies in Repositories}, - urldate = {2011-07-04}, - author = {Dickinson, Duncan and Sefton, Peter}, - year = {2011}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/98TT6E7P/407.html}, - note = {(accessed 2011-07-04T12:50:38Z)}, - url = {https://conferences.tdl.org/or/OR2011/OR2011main/paper/view/407} -} - -@misc{Dickinson, - title = {Dickinson}, - urldate = {2011-07-04}, - howpublished = {https://conferences.tdl.org/or/OR2011/OR2011main/paper/view/407}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/SKVPSSDC/407.html}, - note = {(accessed 2011-07-04T12:50:40Z)}, - url = {https://conferences.tdl.org/or/OR2011/OR2011main/paper/view/407} -} - -@inproceedings{schandlLiftingFileSystems2010, - address = {Raleigh, North Carolina, USA}, - title = {Lifting {{File Systems}} into the {{Linked Data Cloud}} with {{TripFS}}}, - urldate = {2011-06-23}, - author = {Schandl, Bernhard and Popitsch, Niko}, - month = apr, - year = {2010}, - note = {(accessed 2011-06-23T01:48:48Z)}, - url = {http://eprints.cs.univie.ac.at/69/} -} - -@misc{sauermannSemdeskUrisAperture2009, - title = {{{SemdeskUris}} \textendash{} Aperture}, - urldate = {2011-06-23}, - howpublished = {http://sourceforge.net/apps/trac/aperture/wiki/SemdeskUris}, - author = {Sauermann, Leo}, - month = jul, - year = {2009}, - note = {(accessed 2011-06-23T01:58:06Z)}, - url = {http://sourceforge.net/apps/trac/aperture/wiki/SemdeskUris} -} - -@article{lagozeObjectReuseExchange2008, - title = {Object Re-Use \& Exchange: {{A}} Resource-Centric Approach}, - shorttitle = {Object Re-Use \& Exchange}, - journal = {Arxiv preprint arXiv:0804.2273}, - author = {Lagoze, C. and {Van de Sompel}, H. and Nelson, M. L and Warner, S. and Sanderson, R. and Johnston, P.}, - year = {2008}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/FCX7Q5ET/0804.html}, - url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/0804.2273} -} - -@inproceedings{lagozeOpenArchivesInitiative2007, - title = {Open Archives Initiative Object Reuse and Exchange}, - booktitle = {Report on the {{Technical Committee Meeting}}}, - author = {Lagoze, C. and {Van de Sompel}, H.}, - year = {2007}, - pages = {11--12}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/XTDRIXWU/Lagoze and Van de Sompel - 2007 - Open archives initiative object reuse and exchange.pdf} -} - -@article{vangodtsenhovenEmergingStandardsEnhanced2009, - title = {Emerging {{Standards}} for {{Enhanced Publications}} and {{Repository Technology}}: {{Survey}} on {{Technology}}}, - shorttitle = {Emerging {{Standards}} for {{Enhanced Publications}} and {{Repository Technology}}}, - author = {{van Godtsenhoven}, K. and Elbaek, M. K and Sierman, B. and Bijsterbosch, M. and Hochstenbach, P. and Russell, R. and Vanderfeesten, M.}, - year = {2009}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/3WI4NK8A/file150752.pdf;/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/2E4KFZEV/316870.html}, - url = {http://dare.uva.nl/aup/nl/record/316870} -} - -@misc{yaaqovzisoQueryingOCLCWeb2010, - title = {Querying {{OCLC Web Services}} for {{Name}}, {{Subject}}, and {{ISBN}}}, - abstract = {'Using Web services, search terms can be sent to WorldCat's centralized authority and identifier files to retrieve authorized terminology that helps users get a comprehensive set of relevant search results. This article presents methods for searching names, subjects or ISBNs in various WorldCat databases and displaying the results to users. Exploiting WorldCat's databases in this way opens up future possibilities for more seamless integration of authority-controlled vocabulary lists into new discovery interfaces and a reduction in libraries' dependence on local name and subject authority files. '}, - urldate = {2011-02-23}, - publisher = {{The Code4Lib Journal}}, - author = {{Ya'aqov Ziso}}, - year = {Mon, 22 Mar 2010 12:43:06 +0000}, - keywords = {Issue 9}, - note = {(accessed 2011-02-23T21:17:37Z)}, - url = {http://journal.code4lib.org/articles/2481} -} - -@article{norrishEATSEntityAuthority2009, - title = {{{EATS}}: An {{Entity Authority Tool Set}}}, - shorttitle = {{{EATS}}}, - author = {Norrish, J.}, - year = {2009} -} - -@article{wilsonHowMuchEnough2010, - title = {How {{Much Is Enough}}: {{Metadata}} for {{Preserving Digital Data}}}, - volume = {10}, - issn = {1938-6389}, - shorttitle = {How {{Much Is Enough}}}, - doi = {10.1080/19386389.2010.506395}, - number = {2}, - urldate = {2011-02-03}, - journal = {Journal of Library Metadata}, - author = {Wilson, Andrew}, - year = {2010}, - pages = {205}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/NHZD7PB5/ftinterface~content=a928335611~fulltext=713240930~frm=content.html;/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/P84UX9E9/content~db=all.html}, - note = {(accessed 2011-02-03T21:02:29Z)}, - url = {http://www.informaworld.com/10.1080/19386389.2010.506395} -} - -@article{qinCentralRoleMetadata2010, - title = {The {{Central Role}} of {{Metadata}} in a {{Science Data Literacy Course}}}, - volume = {10}, - issn = {1938-6389}, - doi = {10.1080/19386389.2010.506379}, - number = {2}, - urldate = {2011-02-03}, - journal = {Journal of Library Metadata}, - author = {Qin, Jian and D'ignazio, John}, - year = {2010}, - pages = {188}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/99R63IR4/ftinterface~content=a928347955~fulltext=713240930~frm=content.html;/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/BNXFXTW3/content~db=all.html}, - note = {(accessed 2011-02-03T21:02:08Z)}, - url = {http://www.informaworld.com/10.1080/19386389.2010.506379} -} - -@article{greenbergCOPDOntologyEmpowering2010, - title = {The {{COPD}} - {{Ontology}} and {{Toward Empowering Clinical Scientists}} as {{Ontology Engineers}}}, - volume = {10}, - issn = {1938-6389}, - doi = {10.1080/19386389.2010.520604}, - number = {2}, - urldate = {2011-02-03}, - journal = {Journal of Library Metadata}, - author = {Greenberg, Jane and Deshmukh, Rahul and Huang, Lina and Mostafa, Javed and La Vange, Lisa and Carretta, Elizabeth and O'Neal, Wanda}, - year = {2010}, - pages = {173}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/TTTG5TBE/content~db=all.html;/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/X52ZCA6W/ftinterface~content=a928336219~fulltext=713240930~frm=content.html}, - note = {(accessed 2011-02-03T21:02:02Z)}, - url = {http://www.informaworld.com/10.1080/19386389.2010.520604} -} - -@misc{kortekaasMakingFedoraEasier, - type = {Conference {{Paper}}}, - title = {Making {{Fedora}} Easier to Implement with {{Fez}}}, - urldate = {2009-10-26}, - howpublished = {http://espace.library.uq.edu.au/view.php?pid=UQ:11924}, - author = {{Kortekaas}}, - keywords = {280100 Information Systems}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/CK5TN7NC/view.html}, - note = {(accessed 2009-10-26T03:50:08Z)}, - url = {http://espace.library.uq.edu.au/view.php?pid=UQ:11924} -} - -@techreport{greenRIDIRFinalReport2008, - address = {Hull \& London UK}, - type = {{{JISC}} Project Report}, - title = {{{RIDIR Final}} Report}, - number = {final-rep-v10.doc}, - urldate = {2009-09-14}, - institution = {{University of Hull \& Rightscom}}, - author = {Green, Richard}, - year = {2008}, - pages = {122}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/RCMDAXVF/ridir-final-report.pdf}, - note = {(accessed 2009-09-14T22:33:10Z)}, - url = {http://www.hull.ac.uk/ridir/Documents/ridir-final-report.pdf} -} - -@inproceedings{blincoJISCDESTEFramework2006, - address = {Sydney}, - title = {The {{JISC}} -{{DEST eFramework}} - Integrating Everything}, - urldate = {2009-10-26}, - booktitle = {Open {{Repositories}}}, - author = {Blinco, K.}, - year = {2006}, - keywords = {ice-rs-intro}, - note = {(accessed 2009-10-26T03:41:00Z)}, - url = {http://www.e-framework.org/Portals/9/docs/presentations/APSR-060202.ppt} -} - -@article{lynchInstitutionalRepositoriesEssential2003a, - title = {Institutional {{Repositories}}: {{Essential Infrastructure}} for {{Scholarship}} in the {{Digital Age}}}, - shorttitle = {Institutional {{Repositories}}}, - urldate = {2009-10-26}, - journal = {ARL}, - author = {Lynch, C.A.}, - year = {2003}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/X6CD9FQP/br226ir.html}, - note = {(accessed 2009-10-26T03:00:00Z)}, - url = {http://www.arl.org/resources/pubs/br/br226/br226ir.shtml} -} - -@misc{openarchivesinitiativeORESpecificationsUser2008, - type = {Standards Website}, - title = {{{ORE Specifications}} and {{User Guides}} - {{Table}} of {{Contents}}}, - urldate = {2009-10-14}, - howpublished = {http://www.openarchives.org/ore/1.0/toc}, - author = {Open Archives Initiative}, - month = oct, - year = {2008}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/X8QBETVZ/toc.html}, - note = {(accessed 2009-10-14T22:10:49Z)}, - url = {http://www.openarchives.org/ore/1.0/toc} -} - -@misc{maccollMendeleyScrobblesYour2009, - title = {Mendeley Scrobbles Your Papers}, - language = {English}, - urldate = {2009-10-07}, - journal = {hangingtogether.org}, - author = {MacColl, John}, - month = sep, - year = {2009}, - keywords = {Europe,Measurement and Behaviors,Supporting Scholarship}, - note = {(accessed 2009-10-07T01:03:16Z)}, - url = {http://hangingtogether.org/?p} -} - -@misc{seftonFewDiscoveries2009, - title = {A Few Discoveries}, - abstract = {'In which I build a discovery service for Southampton to better find papers by Les Carr'}, - urldate = {2009-09-18}, - howpublished = {http://ptsefton.com/2009/08/18/a-few-discoveries.htm}, - journal = {ptsefton}, - author = {Sefton, Peter}, - year = {Tue, 18 Aug 2009 19:28:17 -0500}, - keywords = {Uncategorized}, - note = {(accessed 2009-09-18T01:27:03Z)}, - url = {http://ptsefton.com/2009/08/18/a-few-discoveries.htm} -} - -@misc{seftonNicNamesPeopleAustralia2009, - title = {{{NicNames}} and {{People Australia}} \textendash{} Some Thoughts for {{CAIRSS}} \guillemotleft{} {{CAIRSS Blog}}}, - urldate = {2009-09-09}, - journal = {CAUL Australian Institutional Repository Support Service Blog}, - author = {Sefton, Peter}, - year = {2009}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/VEG8BHQQ/nicnames-and-people-australia-some-thoughts-for-cairss.html}, - note = {(accessed 2009-09-09T05:49:49Z)}, - url = {http://caulcairss.wordpress.com/2009/07/21/nicnames-and-people-australia-some-thoughts-for-cairss/} -} - -@article{vandesompelOpenLinkingScholarly2001, - title = {Open {{Linking}} in the {{Scholarly Information Environment Using}} the {{OpenURL Framework}}}, - volume = {7}, - doi = {10.1074/jbc.M004545200}, - number = {3}, - urldate = {2009-09-16}, - journal = {D-Lib Magazine}, - author = {{Van de Sompel}, Herbert and {Beit-Arie}, Oren and {Van de Sompel, Herbert}}, - month = mar, - year = {2001}, - pages = {34826}, - note = {(accessed 2009-09-16T04:30:54Z)}, - url = {http://www.dlib.org/dlib/march01/vandesompel/03vandesompel.html} -} - -@techreport{eframeworkcontributorsOverviewEFramework2009, - title = {Overview of the E-{{Framework}}}, - author = {{eFramework contributors}}, - year = {2009}, - url = {http://www.e-framework.org/Default.aspx?tabid=934} -} - -@misc{oleprojectOLEProjectReference2009, - title = {The {{OLE Project}} | {{Reference Model}}}, - urldate = {2009-09-16}, - howpublished = {http://oleproject.org/overview/ole-reference-model/}, - author = {OLE Project}, - year = {2009}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/VMVQ45UH/ole-reference-model.html}, - note = {(accessed 2009-09-16T03:50:11Z)}, - url = {http://oleproject.org/overview/ole-reference-model/} -} - -@inproceedings{seftonIntegratedContentEnvironment2006a, - address = {Noosa}, - title = {The Integrated Content Environment}, - booktitle = {{{AUSWEB}} 2006}, - publisher = {{Southern Cross University}}, - author = {Sefton, Peter}, - year = {2006}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/TAW3WEZA/Sefton - 2006 - The integrated content environment.pdf}, - url = {http://eprints.usq.edu.au/archive/00000697/01/Sefton_ICE-ausweb06-paper-revised-3.pdf} -} - -@article{murray-rustNextBigThing2004, - title = {The {{Next Big Thing}}: {{From Hypermedia}} to {{Datuments}}}, - volume = {5}, - shorttitle = {The {{Next Big Thing}}}, - number = {1}, - journal = {Journal of Digital Information}, - author = {{Murray-Rust}, Peter and Rzepa, H. S.}, - year = {2004}, - pages = {248}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/IM2VBK5S/Murray-Rust.html}, - url = {http://jodi.tamu.edu/Articles/v05/i01/Murray-Rust/?printable=1} -} - -@misc{downingSWORDAtomPubProfile2009, - title = {{{SWORD AtomPub Profile}}}, - urldate = {2009-09-15}, - howpublished = {http://swordapp.org/sword/specifications}, - author = {Downing, Jim and Allinson, Julie and {et al}}, - year = {2009}, - note = {(accessed 2009-09-15T16:40:10Z)}, - url = {http://swordapp.org/sword/specifications} -} - -@misc{murray-rustPowerElectronicScientific2007, - type = {Conference}, - title = {The {{Power}} of the {{Electronic Scientific Thesis}}}, - abstract = {Much of the laboratory and computational work in science is actually done by graduate students. A PhD thesis represents 3 or more years' work and much of the text is actually detailed accounts of scientific experiments, facts, recipes, methodology. I shall refer to this as "data" and argue that it is factual information which, when published, belongs to the scientific commons. I suspect this data represents somewhere between 25-50\% of published science in fact-based domains such as chemistry, much of the rest being contributed by postdoctoral workers.}, - urldate = {2009-09-08}, - howpublished = {http://epc.ub.uu.se/ETD2007/sessions/keynote-2.html?keepThis=true\&TB\_iframe=true\&height=480\&width=640}, - journal = {10th International Symposium on Electronic Theses and Dissertations}, - author = {{Murray-Rust}, Peter}, - year = {2007}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/BNEHIUGE/keynote-2.html}, - note = {(accessed 2009-09-08T14:17:36Z)}, - url = {http://epc.ub.uu.se/ETD2007/sessions/keynote-2.html?keepThis=true\\\&TB_iframe=true\\\&height=480\\\&width=640} -} - -@article{nicholasPolicyChecklistEnabling2009, - title = {A {{Policy Checklist}} for {{Enabling Persistence}} of {{Identifiers}}}, - volume = {15}, - issn = {1082-9873}, - doi = {10.1045/january2009-nicholas}, - number = {1/2}, - urldate = {2009-09-14}, - journal = {D-Lib Magazine}, - author = {Nicholas, Nick and Ward, Nigel and Blinco, Kerry}, - month = jan, - year = {2009}, - note = {(accessed 2009-09-14T03:26:49Z)}, - url = {http://www.dlib.org/dlib/january09/nicholas/01nicholas.html} -} - -@article{treloarDataCurationContinuum2007, - title = {The {{Data Curation Continuum}}}, - volume = {13}, - issn = {1082-9873}, - doi = {10.1045/september2007-treloar}, - number = {9/10}, - urldate = {2009-09-14}, - journal = {D-Lib Magazine}, - author = {Treloar, Andrew and Groenewegen, David and {Harboe-Ree}, Cathrine}, - month = sep, - year = {2007}, - note = {(accessed 2009-09-14T03:26:45Z)}, - url = {http://www.dlib.org/dlib/september07/treloar/09treloar.html} -} - -@article{saloNameAuthorityControl2009, - title = {Name {{Authority Control}} in {{Institutional Repositories}} - {{Cataloging}} \& {{Classification Quarterly}}}, - volume = {47}, - doi = {10.1080/01639370902737232.}, - abstract = {Neither the standards nor the software underlying institutional repositories anticipated performing name authority control on widely disparate metadata from highly unreliable sources. Without it, though, both machines and humans are stymied in their efforts to access and aggregate information by author. Many organizations are awakening to the problems and possibilities of name authority control, but without better coordination, their efforts will only confuse matters further. Local heuristics-based name-disambiguation software may help those repository managers who can implement it. For the time being, however, most repository managers can only control their own name lists as best they can after deposit while they advocate for better systems and services.}, - number = {3 \& 4}, - urldate = {2009-09-09}, - journal = {Cataloging \& Classification QuarterlyWhere}, - author = {Salo, Dorothea}, - year = {2009}, - pages = {249 - 261}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/9XIBA57Q/section.html}, - note = {(accessed 2009-09-09T01:49:45Z)}, - url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/01639370902737232} -} - -@article{pikasPeerReviewView, - title = {Peer {{Review}}: {{The View}} from {{Social Studies}} of {{Science}}}, - shorttitle = {Peer {{Review}}}, - author = {Pikas, C. K}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/RR4DBTDW/Pikas - Peer Review The View from Social Studies of Scien.pdf} -} - -@article{shiltonSupportingDigitalTools, - title = {Supporting {{Digital Tools}} for {{Humanists}}: {{Investigating Tool Infrastructure Final Report}}: {{May}} 15, 2009}, - shorttitle = {Supporting {{Digital Tools}} for {{Humanists}}}, - author = {Shilton, K.}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/3DU6VBZI/Shilton - Supporting Digital Tools for Humanists Investigat.pdf} -} - -@article{whittetHypertextBasedAnnotationSystem, - title = {A {{Hypertext}}-{{Based Annotation System For Electronic Scholarship}}}, - author = {Whittet, J. M.L}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/44NXUT6T/Whittet - A Hypertext-Based Annotation System For Electronic.pdf} -} - -@article{avisantoEngagingAcademicNonacademic2008, - title = {Engaging {{Academic}} and {{Nonacademic Communities}} through {{Online Scholarly Work}}}, - volume = {48}, - issn = {1527-2087}, - doi = {10.1353/cj.0.0099}, - number = {2}, - urldate = {2009-09-08}, - journal = {Cinema Journal}, - author = {Avi Santo and Christopher Lucas}, - year = {2008}, - pages = {129-138}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/A2MZZH5J/login.html}, - note = {(accessed 2009-09-08T05:23:57Z)}, - url = {http://muse.jhu.edu/login?uri=/journals/cinema_journal/v048/48.2.santo.pdf} -} - -@article{perusekGroundingCulturalRelativism2007, - title = {Grounding {{Cultural Relativism}}.}, - volume = {80}, - issn = {00035491}, - doi = {Editorial}, - abstract = {The author reflects on cultural relativism which is among the most misunderstood yet publicly important concepts associated with twentieth century that endures today. He states that it is also one of the most passionately contested notions in all of the contemporary intellectual life. He notes that anthropology quickly became synonymous with undertaking pilgrimages to distant and exotic locales, and a further revitalizing image of culture began to take form as culture came to be seen as something one must journey to encounter.}, - number = {3}, - urldate = {2009-09-07}, - journal = {Anthropological Quarterly}, - author = {Perusek, David}, - year = {Summer2007 2007}, - keywords = {CULTURE,ANTHROPOLOGY,CULTURAL relativism,EDITORIALS,INTELLECTUAL life,PILGRIMS \& pilgrimages}, - pages = {821-836}, - note = {(accessed 2009-09-07T11:07:39Z)}, - url = {http://ezproxy.usq.edu.au/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true\\\&db=aph\\\&AN=26466793\\\&site=ehost-live} -} - -@article{ulinRevisitingCulturalRelativism2007, - title = {Revisiting {{Cultural Relativism}}: {{Old Prospects}} for a {{New Cultural Critique}}.}, - volume = {80}, - issn = {00035491}, - shorttitle = {Revisiting {{Cultural Relativism}}}, - doi = {Editorial}, - abstract = {The author reflects on cultural relativism that has been the most misunderstood yet socially charged concepts associated with anthropology. It is stated that American cultural anthropologists have utilized cultural relativism as a pedagogical and sometimes political medium to challenge ethnocentric western views and cultural practices and to promote an appreciation of cultural diversity, ethicists, philosophers and the general public.}, - number = {3}, - urldate = {2009-09-07}, - journal = {Anthropological Quarterly}, - author = {Ulin, Robert C.}, - year = {Summer2007 2007}, - keywords = {ANTHROPOLOGY,CULTURAL relativism,EDITORIALS,ANTHROPOLOGISTS,ETHICS,UNITED States}, - pages = {803-820}, - note = {(accessed 2009-09-07T11:07:32Z)}, - url = {http://ezproxy.usq.edu.au/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true\\\&db=aph\\\&AN=26466792\\\&site=ehost-live} -} - -@article{johnsonCulturalRelativismInterpretations2007, - title = {Cultural {{Relativism}}: {{Interpretations}} of a {{Concept}}.}, - volume = {80}, - issn = {00035491}, - shorttitle = {Cultural {{Relativism}}}, - doi = {Editorial}, - abstract = {The author reflects on the different concepts of anthropologists related to cultural relativism. He states that James Rachel's underlying ideas may cause suspicion that cultural and moral relativism are a threat, and danger of cultural relativism becoming so widespread that it destroys any sense of moral behavior. He also states that there is a dialectical process of growth that could never be characterized as flat or static. Anthropologists need to take advantage of what they have learned and how it has enabled them to grow as ethical beings.}, - number = {3}, - urldate = {2009-09-07}, - journal = {Anthropological Quarterly}, - author = {Johnson, Thomas H.}, - year = {Summer2007 2007}, - keywords = {ANTHROPOLOGY,CULTURAL relativism,EDITORIALS,ANTHROPOLOGISTS,GOAL (Psychology),RACHELS; James}, - pages = {791-802}, - note = {(accessed 2009-09-07T11:07:28Z)}, - url = {http://ezproxy.usq.edu.au/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true\\\&db=aph\\\&AN=26466791\\\&site=ehost-live} -} - -@article{feinbergDialecticsCultureRelativism2007, - title = {Dialectics of {{Culture}}: {{Relativism}} in {{Popular}} and {{Anthropological Discourse}}.}, - volume = {80}, - issn = {00035491}, - shorttitle = {Dialectics of {{Culture}}}, - doi = {Editorial}, - abstract = {The author reflects on the cultural relativism that has been among anthropology's most cherished beliefs. He states that the critics on the religious right blame moral relativism for the alleged breakdown of marriage and family values and tolerance of sin. He also says that the critics on the left complain that cultural relativism gives anthropologists an excuse to avoid taking stands on colonial oppression and issues of human liberation. The philosophers deal with logical abstractions, hoping to arrive ultimate truths.}, - number = {3}, - urldate = {2009-09-07}, - journal = {Anthropological Quarterly}, - author = {Feinberg, Richard}, - year = {Summer2007 2007}, - keywords = {ANTHROPOLOGY,CULTURAL relativism,EDITORIALS,CHRISTIAN ethics,PHILOSOPHERS,RELIGION \& politics}, - pages = {777-790}, - note = {(accessed 2009-09-07T11:07:23Z)}, - url = {http://ezproxy.usq.edu.au/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true\\\&db=aph\\\&AN=26466790\\\&site=ehost-live} -} - -@misc{HotwaterControlAnthracnose1994, - type = {Book or {{Monograph}}|{{Conference}}-Proceedings}, - title = {Hot-Water Control of Anthracnose on Mango Varieties {{Arumanis}}, {{Golek}}, and {{Manalagi}} ; $<${{Poster}} Paper$>$}, - urldate = {2009-09-03}, - howpublished = {http://vmdev-repo.library.uq.edu.au/view/UQ:65771}, - year = {1994}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/MZSUMSAJ/UQ65771.html}, - note = {(accessed 2009-09-03T05:57:59Z)}, - url = {http://vmdev-repo.library.uq.edu.au/view/UQ:65771} -} - -@misc{HotwaterControlAnthracnose1994a, - type = {Book or {{Monograph}}|{{Conference}}-Proceedings}, - title = {Hot-Water Control of Anthracnose on Mango Varieties {{Arumanis}}, {{Golek}}, and {{Manalagi}} ; $<${{Poster}} Paper$>$}, - urldate = {2009-09-03}, - howpublished = {http://vmdev-repo.library.uq.edu.au/view/UQ:65771}, - year = {1994}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/VU2KT4ND/UQ65771.html}, - note = {(accessed 2009-09-03T05:57:47Z)}, - url = {http://vmdev-repo.library.uq.edu.au/view/UQ:65771} -} - -@article{wehrHydraulicPropertiesLayered2005, - title = {Hydraulic Properties of Layered Soils Influence Survival of {{Rhodes}} Grass ({{Chloris}} Gayana {{Kunth}}.) during Water Stress}, - journal = {Plant And Soil}, - author = {Wehr, J. B. and So, H. B. and Menzies, N. W. and Fulton, I.}, - year = {2005}, - pages = {287-297} -} - -@misc{BrowseAuthorID, - title = {Browse {{By Author ID}} - {{Hunter}}, {{Jane}} - {{UQ eSpace}}}, - urldate = {2009-09-03}, - howpublished = {http://espace.library.uq.edu.au/list/author\_id/3813/}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/89ZWR9CU/3813.html}, - note = {(accessed 2009-09-03T04:29:09Z)}, - url = {http://espace.library.uq.edu.au/list/author_id/3813/} -} - -@misc{SearchResultsAll, - title = {Search {{Results}} ({{All Fields}}:"jane Hunter", {{Status}}:" {{Published}}") - {{UQ eSpace}}}, - urldate = {2009-09-03}, - howpublished = {http://espace.library.uq.edu.au/list/?cat=quick\_filter\&sort\_by=searchKey0\&search\_keys\%5B0\%5D=jane+hunter}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/9THGCU97/list.html}, - note = {(accessed 2009-09-03T04:27:16Z)}, - url = {http://espace.library.uq.edu.au/list/?cat=quick_filter\\\&sort_by=searchKey0\\\&search_keys\\\%5B0\\\%5D=jane+hunter} -} - -@article{hunterPANICIntegratedApproach2006, - title = {{{PANIC}}: An Integrated Approach to the Preservation of Composite Digital Objects Using {{Semantic Web}} Services}, - volume = {6}, - issn = {1432-5012}, - shorttitle = {{{PANIC}}}, - doi = {10.1007/s00799-005-0134-z}, - number = {2}, - urldate = {2009-09-03}, - journal = {International Journal on Digital Libraries}, - author = {Hunter, Jane and Choudhury, Sharmin}, - year = {1$<$/month$>$ 4$<$/month$>$/2006$<$/year$>$ 2006$<$/year$>$}, - pages = {174-183}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/86J8KTKG/list.html}, - note = {(accessed 2009-09-03T04:24:26Z)}, - url = {http://espace.library.uq.edu.au/list/?cat=quick_filter\\\&sort_by=searchKey0\\\&search_keys\\\%5B0\\\%5D=jane+hunter} -} - -@article{tillettAuthorityControlState2004, - title = {Authority Control: {{State}} of the Art and New Perspectives}, - volume = {38}, - shorttitle = {Authority Control}, - number = {3}, - journal = {Cataloging \& Classification Quarterly}, - author = {Tillett, B. B}, - year = {2004}, - pages = {23--41}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/CDE4EQDR/Tillett - 2004 - Authority control State of the art and new perspe.pdf} -} - -@misc{mimasNamesProjectDocuments, - type = {Text}, - title = {Names {{Project Documents}}}, - copyright = {Copyright The University of Manchester 2007}, - urldate = {2009-09-01}, - howpublished = {http://names.mimas.ac.uk/documents/index.html}, - author = {Mimas}, - keywords = {mimas,names project}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/MBUNQ8JM/index.html}, - note = {(accessed 2009-09-01T00:20:20Z)}, - url = {http://names.mimas.ac.uk/documents/index.html} -} - -@article{ribbeSouthAtlanticLate2005, - title = {The {{South Atlantic}} in the Late Quaternary: Reconstruction of Material Budgets and Current Systems: A Review.}, - abstract = {In order to understand current and future patterns of climate variability and change, we need to know how climate varied in the past and which physical forcing mechanisms led to these climatic changes. Direct observations of climate indicators such as temperature and rainfall reach back about 150 years. To extend this observational record, we rely on information from environmental paleoclimatic proxy records that have been extracted from natural archives of past climate variability.}, - number = {170}, - journal = {Australian Marine Science Bulletin}, - author = {Ribbe, Joachim}, - year = {2005}, - keywords = {South Atlantic; past climates; paleoclimatology}, - pages = {48}, - url = {http://eprints.usq.edu.au/1441/} -} - -@misc{ribbeSouthAtlanticLate2005a, - type = {Article ({{DEST Category C}})}, - title = {The {{South Atlantic}} in the Late Quaternary: Reconstruction of Material Budgets and Current Systems: A Review.}, - shorttitle = {The {{South Atlantic}} in the Late Quaternary}, - urldate = {2009-08-25}, - howpublished = {http://eprints.usq.edu.au/1441/}, - author = {Ribbe, Joachim}, - year = {2005}, - keywords = {260602 Climatology (incl. Palaeoclimatology)}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/PWFKDRF3/1441.html}, - note = {(accessed 2009-08-25T05:16:58Z)}, - url = {http://eprints.usq.edu.au/1441/} -} - -@misc{ribbeSouthAtlanticLate2005b, - title = {The {{South Atlantic}} in the Late Quaternary: Reconstruction of Material Budgets and Current Systems: A Review.}, - shorttitle = {The {{South Atlantic}} in the Late Quaternary}, - abstract = {In order to understand current and future patterns of climate variability and change, we need to know how climate varied in the past and which physical forcing mechanisms led to these climatic changes. Direct observations of climate indicators such as temperature and rainfall reach back about 150 years. To extend this observational record, we rely on information from environmental paleoclimatic proxy records that have been extracted from natural archives of past climate variability.}, - language = {en}, - urldate = {2009-08-25}, - howpublished = {http://eprints.usq.edu.au/1441/1/Ribbe\_Review\_SouthAtlantic\_200705.pdf}, - journal = {University of Southern Queensland}, - author = {Ribbe, Joachim}, - year = {2005}, - keywords = {Climatology (incl. Palaeoclimatology) (260602)}, - note = {(accessed 2009-08-25T05:15:36Z)}, - url = {http://eprints.usq.edu.au/1441/1/Ribbe_Review_SouthAtlantic_200705.pdf} -} - -@book{suttonPoliticsSufferingIndigenous2009, - address = {Carlton, Vic}, - title = {The {{Politics}} of {{Suffering}}: {{Indigenous Australia}} and the {{End}} of the {{Liberal Consensus}}}, - isbn = {978-0-522-85636-1}, - shorttitle = {The {{Politics}} of {{Suffering}}}, - publisher = {{Melbourne University Publishing}}, - author = {Sutton, Peter}, - year = {2009}, - keywords = {Aboriginal Australians,Aboriginal Australians; Treatment of,Government policy,Government relations,Social conditions} -} - -@article{fishIndigenousBodiesColonial2006, - title = {Indigenous Bodies in Colonial Courts: {{Anthropological}} Science and the (Physical) Laws of the Remaining Human}, - volume = {21}, - issn = {1533-7901}, - shorttitle = {Indigenous Bodies in Colonial Courts}, - number = {1}, - urldate = {2009-08-02}, - journal = {Wicazo Sa Review}, - author = {Fish, Adam.}, - year = {2006}, - pages = {77--95}, - note = {(accessed 2009-08-02T15:22:39Z)}, - url = {http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/wicazo_sa_review/v021/21.1fish.html} -} - -@article{suttonPoliticsSufferingIndigenous2001, - title = {The Politics of Suffering: {{Indigenous}} Policy in {{Australia}} since the 1970s}, - volume = {11}, - issn = {0066-4677}, - shorttitle = {The Politics of Suffering}, - number = {2}, - journal = {Anthropological Forum}, - author = {Sutton, Peter}, - month = nov, - year = {2001}, - pages = {125-173} -} - -@book{suttonPoliticsSufferingIndigenous2009a, - address = {Carlton Vic.}, - title = {The Politics of Suffering : Indigenous {{Australia}} and the End of the Liberal Consensus}, - isbn = {978-0-522-85636-1}, - shorttitle = {The Politics of Suffering}, - publisher = {{Melbourne University Publishing}}, - author = {Sutton, Peter}, - year = {2009} -} - -@inproceedings{basefskyEndInstitutionalRepositories2009, - title = {The {{End}} of {{Institutional Repositories}} and the {{Beginning}} of {{Social Academic Research Service}}: {{An Enhanced Role}} for {{Libraries}}}, - shorttitle = {The {{End}} of {{Institutional Repositories}} and the {{Beginning}} of {{Social Academic Research Service}}}, - booktitle = {Conference {{Proceedings}}, {{Presentations}}, and {{Speeches}}}, - author = {Basefsky, S. M}, - year = {2009}, - pages = {7}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/DW3QG82Z/Basefsky - 2009 - The End of Institutional Repositories and the Begi.pdf} -} - -@misc{pilinprojectPILINWelcome, - title = {{{PILIN Welcome}}}, - abstract = {PILIN Project aims to: - - 1. - - Develop an abstract model for identifiers and their management - 2. - - Develop shared, standards-based, persistent identifier management infrastructure - 3. - - Support adoption of persistent identifiers and services - 4. - - Plan for sustainable shared identifier infrastructure - -Supporting adoption through - - * - - ``proof of concept'' deployment and demonstrator services - * - - documenting best practice}, - urldate = {2009-08-02}, - howpublished = {https://www.pilin.net.au/}, - author = {PILIN Project}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/CKG33ZGN/www.pilin.net.au.html}, - note = {(accessed 2009-08-02T02:09:33Z)}, - url = {https://www.pilin.net.au/} -} - -@misc{walshNamesAddresses2006, - type = {Weblog}, - title = {Names and Addresses}, - urldate = {2009-08-01}, - howpublished = {http://norman.walsh.name/2006/07/25/namesAndAddresses}, - author = {Walsh, Norman}, - year = {2006}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/CBEMBDRC/namesAndAddresses.html}, - note = {(accessed 2009-08-01T23:59:40Z)}, - url = {http://norman.walsh.name/2006/07/25/namesAndAddresses} -} - -@inproceedings{cathroCOLLABORATIONBUILDINGSUSTAINABLE2008, - address = {Southampton}, - title = {{{COLLABORATION IN BUILDING A SUSTAINABLE REPOSITORY ENVIRONMENT}}: {{A NATIONAL LIBRARY}}'{{S ROLE OPEN REPOSITORIES}} 2008, {{SOUTHAMPTON}}, 1-4 {{APRIL}} 2008}, - shorttitle = {{{COLLABORATION IN BUILDING A SUSTAINABLE REPOSITORY ENVIRONMENT}}}, - author = {Cathro, W.}, - year = {2008} -} - -@article{swanInstitutionsTheirRepositories2008, - title = {Institutions, {{Their Repositories}} and the {{Web}}}, - volume = {34}, - doi = {10.1016/j.serrev.2007.12.006}, - abstract = {It will soon be rare for research-based institutions not to have a digital repository. The main reason for a repository is to maximize the visibility of the institution's research outputs (provide Open Access), yet few contain a representative proportion of the research produced by their institutions. Repositories form one part of the institution's Web platform. An explicit, mandatory policy on the use of the repository for collecting outputs is needed in every institution so that the full research record is collected. Once full, a repository is a tool that enables senior management in research institutions to collate and assess research, to market their institution, to facilitate new forms of scholarship, and to enable the tools that will produce new knowledge.}, - number = {1}, - urldate = {2009-08-02}, - journal = {Serials Review}, - author = {Swan, Alma and Carr, Leslie}, - month = mar, - year = {2008}, - pages = {31-35}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/E6W3AHBT/science.html}, - note = {(accessed 2009-08-02T06:04:39Z)}, - url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL\\\&_udi=B6W63-4RR8323-1\\\&_user=10\\\&_rdoc=1\\\&_fmt=\\\&_orig=search\\\&_sort=d\\\&_docanchor=\\\&view=c\\\&_acct=C000050221\\\&_version=1\\\&_urlVersion=0\\\&_userid=10\\\&md5=6e8731f4400ecb1777c4e284aaaccf7a} -} - -@article{hagedornGoogleStillNot2008, - title = {Google {{Still Not Indexing Hidden Web URLS}}}, - volume = {14}, - issn = {1082-9873}, - doi = {10.1045/july2008-hagedorn}, - number = {7/8}, - urldate = {2009-08-02}, - journal = {D-Lib Magazine}, - author = {Hagedorn, Kat and Santelli, Joshua}, - month = jul, - year = {2008}, - note = {(accessed 2009-08-02T03:57:35Z)}, - url = {http://www.dlib.org/dlib/july08/hagedorn/07hagedorn.html} -} - -@article{mccownSearchEngineCoverage2006, - title = {Search Engine Coverage of the {{OAI}}-{{PMH}} Corpus}, - volume = {10}, - issn = {1089-7801}, - doi = {10.1109/MIC.2006.41}, - number = {2}, - urldate = {2009-08-02}, - journal = {IEEE Internet Computing}, - author = {McCown, F. and Liu, X. and Nelson, M.L. and Zubair, M. and Liu, X.}, - month = mar, - year = {2006}, - pages = {66-73}, - note = {(accessed 2009-08-02T03:57:32Z)}, - url = {http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/lpdocs/epic03/wrapper.htm?arnumber=1607990} -} - -@article{bostonLibrariesAustraliaPictureAustralia2009, - title = {Libraries {{Australia}} and {{PictureAustralia}}: {{Innovation}} in Access at the {{National Library}} of {{Australia}}}, - shorttitle = {Libraries {{Australia}} and {{PictureAustralia}}}, - journal = {National Library of Australia Staff Papers}, - author = {Boston, T. and Wilson, F.}, - year = {2009} -} - -@article{ayresBringingStoriesPeople2009, - title = {Bringing the Stories to the People: Online Sound at the {{National Library}} of {{Australia}}}, - shorttitle = {Bringing the Stories to the People}, - journal = {National Library of Australia Staff Papers}, - author = {Ayres, M. L and Pearce, J. and Dahlitz, D.}, - year = {2009} -} - -@article{cathroDigitizationAustralasia2007, - title = {Digitization in {{Australasia}}}, - volume = {20}, - number = {1}, - journal = {Serials: The Journal for the Serials Community}, - author = {Cathro, W.}, - year = {2007}, - pages = {9--15} -} - -@inproceedings{bostonExposingDeepWeb2006, - title = {Exposing the Deep Web to Increase Access to Library Collections}, - volume = {30}, - booktitle = {Eleventh {{Australasian World Wide Web Conference}}, {{Gold Coast}}, {{Australia}}. {{Retrieved}}}, - author = {Boston, T.}, - year = {2006} -} - -@article{saleResearcherViewpoint2006, - title = {A Researcher's Viewpoint}, - journal = {Open Access: key strategic, technical and economic aspects. Oxford: Chandos Publishing}, - author = {Sale, A.}, - year = {2006} -} - -@inproceedings{bostonExposingDeepWeb2006a, - title = {Exposing the Deep Web to Increase Access to Library Collections}, - volume = {30}, - booktitle = {Eleventh {{Australasian World Wide Web Conference}}, {{Gold Coast}}, {{Australia}}. {{Retrieved}}}, - author = {Boston, T.}, - year = {2006} -} - -@misc{osteenFedoraSolrDigital2008, - title = {A {{Fedora}}/{{Solr Digital Library}} for {{Oxford}}'s '{{Forced Migration Online}}'}, - urldate = {2009-08-02}, - journal = {Less Talk, More Code}, - author = {O'steen, Ben}, - month = nov, - year = {2008}, - note = {(accessed 2009-08-02T00:44:10Z)}, - url = {http://oxfordrepo.blogspot.com/2008/11/fedorasolr-digital-library-for-oxford.html} -} - -@article{smithPortalsApplicationFramework2004, - title = {Portals: Toward an Application Framework for Interoperability}, - volume = {47}, - shorttitle = {Portals}, - doi = {10.1145/1022594.1022600}, - abstract = {A common portal definition, universal client, and application-support infrastructure would turn the portal concept on its head, eventually shifting control from the information providers to the information consumers.}, - number = {10}, - urldate = {2009-08-02}, - journal = {Commun. ACM}, - author = {Smith, Michael Alan}, - year = {2004}, - pages = {93-97}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/AIRCEPFC/p93-smith.html}, - note = {(accessed 2009-08-02T00:34:52Z)}, - url = {http://portal.acm.org/ft_gateway.cfm?id=1022600\\\&type=html\\\&coll=GUIDE\\\&dl=GUIDE\\\&CFID=47238032\\\&CFTOKEN=22103314} -} - -@article{dempseyLibraryCatalogueNew2006, - title = {The Library Catalogue in the New Discovery Environment: Some Thoughts}, - volume = {48}, - shorttitle = {The Library Catalogue in the New Discovery Environment}, - journal = {Ariadne}, - author = {Dempsey, L.}, - year = {2006}, - pages = {29} -} - -@article{wintonEFramework2007, - title = {The E-{{Framework}}}, - author = {Winton, L. and Blinco, K.}, - year = {2007} -} - -@article{nicholasIdentifyingResearchersFormal2006, - title = {Identifying {{Researchers}}: {{Some Formal Considerations}}}, - shorttitle = {Identifying {{Researchers}}}, - author = {Nicholas, N.}, - year = {2006} -} - -@misc{pilinprojectPersistentCitationResolver2007, - title = {Persistent {{Citation Resolver Service}}}, - urldate = {2009-07-31}, - howpublished = {https://www.pilin.net.au/PILIN\_Implementations/Reverse\_Lookup\_Service.htm}, - author = {PILIN Project}, - year = {2007}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/3TNNZZ73/Reverse_Lookup_Service.html}, - note = {(accessed 2009-07-31T03:47:40Z)}, - url = {https://www.pilin.net.au/PILIN_Implementations/Reverse_Lookup_Service.htm} -} - -@article{dempseyLibraryCatalogueNew2006a, - title = {The Library Catalogue in the New Discovery Environment: Some Thoughts}, - volume = {48}, - shorttitle = {The Library Catalogue in the New Discovery Environment}, - journal = {Ariadne}, - author = {Dempsey, L.}, - year = {2006}, - pages = {29}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/2KQJ35HE/dempsey.html} -} - -@article{wintonEFramework2007a, - title = {The E-{{Framework}}}, - author = {Winton, L. and Blinco, K.}, - year = {2007}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/Z2CNV9M4/46909.html} -} - -@article{magazineDevelopingHandleSystem2007, - title = {Developing {{Handle System}}\textregistered{} {{Web Services}} at {{Cornell University}}}, - volume = {13}, - number = {9/10}, - journal = {D-Lib Magazine}, - author = {Magazine, D. L}, - year = {2007}, - pages = {1082--9873}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/3D4XCVT2/09smith.html} -} - -@article{cathroCOLLABORATIONBUILDINGSUSTAINABLE, - title = {{{COLLABORATION IN BUILDING A SUSTAINABLE REPOSITORY ENVIRONMENT}}: {{A NATIONAL LIBRARY}}'{{S ROLE OPEN REPOSITORIES}} 2008, {{SOUTHAMPTON}}, 1-4 {{APRIL}} 2008}, - shorttitle = {{{COLLABORATION IN BUILDING A SUSTAINABLE REPOSITORY ENVIRONMENT}}}, - author = {Cathro, W.}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/EG2EKREZ/Cathro - COLLABORATION IN BUILDING A SUSTAINABLE REPOSITORY.pdf} -} - -@article{nicholasIdentifyingResearchersFormal2006a, - title = {Identifying {{Researchers}}: {{Some Formal Considerations}}}, - shorttitle = {Identifying {{Researchers}}}, - author = {Nicholas, N.}, - year = {2006}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/TJSG3I24/47126.html} -} - -@misc{monashuniversityarrowrepositoryBuildingARROWCommunity2008, - title = {Building the {{ARROW Community}}}, - urldate = {2009-07-24}, - howpublished = {http://arrow.monash.edu.au/vital/access/manager/Repository/monash:7525}, - author = {Monash University ARROW Repository}, - year = {2008}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/USD46ZHV/monash7525.html}, - note = {(accessed 2009-07-24T00:24:48Z)}, - url = {http://arrow.monash.edu.au/vital/access/manager/Repository/monash:7525} -} - -@misc{monashuniversityarrowrepositoryBuildingARROWCommunity2008a, - title = {Building the {{ARROW Community}}}, - urldate = {2009-07-24}, - howpublished = {http://arrow.monash.edu.au/vital/access/manager/Repository/monash:7525}, - author = {Monash University ARROW Repository}, - year = {2008}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/FJMPS4WE/monash7525.html}, - note = {(accessed 2009-07-24T00:23:56Z)}, - url = {http://arrow.monash.edu.au/vital/access/manager/Repository/monash:7525} -} - -@misc{crystaleyprojectCrystalEyeHomepage, - title = {{{CrystalEye}}: {{Homepage}}}, - abstract = {The aim of the CrystalEye project is to aggregate crystallography from web resources, and to provide methods to easily browse, search, and to keep up to date with the latest published information.}, - urldate = {2009-06-29}, - howpublished = {http://wwmm.ch.cam.ac.uk/crystaleye/}, - author = {{Crystaley project}}, - keywords = {eraust09}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/VIGJHA77/crystaleye.html}, - note = {(accessed 2009-06-29T03:29:19Z)}, - url = {http://wwmm.ch.cam.ac.uk/crystaleye/} -} - -@inproceedings{lagozeOreChemProjectIntegrating2009, - address = {Athens, Greece}, - title = {The {{oreChem Project}}: {{Integrating Chemistry Scholarship}} with the {{Semantic Web}}}, - booktitle = {Proceedings of the {{WebSci}}'09: {{Society On}}-{{Line}}}, - author = {Lagoze, Carl}, - year = {2009}, - keywords = {eraust09}, - note = {The oreChem project is a collaboration between chemistry scholars and information scientists to develop and deploy the infrastructure, services, and applications to enable new models for research and dissemination of scholarly materials in the chemistry community. Although the focus of the project is chemistry, the work is being undertaken with an attention to general cyber infrastructure for eScience, thereby enabling the linkages among disciplines that are required to solve today's key scientific challenges such as global warming. A key aspect of this work, and a core aim of this project, is the design and implementation of an interoperability infrastructure based on semantic Web principles that will allow chemistry scholars to share, reuse, manipulate, and enhance data that are located in repositories, databases, and Web services distributed across the network.}, - url = {http://journal.webscience.org/112/} -} - -@misc{aus-e-litprojectAuseLitOverview, - title = {Aus-e-{{Lit}}: {{Overview}}}, - abstract = {The Aus-e-Lit project is a NeAT-funded project that aims to address the eResearch needs of researchers involved in the study of Australian literature and Australian print culture. The project will enhance and extend the existing AustLit web portal with: - - * data integration and search services - * empirical reporting services - * compound object authoring, editing and publishing services - * collaborative annotation services}, - urldate = {2009-06-29}, - howpublished = {http://www.itee.uq.edu.au/\textasciitilde{}eresearch/projects/aus-e-lit/}, - author = {{Aus-e-Lit project}}, - keywords = {eraust09}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/58UBB2Z5/aus-e-lit.html}, - note = {(accessed 2009-06-29T03:16:14Z)}, - url = {http://www.itee.uq.edu.au/~eresearch/projects/aus-e-lit/} -} - -@misc{advisorycouncilopenknowledgedefinitonLicensesOpenKnowledge, - title = {Licenses - {{Open Knowledge Definition}} - {{Defining}} the {{Open}} in {{Open Data}}, {{Open Content}} and {{Open Information}}}, - urldate = {2009-06-29}, - howpublished = {http://opendefinition.org/licenses}, - author = {Advisory Council, Open Knowledge Definiton}, - keywords = {eraust09}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/7H7BJ558/licenses.html}, - note = {(accessed 2009-06-29T03:09:14Z)}, - url = {http://opendefinition.org/licenses} -} - -@misc{sciencecommonsScienceCommonsProtocol, - title = {Science {{Commons}} \guillemotright{} {{Protocol}} for {{Implementing Open Access Data}}}, - abstract = {This memo provides information for the Internet community interested in distributing data or databases under an ``open access'' structure. There are several definitions of ``open'' and ``open access'' on the Internet, including the Open Knowledge Definition and the Budapest Declaration on Open Access; the protocol laid out herein is intended to conform to the Open Knowledge Definition and extend the ideas of the Budapest Declaration to data and databases. - -This memo does not specify an Internet standard of any kind, but does specify the requirements for gaining and using the Science Commons Open Access Data Mark and metadata, by using legal tools and norms that conform to the protocol specified. This memo is available under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 (unported jurisdiction) license and will be submitted to the World Wide Web Consortium for consideration.}, - urldate = {2009-06-29}, - howpublished = {http://sciencecommons.org/projects/publishing/open-access-data-protocol/}, - author = {Science Commons}, - keywords = {eraust09}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/QIVGF5IX/open-access-data-protocol.html}, - note = {(accessed 2009-06-29T02:57:19Z)}, - url = {http://sciencecommons.org/projects/publishing/open-access-data-protocol/} -} - -@article{berners-leeWorldWideWeb1994, - title = {The {{World}}-{{Wide Web}}}, - author = {{Berners-Lee}, Tim and Cailliau, Robert}, - year = {1994}, - keywords = {eraust09}, - note = {The W3 project merges networked information retrieval and hypertext to make an easy but powerful global information system. It aims to allow information sharing within internationally dispersed groups of users, and the creation and dissemination of information by support groups. W3\&\#039;s ability to provide implementation-independent access to data and documentation is ideal for a large HEP collaboration. W3 now defines the state of the art in networked information retrieval, for user support, resource discovery and collaborative work. W3 originated at CERN and is in use at CERN, FNAL, NIKHEF, SLAC and other laboratories. This paper gives a brief overview and reports the current status of the project.}, - url = {http://eprints.kfupm.edu.sa/71757/} -} - -@misc{NEPOMUKSocialSemantic, - title = {{{NEPOMUK}} - {{The Social Semantic Desktop}}}, - urldate = {2009-06-26}, - howpublished = {http://nepomuk.semanticdesktop.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main1/}, - keywords = {eraust09}, - note = {(accessed 2009-06-26T05:27:16Z)}, - url = {http://nepomuk.semanticdesktop.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main1/} -} - -@misc{ApertureFramework, - title = {Aperture {{Framework}}}, - urldate = {2009-06-26}, - howpublished = {http://aperture.sourceforge.net/}, - keywords = {eraust09}, - note = {(accessed 2009-06-26T05:27:27Z)}, - url = {http://aperture.sourceforge.net/} -} - -@misc{SIMILEProject, - title = {{{SIMILE Project}}}, - urldate = {2009-06-26}, - howpublished = {http://simile.mit.edu/}, - keywords = {eraust09}, - note = {(accessed 2009-06-26T05:28:16Z)}, - url = {http://simile.mit.edu/} -} - -@misc{HaystackGroup, - title = {Haystack {{Group}}}, - urldate = {2009-06-26}, - howpublished = {http://groups.csail.mit.edu/haystack/}, - keywords = {eraust09}, - note = {(accessed 2009-06-26T05:28:20Z)}, - url = {http://groups.csail.mit.edu/haystack/} -} - -@misc{TrialAustralianResearch, - title = {Trial - {{Australian Research Council}} ({{ARC}})}, - urldate = {2009-06-26}, - howpublished = {http://www.arc.gov.au/era/trial.htm}, - keywords = {eraust09}, - note = {(accessed 2009-06-26T05:29:06Z)}, - url = {http://www.arc.gov.au/era/trial.htm} -} - -@inproceedings{sauermannSemanticDesktopFoundation2008, - address = {Florence, Italy}, - title = {The {{Semantic Desktop}} as a Foundation for {{PIM}} Research}, - abstract = {Personal Information Management (PIM), both in science -and in applications, is limited by the current approach to data -management (files) and applications. The SemanticWeb and -the Resource Description Framework (RDF) provide a standardized -way to represent data, across applications and capture -the respective application semantics. In recent years we -have developed the Semantic Desktop approach, a semantic -layer of personal computers that serves as middleware -to integrate applications and their data. The user uses the -Semantic Desktop to create a Personal Information Model -(PIMO), a formal representation of the mental model of the -user, and this PIMO is used to integrate various elements -from the workspace. In this paper, we focus on what the -Semantic Desktop can offer for research in Personal Information -Management.}, - booktitle = {Personal {{Information Management Workshop}}}, - author = {Sauermann, Leo and Grimnes, Gunnar and {Roth-Berghofer}}, - year = {2008}, - keywords = {eraust09} -} - -@misc{jonesTheyLlCome2008a, - title = {They'll Come Looking for You}, - urldate = {2009-06-27}, - publisher = {{Maenjin Entertainment}}, - author = {Jones, Leonie}, - year = {2008}, - keywords = {eraust09}, - note = {(accessed 2009-06-27T14:00:00Z)}, - url = {http://12fieldregiment.com/add_dvd.htm} -} - -@misc{grantRegisterMyData2009, - title = {Register {{My Data}}}, - abstract = {Register My Data - -The ANDS Register My Data service allows you to register collections of research materials. Descriptions of registered collections are published in a number of discovery services and e-research applications including: - - * Research Data Australia - * Global Registries Initiative (in development) - -ANDS will endeavour to ensure that registered collections feature prominently in results from appropriate searches by internet search engines such as Google. - -Register My Data assists researchers and research organisations to publicise their research data collections, enabling verification of research findings and re-use of valuable research materials. Register My Data assists with the moral and legal obligations to make research data available. It aims to contribute to a global research data commons.}, - urldate = {2009-06-24}, - howpublished = {http://ands.org.au/services/register-my-data.html}, - journal = {Australian National Data Service}, - author = {Grant, Heather}, - month = jun, - year = {2009}, - keywords = {eraust09}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/TAXHBCPV/register-my-data.html}, - note = {(accessed 2009-06-24T14:00:00Z)}, - url = {http://ands.org.au/services/register-my-data.html} -} - -@misc{grantIdentifyMyData2009, - title = {Identify {{My Data}} - {{Overview}}}, - abstract = {Identify My Data - Overview - -The ANDS Identify My Data service allows you to persistently identify your data. - -Research portals, analysis environments, and journals all increasingly need to refer to data. Generally they refer to data with a normal URL link. If the data moves location, or if anything mentioned in the URL changes, these published references to the data are broken. And all the things that would build on this data are compromised, such as evidence-based policy, scholarly communication, verification of scientific methods, and educated public enquiry. - -The ANDS Identify My Data service enables you to create a clickable reference to your dataset that will not be broken when the location of the dataset changes. When people click on it, the ANDS service re-routes them to whatever location you nominate. And you can update that location at anytime.}, - urldate = {2009-06-24}, - howpublished = {http://ands.org.au/services/identify-my-data.html}, - journal = {Australian National Data Service}, - author = {Grant, Heather}, - month = jun, - year = {2009}, - keywords = {eraust09}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/NFQXIAHR/identify-my-data.html}, - note = {(accessed 2009-06-24T14:00:00Z)}, - url = {http://ands.org.au/services/identify-my-data.html} -} - -@misc{AustralianNationalData2009, - title = {Australian {{National Data Service}}}, - urldate = {2009-06-25}, - howpublished = {http://ands.org.au/index.html}, - journal = {Australian National Data Service}, - month = jun, - year = {2009}, - keywords = {eraust09}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/JPBQA9TM/index.html}, - note = {(accessed 2009-06-25T04:17:17Z)}, - url = {http://ands.org.au/index.html} -} - -@misc{berners-leeLinkedDataDesign2009, - title = {Linked {{Data}} - {{Design Issues}}}, - abstract = {The Semantic Web isn't just about putting data on the web. It is about making links, so that a person or machine can explore the web of data. With linked data, when you have some of it, you can find other, related, data. - -Like the web of hypertext, the web of data is constructed with documents on the web. However, unlike the web of hypertext, where links are relationships anchors in hypertext documents written in HTML, for data they links between arbitrary things described by RDF,. The URIs identify any kind of object or concept. But for HTML or RDF, the same expectations apply to make the web grow: - - 1. - - Use URIs as names for things - 2. - - Use HTTP URIs so that people can look up those names. - 3. - - When someone looks up a URI, provide useful information, using the standards (RDF, SPARQL) - 4. - - Include links to other URIs. so that they can discover more things. - -Simple. In fact, though, a surprising amount of data isn't linked in 2006, because of problems with one or more of the steps. This article discusses solutions to these problems, details of implementation, and factors affecting choices about how you publish your data.}, - urldate = {2009-06-25}, - howpublished = {http://www.w3.org/DesignIssues/LinkedData.html}, - author = {{Berners-Lee}, Tim}, - month = jun, - year = {2009}, - keywords = {eraust09}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/V6SMSRP5/LinkedData.html}, - note = {(accessed 2009-06-25T03:50:28Z)}, +@book{berners-leeLinkedData2006, + title = {Linked Data, 2006}, + author = {{Berners-Lee}, T.}, + file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/HMZR3D77/LinkedData.html}, url = {http://www.w3.org/DesignIssues/LinkedData.html} } -@misc{rusbridgeSciencePublishingWorkflow2008, - title = {Science Publishing, Workflow, {{PDF}} and {{Text Mining}}}, - urldate = {2009-06-25}, - journal = {Digital Curation Blog}, - author = {Rusbridge, Chris}, - month = may, - year = {2008}, - keywords = {eraust09,microformats,semantic web,Digital Curation,NLM DTD,PDF,RDFa,Science publishing,XML}, - note = {(accessed 2009-06-25T03:34:20Z)}, - url = {http://digitalcuration.blogspot.com/2008/05/science-publishing-workflow-pdf-and.html} -} - -@article{greenRepositoryenabledScholarWorkbench2009, - title = {Towards a {{Repository}}-Enabled {{Scholar}}'s {{Workbench}}}, - volume = {15}, - issn = {1082-9873}, - doi = {10.1045/may2009-green}, - number = {5/6}, - urldate = {2009-06-25}, - journal = {D-Lib Magazine}, - author = {Green, Richard and Awre, Chris}, - month = may, - year = {2009}, - keywords = {eraust09}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/VC8SXC4X/05green.html}, - note = {(accessed 2009-06-25T01:55:44Z)}, - url = {http://www.dlib.org/dlib/may09/green/05green.html} -} - -@misc{varziBoundary, - title = {Boundary}, - author = {Varzi, Achille}, - keywords = {eraust09} -} - -@misc{jacobsDepartmentalThesisManagement2008, - title = {Departmental {{Thesis Management System}} Development Using the {{Integrated Content Environment}} ({{TheOREM}}-{{ICE}})}, - copyright = {Copyright Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE), on behalf of the Joint Information Systems Commmittee (JISC), unless explicitly acknowledged otherwise.}, - urldate = {2008-07-14}, - howpublished = {http://www.jisc.ac.uk/whatwedo/programmes/digitalrepositories2007/theorem-ice.aspx}, - author = {Jacobs, Neil}, - year = {2008}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/7X3CBD9T/theorem-ice.html}, - note = {(accessed 2008-07-14T01:36:19Z)}, - url = {http://www.jisc.ac.uk/whatwedo/programmes/digitalrepositories2007/theorem-ice.aspx} -} - -@misc{AuthorsElsevier, - title = {Authors - {{Elsevier}}}, - urldate = {2009-05-13}, - howpublished = {http://www.elsevier.com/wps/find/authorsview.authors/copyright\#exclusive}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/S99MBMWA/copyright.html}, - note = {(accessed 2009-05-13T00:54:31Z)}, - url = {http://www.elsevier.com/wps/find/authorsview.authors/copyright\\\#exclusive} -} - -@misc{IPAustraliaWhat, - title = {{{IP Australia}} : {{What}} Is {{Intellectual Property}}? $>$ {{An Introduction}} to {{IP}}}, - urldate = {2009-05-08}, - howpublished = {http://www.ipaustralia.gov.au/ip/introduction.shtml}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/JJZTJVPB/introduction.html}, - note = {(accessed 2009-05-08T03:52:20Z)}, - url = {http://www.ipaustralia.gov.au/ip/introduction.shtml} -} - -@misc{GnuOrg, - title = {Gnu.Org}, - urldate = {2009-05-08}, - howpublished = {http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/not-ipr.html}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/BMTISG7U/not-ipr.html}, - note = {(accessed 2009-05-08T03:29:56Z)}, - url = {http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/not-ipr.html} -} - -@misc{dest20MILLIONBOOST2005, - title = {\$20 {{MILLION BOOST FOR AUSTRALIA}}'{{S RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE}}}, - author = {DEST}, - collaborator = {{Australian Government Department of Education}, S.a.T.}, - year = {2005}, - keywords = {ice-rs-intro}, - url = {http://www.dest.gov.au/Ministers/Media/Nelson/2005/08/n1173220805.asp} -} - -@book{allenGettingThingsDone2001, - address = {New York}, - title = {Getting Things Done : The Art of Stress-Free Productivity}, - isbn = {0-670-88906-7}, - lccn = {BF637.T5 A45 2001}, - publisher = {{Viking}}, - author = {Allen, David}, - year = {2001}, - keywords = {Self-management (Psychology),Time management} -} - -@article{wikipediacontributorsExchangeableImageFile2008a, - title = {Exchangeable Image File Format}, - urldate = {2008-07-09}, - journal = {Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia}, - publisher = {{Wikimedia Foundation}}, - author = {{Wikipedia contributors}}, - month = jul, - year = {2008}, - note = {(accessed 2008-07-09T04:04:49Z)}, - url = {http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Exchangeable_image_file_format\\\&oldid=224131031} -} - -@misc{UnileverCentreMolecularb, - title = {Unilever {{Centre}} for {{Molecular Informatics}}, {{Cambridge}} - Petermr's Blog \guillemotright{} {{Blog Archive}} \guillemotright{} {{Blogoversary}}}, - urldate = {2007-09-09}, - howpublished = {http://wwmm.ch.cam.ac.uk/blogs/murrayrust/?p=564}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/87C62JHS/murrayrust.html}, - note = {(accessed 2007-09-09T03:56:16Z)}, - url = {http://wwmm.ch.cam.ac.uk/blogs/murrayrust/?p=564} -} - -@article{curtisAONSObsolescenceDetection2007, - title = {{{AONS}}\textemdash{{An}} Obsolescence Detection and Notification Service for {{Web}} Archives and Digital Repositories}, - volume = {13}, - number = {1}, - journal = {New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia}, - author = {CURTIS, J.}, - year = {2007}, - pages = {39-53}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/TZIAF3KZ/CURTIS2007AONS—An obsolescence detection and notification se.pdf} +@book{groupRDFaCoreRecommendation2012, + title = {{{RDFa Core}} 1.1 {{Recommendation}}}, + author = {Group, W3C Working and {others}}, + year = {2012}, + url = {http://www.w3.org/TR/rdfa-syntax/} } -@misc{dest2005ManagedEnvironment2005, - title = {2005 {{Managed Environment}} for {{Research Repository Infrastructure}} ({{MERRI}}) {{Projects}} ({{Word}} Document)}, - publisher = {{Australian Government Department of Education, Science and Training}}, - author = {DEST}, - year = {2005}, - url = {http://www.dest.gov.au/sectors/research_sector/policies_issues_reviews/key_issues/australian_research_information_infrastructure_committee/default.htm} +@misc{kunzeBagItFilePackaging, + title = {The {{BagIt File Packaging Format}} ({{V0}}.97)}, + urldate = {2013-03-01}, + howpublished = {http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-kunze-bagit-06}, + author = {Kunze, John and Boyko, Andy and Vargas, Brian and Madden, Liz and Littman, Justin}, + file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/G69D6B5W/draft-kunze-bagit-06.html}, + note = {(accessed 2013-03-01T04:15:25Z)}, + url = {http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-kunze-bagit-06} } @inproceedings{seftonDataCrateFormalisingWays2017, @@ -5719,94 +51,6 @@ The DataCrate spec: url = {http://ptsefton.com/2017/10/19/datacrate.htm} } -@inproceedings{kennedyReDBoxSupportingResearch2018, - address = {Queenstown}, - title = {{{ReDBox}}: {{Supporting}} the {{Research Data Life Cycle}}}, - abstract = {ReDBox (Research Data Box) is a mature open source metadata registry application used for describing research data and for data management planning. It is in use by 13 Australian universities, primarily to support the capture of research data collection metadata and provide the workflows for publishing this metadata to Research Data Australia, the Australian national research data registry. ReDBox is a community project managed by the Queensland Cyber Infrastructure Foundation (QCIF), Queensland's provider of eResearch infrastructure and services.}, - booktitle = {{{eResearch New Zealand}} 2018}, - author = {Kennedy, Gavin and Sefton, Peter}, - year = {2018}, - url = {http://eresearch2018.org.nz/} -} - -@article{willisonCommonlyKnownCommonly2007, - title = {Commonly Known, Commonly Not Known, Totally Unknown: A Framework for Students Becoming Researchers}, - volume = {26}, - issn = {0729-4360}, - shorttitle = {Commonly Known, Commonly Not Known, Totally Unknown}, - doi = {10.1080/07294360701658609}, - abstract = {Providing undergraduate students with research experience has been asserted as a way of reinventing university education. This assertion lacks both substantial empirical evidence and a coherent theoretical framework. In this paper, the authors consider both research and theory relating to undergraduate research and present the Research Skill Development framework, which can be used to both chart and monitor students' research skill development. An example is given of the practical application of this framework, together with associated preliminary research findings. Further related research directions are also suggested. I am neither especially clever nor especially gifted. I am only very, very curious. \textendash{} Albert Einstein}, - number = {4}, - journal = {Higher Education Research \& Development}, - author = {Willison, John and O'Regan, Kerry}, - month = dec, - year = {2007}, - pages = {393-409}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/75CTCG7G/RSD_article_web 2.pdf;/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/ABBAJD46/07294360701658609.html}, - url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/07294360701658609} -} - -@techreport{lucaGoodPracticeFramework2012, - title = {Good {{Practice Framework}} for {{Research Training}}}, - institution = {{Edith Cowan University}}, - author = {Luca, Joe and Wolski, Trish}, - year = {2012}, - url = {http://www.ecu.edu.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0003/455673/Final-Good-Practice-Framework.pdf} -} - -@misc{DataConservancyPackaging, - title = {Data {{Conservancy Packaging Specification Home}}}, - abstract = {The Data Conservancy Packaging Specification Website}, - urldate = {2017-06-29}, - howpublished = {http://dataconservancy.github.io/dc-packaging-spec/dc-packaging-spec-1.0.html}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/6B34CMV6/dc-packaging-spec-1.0.html}, - note = {(accessed 2017-06-29T23:35:11Z)}, - url = {http://dataconservancy.github.io/dc-packaging-spec/dc-packaging-spec-1.0.html} -} - -@misc{DataCiteSchema, - type = {Website}, - title = {{{DataCite Schema}}}, - copyright = {CC-BY}, - abstract = {The DataCite Schema server.}, - language = {en}, - urldate = {2017-06-29}, - howpublished = {https://schema.datacite.org/}, - journal = {DataCite Schema}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/R624CDNP/schema.datacite.org.html}, - note = {(accessed 2017-06-29T23:48:45Z)}, - url = {https://schema.datacite.org/} -} - -@misc{DatacrateBagitbasedData2017, - title = {Datacrate: {{Bagit}}-Based Data Packaging Specification for Dissemination of Research Data with Useful Human and Machine Readable Metadata: "{{Make Data Crate Again}}!"}, - shorttitle = {Datacrate}, - urldate = {2017-06-29}, - publisher = {{UTS-eResearch}}, - month = jun, - year = {2017}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/NN6Z7GG7/datacrate.html}, - note = {(accessed 2017-06-29T23:46:26Z)}, - url = {https://github.com/UTS-eResearch/datacrate} -} - -@inproceedings{wangProvidingResearchGraph2017, - address = {Republic and Canton of Geneva, Switzerland}, - series = {WWW '17 Companion}, - title = {Providing {{Research Graph Data}} in {{JSON}}-{{LD Using Schema}}.{{Org}}}, - isbn = {978-1-4503-4914-7}, - doi = {10.1145/3041021.3053052}, - abstract = {In this position paper, we describe a pilot project that provides Research Graph records to external web services using JSON-LD. The Research Graph database contains a large-scale graph that links research datasets (i.e., data used to support research) to funding records (i.e. grants), publications and researcher records such as ORCID profiles. This database was derived from the work of the Research Data Alliance Working Group on Data Description Registry Interoperability (DDRI), and curated using the Research Data Switchboard open source software. By being available in Linked Data format, the Research Graph database is more accessible to third-party web services over the Internet, which thus opens the opportunity to connect to the rest of the world in the semantic format. The primary purpose of this pilot project is to evaluate the feasibility of converting registry objects in Research Graph to JSON-LD by accessing widely used vocabularies published at Schema.org. In this paper, we provide examples of publications, datasets and grants from international research institutions such as CERN INSPIREHEP, National Computational Infrastructure (NCI) in Australia, and Australian Research Council (ARC). Furthermore, we show how these Research Graph records are made semantically available as Linked Data through using Schema.org. The mapping between Research Graph schema and Schema.org is available on GitHub repository. We also discuss the potential need for an extension to Schema.org vocabulary for scholarly communication.}, - booktitle = {Proceedings of the 26th {{International Conference}} on {{World Wide Web Companion}}}, - publisher = {{International World Wide Web Conferences Steering Committee}}, - author = {Wang, Jingbo and Aryani, Amir and Wyborn, Lesley and Evans, Ben}, - year = {2017}, - keywords = {semantic web,json-ld,linked data,schema.org}, - pages = {1213--1218}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/KC75VSK9/p1213.pdf}, - url = {https://doi.org/10.1145/3041021.3053052} -} - @techreport{ruestBagItProfilesSpecification2017, title = {{{BagIt Profiles Specification}}}, author = {Ruest, Nick}, @@ -5836,612 +80,6 @@ The DataCrate spec: url = {https://github.com/datagovuk/dcat-usage} } -@techreport{dalyFInalReportDigital2011, - address = {Edinburgh, Scotland}, - title = {{{FInal Report}} | {{Digital Monograph Technical Landscape}}: {{Exemplars}} and {{Recommendations}}}, - copyright = {This report by JISC is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 UK: Scotland License.}, - abstract = {The Digital Monograph Technical Landscape study (a.k.a. jiscPUB) was a six month thinktank set up by the JISC in the first half of 2011 to explore the potential value that the use of the ePUB specification could bring to the Higher and Further Education sector if further adopted in UK Universities.}, - institution = {{Edina, for JISC}}, - author = {Daly, Liza}, - collaborator = {Andrew, Theo and Sefton, Peter and Tonkin, Emma and Khatri, Harsh and Flanders, David F.}, - year = {2011}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/6XJ3C4GH/final-report.html}, - url = {http://jiscpub.blogs.edina.ac.uk/final-report/} -} - -@misc{adamsHTML5CaseStudies2012, - type = {Reports/{{Papers}}}, - title = {{{HTML5 Case Studies}}:{{Case}} Studies Illustrating Development Approaches to Use of {{HTML5}} and Related {{Open Web Platform}} Standards in the {{UK Higher Education}} Sector}, - copyright = {(c) University of Bath}, - shorttitle = {{{HTML5 Case Studies}}}, - abstract = {This document provides an introduction to a series of HTML5 case studies which were commissioned by the JISC. The document gives an introduction to HTML5 and related standards developed by the W3C and explains why these developments represent a significant development to Web standards, which is of more significance than previous incremental developments to HTML and CSS.}, - urldate = {2017-03-27}, - howpublished = {http://opus.bath.ac.uk/32878/}, - author = {Adams, Sam and Bilbie, Alex and Lee, Steve and MacGillivray, Mark and Wang, Qingqi and Gray, Stephen and Sefton, Peter and {web-support@bath.ac.uk}}, - year = {2012}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/DQRWJE9X/32878.html}, - note = {(accessed 2017-03-27T06:44:05Z)}, - url = {http://opus.bath.ac.uk/32878/} -} - -@inproceedings{seftonWordXMLWord2000, - address = {Sydney}, - title = {Word to {{XML}} - {{Towards}} a Word Processor Interchange Protocol}, - booktitle = {{{XML Asia Pacific Conference}}}, - author = {Sefton, Peter}, - year = {2000} -} - -@inproceedings{rowlesUsingProsodyAssist1992, - address = {Brisbane, Australia}, - title = {Using Prosody to Assist in the Understanding of Spoken {{English}}}, - volume = {90}, - booktitle = {Proceedings of {{Speech Science}} and {{Technology Conference}}}, - author = {Rowles, C. and Huang, X. and {de Beler}, M. and Vonwiller, J. and King, R. and Matthiesson, C. and Sefton, Peter and O'Donnell, M.}, - year = {1992}, - pages = {248-253}, - url = {http://www.assta.org/sst/SST-92/cache/SST-92-AspectsofSpeechUnderstandingSystems-p2.pdf} -} - -@inproceedings{rowlesUnderstandingSpokenEnglish1992, - address = {Melbourne}, - title = {Understanding {{Spoken English}}}, - booktitle = {First {{Australian Workshop}} on {{Natural Language Understanding}} and {{Information Retrieval}}}, - author = {Rowles, C. and Huang, X. and Vonwiller, J. and King, R. and Matthiesson, C. and Sefton, P and O'Donnell, M.}, - year = {1992} -} - -@inproceedings{burnhamTwoPlatformsResearch2014, - title = {Two Platforms for Research in {{Human Communication Science}}: {{The AusTalk}} Corpus and the {{Alveo Virtual Laboratory}}}, - shorttitle = {Two Platforms for Research in {{Human Communication Science}}}, - doi = {10.1109/ICSDA.2014.7051412}, - abstract = {Over the last 4 years we have built two platforms that are pivotal for Human Communication Science research: AusTalk, a 3000 hour auditory-visual corpus of Australian English, and Alveo, an extensible Virtual Laboratory housing corpora and analysis tools glued together by a versatile workflow engine. This paper describes the genesis and operation of each of these in some detail and sets out the advantages they provide (i) for Human Communication Science in their present form, and (ii) the maieutic role they can play in research collaboration across disciplines, across institutions, and across languages and national boundaries, especially in our region.}, - booktitle = {17th {{Oriental Chapter}} of the {{International Committee}} for the {{Co}}-Ordination and {{Standardization}} of {{Speech Databases}} and {{Assessment Techniques}} ({{COCOSDA}})}, - author = {Burnham, D. and Estival, D. and Cassidy, S. and Sefton, P. and Verspoor, K.}, - year = {2014}, - keywords = {Collaboration,Alveo virtual laboratory,analysis tools,auditory-visual corpus,AusTalk corpus,Australia,Australian English,Cameras,Computers,corpora,extensible virtual laboratory housing corpora,human communication science research,languages,maieutic role,Microphones,music,national boundary,natural language processing,Pipelines,sound,Speech,Speech and language,speech processing,virtual laboratories,virtual reality,workflow engine}, - pages = {1-6}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/ZNUUQB28/Burnham et al. - 2014 - Two platforms for research in Human Communication .pdf;/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/NFU8PS2S/authors.html} -} - -@inproceedings{seftonWebTrojanHorse1998, - address = {Sydney}, - title = {The Web as a {{Trojan}} Horse: {{How}} to Sneak {{SGML}} into an Organisation}, - booktitle = {{{SGML}}/{{XML Asia Pacific Conference}}}, - author = {Sefton, Peter}, - year = {1998} -} - -@inproceedings{rowlesUseContextUnderstanding1993, - address = {Melbourne}, - title = {The {{Use}} of {{Context}} in the {{Understanding}} of {{Spoken English}}}, - booktitle = {Proc. 6th {{Australian Joint Conf}}. {{Artificial Intelligence}}}, - author = {Rowles, C. and {de Beler}, M. and O'Donnell, M. and Sefton, Peter}, - year = {1993} -} - -@inproceedings{murray-rustSemanticElectronicScientific2009, - address = {Pittsburg, USA}, - title = {The {{Semantic Electronic Scientific Thesis}}}, - abstract = {We have developed a range of tools and protocols that allow the creation, validation, and re-use of ``''born digital'''' theses in scientific domains, especially disciplines reporting chemical information and results. The primary authoring tools in science are Word and LaTeX, both of which create documents with structures (chapters, sections, etc.) and semantics (annotated paragraphs, tables, graphs, etc.). In many cases the theses also contain raw and processed scientific data which can be at least as important as the natural language text. -We have developed vocabularies and ontologies to describe such theses and, for example, are devloping an authoring tool for creating semantic chemistry in a Word environmant. We urge that instituitons encourage semantic theses and have been developing a proof-of-concept (ICE-TheOREm). Here a student can assemble a thesis from components which can me managed locally on on a server and create either Word2007 or ODT-compatible documents. Such theses preserve all the semantics and data. -In practice current theses are deposited as PDFs and to re-use their contents we must resort to natural language processing (OSCAR3) or semi-structured data tools (OSCAR-DATA). PDF has no semantics and reconstruction is seriously lossy but we can often extract meta/data by machine. We urge instituions always to deposit the native Word2007 or LaTeX documents as well as any PDF; in this way they will capture far more of their science. -We also demonstrate lightweight semantic repositories which provide an embargo mechanism for all or part of the thesis (TheOREm, using ORE). The metadata for the documents (including structuring) are converted to RDF which can be queried with SPARQL providing great flexibility. -Our toolkit and examples are based on the premise that all software, protocols and content should be Open. -We thank JISC, and Microsoft Research for support.}, - booktitle = {Electronic {{Theses And Dissertations}} 2009}, - publisher = {{University of Pittsburg}}, - author = {{Murray-Rust}, Peter and Hawizy, Lezan and Downing, Jim and Townsend, Joe and Day, Nick and Sefton, Peter}, - year = {2009}, - file = {/home/home/Downloads/viewpaper.php;/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/UDZD6AQP/murrayrust.html}, - url = {http://conferences.library.pitt.edu/ocs/viewabstract.php?id=720\\\&cf=7} -} - -@inproceedings{seftonRolebasedDesignEngine2003, - address = {Sydney}, - title = {The {{Role}}-Based {{Design Engine}}}, - booktitle = {Open {{Publish}} 2003}, - author = {Sefton, Peter}, - year = {2003} -} - -@inproceedings{seftonHumanCommunicationScience2014, - address = {Helsinki}, - title = {The {{Human Communication Science Virtual Lab}} ({{HCS vLab}}): {{A}} Repository Microclimate in a Rapidly Evolving Research-Ecosystem}, - shorttitle = {The {{Human Communication Science Virtual Lab}} ({{HCS vLab}})}, - urldate = {2016-07-18}, - booktitle = {Open {{Repositories}} 2014}, - author = {Sefton, Peter Malcolm and Estival, Dominique and Cassidy, Steve and Burnham, Denis and Berghold, Jared}, - year = {2014}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/UFGNTXJ2/Sefton et al. - 2014 - The Human Communication Science Virtual Lab (HCS v.pdf;/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/QCUGMWJF/97740.html}, - note = {(accessed 2016-07-18T21:53:59Z)}, - url = {http://www.doria.fi/handle/10024/97740} -} - -@inproceedings{estivalHumanCommunicationScience2013, - address = {Brisbane, Australia}, - title = {The {{Human Communication Science Virtual Lab}}}, - abstract = {Administered by MARCS Institute at the University of Western Sydney, and in partnership with Intersect, Macquarie University, the Australian National University, University of Canberra, Flinders University, University of Melbourne, University of Sydney, University of Tasmania, University of New South Wales, University of Western Australia, RMIT, University of New England, LaTrobe University, NICTA (National ICT Australia, ASSTA (Australasian Speech Science and Technology Association), AusNC (Australian National Corpus), the Human Communication Science Virtual Laboratory HCS vLab project [1] started in December 2012 and is expected to be completed and operational by January 2014. The HCS VLab builds upon collaborations set up during the very successful ARC (Australian Research Council)-funded HCS Network project[2]; it is the first time such a project has been conducted in Australia and will benefit researchers from myriad disciplines encompassed by Human Communication Science (HCS). -Research conducted in isolation entails inefficient repetition of analysis of local data sets. HCS research in Australia, and successful real-life applications, requires going beyond the isolated desk-PC-lab-university-bound model of research into a new research environment. Such an environment will eradicate the waste involved in repeated unshared analyses; ignite the research spark that affords the serendipity of new tool-corpus combinations; and dramatically improve scientific replicability by moving corpora and tools and the analyses conducted with these into an easy access, shared, in-the-cloud, public, replicable environment. -The HCS vLab is funded by NeCTAR, a body set up by the Australian Government as part of the Super Science initiative and financed by the Education Investment Fund.}, - booktitle = {{{eResearch Australasia}} 2013}, - author = {Estival, Dominique and Cassidy, Steve and Sefton, Peter and Burnham, Denis}, - year = {2013}, - url = {http://eresearchau.files.wordpress.com/2013/08/eresau2013_submission_16-2.pdf} -} - -@inproceedings{seftonFascinatorFedoraCommons2011, - address = {Austin, Texas}, - title = {The {{Fascinator}} \& {{Fedora Commons}}: {{A}} Toolkit Tour}, - urldate = {2011-07-04}, - booktitle = {Open {{Repositories}} 2011}, - author = {Sefton, Peter and Dickinson, Duncan}, - year = {2011}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/V97TUS46/408.html}, - note = {(accessed 2011-07-04T12:51:58Z)}, - url = {https://conferences.tdl.org/or/OR2011/OR2011main/paper/view/408} -} - -@inproceedings{seftonFascinatorDesktopEResearch2009a, - address = {Atlanta, Georgia}, - title = {The {{Fascinator}} - {{Desktop eResearch}} and {{Flexible Portals}}}, - urldate = {2009-10-28}, - booktitle = {Open {{Repositories}} 2009}, - author = {Sefton, Peter M}, - year = {2009}, - keywords = {Apache Solr,eResearch,Fedora,Harvest,Java,Portal}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/JWT2JC33/28483.html}, - note = {(accessed 2009-10-28T00:22:04Z)}, - url = {http://smartech.gatech.edu/handle/1853/28483} -} - -@inproceedings{seftonFascinatorLightweightModular2009, - address = {Atlanta, Georgia}, - title = {The {{Fascinator}}: A Lightweight, Modular Contribution to the {{Fedora}}-Commons World}, - urldate = {2009-10-26}, - booktitle = {Open {{Repositories}} 2009}, - author = {Sefton, Peter and Lucido, Oliver}, - month = may, - year = {2009}, - keywords = {eraust09}, - note = {(accessed 2009-10-26T03:53:00Z)}, - url = {http://eprints.usq.edu.au/5259/} -} - -@inproceedings{seftonAustralianDesignAwards1997, - address = {Sydney}, - title = {The {{Australian Design Awards Online}} - {{Small}}-{{Scale SGML}} with a {{Large}}-{{Scale Vision}}}, - booktitle = {{{SGML}}/{{XML Asia Pacific Conference}}}, - author = {Sefton, Peter}, - year = {1997} -} - -@inproceedings{cassidyAlveoVirtualLaboratory2014, - address = {Reykjavik, Iceland}, - title = {The {{Alveo Virtual Laboratory}} : A Web Based Repository {{API}}}, - shorttitle = {The {{Alveo Virtual Laboratory}}}, - urldate = {2017-03-27}, - booktitle = {Proceedings of the 9th {{International Conference}} on {{Language Resources}} and {{Evaluation}} ({{LREC}} 2014), 26-31 {{May}} 2014, {{Reykjavik}}, {{Iceland}}}, - author = {Cassidy, Steve and Estival, Dominique and Jones, Tim and Sefton, Peter and Burnham, Denis K. and Burghold, Jared}, - year = {2014}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/S47IP2KQ/uws28985.html}, - note = {(accessed 2017-03-27T00:21:14Z)}, - url = {http://researchdirect.uws.edu.au/islandora/object/uws\\\%3A28985/} -} - -@inproceedings{seftonSuggestionsAsianAustralasian2009, - address = {Tokyo}, - title = {Suggestions for {{Asian}}/{{Australasian}} Regional Cooperation Based on a Critical Evaluation of Collaboration and Standardisation across {{Australian Institutional Repositories}}}, - urldate = {2009-12-08}, - booktitle = {{{DRFIC}} 2009: {{DRF International Conference}} 2009}, - author = {Sefton, Peter and Watson, Kate}, - year = {2009}, - note = {(accessed 2009-12-08T14:00:00Z)}, - url = {http://drfic2009.jp/index_en.htm} -} - -@inproceedings{kingSpeechModellingInteractive1992, - address = {Sydney, Australia}, - title = {Speech {{Modelling}} of {{Interactive Speech Response Systems}} in {{Telecommunications}}}, - booktitle = {The {{Institute}} of {{Engineers Australia Communucations Conference}}}, - author = {King, R and Vonwiller, J. and Matthiesson, C. and O'Donnell, M. and Sefton, P}, - year = {1992}, - pages = {101-111} -} - -@inproceedings{seftonRepositoriesPost20102010, - address = {Madrid}, - title = {Repositories Post 2010: Embracing Heterogeneity in {{AWE}}, the {{Academic Working Environment}}}, - abstract = {The organizers of the fifth international conference on Open Repositories list nine polar dichotomies that represent ``The Grand Integration Challenge'' for the repository community/movement. In this paper we take up the challenge. We do so in the context of a program of work being undertaken at our institution to build infrastructure for the academy in general, working towards a modular 'Academic Working Environment' (AWE) which encompasses both teaching and learning on one hand and research on the other. Repositories and the ecosystem of services and workflows that surround them play a key role in this emerging system.}, - booktitle = {Open {{Repositories}} 2010}, - author = {Sefton, Peter and Dickinson, Duncan}, - year = {2010, July}, - url = {http://ptsefton.com/2010/04/25/repositories-post-2010-embracing-heterogeneity-in-awe-the-academic-working-environment.htm} -} - -@inproceedings{druryReadyNotHere2010, - address = {Madrid}, - title = {Ready or Not Here It Comes: {{Australian}} Institutional Research Repository Data Readiness Surveys 2010}, - abstract = {Australian institutional research repositories are now facing a new challenge: datasets and their associated metadata. Whereas priority has previously been focused on the research outputs, repository managers are now involved in a new phase of repository re-purposing \textendash{} curation of datasets and their associated metadata, and provision of this metadata to a national data commons through the ANDS (Australian National Data Service) project. Through a series of surveys conducted by the national repository support service CAIRSS (the CAUL Australian Institutional Repository Support Service), this paper will examine the challenges facing research repository managers along with the readiness of the data within institutions and the readiness of the traditional institutional research repositories to either curate or work alongside this data.}, - booktitle = {Open {{Repositories}} 2010}, - author = {Drury, Caroline and Sefton, Peter and Watson, Kate}, - year = {2010, July} -} - -@inproceedings{seftonOzmekaExtendingOmeka, - address = {Indianapolis}, - title = {Ozmeka: Extending the {{Omeka}} Repository to Make Linked-Data Research Data Collections for All Research Disciplines}, - booktitle = {Open {{Repositories}} 2015}, - author = {Sefton, Peter and Wise, Sharyn and Trewin, Katrina and Bugeia, Peter} -} - -@phdthesis{seftonMakingPlansNigel1990, - type = {{{BA Hons}}}, - title = {Making Plans for {{Nigel}} (or Defining Interfaces between Computational Representations of Linguistic Structure and Output Systems: {{Adding}} Intonation, Punctuation and Typography Systems to the {{PENMAN}} System).}, - shorttitle = {Making Plans for {{Nigel}} (or Defining Interfaces between Computational Representations of Linguistic Structure and Output Systems}, - school = {University of Sydney}, - author = {Sefton, P}, - year = {1990} -} - -@inproceedings{seftonICEtheoremEndEnd2009, - address = {Atlanta, Georgia}, - title = {{{ICE}}-Theorem - End to End Semantically Aware {{eResearch}} Infrastructure for Theses}, - abstract = {ICE-TheOREM was a project which made several important contributions to the repository domain, promoting deposit by integrating the repository with authoring workflows and enhancing open access, by adding new infrastructure to allow fine-grained embargo management within an institution without impacting on existing open access repository infrastructure. In the area of scholarly communications workflows, the project produced a complete end-to-end demonstration of eScholarship for word processor users, with tools for authoring, managing and disseminating semantically-rich thesis documents fully integrated with supporting data. This work is focused on theses, as it is well understood that early career researchers are the most likely to lead the charge in new innovations in scholarly publishing and dissemination models. The authoring tools are built on the ICE content management system, which allows authors to work within a word processing system (as most authors do) with easy-to-use toolbars to structure and format their documents. The ICE system manages both small data files and links to larger data sets. The result is research publications which are available not just as paper-ready PDF files but as fully interactive semantically aware web documents which can be disseminated via repository software such as ePrints, DSpace and Fedora as complete supported web-native and PDF publications. One the technological side, ICE-TheOREM implemented the Object Reuse and Exchange (ORE) protocol to integrate between a content management system, a thesis management system and multiple repository software packages and looked at ways to describe aggregate objects which include both data and documents, which can be generalized to domains other than chemistry. ICE-TheOREM has demonstrated how focusing on the use of the web architecture (including ORE) enables repository functions to be distributed between systems for complex, data-rich compound objects.}, - language = {en}, - urldate = {2009-08-24}, - booktitle = {Open {{Repositories}} 2009}, - author = {Sefton, Peter and Downing, Jim and Day, Nick}, - year = {2009}, - keywords = {Information; Computing and Communication Sciences (280000)}, - note = {(accessed 2009-08-24T03:36:36Z)}, - url = {http://eprints.usq.edu.au/5248/1/ice-theorem-paper-OR09.htm} -} - -@inproceedings{dickinsonCreatingEResearchDesktop2009, - address = {Sydney}, - title = {Creating an {{eResearch}} Desktop for the {{Humanities}}}, - urldate = {2009-12-09}, - booktitle = {{{eResearch Australasia}} 2009}, - author = {Dickinson, Duncan and Sefton, Peter}, - month = nov, - year = {2009}, - keywords = {280000 Information; Computing and Communication Sciences}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/96ACTPEA/6090.html}, - note = {(accessed 2009-12-09T00:32:34Z)}, - url = {http://eprints.usq.edu.au/6090/} -} - -@inproceedings{kannegieterContentMangementAll2000, - address = {Cairns}, - title = {Content {{Mangement}} for All of Us: {{The}} {{Standards Australia Experience}}}, - shorttitle = {Content {{Mangement}} for All of Us}, - booktitle = {Ausweb 2006}, - author = {Kannegieter, T. and Sefton, Peter}, - year = {2000}, - url = {http://ausweb.scu.edu.au/aw2k/papers/sefton/paper.html} -} - -@inproceedings{seftonBalancingBusinessImperatives2010, - address = {Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia}, - title = {Balancing Business Imperatives and Leveraging Capability: A Model for Research Data Management}, - copyright = {Authors who submit to this conference agree to the following terms: a) \ Authors retain copyright over their work, while allowing the conference to place this work under a Creative Commons Attribution License , which allows others to freely access, use, and share the work, with an acknowledgement of the work's authorship and its presentation at this conference. b) \ Authors are able to waive the terms of the CC license and enter into separate, additional contractual arrangements for the non-exclusive distribution and subsequent publication of this work. c) \ In addition, authors are encouraged to post and share their work online (e.g., in institutional repositories or on their website) at any point before and after the conference.}, - shorttitle = {Balancing Business Imperatives and Leveraging Capability}, - urldate = {2011-06-22}, - booktitle = {{{eResearch Australasia}} 2010}, - author = {Sefton, Peter and Picasso, Vicki and Morgan, Teula}, - year = {2010}, - keywords = {data management; data management planning; metadata store; leveraging capability}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/8FEZZGMA/70-balancing-business-imperatives-and-leveraging-capability-a-model-for-research-data-management.pdf;/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/CTHTRGP3/ReDBox - December 2010.ppt;/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/XN53UVZ7/79.html}, - note = {(accessed 2011-06-22T03:30:26Z)}, - url = {http://hdl.handle.net/1959.13/1333156} -} - -@article{seftonRediscoveringRepositoryArchitecture2009, - title = {Re-Discovering {{Repository Architecture}}: {{Adding Discovery}} as a {{Key Service}}}, - volume = {14}, - issn = {1740-7869}, - doi = {10.1080/13614570903359407}, - abstract = {This article proposes an architecture for institutional repositories (IRs) which is more service oriented and distributed than the typical view of a repository as a monolithic software application. The discussion is informed by first-hand case-studies from work conducted in the Australian IR scene. -The paper shows how a reinterpretation of the monolithic architecture could help to make the repository better able to meet its goals. Finally, the architectural features suggested in the second part are drawn together into a proposed layered architecture for repository systems centred on a discovery service with a common index of multiple application services.}, - journal = {New Review of Information Networking}, - author = {Sefton, Peter}, - year = {2009}, - pages = {1-18}, - url = {http://eprints.usq.edu.au/7053/} -} - -@misc{FundersDataPlan, - title = {Funders' Data Plan Requirements | {{Digital Curation Centre}}}, - urldate = {2017-02-27}, - howpublished = {http://www.dcc.ac.uk/resources/data-management-plans/funders-requirements}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/FGQPU887/funders-requirements.html}, - note = {(accessed 2017-02-27T04:40:35Z)}, - url = {http://www.dcc.ac.uk/resources/data-management-plans/funders-requirements} -} - -@misc{MetadataVocabularyTabular, - title = {Metadata {{Vocabulary}} for {{Tabular Data}}}, - language = {en}, - urldate = {2016-11-28}, - howpublished = {https://www.w3.org/TR/2015/REC-tabular-metadata-20151217/}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/B8ZP4XZD/REC-tabular-metadata-20151217.html}, - note = {(accessed 2016-11-28T22:52:02Z)}, - url = {https://www.w3.org/TR/2015/REC-tabular-metadata-20151217/} -} - -@misc{lagozeOpenArchivesInitiative2004, - title = {Open {{Archives Initiative}} - {{Protocol}} for {{Metadata Harvesting}} - {{Specification}} for an {{OAI Static Repository}} and an {{OAI Static Repository Gateway}}}, - urldate = {2016-11-28}, - howpublished = {http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/guidelines-static-repository.htm}, - author = {Lagoze, Carl and {Van de Sompel}, Herbert and Nelson, Michael and Warner, Simeon and Hochstenbach, Patrick and Jerez, Henry}, - month = apr, - year = {2004}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/VGXKT9UZ/guidelines-static-repository.html}, - note = {(accessed 2016-11-28T04:03:41Z)}, - url = {http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/guidelines-static-repository.htm} -} - -@article{halbertProblematicFutureResearch2013, - title = {The {{Problematic Future}} of {{Research Data Management}}: {{Challenges}}, {{Opportunities}} and {{Emerging Patterns Identified}} by the {{DataRes Project}}}, - volume = {8}, - copyright = {Copyright for papers and articles published in this journal is retained by the authors, with first publication rights granted to the University of Edinburgh. It is a condition of publication that authors license their paper or article under a Creative Commons Attribution Licence .}, - issn = {1746-8256}, - shorttitle = {The {{Problematic Future}} of {{Research Data Management}}}, - doi = {10.2218/ijdc.v8i2.276}, - language = {en}, - number = {2}, - urldate = {2016-10-04}, - journal = {International Journal of Digital Curation}, - author = {Halbert, Martin}, - month = nov, - year = {2013}, - pages = {111-122}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/JXP36FWZ/Halbert - 2013 - The Problematic Future of Research Data Management.pdf;/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/GXKKDGJQ/321.html}, - note = {(accessed 2016-10-04T21:38:54Z)}, - url = {http://www.ijdc.net/index.php/ijdc/article/view/8.2.111} -} - -@book{brineyDataManagementResearchers2015, - address = {Exeter}, - title = {Data {{Management}} for {{Researchers}} : {{Organize}}, Maintain and Share Your Data for Research Success}, - isbn = {978-1-78427-030-8}, - shorttitle = {Data {{Management}} for {{Researchers}}}, - publisher = {{Pelagic Publishing}}, - author = {Briney, Kristin}, - year = {2015}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/NVWTWPWC/FullRecord.html} -} - -@misc{DuraspacePcdm, - title = {Duraspace/Pcdm}, - abstract = {pcdm - Portland Common Data Model}, - urldate = {2016-05-16}, - howpublished = {https://github.com/duraspace/pcdm}, - journal = {GitHub}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/PCI3XKHF/wiki.html}, - note = {(accessed 2016-05-16T23:34:04Z)}, - url = {https://github.com/duraspace/pcdm} -} - -@misc{Facebook, - title = {(1) {{Facebook}}}, - urldate = {2016-04-21}, - howpublished = {https://www.facebook.com/}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/FWESS9E6/www.facebook.com.html}, - note = {(accessed 2016-04-21T02:01:09Z)}, - url = {https://www.facebook.com/} -} - -@article{brayJavascriptObjectNotation2014, - title = {The Javascript Object Notation (Json) Data Interchange Format}, - urldate = {2016-04-18}, - author = {Bray, Tim}, - year = {2014}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/QUV7AMVK/rfc7159.html}, - note = {(accessed 2016-04-18T22:01:23Z)}, - url = {http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7159.html} -} - -@misc{brayJavaScriptObjectNotation, - title = {The {{JavaScript Object Notation}} ({{JSON}}) {{Data Interchange Format}}}, - urldate = {2016-04-18}, - howpublished = {https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7159.html}, - author = {Bray, T.}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/BD3MHX4C/rfc7159.html}, - note = {(accessed 2016-04-18T22:01:04Z)}, - url = {https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7159.html} -} - -@techreport{francisEResearchFramework2016, - title = {{{eResearch Framework}}: 2016 and {{Beyond Working Paper Third Draft}}}, - urldate = {2016-04-07}, - author = {Francis, Rhys}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/Q488AZMJ/eResearch-Framework-Draft-3.html}, - note = {(accessed 2016-04-07T22:10:07Z)}, - url = {http://aero.edu.au/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/eResearch-Framework-Draft-3.pdf} -} - -@article{stevensonOpenRepositories20092009, - title = {Open {{Repositories}} 2009}, - number = {60}, - urldate = {2016-02-07}, - journal = {Ariadne}, - author = {Stevenson, Adrian}, - year = {2009}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/DSJWQM93/or-09-rpt.html}, - note = {(accessed 2016-02-07T21:20:46Z)}, - url = {http://www.ariadne.ac.uk/issue60/or-09-rpt/} -} - -@article{gandrudReproducibleResearchRStudio, - title = {Reproducible {{Research}} with {{R}} and {{RStudio Second Edition}}}, - urldate = {2016-02-07}, - author = {Gandrud, Christopher}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/VNZIIC4E/Gandrud - Reproducible Research with R and RStudio Second Ed.pdf}, - note = {(accessed 2016-02-07T21:00:22Z)}, - url = {http://radhakrishna.typepad.com/reproducible-research-with-r-and-rstudio---second-edition.pdf} -} - -@inproceedings{fieldMicroDataRepositories2014, - title = {Micro Data Repositories: Increasing the Value of Research on the Web}, - shorttitle = {Micro Data Repositories}, - urldate = {2016-02-02}, - author = {Field, Adam and McSweeney, Patrick}, - month = jun, - year = {2014}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/CQC5JQS6/Field and McSweeney - 2014 - Micro data repositories increasing the value of r.pdf;/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/TT7UB5QI/364266.html}, - note = {(accessed 2016-02-02T21:43:55Z)}, - url = {http://eprints.soton.ac.uk/364266/} -} - -@article{abramsEmergentMicroservicesApproach2010, - title = {An Emergent Micro-Services Approach to Digital Curation Infrastructure}, - volume = {5}, - number = {1}, - urldate = {2016-01-20}, - journal = {International Journal of Digital Curation}, - author = {Abrams, Stephen and Kunze, John and Loy, David}, - year = {2010}, - pages = {172--186}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/AJJZ9VCZ/Abrams et al. - 2010 - An emergent micro-services approach to digital cur.pdf;/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/A4VBJG5Z/154.html}, - note = {(accessed 2016-01-20T00:15:21Z)}, - url = {http://ijdc.net/index.php/ijdc/article/view/154} -} - -@article{abramsCurationMicroservicesPipeline2011, - title = {Curation Micro-Services: {{A}} Pipeline Metaphor for Repositories}, - volume = {12}, - shorttitle = {Curation Micro-Services}, - number = {2}, - urldate = {2016-01-20}, - journal = {Journal of Digital Information}, - author = {Abrams, Stephen and Cruse, Patricia and Kunze, John and Minor, David}, - year = {2011}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/864Q45XG/1605.html;/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/X2BM5ZX9/1766.html}, - note = {(accessed 2016-01-20T00:15:21Z)}, - url = {https://journals.tdl.org/jodi/index.php/jodi/article/viewArticle/1605} -} - -@article{chenLibGuidesDataManagement2011, - title = {{{LibGuides}}. {{Data Management}}. {{The Mint}}.}, - urldate = {2016-01-20}, - author = {Chen, Kai and Picasso, Vicki}, - year = {2011}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/WWIRQ8Q8/c.html}, - note = {(accessed 2016-01-20T00:12:32Z)}, - url = {http://libguides.newcastle.edu.au/content.php?pid=220059\\\&sid=2058245} -} - -@article{chenLibGuidesDataManagement2011a, - title = {{{LibGuides}}. {{Data Management}}. {{Managing Data}}.}, - urldate = {2016-01-20}, - author = {Chen, Kai and Picasso, Vicki}, - year = {2011}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/ATZ6XK6I/datamanagement.html}, - note = {(accessed 2016-01-20T00:12:32Z)}, - url = {http://libguides.newcastle.edu.au/datamanagement} -} - -@book{lewisResearchDataManagement2014, - title = {Research {{Data Management Technical Infrastructure}}: {{A Review}} of {{Options}} for {{Development}} at the {{University}} of {{Sheffield}}}, - shorttitle = {Research {{Data Management Technical Infrastructure}}}, - urldate = {2016-01-20}, - author = {Lewis, John A.}, - year = {2014}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/3I98JQSF/Lewis - 2014 - Research Data Management Technical Infrastructure.pdf}, - note = {(accessed 2016-01-20T00:12:32Z)}, - url = {http://files.figshare.com/1801108/RDMTI_v2.4.pdf} -} - -@inproceedings{seftonOzmekaExtendingOmeka2015, - address = {Indianapolis}, - title = {Ozmeka: Extending the {{Omeka}} Repository to Make Linked-Data Research Data Collections for (Any and) All Research Disciplines}, - publisher = {{Open Repositories}}, - author = {Sefton, Peter and Wise, Sharyn and Trewin, Katrina}, - year = {2015}, - url = {https://eresearch.uts.edu.au/2015/06/19/ozmeka-or2015.htm} -} - -@article{jonesOpenBibliographyScience2011a, - title = {Open {{Bibliography}} for {{Science}}, {{Technology}}, and {{Medicine}}}, - volume = {3}, - copyright = {2011 Jones et al; licensee Chemistry Central Ltd.}, - issn = {1758-2946}, - doi = {10.1186/1758-2946-3-47}, - abstract = {PMID: 21999661}, - language = {en}, - number = {1}, - urldate = {2015-07-16}, - journal = {Journal of Cheminformatics}, - author = {Jones, Richard and MacGillivray, Mark and {Murray-Rust}, Peter and Pitman, Jim and Sefton, Peter and O'Steen, Ben and Waites, William}, - month = oct, - year = {2011}, - pages = {47}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/U675IG89/Jones et al. - 2011 - Open Bibliography for Science, Technology, and Med.pdf;/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/9DUPPA87/47.html}, - pmid = {21999661}, - note = {(accessed 2015-07-16T23:46:36Z)}, - url = {http://www.jcheminf.com/content/3/1/47/abstract} -} - -@misc{cohenJourneyHorseshoeBend, - title = {The {{Journey}} to {{Horseshoe Bend}} (Website)}, - abstract = {Univeris}, - author = {Cohen, Hart} -} - -@book{strehlowJourneyHorseshoeBend1969, - address = {[Sydney]}, - title = {Journey to {{Horseshoe Bend}}}, - isbn = {0-207-95202-7 978-0-207-95202-9}, - language = {English}, - publisher = {{Angus and Robertson}}, - author = {Strehlow, Theodor George Henry}, - year = {1969} -} - -@article{baetensLoriEmersonReading2014, - title = {Lori {{Emerson}}, {{Reading Writing Interfaces}}. {{From}} the {{Digital}} to the {{Bookbound}}}, - volume = {15}, - issn = {1780-678X}, - abstract = {abstract Review of Lori Emerson, Reading Writing Interfaces. From the Digital to the Bookbound. r\'esum\'e Compte rendu de Lori Emerson, Reading Writing Interfaces. From the Digital to the Bookbound.}, - language = {en}, - number = {2}, - urldate = {2014-11-02}, - journal = {Image \& Narrative}, - author = {Baetens, Jan}, - month = jul, - year = {2014}, - pages = {141-142}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/RCHG6BFQ/Baetens - 2014 - Lori Emerson, Reading Writing Interfaces. From the.pdf;/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/KNGZJT6M/409.html}, - note = {(accessed 2014-11-02T23:55:38Z)}, - url = {http://www.imageandnarrative.be/index.php/imagenarrative/article/view/556} -} - -@misc{AARNet, - title = {{{AARNet}}}, - abstract = {AARNet Pty Ltd (APL) is the company that operates Australia's Academic and Research Network (AARNet).}, - urldate = {2014-10-29}, - howpublished = {https://www.aarnet.edu.au/contact-us/staff-directory}, - keywords = {Academic Research Education Network}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/IAIB4ZX4/staff-directory.html}, - note = {(accessed 2014-10-29T00:53:05Z)}, - url = {https://www.aarnet.edu.au/contact-us/staff-directory} -} - -@inproceedings{druryBuildingCollaborativeEnvironments2011, - address = {Austin, Texas}, - title = {Building {{Collaborative Environments}}: {{Institutional Repositories}} in {{Australian Universities}}}, - urldate = {2011-07-04}, - booktitle = {Open {{Repositories}} 2011}, - author = {Drury, Caroline and Watson, Kate and Sefton, Peter}, - year = {2011}, - keywords = {oa}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/7J5SEPM2/405.html}, - note = {(accessed 2011-07-04T12:49:06Z)}, - url = {https://conferences.tdl.org/or/OR2011/OR2011main/paper/view/405} -} - @inproceedings{seftonIntroducingNextYear2013, address = {Brisbane, Australia}, title = {Introducing next Year's Model, the Data-Crate; Applied Standards for Data-Set Packaging}, @@ -6452,44 +90,6 @@ The paper shows how a reinterpretation of the monolithic architecture could help url = {http://eresearchau.files.wordpress.com/2013/08/eresau2013_submission_57.pdf} } -@article{odonnellModellingTelephonicInteraction1995, - title = {Modelling {{Telephonic Interaction}}: {{A Dynamic Approach}}}, - volume = {10}, - shorttitle = {Modelling {{Telephonic Interaction}}}, - journal = {Interface. Journal of Applied Linguistics}, - author = {O'Donnell, M. and Sefton, Peter}, - year = {1995}, - pages = {63-78}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/Q7K6VWQV/O'Donnell et al - 1995 - Modelling Telephonic Interaction A Dynamic Approa.pdf}, - url = {http://www.wagsoft.com/Papers/ModellingInteraction.pdf} -} - -@inproceedings{seftonHumanCommunicationScience2014a, - title = {The {{Human Communication Science Virtual Lab}} ({{HCS vLab}}): {{A}} Repository Microclimate in a Rapidly Evolving Research-Ecosystem}, - author = {Sefton, Peter Malcolm and Estival, Dominique and Cassidy, Steve and Burnham, Denis and Berghold, Jared}, - year = {2014} -} - -@inproceedings{estivalHumanCommunicationScience2013a, - title = {The {{Human Communication Science Virtual Lab}}}, - author = {Estival, Dominique and Cassidy, Steve and Sefton, Peter and Burnham, Denis}, - month = oct, - year = {2013} -} - -@inproceedings{estivalIntegratingUIMAAlveo2014, - title = {Integrating {{UIMA}} with {{Alveo}}, a Human Communication Science Virtual Laboratory}, - author = {Estival, Dominique and Cassidy, Steve and Verspoor, Karin and MacKinlay, Andrew and Burnham, Denis}, - year = {2014} -} - -@inproceedings{cassidyAlveoVirtualLaboratory2014a, - title = {The {{Alveo Virtual Laboratory}}: {{A Web Based Repository API}}}, - author = {Cassidy, Steve and Estival, Dominique and Jones, Timothy and Burnham, Denis and Burghold, Jared}, - month = may, - year = {2014} -} - @inproceedings{seftonPickPackagePublish2014, address = {Melbourne}, title = {Pick, {{Package}} and {{Publish}} Research Data: {{Cr8it}} and {{Of The Web}}}, @@ -6513,131 +113,6 @@ summary web$\-$pages with. Both products are built on a wide range of open sourc url = {http://eresearchau.files.wordpress.com/2014/07/eresau2014_submission_30.pdf} } -@inproceedings{sefton4ADataManagement2013, - address = {Prince Edward Isaland, Canada}, - title = {{{4A Data Management}}. {{Acquiring}}, {{Acting}}-on, {{Archiving}} and {{Advertising}} Research Data at the {{University}} of {{Western Sydney}}}, - abstract = {There has been significant Government investment in Australia in repository and eResearch infrastructure over the last several years, to provide all universities with an institutional repository for publications, and via the Australian National Data Service to encourage the creation of institution-wide Research Data Catalogues, and research Data Capture applications. Further rounds of funding have added physical data storage and cloud computing services. This presentation looks at an example of how these streams of money have been channeled together at the University of Western Sydney to create a joined-up vision for research data management across the institution and beyond, creating an environment where data may be used by research teams within and outside of the institution. Alongside of the technical services, we report on early work with researchers to create a culture of replicable use of data, towards the vision of truly reproducible research. - -This presentation will show a proven end-to-end design for research data flows, starting from a research group, The Hawkesbury Institute for the Environment, where a large sensor network gathers data for use by institute researchers, in-situ, with data flowing-through to an institutional data repository and catalogue, and thence to Research Data Australia - a national data search engine. We also discuss a parallel workflow with a more generic focus - available to any researcher. We also report on work we have done to improve metadata capture at source, and to create infrastructure that will support the entire research data lifecycle. We include demonstrations of two innovations which have emerged from the associated project work: the first is of a new tool for researchers to find, organize, package and publish datasets; the second is of a new packaging format which has both human-readable and machine-readable components.}, - booktitle = {Open {{Repositories}} 2013}, - author = {Sefton, Peter and Bugeia, Peter}, - month = jul, - year = {2013}, - url = {http://or2013.net/sessions/4a-data-management-acquiring-acting-archiving-and-advertising-research-data-university-west} -} - -@misc{meteorologyAustralianWeatherWatch, - title = {Australian {{Weather Watch Radar Home}} Page}, - copyright = {http://www.bom.gov.au/other/copyright.shtml}, - abstract = {Provides access to meteorological images of the Australian weather watch radar of rainfall and wind. Also details how to interpret the radar images and information on subscribing to further enhanced radar information services available from the Bureau of Meteorology.}, - language = {en}, - urldate = {2014-08-17}, - howpublished = {http://www.bom.gov.au/products/IDR713.loop.shtml}, - author = {of Meteorology, corporateName=Bureau}, - keywords = {Radar meteorology}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/T2PXK7UV/Meteorology - Australian Weather Watch Radar Home page.html}, - note = {(accessed 2014-08-17T20:19:30Z)}, - url = {http://www.bom.gov.au/products/IDR713.loop.shtml} -} - -@misc{rockinjawjaredheadRaisedRailroadLine2009, - title = {Raised {{By The Railroad Line}} by {{The Seldom Scene}} Featuring {{John Starling}}}, - abstract = {with Ben Eldridge on 3 finger style guitar, Chris Eldridge on guitar, Lou Reid on mandolin, John Starling on guitar, Ronnie Simpkins on bass, \& Fred Travers on dobro.}, - urldate = {2014-07-31}, - collaborator = {{rockinjawjaredhead}}, - month = oct, - year = {2009}, - note = {(accessed 2014-07-31T11:28:52Z)}, - url = {http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5oxlVNuh2GU\\\&feature=youtube_gdata_player} -} - -@misc{mckiernanCultureChangeAcademia2014, - title = {Culture Change in Academia: {{Making}} Sharing the New Norm}, - shorttitle = {Culture Change in Academia}, - abstract = {Presented at Open Repositories 2014. June 10, 2014. Helsinki, Finland.}, - urldate = {2014-07-02}, - author = {McKiernan, Erin}, - month = jun, - year = {2014}, - keywords = {Open Access,open data,open science,OR2014}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/AG72FH29/McKiernan - 2014 - Culture change in academia Making sharing the new.pdf;/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/KZ86S7KE/McKiernan - 2014 - Culture change in academia Making sharing the new.pdf;/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/DHQBRDXB/McKiernan - 2014 - Culture change in academia Making sharing the new.html;/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/ZWXF7KCE/McKiernan - 2014 - Culture change in academia Making sharing the new.html}, - note = {(accessed 2014-07-02T01:42:49Z)}, - url = {http://figshare.com/articles/Culture_change_in_academia_Making_sharing_the_new_norm_/1053008} -} - -@misc{SmithsonianInstitutionSIdora, - title = {The {{Smithsonian Institution}}: {{SIdora}}} -} - -@misc{FeedlyOrganizeRead, - title = {Feedly: Organize, Read and Share What Matters to You.}, - shorttitle = {Feedly}, - abstract = {Feedly connects you to the information and knowledge you care about. We help you get more out of you work, education, hobbies and interests. The feedly platform lets you discover sources of quality content, follow and read everything those sources publish with ease and organize everything in one place.}, - urldate = {2014-05-21}, - howpublished = {http://feedly.com/index.html}, - journal = {feedly}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/TKGB8JBA/feedly organize, read and share what matters to y.html}, - note = {(accessed 2014-05-21T23:10:15Z)}, - url = {http://feedly.com/index.html} -} - -@misc{WhyPermanentBudget2014, - title = {Why a Permanent Budget Surplus Is a Poor Fiscal Model}, - abstract = {Economic modelling compares a balanced budget, a permanent surplus and a permanent deficit, and sheds some light on the most effective fiscal setting for Australia.}, - urldate = {2014-05-05}, - howpublished = {http://www.businessspectator.com.au/article/2014/5/5/economy/why-permanent-budget-surplus-poor-fiscal-model}, - month = may, - year = {2014}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/2FZU5K8A/2014 - Why a permanent budget surplus is a poor fiscal mo.html}, - note = {(accessed 2014-05-05T03:06:57Z)}, - url = {http://www.businessspectator.com.au/article/2014/5/5/economy/why-permanent-budget-surplus-poor-fiscal-model} -} - -@misc{PythonStringUnicode, - title = {Python String to Unicode}, - abstract = {Possible Duplicate: - How do I treat an ASCII string as unicode and unescape the escaped characters in it in python? - How do convert unicode escape sequences to unicode characters in a python s...}, - urldate = {2014-05-04}, - howpublished = {http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10268518/python-string-to-unicode}, - note = {(accessed 2014-05-04T05:21:32Z)}, - url = {http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10268518/python-string-to-unicode} -} - -@misc{FeedlyOrganizeReada, - title = {Feedly: Organize, Read and Share What Matters to You.}, - shorttitle = {Feedly}, - abstract = {Feedly connects you to the information and knowledge you care about. We help you get more out of you work, education, hobbies and interests. The feedly platform lets you discover sources of quality content, follow and read everything those sources publish with ease and organize everything in one place.}, - urldate = {2014-04-22}, - howpublished = {http://feedly.com/index.html}, - journal = {feedly}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/C4BWWHP7/feedly organize, read and share what matters to y.html}, - note = {(accessed 2014-04-22T01:24:22Z)}, - url = {http://feedly.com/index.html} -} - -@article{walkerCannotTellWhat2014, - title = {"{{I}} Cannot Tell What the Dickens His Name Is": {{Name Disambiguation}} in {{Institutional Repositories}}}, - volume = {2}, - issn = {2162-3309}, - shorttitle = {"{{I}} Cannot Tell What the Dickens His Name Is"}, - doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.7710/2162-3309.1095}, - number = {2}, - journal = {Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication}, - author = {Walker, Lizzy and Armstrong, Michelle}, - month = mar, - year = {2014}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/43KEAA7G/5.html}, - url = {http://jlsc-pub.org/jlsc/vol2/iss2/5} -} - -@article{dominiqueestivalHumanCommunicationScience2013, - title = {The {{Human Communication Science Virtual Lab}}}, - author = {Dominique Estival, Steve Cassidy}, - year = {2013}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/5P5CVGGB/257528679_The_Human_Communication_Science_Virtual_Lab.html} -} - @article{RDFa2014, title = {{{RDFa}}}, copyright = {Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License}, @@ -6652,170 +127,6 @@ This presentation will show a proven end-to-end design for research data flows, url = {http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=RDFa\\\&oldid=592600280} } -@misc{thompsonBaseballTimElfenbein, - title = {Inside Baseball with {{Tim Elfenbein}}, Managing Editor of {{Cultural Anthropology}}}, - abstract = {Recently I Skyped with Tim Elfenbein, managing editor of Cultural Anthropology to talk about the journal's transition to open access distribution. Elfenbein, 39, took over the position of managing ...}, - urldate = {2014-02-22}, - journal = {Savage Minds}, - author = {Thompson, Matt}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/MDM9QEED/Thompson - Inside baseball with Tim Elfenbein, managing edito.html}, - note = {(accessed 2014-02-22T06:58:12Z)}, - url = {http://savageminds.org/2014/02/11/inside-baseball-with-tim-elfenbein-managing-editor-of-cultural-anthropology/} -} - -@misc{burnhamSpeechLanguageMusic2012, - title = {Above and {{Beyond Speech}}, {{Language}} and {{Music}}: {{A Virtual Lab}} for {{Human Communication Science}} ({{HCS vLab}}}, - shorttitle = {Above and {{Beyond Speech}}, {{Language}} and {{Music}}}, - publisher = {{NeCTAR (National eResearch Collaboration Tools \& Resources) Virtual Laboratory}}, - author = {Burnham, D.}, - year = {2012} -} - -@inproceedings{strohmanIndriLanguageModelbased2005, - title = {Indri: {{A}} Language Model-Based Search Engine for Complex Queries}, - volume = {2}, - shorttitle = {Indri}, - urldate = {2014-02-10}, - booktitle = {Proceedings of the {{International Conference}} on {{Intelligent Analysis}}}, - publisher = {{Citeseer}}, - author = {Strohman, Trevor and Metzler, Donald and Turtle, Howard and Croft, W. Bruce}, - year = {2005}, - pages = {2--6}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/6W72ZPJF/Strohman et al. - 2005 - Indri A language model-based search engine for co.pdf}, - note = {(accessed 2014-02-10T03:45:23Z)}, - url = {http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=\\\&rep=rep1\\\&type=pdf} -} - -@article{waltersAssimilatingDigitalRepositories2014, - title = {Assimilating {{Digital Repositories Into}} the {{Active Research Process}}}, - urldate = {2014-02-02}, - journal = {Research Data Management: Practical Strategies for Information Professionals (Charleston Insights in Library, Information, and Archival Sciences)}, - author = {Walters, Tyler}, - year = {2014}, - pages = {189}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/VUB94UKZ/books.html}, - note = {(accessed 2014-02-02T04:44:04Z)}, - url = {http://books.google.com.au/books?hl=en\\\&lr=\\\&id=qZStAQAAQBAJ\\\&oi=fnd\\\&pg=PA189\\\&dq=hydra+fedora\\\&ots=sowwNCcOqu\\\&sig=0EkuM-WdeMdfLIBnEHlA5BUrQrs} -} - -@misc{dale20042008HumanCommunication2004, - title = {(2004-2008) {{The Human Communication Science Network}} ({{HCSNet}}): {{Enabling Human Communication}} - {{Tough}} Problems in Human Communication with Bold but Informed Solutions Drawing on Sound, Speech, and Language Research Capabilities}, - shorttitle = {2004-2008) {{The Human Communication Science Network}} ({{HCSNet}})}, - publisher = {{ARC Research Network Grant, \$2,000,000 (ARC RN0460284). Administering}}, - author = {Dale, R. and Burnham, Denis and Stevens, C J}, - year = {2004} -} - -@inproceedings{cassidyAustralianNationalCorpus2012, - title = {The {{Australian National Corpus}} : National Infrastructure for Language Resources}, - shorttitle = {The {{Australian National Corpus}}}, - booktitle = {In {{Proceedings}} of {{LREC}} 2012}, - author = {Cassidy, Steve and Michael, Haugh and Pam, Peters and Mark, Fallu}, - year = {2012} -} - -@article{coxIllustrationAustralianEnglish2007, - title = {Illustration of the {{I P A}}: {{Australian English}}.}, - volume = {37}, - journal = {IPA}, - author = {Cox, F. and Palethorpe, S.}, - year = {2007}, - pages = {341-350} -} - -@article{blankenbergGalaxyWebBasedGenome2010, - title = {Galaxy: {{A Web}}-{{Based Genome Analysis Tool}} for {{Experimentalists}}}, - journal = {Current protocols in molecular biology}, - author = {Blankenberg, Daniel and Kuster, Gregory Von and Coraor, Nathaniel and Ananda, Guruprasad and Lazarus, Ross and Mangan, Mary and Nekrutenko, Anton and Taylor, James}, - year = {2010}, - pages = {19--10} -} - -@article{giardineGalaxyPlatformInteractive2005, - title = {Galaxy: A Platform for Interactive Large-Scale Genome Analysis}, - volume = {15}, - number = {10}, - journal = {Genome research}, - author = {Giardine, Belinda and Riemer, Cathy and Hardison, Ross C and Burhans, Richard and Elnitski, Laura and Shah, Prachi and Zhang, Yi and Blankenberg, Daniel and Albert, Istvan and Taylor, James and Miller, Webb C and Kent, W James and Nekrutenko, Anton}, - year = {2005}, - pages = {1451--1455} -} - -@article{goecksGalaxyComprehensiveApproach2010, - title = {Galaxy: A Comprehensive Approach for Supporting Accessible, Reproducible, and Transparent Computational Research in the Life Sciences}, - volume = {11}, - number = {8}, - journal = {Genome Biol}, - author = {Goecks, Jeremy and Nekrutenko, Anton and Taylor, James and Team, The Galaxy}, - year = {2010}, - pages = {R86} -} - -@inproceedings{cassidyRDFRealisationLAF2010, - title = {An {{RDF Realisation}} of {{LAF}} in the {{DADA Annotation}}}, - booktitle = {Server, {{Proceedings}} of {{ISA}}-5, {{Hong Kong}}}, - author = {Cassidy, Steve}, - year = {2010} -} - -@misc{GOPBillOutlaw, - title = {{{GOP Bill To Outlaw EPA}} '{{Secret Science}}' {{That Is Not Transparent}}, {{Reproducible}} - {{Slashdot}}}, - abstract = {Hugh Pickens DOT Com writes "Fox News reports that Republican lawmakers in the House are pushing legislation that would prohibit the EPA from proposing new regulations based on science that is not transparent or not reproducible. The bill introduced by Rep. David Schweikert, R-Ariz., would bar the a...}, - urldate = {2014-02-09}, - howpublished = {http://politics.slashdot.org/story/14/02/08/001246/gop-bill-to-outlaw-epa-secret-science-that-is-not-transparent-reproducible?utm\_source=rss1.0mainlinkanon\&utm\_medium=feed}, - file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/WXSTU7GV/gop-bill-to-outlaw-epa-secret-science-that-is-not-transparent-reproducible.html}, - note = {(accessed 2014-02-09T22:32:45Z)}, - url = {http://politics.slashdot.org/story/14/02/08/001246/gop-bill-to-outlaw-epa-secret-science-that-is-not-transparent-reproducible?utm_source=rss1.0mainlinkanon\\\&utm_medium=feed} -} - -@article{burnhamBuildingAudiovisualCorpus2011, - title = {Building an Audio-Visual Corpus of {{Australian English}}: Large Corpus Collection with an Economical Portable and Replicable}, - shorttitle = {Building an Audio-Visual Corpus of {{Australian English}}}, - journal = {Black Box. Interspeech}, - author = {Burnham, D.}, - year = {2011} -} - -@article{andersonHCRCMapTask1991, - title = {The {{HCRC Map Task Corpus}}}, - volume = {34}, - journal = {Language and Speech}, - author = {Anderson, A. H.}, - year = {1991}, - pages = {351-366} -} - -@inproceedings{goeckeAudioVideoAustralianEnglish2004, - title = {The {{Audio}}-{{Video Australian English Speech Data Corpus AVOZES}}}, - booktitle = {8th {{International Conference}} on {{Spoken Language Processing}} ({{INTERSPEECH}} 2004 - {{ICSLP}}). {{Jeju}}, {{Korea}}. {{III}}}, - author = {Goecke, R. and Millar, J. B.}, - year = {2004}, - pages = {2525-2528} -} - -@article{wilkinsonFAIRGuidingPrinciples2016, - title = {The {{FAIR Guiding Principles}} for Scientific Data Management and Stewardship}, - volume = {3}, - journal = {Scientific Data}, - author = {Wilkinson, Mark D. and Dumontier, Michel and Aalbersberg, IJsbrand Jan and Appleton, Gabrielle and Axton, Myles and Baak, Arie and Blomberg, Niklas and Boiten, Jan-Willem and {da Silva Santos}, Luiz Bonino and Bourne, Philip E. and Bouwman, Jildau and Brookes, Anthony J. and Clark, Tim and Crosas, Merc\`e and Dillo, Ingrid and Dumon, Olivier and Edmunds, Scott and Evelo, Chris T. and Finkers, Richard and {Gonzalez-Beltran}, Alejandra and Gray, Alasdair J.G. and Groth, Paul and Goble, Carole and Grethe, Jeffrey S. and Heringa, Jaap and {'t Hoen}, Peter A.C and Hooft, Rob and Kuhn, Tobias and Kok, Ruben and Kok, Joost and Lusher, Scott J. and Martone, Maryann E. and Mons, Albert and Packer, Abel L. and Persson, Bengt and {Rocca-Serra}, Philippe and Roos, Marco and {van Schaik}, Rene and Sansone, Susanna-Assunta and Schultes, Erik and Sengstag, Thierry and Slater, Ted and Strawn, George and Swertz, Morris A. and Thompson, Mark and {van der Lei}, Johan and {van Mulligen}, Erik and Velterop, Jan and Waagmeester, Andra and Wittenburg, Peter and Wolstencroft, Katherine and Zhao, Jun and Mons, Barend}, - month = mar, - year = {2016}, - pages = {160018}, - url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/sdata.2016.18} -} - -@misc{zotero-7781, - type = {Misc} -} - -@inproceedings{zotero-7782, - type = {Inproceedings} -} - -@inproceedings{zotero-7783, - type = {Inproceedings} -} - @inproceedings{wheelerEndtoEndResearchData2018, address = {Taipei}, title = {End-to-{{End Research Data Management}} for the {{Responsible Conduct}} of {{Research}} at the {{University}} of {{Technology Sydney}}}, @@ -6878,4 +189,24 @@ This presentation will show a proven end-to-end design for research data flows, year = {2010} } +@article{kunzeDublinCoreMetadata2007, + title = {The {{Dublin Core Metadata Element Set}}}, + issn = {2070-1721}, + urldate = {2018-07-12}, + author = {Kunze, J. and Baker, T.}, + year = {2007}, + file = {/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/RVKBD4CM/Kunze and Baker - 2007 - The Dublin Core Metadata Element Set.pdf;/Users/124411/Zotero/storage/3YVXAZRQ/rfc5013.html}, + note = {(accessed 2018-07-12T07:23:53Z)}, + url = {http://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc5013} +} + +@article{maaliDataCatalogVocabulary2014, + title = {Data Catalog Vocabulary ({{DCAT}})}, + volume = {16}, + journal = {W3C Recommendation}, + author = {Maali, Fadi and Erickson, John and Archer, Phil}, + year = {2014}, + url = {https://www.w3.org/TR/2014/REC-vocab-dcat-20140116/} +} + diff --git a/build/paper.pdf b/build/paper.pdf index 15fb30f1b540249f142c61879ec0e363af10299b..0624ada38e55ddb40dffe797449898e9508c7610 100644 Binary files a/build/paper.pdf and b/build/paper.pdf differ